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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. you pretty much spot on i have adsl. am on the long end of a copper wire. only thing south of me in the whole world are penguins. adsl have a theoretical speed 700k up and 14m down 300-400k up to the USA is about right. 600k-1m down. sometimes can achieve more but hardly ever setting SL to 400-500 is ok most times. like you say i get donked off SL quite a lot when the connection times out. i just learn to live with it bc i cant do anything about it
  2. one of the things that server baking leads to is mesh baking so like when you wear a mesh outfit. the whole thing including the avatar mesh is baked into one object for dl. when you take an item off/on then is rebaked again into the whole is lots of load on the server to do this. but if can get the balance right then is way better in terms of viewer side playability
  3. jejejejejjeje (: + on the first time thru the vid what the lady and dude in the interview seems to be missing is that heaps and heaps and heaps of people posts dumb stuff about themselfs. not just on FB but all over when this generation and them following are in a postion to actual run for the White House then nobody will give a chit what they did when they was young. like people will be more tolerant. more honest about other people and themselfs. bc they done and posted dumb chit as well any opponent that try to attack ad someone over this in 2040 is going to be seen as a creeper and a weirdo. specially if they also try say they never done any dumb chit themselfs + on the second time thru then can see they are not missing the point at all
  4. i think that badges arent a bad thing for those who want them as long as we can turn them off then is ok is like how profiles work inworld. some people have them turned on. some not. same like the wall. some show. some not. is all good either way we not all the same badges, like public levelling up or down, is only bad when we got no choice about it i think can argue that they just another form of player shaping, entitlement and/or dwama. but so what really. as long as we not forced/coerce to play ourselfs then what does it matter if someone else wants to wear their badge/level title. is not like they get any superpowers or anything
  5. lucagrabacr wrote: And even though I say my connection speed is 500k-ish, when I check my speed from the viewer's advanced menu, it never been higher than 250k, and I live far away from the server (Southeast Asia) so tell your friend that SL is pretty much playable with his / her current internet speed ^^ that
  6. if OpenDebate wants to be taken seriously then dont write stuff like "... secretly controlled ..." is nuts to write in this way
  7. about ripping the server texture baking is still going to use textures in the database. so any rips uploaded as independent arent/cant be dealt with any different than they can be now however, in the old/current way the individual skin/clothing textures are dled to my computer seperately (assume i own them). my computer then bakes them and upload. the server then distribute the baked image to other users will still be a bit of a hole there. wont fill it completely server side baking but will help a little bit with copybotters + will be throttled server side to prevent rapid bakes intended to crash the servers. just like anything else that tries to do that kinda things
  8. sim tier grandfathering was done bc back in the day was class 4 servers and class 5. when the tier went up bc of the class 5, people were offered a choice: stay on a old slow class 4 at the same tier. or move to a class 5 and pay more tier. some people choose to move. some not thing was when linden finally replace all the old class 4 sim servers some time later then was a problem. so linden said cant transfer/sell your old class 4 sim anymore and preserve the old class 4 tier. bc is no actual class 4 sim servers anymore. but can keep on paying class 4 tier while you still the owner. bc the decision to change you to a class 5 is not a choice for you to make now. not like it was before so anyways that the story of grandfathers + is the Atlas programme that offer preferentials rates which i think affects you more. maybe the thing about the Atlas programme is that everyone in the Atlas programme doesnt talk about the Atlas programme. is part of the rules of Atlas club is some speculation that some people with 50 sims are in the Atlas programme. some people say you need way more sims than that. dunno. have to be a member of Atlas to actual know
  9. they are wearing whats generally referred to as a Brash kicker or a Brash follower the Brash kicker works by them standing directly in front of you. it pushes their avatar forward at force/impulse. bc each avatar is the same mass/weight then the impulse is transferred to you. so when their mass/weigh hits you they stop and the impulse/force is applied to you. is how physics works. SL emulate that for it to work effectively they have to be standing square on to you. if they come in at an angle then a ricochet can occur. they slide off you and end up go flying themselfs a funny way can deal with it is: can walk in strafe mode. like: shift+left/right arrow key. with back/fwd arrow as well then can walk in random right angles. the idea is to anticipate when they going to apply impulse and move left or right. so they catch on ur side or miss altogether and woosh away they go. jejejejje (: + the Brash follower does the same thing except is scripted to move them to you and then appy force/impulse. it keeps doing this until they cancel the action + a anti-push like Amethyst mention will counter a Brash. anti-push also called movelock. movelock works by moving you back to the position you were before you was pushed. bc a movelock use the same max impulse/force as a pusher then they cancel each other out + with a Brash follower can do what i do if you like. when you targetted then Fly up above the other person. what happens is that they end up directly under you and you both start going straight up. even if you stop pressing any keys. the follower script is tracking you from direct below and is pushing straight up can deal with it as you want after that. if AR then is easy photo to take. if like me then i just say woohoo!!! am going to take you way way way upto the sky \o/ when they break off then dbl click ground teleport
  10. GothGirl Demonia wrote: Hm so generally you are saying that this griefer and their friends are playing to sit back on the couch drink coke, eat lots of potato chips, and possibly a lot of $5 foot logs get fatter and laugh at me by doing things to get on my nerves and laugh at my response? Yes I am a very destructive kitten when I rage I would love nothing more but to have the option for a nuclear bomb similar to that of Modern Warfare 3, I would totally use it take out all them griefers, hopefully the innocent would get in their bomb shelters before it happend, but once the sims turn red I would totally laugh at it knowing I got that one or two griefers they were dead, then I would take over all the land for myself claim it in the name of the Furious Kitten :3. Is there not a nuclear bomb option for when all else fails );? I would so love to meet these trolls on Xbox Live I would send them over to FUOS. pretty much like i said you playing it as a shooter. all what you said confirms this when say yards then means like territory. patch. turf. hood the people you playing with/against dont want your turf you see. they just want to make scores is really easy to defend your turf against this. if the opponents cant score on your turf then they dont bother coming back bc for them is only about the score whereas in SL, like any other patch, hood, turf, is only ever about the territory. SL gameplayers, winning ones anyways, dont give a chit about any scores. the game as far as they concerned is only ever about the turf. making yards you see
  11. in a game: someone wins. someone loses winning for you personally seems like it means crush/destroy them. like in a shooter game the other people in the game (the ones you keep referring to) arent playing to crush you. they playing to make the high score in a game can either: a) compete against your opponent for high score b) appeal to the referee and try get them disqualified from the game c) can play defense as an offensive strategy and prevent the opponents from scoring. a game of yards yards work by closing down the lines that opponents can run to score points. you grind them out of the game. in a grinder game of yards the score can only ever be Nil All or No Mas. No Mas they quit. when they quit then you own the arena and are the winner of the game SL is particularly suited to the game of yards. so play that way. if you actual do want to win if keep playing a) or b) then you cant win. is just a ongoing succession of high scores and new players entering the game
  12. looks pretty good to me. texture baking server side and better caching \o/
  13. Six Igaly wrote: 16 wrote: 6.6% of total mainland is marked for sale Well i'm not sure i will rely on this figure. 6.6% of the total seems like it is almost nothing. But how many % will it be if you only talk about all the land that is available or could be available for the market? that is the amount of mainland marked for sale: 6.6%. Tyche just report the numbers as they are if want to try extrapolate the amount of linden held land that could be potentially be for sale then total linden owned mainland - protected land - linden homes
  14. part 3 is it possible for the company to reconcile the shop with the aspiration of the founder? have to look at the history of SL for the answer. 2003/4 and 2006/7. the times of plenty imagination, dreams, aspirations are inspired in us when we look up at the heavens. in real life and virtual life. we look up and reach for the stars we look up when our tummys are full. when our tummys are not full then we look down at the ground. to forage and feed ourselfs. when the food is difficult to access then we must forage longer and harder. we do not have time to look up and reach for the stars. when the path to sustanence is difficult then we grow bitter and cold bc of the relentless grind. we turn on each other and on the maker + if i was the maker i would accept that i am not the imagination maker. the dream maker. while i presume to this role then the people will always look to me as the maker to create this for them. i am not able to accomplish this. the dreams and aspirations, the imaginations of the people are untold i still do want them to not only reach for the stars but to arrive. i cannot carry them to every star myself tho. bc there are millions of stars and each of the people wish to go them all, according to their own choosing. if i cannot carry them then they must do it themselfs. so i must humble myself and become the simple owner of the shop. accept my destiny. and help them to put food in their tummies become the best shop and tummy filler in the whole entire gdm universe (: when i have got the best shop and the peoples tummies are full i will have more newbies sticking to me than i can ever imagine. same like in 2003/4 and 2006/7 + i actual think linden are working towards this. them not being involved in SL9B is a good sign i think that the company is becoming humble q;
  15. part 2 looooooonnnnggg again (: i know exactly what SL is for. exactly what is its purpose. bc i know this then i know exactly what should be in the product. a product so that when people use it then they know exactly as well lol jejejejjejeje (: but srs tho i do i think. maybe + i said in part 1 that SL is viewed by the company as a concept and not a product in the beginning philip linden wanted to make a behaviour modifier. he wanted to create an environment in which people through the expression of their imagination could change/modify their reallife behaviour. so that they could be better people for it. is dressed up in words like Your Second Life - Your World - Your Imagination. Aspirational stuff. Dream making. Star reaching. Soul building this concept for SL he express everytime he talks. is his lifes work. so why he leave SL? bc SL is a shop. the purpose of SL is shopping philip didnt mean to make it a shop. but he did. the company has been conflicted ever since. is why the message that comes out of the company even now is itself conflicted. the company wants to remain true to philips concept. his vision. his aspiration to enable people to modify their behaviours to become better people instead the company is now the owner of a shop. the shop that philip made the company doesnt want to be the owner of a shop. is not noble. it seems to not fit somehow with the vision/aspirations of the company and its founder. is why anything to do with shopping takes ages for the company to accomplish. it actual maybe demotivates many of the staff. like for some of the best and brightest minds in the business to be assigned to building a shopping cart + ok. i try to explain further by conversation why is actual about shopping: newbie: hi, i dont know what to do? me: wanna go shopping? newbie: nah me: ok <wait wait wait> newbie: u still there? me: yes newbie: can have sexxors on here? me: yes u can newbie: u wanna??? me: sure newbie: woohoo! me: take ur clothes off newbie: wut?? me: if u wanna with me then u have to get nekkid newbie: ok. umm! <fiddle fiddle fiddle> how i take my underclothes off? me: you cant. they painted on ur skin newbie: oh! me: wanna go shopping for a skin that hasnt got painted on undies? newbie: sure me: ok lets go <shop shop shop> newbie: umm! i seem to be missing some parts me: guess we have to keep shopping newbie: ok + newbie: hi, i dont know what to do? me: wanna go shopping? newbie: nah me: ok (wait wait wait) newbie: u still there? me: yes newbie: can u like shoot people on here? me: yes u can newbie: how i do that? me: with a gun newbie: wait <fiddle fiddle fiddle> hmm! i got no gun me: wanna go shopping for a gun? newbie: sure me: ok lets go + newbie: hi, i dont know what to do? me: wanna go shopping? newbie: nah me: ok <wait wait wait> newbie: u still there? me: yes newbie: is there like clubs and music on here? me: yes heaps of them newbie: how i go there? me: u wanna go as you are or u wants to change ur outfit and put on some cool party gears? newbie: ooo! yes pls what i am wearing sux me: we go shopping ok newbie: sure me: ok lets go + next level up newbie: hi how i get money? me: what for? newbie: to buy stuff me: enter your CC paypal here newbie: cool thx me: yw + newbie: hi how i get money? me: what for? newbie: to buy stuff me: enter your CC paypal here newbie: i got no CC paypal me: realms (other places to get money) newbie: wats that realms? me: can get money off there to buy stuff newbie: cool me: wanna go? newbie: sure me: ok lets go + while you can play on SL without money: you still have to go shopping. everything we do in SL is built on top of shopping. price $0...$n within/on top of the ecosystem of the shop, we build/derive our own narratives and social aspects as they work for us. our own sub purposes and imperatives. independent of and despite of the maker. as everything: artists builders creatives educators roleplayers socialisers customers of both the company and each other our social aspect is not confined solely to shop talk. same way in a real life shop. we chat about all kinds of things, make plans and happenings for ourselfs, with our friends and even complete strangers. what we all do tho in SL, is we are either bringing something into the shop or taking something away. some of us do both in the shop is not just stuff we make. the shop sells/rent land, resources, skills, etc. money itself even + so those who stick in SL, shop. is its primary function. its purpose the maker must build the product: building tools, inventory, comms, UI, etc to enable shopping to be easy and seamless when is a pain to shop then the shoppers (like them with money) minimise the amount of time they spend on shopping. or in the case of newbie shoppers, dont continue with using the product after their first painful shopping and fitting out experience <woosh and gone> can go through the logs of every newbie woosh account and am pretty sure will find the single most last thing they tried to do in SL was go shopping before they woosh
  16. here is my answer. i not post it on SLU. am am put here in his own house + consider: newbie: hi. i dont know what to do here? maker: hi and welcome to SL. can do anything you want on here newbie: like what? maker: we have made this world so you can create any experience for yourself that you can imagine newbie: ok umm! like what? maker: what is it that you would like to do? newbie: dunno maker: well what interests you in real life? perhaps we could start there newbie: <stuff> maker: great! here is some comparable <stuff> inworld to get you started newbie: cool thanks. umm! this is not the <stuff> i imagined it to be maker: well you can imagine it to be different. the tools we have provided enable you to do this newbie: is ok. thanks for your time <woosh and gone> + heaps of people can attest to having this kind of conversation with SL newbies. is lots of things can be read into this conversation. failure to understand. to comprehend. lack of imagination. laziness and entitlement even the problem lies in the initial newbie question: hi. i dont know what to do here? this is not a question to be taken literally. when is answered as such then the imperatives of the newbie determines the outcome + consider another newbie who asks the initial question differently: newbie: hi. what is this product for? what is its purpose? the first newbie also is actual asking this question. the disconnect comes bc the first newbie has framed it in personal terms according to their own imperatives. made it about them and the maker responds in the same way stickability isnt about the users imperatives. is about the purpose of the product + consider successful stickable product makers. examples: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook all of them have a healthy disregard for the imperatives of their users/customers. they focus on the purpose of the product. any conversation they have with their customers is about the product. they dont care what the personal imperatives/preferences of their users are as they impact on the purpose of the product these makers practice the discipline/science of product management. maker > purpose > product > customer. is a one way street this. the maker determines the purpose and builds/encodes it into the product. the customers buy/use the product for the purpose determined solely by the maker. when the product delivers on the purpose for which it is made, then the customers stick. regardless of their personal preferences/imperatives or what they think. user/customers dont buy/use the product to think about it. the buy it to use it for the purpose it was made + further and this the most important part: the successful sticky maker can clearly articulate what is the purpose of the product. not only in personal/oral/written presentation but also through the product itself. bc the product has been made to exactly fit the stated purpose examples: Apple iPad. an Apple spokesperson can clearly explain what it is for. the iPad does exactly what has been explained. the conversation isnt about the user. is about the iPad level up. Bill Gates can tell you exactly what the entire Microsoft ecosystem of software is for. same Mark Zuck. he can clearly tell you what Facebook is for. what is its purpose. he can also clearly differentiate and explain the imperatives for making Facebook. which have nothing to do with its actual purpose. so can Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc + consider linden CEOs: what is SL for? what is its purpose? philip: to make an environment in which people can create a shared experience upto and beyond the limits of their imagination mark: to build on what philip made so that people can also create links/channels between their second and first life experiences rod: to bring my otherworlds experience to SL to build on it further so that people can incorporate new ways of expressing themselves when creating their shared experiences is quite noble these. thing is tho that they are imperatives. they dont actual answer the question + when a maker embodied in the CEO is imperative-driven and cannot say exactly what is the purpose of the product and distinguish this from their imperative then the staff who actual do the work in making it have no idea either. when this happens the staff then make the product according to their own imperatives. this enscapulated in: what is the purpose of the SL product from a tech staffers pov? answer: to be a superfast server, really efficient database system, spiffy gfx renderer and a way cool physx scene and script engine running in realtime over the interwebz as a newbie i am like totally going to stick around for this purpose on a Wednesday night instead of go to the pub. make love to my partner. chat my bff on Skype. blow stuff up on WoW. or view my friends latest pics on Facebook. like total totally (not) + when the maker has no clarity of purpose for the product then neither do we. if we did then consider: SL is a game. No! SL is not a game ahha! but SL is way more complex to be pigeonholed in this way. it is multi-faceted more complex than what? Facebook? Facebook is the most complex social community in the history of the interwebz. Mark Zuck can tell us exactly what is its purpose more multi-faceted than Apple? not only does Apple have a highly complex social/user component, it has a highly complex and multi-faceted technical one as well Microsoft is the most complex ecosystem of all provided by a single maker. people use it in unimaginably creative ways across multi-multi facets. way beyond even the understanding of the engineers who build/maintain it. yet Bill Gates can tell us exactly what is its purpose and where we as customers fit into every facet of it + can only say to rodvik you are the maker now. you have to determine what is the purpose of the SL product. have a clarity of purpose for the product. communicate that and then pursue it with the same single-mindedness as the other successful sticky product makers SecondLife as it is currently, is not a product. is a concept. a description of a state (of mind) we/customers buy/use products when we understand what they are for. like what is their purpose if you as maker have no idea what is the purpose of your product then neither do your staff. nor do we your users. when so, then we not much interested in paying for it. the small number of us that do use it, out of the big pool, make chit up about it as we go. so do your staff. thats how concepts work + dont know if you will ever read this rodvik just hope that if you do then you can know what is the difference between the imperative(s) of a product and the purpose of a product (am not able to explain myself very well most times)
  17. here is the question asked by rodvik linden over on SLU: (i am paraphrase it here) "how do you think we can get newbies to stick? we have tried all kinds of things, incentives, whatevs. nothing works for the stickable quantities we as a company would like. we can easy sign them up in the 1000s. millions even. we can get them inworld. but only a tiny number of them ever stick. i would be interested in hearing what people have to suggest in helping with this?"
  18. Alisha Matova wrote: I'm not so sure. Yes I agree that pirating is bad. But, RIAA's power play is disgusting. It shows just how powerful these corporations have become. They go to congress and get denied, so they pass some cash around and do it behind closed doors, instead. I think it is that, and the perceived loss of more freedoms that are causing discontent here. At least for me. Are you in the UK Phil? I ask because the UK is far ahead of the US with surveillance and other Big Brother feeling practices. Is it possible you have become numb to privacy invasion and over powered government(or business) tactics? I certainly dont mean that in a bad way. I'm just wondering if it's a mater of perspective. In the US we are just starting to deal with new cameras and techie privacy issues now, and have our guard up. Maybe in a few years we will have no choice but to put up with it as well. am going to stick up for Phil here. not that he needs me to ever. but what has the proposed actions of the UK Government have to do with anything that he is saying,. Phil has always been a champion of property rights what he is saying is that in this case the rights of property owners, ie the ISPs, should not be regulated. bc the gateways and the pipes are their property. not ours - the customers as such they as property owners, should not be dictated to by law/regulation. that they should continue to be allowed to accept or refuse any customers they choose and to solely determine their own Terms of Service that it is sufficient that the customers can choose whether or not to purchase the service offered. if not the customer can choose to take their custom elsewhere as a argument for property rights it is sound and there is nothing wrong with it + i am actual of the view that this approach is insufficient and that consumer rights are not always respected when ToS are left exclusively to the provider(s). if only bc history shows us this this is an argument of degree. to what degree should consumer rights affect property rights? and how do we do that
  19. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Well, when the oil companies come up with plans like this, they call it price grouging............and the big hammer is slammed hard by a government. If it's good for the goose, then it's good for the gander........so now we have $15.00 a gallon to look forward to because Exxon/Mobil, Shell, BP have their interests too? I guess when all the interested corporations are fixing their bottom line together monopoly laws can't be used. Pretty slick, if you ask me. i think you will find that there is a law against price-fixing and anti-competive behaviour in the USA. same most other western countries the Government doesnt slam them when companies try do this. the Courts do + gets confusing when try to equate: Government is Law is not true this the Government is a body. as a body it is subject to law. same as any other body. body group or body individual in USA like in any other democratic state, the Court is sole arbiter of the law. the Court can and does hold bodies, including the Government, to account + in a Totalitarian State the equation that holds true is: Government is Court
  20. if you mod the SL viewer then can create a Unity or a Cloud Party world on SL Cloud Party probably be the easiest and the funniest (: like use SL web-on-a-prim to create a inworld Cloud Party viewer that can be driven by your mod SL viewer then login your SL avatar and sit in front of its inworld web browser in its bedroom or basement avatar can then login to Facebook and make a account on there. and then play as a human on Cloud Party jejejjejee (:
  21. for comprehensive info on SL land then Tyche Shepherd is the go to lady http://www.gridsurvey.com/index.php + latest June survey figures show: 44.8% of mainland is owned by linden 77.8% of linden owned mainland is protected land/public spaces 2.4% ownership is undeterminable - probably linden owned accounts 17.2% of linden owned mainland is Linden Homes. 42,642 parcels. 97.7% occupancy + 6.6% of total mainland is marked for sale + the calculation is that 8.8 to 9.8% of mainland is abandoned this compare to the previous March survey when the band was 7.2% to 8.8% + eta: Linden Homes have had an effect on normal mainland ownership. seems like
  22. i thought it was ok + done the tutorial. got a hat and a house unless you a builder then is not much to do at the moment. so i will maybe come a bit later on and see what is then
  23. spin round in your chair in the opposite direction that works for some people i hear (: + serious tho. i dont know. have been having the same probs as well. same with my invent not loading last few days. sometimes is good. but most times not i wants to kill someone over it (:
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