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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. P.S. I kinda misworded things a bit. I said 'special ppl', which may have suggested I was thinking you were playing favorites. Honestly, I'm not that paranoid. But it would have been better if I had said 'special occasion' or something (as in a limited edition of these homes), that only the first run of ppl was able to get and/or only a limited number thereafter.
  2. Is it bad that i want a location like that too? 😍
  3. Okay, that's what I figured. Just wanted to make sure we'll all get a turn, one day. And yes, I rather you 'moles' do a beautiful job than a fast one. Like I said, I don't mind waiting.
  4. ^^ This. If you're still supposed to have prim left, then you should be able to rez more stuffz... unless of course the object you're trying to rez exceeds the prim left.
  5. Loved everything about your post! This one made me frown a bit, though. I mean, they are going to be 'handed out to everyone like cheap earbuds on a flight to Albuquerque', right?! I hope you're not saying only 'special' ppl will get them (unless 'special' eventually includes all Premium members). I don't mind waiting, honestly, as long as the intention at Linden Labs is still to provide these to all Premium members.
  6. Why, one does know. Although Firestorm currently does not support EEP yet, it does, of course, support region windlight. And since region windlight is (and always has been) server-side, one can test out what your current FS windlights will look like in EEP. Go to the LL viewer, create an EEP object, apply it to your region. Then exit LL viewer again, go back to FS, and empty the description field on the parcel you're testing. At that point, you will see your converted-to-EEP windlight setting in FS. As outlined here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/428374-environmental-enhancement-project-aka-eep-feedback-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1891641 And the result wasn't half-bad. Although there were minute differences, those can be easily tweaked. You can only use this testing method for regions, though, as per-parcel EEP is just a local thingy (and thus not implemented in FS yet). The only concern I still have, are per-parcel heights. I will really need those; and currently it seems only 4 global region 'zones' are possible.
  7. Thanks for the explanation. As for 'most are planning on "working around EEP" if it ever becomes the norm', I implored Whirly Fizzle not to do away with Firestorm's current windlight system (at least not until EEP is nearly 100% perfect). I hope they listen -- if not to me, than to others.
  8. Oh my, that looks bad. I don't understand, either. On my region, my FS windlights, set via parcel description override, look identical as before. In LL viewer, everything looks horribad, LOL, but I even did a recent 'region environment' test, blanking out the parcel descriptions in FS, and falling back on the EEP equivalent thereof (which I had earlier set with LL viewer). That turned out almost identical : https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/428374-environmental-enhancement-project-aka-eep-feedback-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1891641 At least nothing as bad as Chic Aeon reported here. My skybox in the link is at 1100m, btw. N.B. Surprisingly, btw, judging by the extreme low traffic to the EEP forum, seems virtually no one is interested in discussing EEP; and yet, it's going to affect us all, as Whirly Fizzle has already said the FS team will do away with their current per-parcel windlight system.
  9. I learned the same, but by visiting the online (unofficial) avisitter support channel. Especially the [AV]helper 'poles' are really useful, as they become attached to you, so you can just grab and position them with your editor, and your avi will move along.
  10. FS per-parcel windlights should still work, right?!
  11. Only if you put the pixels sideways. 🤩
  12. Even though they denied it a bit, I think it's still fair to say they slightly underestimated the rush on these new homes. I'm on a private island, so I'm not in dire need of a linden home per se, but are still looking very much forward to getting mine.
  13. Hehe, glad I wasn't the only one thinking of building 'off-sim' first. The 'grandure' of the entrance is yet to be determined, but I'll try.
  14. All y'all are just too good! I think, for my own home, I'm just going to create a 'wooden' construct first, for where all the walls and doors are, etc, and then take that wireframe, as it were, to my private island, work on decorating it, and not come out until it's completelu finished, LOL, so I can install it all at once. Cuz I dpn't want ppl to see me fumble trying to come up with something good too.
  15. I'm very impressed! Not only by your obvious talent at interior design, but also at how you managed to put so many stuffz into only 300+ prim.
  16. Feels like I'm looking at the Matrix, undecoded. 🤣 Seriously, what is it? A new area to be added?
  17. I see. But, like I said, it would only make the parts that aren't done yet look even crappier -- making it even less desireable to still be living in an old hovel. In fact, I suspect Linden actually are hoping ppl will just abandon those old areas, so they can gradually phase them out.
  18. I think that would be a bad idea, really. For one, peeps are, you know, living in those homes: they have furnished/decorated it, and don't necessarily want it changed from under them. Plus, there's no point refurbishing entire old neighborhoods: it would only make the parts that aren't done yet look even more crappy, and if the goal was to redo everything, well, then they might as well just erect entire new regions... which is kinda what they did.
  19. As for abandoning 'only 5 times a day', I should be so lucky as to be able to get 5 shots per day at a Bellessaria plot. 😉 But, in all earnestness, I get why they're doing it that way. You think ppl are mad now? Wait until the 'first come, first serve' crowd gets to pick the best spots too! The forum would be too small to contain all the ensuing rage.
  20. I'm no Firestorm expert, but I believe the number after the / in 'Bound: ' denotes your texture memory setting -- currently only at 512MB for you, it would appear. I would definitely increase that (if your card has more than 512MB, of course; which it very likely will have, though). When 'Bias' starts to become positive, things will have started blurring. So, fortunately not the case for you yet. I quicly went inworld, to look what my own stats look like (see below). As you can tell, I have 2048MB (2G) set as texture memory. Only 459MB bound, I see; but that's because this is my 'City of Glass' skybox, with currently nothing else present (at least not within dd). But on a sim like Bellessaria, things can get up crazy high, crazy fast.
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