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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. That is honestly not my worry (after all, ppl got excellent homes/houseboats right now; they're unlikely to give those up en masse for next shiny). Besides, should they be 'taking all the homes over and over,' then this invariably means they're abandoning their old homes. The universe has a rewarding way of balancing itself out that way. MY worry, though, is that, indeed, as announced, they will make a (much?) smaller houseboat batch for the next round (as if there were even enough, this time *pout*). A girl can always hope, of course, but that will likely mean my chances of getting a houseboat got even slimmer. But, as a fave space Captain of mine once said, "I've never known hope when it wasn't on a diet." LOL. So, I'll take 'slim', and will just keep hoping for the best.
  2. Every sane bone in me prompts me to stay the heck away from this; then again, I'm known for doing the occasional blonde thing. 😜 In all seriousness, though, I have to admit, there's a certain irony attached to CoffeeDujour apparently also selling house addons. But, as long as she's not engaging in commercial activity with them (at Bellisseria), I honestly fail to see the alleged hypocracy, or that she's even doing something wrong at all if she did (as I'm still not sold at all on the idea that showing your beautiful home constitutes an 'advert' somehow). I'm sure there are others making addon packs -- and some of those may even be posting here. No biggie. Also, while I get you wanted to check her out -- and you have every right to, of course -- it also does feel a bit like crossing a line. Or, let me put it this way, it's not something I (would) do. I just read what ppl have to say here, without some sort of 'background check'. But I get that ppl do things differently.
  3. Hehe, just goes to show how much I'm behind the times, as I didn't even know addon packs existed for the older LL homes too. Oh, and I wouldn't say you're 'nothing special': even if you're not making addon packs, I love your contributions here!
  4. And, far as I understood, you're one of the first LL homes addon content-creators, right? Allow me to express how much I love that initiative! ❤️ Also, not too wax too legalese here, but while we're at it, I think a beautiful home is not an advert, in terms of the Covenant. Rather, ere a 'meta' ad, if you will, much like the entirety of Bellisseria is an 'ad' for Second Life. As for IKEA, I often visit there, and they have like this mini-homes on display: fully furnished, fully functional, real houses, only like 5x5m in size! And they have me gasping at the ingenuity of their design! As in: I can't believe how talented their interior designers are, to create these incredibly small homes that, almost magically, don't feel small at all! It really takes incredibly genius to come up with those! Tl;dr: if you, or any other addon creator, put your own genius on display, for me to admire, then I welcome you all with open arms!
  5. Which is why I feel (inworld) moderation and/or sanctions are probably best left to authorized personnel: (aka: Lindens). CoffeeDujour quoted from an older Covenant. That was no doubt an honest mistake; but it does underline the dangers of interpreting (let alone policing) rules that aren't your own. If ppl feel an infraction of the Covenant took place, why not just send an AR? Then, if a Linden feels the need to step in, they will... or not.
  6. I never even realized it worked that way. And, frankly, that's kinda silly: not being able to see avi's on your parcel, from the outside in, makes sense (if you chose to set the privacy). But why on earth would I not be able to see avi's, from within my parcel, that are on public streets?! The very definition of 'public areas', IMHO, should mean those areas are exempt from the effects of parcel privacy settings.
  7. Yes! I was very surprised when I saw addons for the new homes. For one, seriously, when has this ever happened before, that the LL homes were so good, actual addons were being sold for them!? And, for two, surprised at the elegance and simplicity of the concept (as in: I can't believe such a simple and brilliant idea hasn't seen the light of day before!). And Blush, she's just all manner of talented! Kudos to her, and all other content creators!
  8. ^^ That's so gorgeous and cosy! Almost like a photo of from a 'real homes' magazine.
  9. ^^ It's amazing how the diagonal placement of the rug alone make your bedroom so artsy! Beautiful overall theme too.
  10. ^^ That is one gaspingly beautiful interior! ❤️ Warm and chique at the same time! I just can't get past how talented you are!
  11. As my dad told me, when I was still a wee lass even, "Never let anyone push you into a situation you don't want to be in... or out of a place you want to be in!" In fact, it even pains me to hear you consider that maybe you have no place here. You belong here, lady, for no greater reason than that you wish to be here. Period.** You are not beholden to anyone to explain why you have two LL homes, and what you plan to do with them. And I really liked what you said about community. So true. Heck, I just linked a vid of a tour of Bellisseria when I read this post of yours. And, last time I checked, the public roads are all, erm, public, right?! So anyone can just visit your little slice of Heaven. 'And there was much rejoicing!' ** Sorry, got a bit maudlin there; I guess it's just one of those days. 😌
  12. Ooo, I'm loving that walk-in closet. ❤️ I want one like that too!
  13. Having missed out a bit again, I have no Home and Garden pictures to show yet, LOL, but want to share this awesome 'tour' vid with all y'all nonetheless (see below; ironically, it was linked, a few weeks ago, in a rather negative thread). I dunno, I really like her. She's so bubbly, like me (although, tbh, I don't have that hopelessly cute British accent). With vids like hers, and photos here, I feel I'm part of the Bellisseria community already. Truly wonderful tour of Bellisseria!
  14. And where does it even say ppl now need to give account of what they're doing with their homes?! Whenever I get my new home, I should just stuff it full of 'cushions and the chairs,' just to show 'em. 😜
  15. Awww, that's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me here! ❤️ Thanks. 🤗 EDIT: I just realize I will need to stay terribly nice now, from here on it. No more snarky remarks, no more letting the inner 'wolf' come out (to borrow a page from Nonviolent Communication). No pressure, right?! LOL.
  16. I very vaguely recall someone mentioning a problem with their houseboat wall earlier (or it may have been my imagination, LOL); if so, then I can readily see how a Mole would have dropped by, and put a wee test-script in, to see what link number the wall was, what facing the texture was on, etc. And then forgot to take it out. Been there, done that. N.B. Now, this is going to bake your noodle, later on... what if you were able to grab up your new houseboat this morning, precisely because someone left his/her boat because of that wall issue!? 😜
  17. For the record, I, for one, do not believe CoffeeDuJour was saying anything bad about anyone. But look at what happened to Abnor Mole here: it's almost impossible to make any suggestion of the sort, or someone, somewhere, will read 'passive-aggressiveness' and/or anything other untoward in it. I was even gonna write that, naturally it goes without saying that giving up one's second home would be a nice gesture, but decided not to do so. Well, Q.E.D, did it anyway, but only to illustrate that one cannot make any such remark, without somewhere, around the globe, someone reading a passive-agressive request into it to give up their home. And honestly, I don't want anyone to experience that kind of pressure. Which is why I said (earlier) that I would prefer if threads like this didn't even existed. But that's just me.
  18. P.S. A Mole leaving in a debug script is decisively illustrative of why we need not rush these folks, and simply let them do their work.
  19. So, you managed to get a houseboat, after all?! Gratz!
  20. It doesn't necessarily have to be either/or. When I was still in college, one day the 'super' told me that not every dorm front door has its own unique key, but that they are, in fact, on an alternating rotation schedule (like in a block of 20 homes, every 5th front door or so has the same key -- randomly spaced out). And that ppl generally don't realize this. The point of this little narrative being, that not every region would have to be absolutely unique per se, for ppl not to even notice that they'd be on a repeating schedule. Assuming each of those SSP numbers denotes a full region, and you had like 100 of those for the 'pickle', then the idea is, that you could copy & paste these individual pieces of the puzzle, as it were, and reconstitute them elsewhere, shuffled in a different mix -- and likely no one would even be the wiser. Minimal compromise.
  21. O, c'mon, give the guy a break! He already qualified his remark, and it was clear he had nothing sinister in mind. Just make like Frozen, and let it go! 😊
  22. I have no beautiful Belliseria houseboat/home yet... Nevertheless, I don't begrudge others their second LL home. People like @Sylvia Tamalyn paid for multiple Premium accounts, and she is entitled to have as many homes as she paid for, without the need to feel guilty. The shortage of new LL homes is a bit of an issue, granted; but the onus is always on Linden Labs to provide, and not on other Residents to let go of their property (unduly). I never thought Abnor meant that ppl weren't being 'nice' for not giving up their second home, btw. Or that he was being 'passive aggressive' or anything. Still, I would personally prefer it when threads like this didn't even exist, as, even with the best of intentions, the inference seems to invariably always boil down to suggesting others should be giving up their surplus homes. They don't have to. Not on account of me, at least. Just be happy with what you have; and then, one day, I'll hope to join you, is all. And in the meantime, post some nice photos of your creations, if you feel like it.
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