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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Talking about synchronicity (as Jung called it), I was just listening to Natalie Imbruglia's album 'Male', and just heard her sing: "The waiting is the hardest part Every day you get one more yard You take it on faith, you take it to the heart The waiting is the hardest part." LOL. You tell 'em, girl!
  2. The logical inference (to me) would be, that renaming the SP* spots to something humanly readable, is the final stage in the process of bringing these online. Maybe false hope, but a girl can dream. right?! 😃 EDIT: Wouldn't it be hoot if you landed a spot on Willow Heights?!
  3. I feel inspired by your wonderful creation. I really feel like making my own Tahoe home now too.
  4. To paraphrase an older movie, 'Soon is a lingerie shop without a front window... yet.' 😉
  5. Which is why I studiously take endless copies of work in progress, cuz, as you know, sh*t WILL happen. 😃 I even put linksets into my rezzer in a locked state (and yes, they'll be rezzed locked too, that way).
  6. Loved the coffee theme, and how it would seem you built in a low, new wall.
  7. Because I was about to hit the deck (it's nearly 4 AM here), which tends to adversely affect my wit. 🙂
  8. Now, 'orange' you glad it's night, and you can actually seem them?! 😛
  9. ^^ Haha! I sooo recognize that! I've made the most amazing scenes (ahem), that I'm really proud of; but then, when it's done, well, it's just done. The thrill (for me) is in the creative (dare I even say it, artistic) process of building, not the living per se.
  10. Yeah, Patch Linden is great! If anything, this whole boathouse busines has taught me that I need to stay more on top of new things. I even only found out about EEP when it was already plenty underway. Not everything is always newsworthy; and sometimes, darnit, it actually is. 😛
  11. Don't worry about it. It was just me having a bit of a bad reaction to the 'snooze' thing: had very little to do with you, really, and I already felt bad for even bringing it up. 🤗 Especially since you were simply not wrong at all.
  12. Why, looks like today isn't going to happen any more. Still hope, though, that they will just do like a pre-announcement first, instead of an immediate "Get them NOW!!" Like maybe along the lines of 'Available as of 48 hours from now.'
  13. Oops, my bad. 😯 I saw the 2 'Aeons' and figured, well, nevermind. Sorry. As for your 'harshness', yes, it sounded a bit harsh, but you weren't really wrong: after all, LL did announce the advent of these new homes way in advance; and even when I read Inara Pey's blog about it, I went 'Cool, I will get one later.' So, I blame no one but lil' old me. I did read others were in the hospital or something, so I kinda feel bad for them. Like you say, though, even if it isn't going to be endless new houseboats, other themes may well be around the corner too. At least LL will have discovered, that if you do Premium homes right, many folks will want one.
  14. Let's just say I've had brighter moments. 😅
  15. If you think that's bad, I was so blonde as to actually get a Bellisseria plot... TWICE, for a traditional home. Then, upon visiting it, I abandoned it.... TWICE, as it wasn't my style, not realizing the house style (unlike the old homes) could be changed at the mailbox. 😛 So, yeah.
  16. For starters, sorry, dear, didn't realize 'halebore' is an alt of yours. 😯 Just felt a bit harsh, was all. As for 'snoozing', in a way I did -- and I don't mind even. Like with animesh, or other news, most I just take in sideways (usually via Inara Pey's blog). And while I spend a lot of time in SL, it's mostly just on building, and rarely on visiting the forums. Unless something pertinent (to me) comes up, like windlight changes, or new Premium homes. Just sayin' I'm probably in the same boat as others, who don't frequent here too often. That's no one else's fault, of course; just sayin' the news about the new homes (and especially their intially limited availability) is a thing one can easily miss -- and which, in fact, I did. I'm paying attention NOW, of course; but likely many others will now too; so, if I fully suspect things to get real hectic on the upcoming round, as the homes will likely be gone, 'fore I can say, "Please, don't be gone!" 😃 But I live on a private island; so, while I'd love to be part of the new, shiny community, I'll probably survive well enough for the time being.
  17. A mite too 'brutally honest' for my taste, tbh. Especially the 'you snooze you lose' part. For one, it was never announced that this was going to be a race, where you were not supposed to 'snooze.' Many ppl were either not present for the grande moment (for whatever reason), realized the fact too late, or simply weren't aware they were required to jump on them tout suite. I mean, I, for one, never had to 'fight' over my old Meadowbrook home, LOL. For two, I do not believe LL ever presented this as a 'you snooze you lose' deal either (in fact, I specifically asked about that, when I first came here). They said they knew these were going to be popular (but probably nonetheless still underestimated the enormous rush on this new continent). At best I will say, that some ppl -- including yours truly -- were simply unfortunate enough to miss the boat, so to speak. 😉 (LOL, you'd think there be some diminishing returns on boat puns, but nope). It's more of a reality deal, honestly: they simply couldn't produce 60,000 of these all at once (at least not without degenerating to some horrific sort of 'copy & paste' tactic). As a result of them doing it right, some ppl will have to wait a bit. Unfortunate, on the one hand; but on the other, if you think about it, extreme high demand denotes extreme high quality. So, it's all good.
  18. Very shiny! How were you able to port that Tahoe home to your skybox, though?! Didn't even know that could be done.
  19. It never ceases to amaze me, how ppl can decorate an entire home AND stilll have enough prims left to rez a (what looks like a pretty complex) boat. Or are these wearables somehow?
  20. Speaking of moving, positioning linksets can be tricky too. Let's say (like in my case) you want to create an entire furnished living room first, off-sim, to later port it to your Bellisseria home. My advice is: use an 'anker' object; which is to say, pick an individual prim inside your Bellisseria home, any prim, copy its location, and now rez a positioning prim at the exact same location. Then link said newly-rezzed prim to your will-be interior (as root). Now you can take your construct safely off-sim, and start building until it's done. Then, when you've returned to your Bellissaria home, all you need to do, is copy the location of the original 'anker' object again (inside the house), and paste your new interior to that very same location! And then everything will fit, precisely where you wanted it. (You can then unlink the positioning prim, if you so desire).
  21. Wise words. Which is pretty much why I don't buy any no-copy items, ever. I heard the rationale voiced once, like "I don't wish to sell my bed copy, as I don't want them to start a hotel with it." Pretty flawed thinking at that, really, as it just means I'll get my bed from someone else. But yes, accidents do happen. I lost a no-copy breedable once, which could not be retrieved (no, it wasn't in 'Lost & Found', even after a restart of the viewer, or at pos 0,0,0, etc). It had simply fallen off-world, and was gone for ever. At which point I resolved to never to get no-copy stuffz no more. Besides, you really need to be able to take your progess to inventory, at intervals, in case you make a monumental boo-boo.
  22. No, sorry, but that isn't true: you can most certainly link objects of different permissions (except, of course, when there are no-mod items in the mix, as those are, by nature, unlinkable). Pretty much any object which is mod can be linked to something else. Thus, you can easily link a prim to a no-copy item (the wisdom of doing so is debatable, naturally). In fact, I made my own rezzer system, which specifically checks (and rejects) no-copy items, as even accidentally linking 1 no-copy prim to a linkset makes the entire linkset no-copy (and rezzers live by derezzing and then... erm.. not rezzing when the object was no-copy). Now, as for LI, here's an example of drastic LI reduction I was talking about. At the top of the image (see below) is the 'Mudhoney' kitchen block I had in mind when making my post. It's good for an LI of 76. Below that, the same kitchen block, set to 'None', with a single invisi-prim linked to it (in the shape of the kitchen block, for the faux collision). And now it's only 58 LI. Sic! By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings! 😉 So, to all those who think 5 LI for their home controller is a lot, there's already 18 prims, right there! EDIT: The above screenshot, or the reduced LI, was actually just of the 'proof of concept'. I added the faux-collision prim later (and made that one root), as I realized I will actually be using this kitchen for my new Bellisseria home. It was still 58 LI, btw. Also, while I'm looking at the shadow-prim, those are always good to be set to 'None' (as shadow is not supposed to have any collision at all, of course).
  23. Also, it helps to link stuff together (usually with scripts taken out, just for decoration). And what tends to work miracles, almost, is often to set the physics shape of entire objects to 'None'. For instance, you could have a kitchen block that's having a rather hefty LI. You could then add 2 (invisible) flat prims to it, say, 1 for top, and 1 for front, to create a 'faux' collision, and then set the entire object (sans those 2 prims) to 'None', and see the LI of the entire linkset reduced drastically! The above will not always work (and there are cases where LI may go even up!), but in general, it's a LI(fe) saver. Especially linking regular prim objects with mesh tends to work out really well. You may need to experiment a bit to get the hang of it. Like only setting the physics shape to 'None' of certain individual (complex, tortured) prims. But the LI reductions are usually well worth the effort!
  24. Wise words. I heard there are about 60,000 Premium members; but I think it's safe to say LL isn't going to make an equal amount of these homes (or that there would even be a demand for 60K new homes). And, like you said (astute observation), when there are enough of these new homes, ppl may not feel the need to hang on to them for dear life, lest they never be able to get a new one.
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