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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. ^^ Awww, that nook is just incredibly cute! ❤️
  2. Mine have no hud, but they come with a particle-effect and sound.
  3. ^^ I'm really loving it. There's just something about the lure of pink that makes it irresistible.
  4. ^^ As many ppl (including lil ol' me -- well, erm, not so old, LOL, but I digress) have attested to, it's really avi scripts that are a killer (especially when 'startng up', as someone mentioned, like when TP-ing in). I took a quick screenie from my Region manager debug tools (see below), to show you what a typical non-avi script is pulling, execution-time wise; a teleported pad, for instance, only takes 0.002 secs to execute (max), which is as good as nothing. An adult bed, for instance, may take more, when in operation, but that's only peak-load (at least, *g*, I hope pppl aren't using it permanently; they aren't, right?!). My avi took max 0.027 secs to execute on TP-in, btw.
  5. Okay, going to let the 'Wolf' out for a moment: those who like me, feel free to skip this one. LOL. That's the best non-sequitur I've seen in years. 🤣 I mean, in what universe does the amount of server memory equate to script execution time!? (expressed in miliseconds). Sorry, but I'm inclined to say that comment alone disqualifies you from a meaningful discussion. That's like saying: "This car will go only 125 km/h, therefore it has pink seats." And that 128 MB, did you just pull that number out of a hat?! Even the old class 5 servers had 300 MB. I believe the current ones (class 7, or higher even?) have at least several Gigabyte available per sim. (And it used to be 1 full Region per CPU core; they may have shifted the numbers a bit over time, though). Also, the ridiculous non-sequitur notwithstanding, you can't just take an arbitrary number (even if it were the correct one), and divide it by something like the amount of scripts running in the Region, as, for one, multiple same scripts running on the sim actually share a memory pool. And even when you think you figured out the math, then you'll find the 'garbage collector' running (freeing up memory; but only when absolutely needed), leaving you in the dust again. So, please don't tell CoffeeDujour that she doesn't know what she's talking about, k?! Cuz you're looking mighty silly doing so.
  6. I knew you were going to say something like this. Not disputing your knowledge, btw, just rather sad to see it shot down so fast.
  7. That would certainly explain it. From 40 to 59 is a huge increase. Thx for the info.
  8. ^^ In fact, they started a thread themselves, asking ppl to show off of their Bellisseria creations! I'm sure they're sitting in their Linden offices, thinking "What?! People creating gorgeous Bellisseria homes, and showing those to the world!? We can't have that! Off with their heads!" /sarcasm
  9. Well, your hard work certainly paid off. It's so incredibly cosy, and warm, with beautiful lighting to boot. And that insanely gorgeous pastel theme. It's one of those places where you think "I could die here, and be totally happy." Honestly, when it comes to decorating, I tend to think (or used to, at least) I'm not half-bad myself; but your creation totally blows me out of the water (see? boats puns never grow old *g*). At this point, honestly, I'm almost glad I don't have houseboat yet, as I would feel pretty embarrassed moving in, having nothing to show for. 😉 Honestly, you did exceedingly well.
  10. An idle script -- for all purposes and intent -- uses as good as no resources, beyond the bit of memory it consumes; and even then -- pretty much like Windows memory management, come to think of it -- part of it may get swapped out of active cache when idle for a certain time (darn, if only I could find that paper on it again). Setting a script to 'not running' is, IMHO, usually a rather pointless endeavor, as they're all event-driven to begin with, so they're not doing anything at all when you're not using them (like in furniture). Seriously, the impact on the region will be as good as zero doing so (if you could even measure the difference). Even scripts that seem to be running constantly (like steam out of a tea-pot), is usually just a particle effect, as you probably know (and thus, a few exceptions notwithstanding, entirely local: aka, only occuring in your own viewer). Anyway, honestly, you're not going to help your sim by disabling scripts in your furniture. Avi script, otoh, with hair that is constantly (articificially) in motion, and shoes, etc, are the real killer. No avis, no lag.
  11. You are entirely correct. Also, LSL memory -- if I recall correctly (pun intended) -- is a very murky business, as not all memory that you think is being freed up, is actually directly released. Had something to do with the fact that 'pruning' memory, every time such a request is made, is actuallly quite CPU-intensive (and subsequently foregone in most cases). Also, not sure what the OP is actually on about. Not wanting to sound like a meanie, but script memory, in the overall scheme of things, is as good as irrelevant. Script-execution time is far more important, of course; and, even then, it highly matters what the script does, of course (like a key frame motion sequence could be very hefty). So, the CPU load of a scripts is ultimately the only thing that truly matters.
  12. Actually, 'idle' is what all scripts are by nature, as LSL is entirely event-driven. Aka, nothing is running, until an event occurs: (like a mouseclick, onrez, etc).
  13. Not entirely sure. As one who scripts myself, I can confirm that avi's, indeed, consume the most script resources, by far (which is why Homesteads aren't script-limited, but may only hold max 20 avi's) Adult furniture (for some bizarre reason I was going to type 'forniture', LOL: a Freudian slip between ''fornication' and 'furniture' perhaps?!) tend to take up heavy resources too, but it's only peak-load. Take all avi's out of a sim, start up your Region debug manager, and you would hardly even notice anything running (gross misprogramming notwithstanding). Tl;dr: they're unlikely to limit furniture script usage and the like; if anything at all, they might perhaps impose limits on avi script-usage, though (fancy shoes, hair, etc, with very heavy scripts in them). But even that I doubt.
  14. Girl! That is one phenominal home you built there for yourself. ❤️ I was drawn by the last image in the post (as I was scrolling up, from the last post); then I saw the rest of your home. What can I say, but Wow!? So beautiful. Exceptionally talented. And the cat; I love the cat. This may very well the best built I've come across here.
  15. ^^ You said this so very well! Say, I were to make a beautiful Bellisseris home one day, but would not be present every day (the likelihood of the latter far exceeding the former, but I digress), then could it be said I have my beautiful home just on display for advertising? And why? Because I'm not around all the time? And who determines when I'm considered actually, actively living there, and not just 'advertising'? Who determines how much time I need to spend on the sim to be a 'good' neighbor? I don't mean to rock the boat, but if you really think about these matters, what it essentially keeps boiling down to, is that there be some ppl -- in threads like these -- who, one could say, are 'passive-aggresively' (LOL, a term that's popped up quite a bit this week) indicating how one should live on Bellisseria -- even when they don't even realize per se they're doing it. And I just feel, with you, that we shouldn't go there. It leads to entirely too much imputing of motives (often deemed sinister, of course), as to why ppl aren't there 'enough', or why their home isn't decorated enough, or -- as the case may be, here -- why it's decorated too beautifully (Sic!). It all leads to impossible speculation, and, worse, inevitable, and undue judgement. Much like I don't wish to pressure anyone into giving up their second home, I likewise don't want to tell ppl how they should live their lives on Bellisseria (or be told myself, should I ever make it there). Live and let live. And if policing needs to be done, leave it to the Lindens, is my motto.
  16. Very simple: stand in front of the fridge, then scuttle the boat, and wait for it to sink deep enough for you to have floated up high enough to grab it. 😜
  17. It gets even murkier than that. Allegedly, some of these homes are put on display, so to speak, with the (implicit) purpose of you buying the stuff therein. I get that. But is that really advertising? Say, a girlfriend of mine shows up, at a party we both attend, in a gorgeous dress. Now, I will definitely want a dress like that too! But it's still not advertising (on her part). Not even if she made the dress herself, and is actually selling them! I mean, we need to be careful what we call advertising. Only if she were wearing the dress with a "Buy me!" label on it, would it be adverting. Just me wanting that dress, doesn't mean she's advertising. Like I don't think ppl showing off their homes is advertising, really (unless they put a 'Buy me!' sign next to it).
  18. Way I see it, it's not so much a matter of whether advertising constitutes 'commerce' per se, but whether ppl showing off what can be done with these homes is really advertising. Like I, for one, can't peruse the various photo threads, without thinking, every other post or so, "I want to make a house like that!" That doesn't make those photos ads (or they're all ads, for SL, depending on your pov).
  19. Not sure what the exact issue is, but if it's just a matter of having an unwanted clickable wall now, you can easily circument that, for the time being, by slapping an invisi-prim (100% transparent**) against it, so it's no longer clickable. ** Some viewers used to require the invisi-prim to be only 99% transparent, for this to work; Firestorm, at least, works with 100%.
  20. Bit of a pedantic nitpick, I know, but that's not entirely how economics work. What those of us without a new LL home stand to lose, at each new release round, is the renewed opportunity cost of not having a new home yet. Basically, we're burning up Premium fees, not for nothing per se, as you get plenty other benefits with Premium (if only being able to feel good about yourself, knowing you're supporting SL), but nonetheless missing out on a major new perk. And pardon me if I don't feel too much sympathy for those who might wind up losing their current houseboat, should they go for an even newer home. 😛 Btw, I don't think that those currently without a new LL home should get some sort of priority, next time. Nevertheless, it worries me some, that Patch said the next batch of houseboats will be even smaller (in favor of a batch of something as of yet undisclosed). That new thing may actually be very good, but still rendering that window for getting a houseboat rather short. We will see what the future brings, I suppose.
  21. Why, that. And the cra... erm, old, homes being still listed for 117 prims (they are, in fact, good for 175 prims: half that of the newer homes).
  22. Would actually be nice of a Linden commented on this, at some point. I'm not sure they're usually doing that in the same thread, but maybe they could draft a 'sticky' on updated policies (and rewrite some of the old stuff too, like no larger than 10m3 prims, LOL, as some of these old docs are glaringly apparent in need of an overhaul).
  23. It's all good. Looks like you guys made up already? (again a good reason for me not to have even said anything). Anyway, just glad this de-escalated as quickly as it did.
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