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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. That is really impressive! The location and the lighting of that kitchen (+ block) are awesome! As well as the clever use of room dividers. Chapeau!
  2. That was one massively impressive photo-shoot! But this kitchen nook really takes the cake! What an incredible idea to put your kitchen there. And the light falling on that table... so cosy! Yesterday I saw a place I said I could die in. After seeing your kitchen here, I'm saying I could live there! ❤️ Just wow!
  3. My, you're a real wizard with light too. Seriously, never seen someone do such lovely wonders with these old, cr*ppy homes! Maybe I should go back to an old home too!? Nah, got me a houseboat to decorate. 😉
  4. Wow, can't believe you made an old home look so good.
  5. Ah, now I get it. Me, I just did a positive search for 'bellisseria'. At first, I figured I'd be clever, and search directly for 'houseboat'; but then it dawned on me, that the term might not show up if Bellisseria isn't the first item listed. Gratz on your Traditional home, btw!
  6. Sorry, I don't get it. Traditional homes are 1,024 plots too, no?
  7. Then maybe this post (and onward) is for you. Auto-Refresh Plus in action
  8. Awww, thank you! Coming from you, that means a lot ❤️
  9. Just managed to grab a houseboat myself, just now. Even with the refresh tool, you need to be extremely fast clicking 'Next' and that 'Accept' button. And I managed to fumble this process a second time, and lost another houseboat spot! Eep! So I tried yet again. And the fourth time (after I had first abandoned the traditional home in a not-so-good location) was finally a charm. LOL. That kind of persistence reminds me of that scene from The Holy Grail: "When I started here, all there was was swamp. Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one... stayed up!"
  10. Me, I'm still incredibly worried. 😇 I just want to reiterate my hope, that Linden (and the FS team) tread carefully, and don't just embrace EEP haphazardly. "It's all about the light" bears repeating. Or, to put it in another way, If the lighting is off, then I'm off. That is not some silly rage-quit trip or something, but really just my outloud realization that all my creations/builds (of no value to others, I'm sure, but they matter to me) cannot function without proper windlights; and that, without a means to repair the damage, I would likely just conclude that my days in SL are sadly numbered. I mean, lighting simply affects everything. A home can look cosy and warm with the proper windlight, or appear totally abysmal with a butchered EEP rendition of the same. So, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, don't implement EEP until it's truly done. P.S. What manner of genius as you that you are able to write your own viewer?! Me, half of the time. I don't even know what half my existing viewer does. 😄
  11. ^^ I'm competely with you on this! Thank you for saying so!
  12. Like so (see below). Open the Settings wheel first:
  13. Your gorgeous pink decorations notwithstanding, I actually really love your spot! Wish I could trade ya for it. 😊
  14. Eh, don't worry about it. Clearly idle scripts are consuming more time than I thought; so much so more even, that we might as well call it 'spinning.'
  15. And now we need some more insight on "How can this sim be running at all, wen something is happening?" Thx for all your testing, though.
  16. Well, whatever spin we give on this, I'm not even sold on scripts 'spinning' at all. 'Spinning', to me, denotes some type of continuous, active loop. Animats wrote: "One big problem, which I consider a bug in SL, is that scripts doing absolutely nothing use some time on every frame. The system asks them, on every frame, "You need to do anything?" The script says "No." This takes a tiny amount of time" I would have thought the event-driven nature of scripts would not cause this alleged continuous polling by the system at all. Logical would be to just queue the event, and then signal the script that something is waiting. Scrips listeners obviously require the script to poll the chat history continuously (this could indeed be called 'spining'), at each frame; haven't tested it, but those could actually consume quite some time too.
  17. Not even sure I should mention this, but a dear Resident pointed me to an auto-refresh tool (for Chrome). Then, upon googling a bit, I found an even better one! Auto Refresh Plus It can match a text appearing on the screen (like 'bellisseria', LOL), and then stops refreshing, and can play a sound. Did the thing, and, lo and behold, got a Houseboat listed to me within 5 minutes! In my nervousness, I fumbled pressing the 'accept terms' button in time, LOL, so that one got away from me. So, I tried it again, and... I am now the proud owner of a Bellisseria traditional home! YAY me! Tl;dr: refreshing works... if you let a program do the refreshing. 🤪
  18. I don't have a home there yet to check (*pout*); but if it's anything like mainland, the amount of avi's will no doubt bog down sim performance, yes.
  19. Yeah, 'packets', of course; as in network packets (TCP/IP, UDP, and the like). If you missed a packet, it either needs to be resent, or it's simply skipped (usually for UDP only). So, 0% packet loss is, indeed, a good thing. As is 0% pocket loss, btw. 😇 Particularly pertinent to lag is the Time Dilation value, though. At precisely 1.0, it means your sim is runnig at zero lag (a full 45 frames per second). It will likely be (significantly?) less on Bellisseria.
  20. Ha! And, before I proceed, my apologies to all for my adding to the confusion by claiming a recompile takes place on setting a script to running (remind me not to post again at 5 AM -- unless I'm actually getting up at that hour, LOL). The thing to keep in mind, though, is perspective. Animats talked about "12ms of time going down the drain" for 4,000 scripts running idle. Which is, for a server, for all purposes and intent, totally negligible. As for your specific questions: 1) Yes, absolutely right. 2) If you visit an event, or sales thingy, stripping your avatar of any and all scripts would certainly help -- but only really noticeable if every other visitor did the same. Or, put differently, if you were the only avi with no scripts, the positive impact would be rather minimal, of course (but it still counts). 3) + 4) Typically, everything you're blocking/derendering will mitigate your own lag -- but only to the degree where your viewer/video card, is simply having to work less hard. Like reducing your draw distance. You may certainly experience the positive effects thereof, but it won't help with server lag. The server will simply remained bogged down, whether you (locally) derendered stuff or not. 5) Like 3) + 4) Derezzing animated pets will assuredly reduce server lag (as those pets behave like avi's that way, script-wise, moving all about). And derendering them will lighten the load on your viewer (again, a local thing), but, as to the server, it will still be there, and thus not help in reducing server lag.
  21. You're right: the recompile is just on 'Save.' Setting it to not running means it just gets suspended (like when taking the object to inventory).
  22. Better yet, jusy type in the name you want, press 'Next', and then go back. From that moment onward, the house name will survive a refresh.
  23. Also, the server load of turning the scripts off, and then later on again, causing them to be reinitialized all over again (they're going to be recompiled each time you do, if you did the 'set to running' via the script editor), will far exceed the CPU load of all scripts' idle time put together. It's just not worth it. N.B. I've said this before, though, but I will gladly say it again: I do not like good ppl taken advantage of (even when the restriction is self-imposed), having them turn off their furniture scripts and what not, out of the goodness of their own heart, thinking they're helping combat sim lag, when, in fact, them doing so has a practical effect of almost zero. That's just not right. There's only one thing that will help: less AVI's. And I was really surprised to hear they upped the limit even, from 40 to 59. I had ere expected a new continent like Bellisseria to come with 'premium' performance too: aka, less AVI's allowed, instead of more.
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