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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. No one had attempted to explain that, because they can't. It would be remarkably selfish of ppl to suggest that no one can have a home (yet) until everyone can get one. Nevertheless, the realization that it may, indeed, take (probably) up to a year before demand can be filled, is, an sich, depressing to hear too.
  2. To play Devil's advocate on the bolded comment: the other side of that argument is, that demand is apparently expected to be filled, only 'months from now, at the very least.' 😞 Kinda depressing, if you look at it that way.
  3. Waiting lists don't work; but I agree with her, in that "I will not settle for hot garbage in the form of some old house nobody wants on some old continent that looks ugly af."
  4. I'd say that makes for a pretty reliable time table, for when everyone (who is eligible) can own a new LL home.
  5. Yes, Patch Linden is the one we see, but that's, frankly, a rather p*ss-poor excuse to... No, let me rephrase that in a nicer way. Just because he's the one present here, doesn't mean he should have to take the brunt for all home-frustrations here. Another way of looking at this is simply: "Hey, at least he's the Linden being here!" In all seriousness, though, I am uncomfortable with ppl bashing Patch over this -- it's not personal, so let's not make it so, k? As for having underestimated demand, yes, they have (even though, at first, it was denied a bit). Thing just is, as evinced with the Linden homes, is that 'demand' has a funny way of getting circular: the old homes were kinda crappy (by today's standards), and thus not in high demand; and because they weren't in high demand, LL likely never figured they could use some TLC. Circle complete. Until, at some point (apparently) someone got a brainwave, and realized that demand might rise (yea, sore even, as we now know), as soon as they were to bring these homes up to the level of modern SL life. And while it sucks I didn't get one yet, as I've said before somewhere: high demand denotes high quality. And that, at the end of the day, can only ever be a good thing.
  6. I think Patch'es reputation remains fine. The man worked as hard as he could. You simply can't produce that many homes, that fast. I also think the situation was simply compounded by the fact that the old homes were kinda crappy (no offence, but a stairs consisting of just an elevated 'plank' with a texture slapped onto it, that is soooo 2005). So, I will subject him and his team to no greater charge than that of underestimating how badly new LL homes were really needed after all these years. I kinda like your idea of copying entire landscaped regions, though. Or at least I don't see that as something horribad, as (within the region) you would still be enjoying the innovative and unique design for this new style of land. And it would pretty much solve the grave home shortage overnight.
  7. Yeah, LOL. And I was amongst those asking Patch to do just that: give us a bit of warning in advance. Seemed reasonable at the time. But I can definitely see the double-edged sword there.
  8. Count me among those who didn't get one. 😜 I still don't think they excluded her country, though.
  9. I am very frustrated myself; but, as for the timimg of the new release, 7 AM SLT was early enough for Americans to have started their day, and not so late Europeans would already have turned in for the night. Naturally, they can't possibly cover all timezones that way, but, as reasonable efforts go, this was a good one. I don't believe for one moment, though, that your country was excluded. Simply sucks to be us.
  10. Before today, I (would have) said a disclaimer about availability wasn't necessary, because it's implied. After having missed out this round as well, due to an unfortunate, but very brief computer restart, I think such disclaimer is indeed probably in order. Something along the lines of "Your chances of getting a new Linden home are close to zero, and will be so for the foreseeable year or so." Or am I sounding too bitter now?! See, the first time around, I didn't mind all that much: after all, I had waited too long myself. But this time, I was vigilent (and pretty much so for the entire month), yet still missed the boat. Yes, there's refreshing; but, practically, it feels a mite unreasonable expecting ppl to be refreshing 24/7, for an entire month, and then likely still miss out because, well, for no greater reason than maybe not be present for that, what, 15 minutes window?! I will still be refreshing, periodically. Or, better, see if I can still whip up something in Perl with 'use WWW::Mechanize;' or the like, and get me a home that way.
  11. Will probably take at least as long. I believe it was Jewell (or Chic?) who quoted Patch saying they'll do a smaller batch for the next round (along with a larger batch of a new, yet undisclosed theme). What this means for me, I dunno yet. Feeling still mighty groggy over today, for one. Not going to cancel my Premium (as per outlined elsewhere); but, realistically, I really need to be asking myself whether I want to go thru this whole ordeal yet again next month; and by that I mean, building up my hopes for a whole month, only to see them dashed in the snap of a moment, when I had to restart my computer. As headmaster Brian Stimpson says to Laura, in Clockwise: "It's not the despair. I can stand the despair. It's the hope!" I am genuinely happy for those who got one this time. And considering what some ppl did with their creations, it might even be for the best I missed out, LOL, as I sure had my work cut out for me, trying to come up with something nice too. If anything, this experience has taught me (or, rather, reminded me) that some folks are just insanely gifted, decoration-wise. What brave new word, that has such talent in it!
  12. Patch updated his start post: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/435708-the-new-linden-homes-update-post/
  13. I'm glad all y'all got your new boat, but I'm still in shock over what happened here. A whole month waiting. You go to the loo**, you come back, and all effort flushed down the toilet. To say this was a bummer is understating it. ** Or, in my case, you restart your computer.
  14. Current Inventory Status (15 May 2019 @ 10:27am SLT ) Traditional Homes: Out of Stock Houseboats: Out of Stock
  15. Me too. Had to reset my computer, due to an update, and dang, everything gone on return. I would lie if I said I'm not disappointed.
  16. SL works because it's easy. Yes, you can do complex mesh, Blender, etc, but you can still do simply prims and sculpts. That's another reason Sansar is fail: you need a degree in Blender to build something there. There are many beautiful mesh homes in SL; so many even, that one might get the impression it's all easy. It isn't. A good mesh home takes considerable effort and talent making. That is why Sansar can never be for the masses.
  17. Definitely. The moment for ppl to abandon their traditional homes, in order to get a houseboat this time, is NOW. Else they are cutting it very close.
  18. When I ran into this myself, I thought, "Geez. can't they just keep the choice locked, whilst I proceed to the next screen?!" Thing is, they can't really do that, because you haven't accepted the TOS yet. Still -- for future reference -- would be nice of them if they could at least keep your choice reserved for you, for, say, even the next 5 seconds or so, so you're given a fair chance to accept the TOS, and claim your new home, without seeing it swiped from under you.
  19. Good catch. Kinda hate it when Patch, erm, patches his post like that. I mean, it's hard enough refreshing the homes page: refreshing his start-post too, that's getting too rich. 😜 Honestly, I wish he updates by adding a reply, so we can all get notifications.
  20. Yeah... except he edited that nearly a month ago.
  21. If their webserver goes by 'number of views/hits', then I'm sure it will have concluded, by now, that Grayson, Meadowbrook is the hottest item since sliced bread. 😄
  22. The '7 AM' came from a screenie someone had taken from a chat, with Patch saying that we might see them as soon as 7 AM. There are so many posts and threads on the new homes, though, I don't think I could ever find said post again, though.
  23. Did Abnor actually give her a Prize for getting it right? (As promised). Or did anyone even get it right?!
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