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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Maybe a Mole really should show up, as that stone has some major clipping issues. 😋
  2. I generally agree that 'naming & shaming' is bad thing. Except, of course... you weren't named. To paraphrase a famous trial: "If you weren't named, they can't be blamed!" 😛 Obviously, of course, you recognize your own avi, but to the (I daresay, vast majority of) the forum, all they saw was an avi sitting on a stone, and curiously wondered what she was doing there. Perhaps them having posted a few pics of you was a mite over-the-top, but, like I said, they took careful precaution not to name you. And with recent griefing going on, I can even see that ppl might be a bit more on edge than they would normally be. All-in-all, I think by taking it to the forum, you likely made this bigger than it needed to be. But that's your prerogative, of course.
  3. Awww, thanks dear. But if these photo threads have done anything, then it's having instilled a renewed sense of humilty in me, LOL. Cuz for the life of me, I still can't fathom how talented ppl are. I usally live on my private island, and the rare times I visit mainland, it's usually one huge neon-signs invested lag-fest. So, I only tend to stay there very briefly. Bellisseria seems to have attracted the best of ppl in SL, or rather seems to have pulled the best out of ppl (or, at least, I hope it's their best, as I don't think I could survive them making even greater builds, LOL). So, tl;dr, I have my work cut out for me.
  4. OMG! That is such an incredible idea, to build in these extra curvature rooms! ❤️
  5. No, thank YOU for this dream! ❤️
  6. @Ashia Tomsen Honestly, I know I get carried away at times, but having just started decorating my windlass too, I just really have to say I'm in total awe over your talent! I can't believe the concepts you pulled here. So stunningly beautiful!
  7. That is so exceedingly well done, it's scary. ❤️👍
  8. Thank you! And now cometh the hard task of decorating. I have no idea what to do with it, that isn't a blatant rip-off of something I've seen other ppl do already (in those photo threads). LOL.
  9. Quartz is fast! He showed up within minutes. It's fixed now.
  10. Thx. Didn't even know about Live Chat, LOL. Guess I never need it before.
  11. Perhaps not so clear, as I see plenty of yachts parked out here.
  12. Hehe, I love the way you think. But I was only half-way kidding about maybe just leaving it like that, and maybe put a beautiful yacht there. Would make the enire spot feel less cramped too.
  13. Thanks. Or I could just leave it like this, LOL, and put something up there myself. Wouldn't that be a hoot?! 😛 Not sure that's actually allowed, though.
  14. Was only able to visit my new place today. Why, turns out I now realize why it was abandoned: it's broken. Entire boat is gone, with a life-preserver controller that rezzes nothing (not even upon reset). Must admit, feeling kinda sad about this. Sigh.
  15. You realize, of course, that the popularity of Linden's latest, amazeballs houseboats is inversely proportional to their availability, right!? Aka, demand for them is so high, everyone wants one. That leads to inevitably scarcity. Always. I mean, they could have made 700 more, and they'd still be gone in a heartbeat. They're simply that good. I agree with Pixels, but only sideways, that the wait sucks. But I don't see him/her offering an alternative way for how things could have been handled, short of letting everyone wait for a year so until there were enough for all Premium members -- which is not only (sorry to be a bit blunt) rather selfish, but also simply impractical, from a business perspective: you don't let hordes of Moles work day and night, for a year, until they're blind with fatigue, only to find out Premium members didn't like your new creation, after all. As is stands, turns out these new homes are a huge success. But year-long projects like that really do need early feedback, lest you're just throwing away money.
  16. Or automate the process. See Auto-Refresh Plus (and onward) People are in fact abandoning these homes, but it's rare. Yesterday, with the auto-refresh tool, took me about an hour waiting time, when I went for the houseboat. But you CAN grab one thay way.
  17. Yeah, as Gabriele said, those were not Linden homes (in the traditional sense of the term), but it was themed land nonetheless, they were selling off. My point just was, that I don't think they'll be doing a fururistic theme again any time soon, because of Horizons. Although, since Linden homes are a separate category, a girl can always hope.
  18. He/She is probably paying a monthly fee. It gets cheaper if you do a quarterly, or year plan.
  19. Obviously. But mainland != Bellisseria. And putting up a home of your own, means eating into your prim allowance.
  20. Could actually be interesting... to leave your house derezzed. Then you could put something else on your plot. Although, in all fairness, what LL offers at Bellisseria is pretty darn good, and their homes don't eat into your prim allowance.
  21. I have to say I really think you nailed it here.
  22. Faux windows! What a clever idea! Especially with the projector light. Ingenious! 👍
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