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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. would be way cool this maybe we will get one day. like once the pathfinding thingy is finished then is client side physics. so maybe will be possible to have client side weather i would really like real water. like tidal oceans with storms and waves. be way cool for boats. and big surf breakers for board and body surf. and running rivers for kayak/rafting and stuff like that. where you actual get pushed by the water and wind as well
  2. i have a simboard vehicle. is pretty cool. i play on it quite a lot i mostly just go on the linden water sims with it bc is hardly anyone on them and can schoom round on it and not bother anyone on the bordering sims is some lands got security orbs and others got banlines on. is ok that they do + the landowners with the security orbs are pretty clued up usual bc they got boats and stuff themselfs and they kinda know about what can happen on your vehicle when you get a sim crossing fail and can end up anywhere sometimes. so the ones where i go set their orbs to quite a long time. like 60 seconds and longer some of them. so thats ok + the banlines are more a problem i think. is ok that people wants to put them up. i think is ok if they do. like if you wants get changed and stuff in your own home then they good for that specially when you got avatar visibilty off as well the problem isnt the banlines really all by themselfs. is what happens when you run into them. your vehicle gets stuck and cant move. so u have to rightclick Edit and move it. then you have to Stand and Sit down again on most vehicles so they can reset camera/engine. the problem with this is that your vehicle can get returned to you when the Object Return on the linden land underneath has expired. is pain in the bum for travellers when this happens bc it disrupt your journey and you have to find a rez zone somewhere nearby hopefully. if not then have to start your journey over again or abandon anyways that the problem as i think it is + is a solution maybe you know when is void/no sim and you run into it then you bounce off and can just carry on. same thing happens if you set your Prefs to G only. like on mainland you can schoom along the road and when you hit a M sim boundary you just bounce/stop and it says sorry cant go there. like you dont get stuck and can just turn round and go back down the road if linden made it so that parcel banline did the same then would solve this i think
  3. Maelstrom Janus wrote: I wonder if people would still griedf if they had to pay to get into sl...and pay for alt accounts to. ? probably not was heaps of griefing back before 2006. was actual quite worse then bc was really easy to crash sims and viewers and pinch stuff even without a copybot and scam the adverts auction and avoid paying tier on your land and stuff like that. was lots of holes in the viewer and server code back then + since linden fix the holes (most of them anyways) then is less greifing now than before. what greifing there is now is mostly social grief. like ppl saying rubbish to each other and doing the drama llama + now and again today someone will discover a hole in a new feature and exploit it for a time. but linden are pretty quick these days to close them. like what happened with TeleportAgent a few weeks ago. linden way better at respond to these kinda problems now
  4. some of the gorean shops have mesh ones can look at this blog for some that you might like http://silksgirl.blogspot.co.nz/2012/05/soedara-xoraxai-mesh-free-woman.html
  5. Avariado wrote: 16, don't worry about it. People who can't play Second Life or just ruined their PC/Laptop/Netbook trying to access SL, they know very well what low powered hardware is. if you could be a bit more specific about the kinda PC/Laptop/Netbook that you cant seem to run SL on then would be better i think at the moment you just seem to be making stuff up. like you seems to be just having a moan or something now. is ok that you do. just doesnt make any sense why you would do that really tho + people who do come on here and cant run SL on their PC/Laptop/Netbook say this is what i have. how i make it go? usual answer is that their computer/laptop/netbook is not actual running a 3D gfx accelerator driver. when they install/change to that then it goes. only time it doesnt go is when their pc/laptop/netbook hasnt actual got a 3D capable gfx card in it + other people say it goes but it goes slow. how to make go faster? can often get a answer for that if post your actual specs. is quite a few clued up people on these forums can usual tell you straightaway when they got that info off you. is same on any other gamer forums as well this for other kinds of games
  6. when you say old/low power then dont know what you mean really all you need is a computer that has a gfx card that have a OpenGL driver for it. lots of low power netbooks dont and cant run OpenGL. even brand new ones if you got a ancient computer say with Windows 2000 and a Intel 845G gfx and 128k RAM then SL will actual start on that and run about 4-12 FPS in basic basic mode settings same if you got a linux/ubuntu hardy 256ram and a ancient NVidia geforce2 or ATI rage gfx card back in the day when SL started those kinda systems where pretty much standard. geforce3 and 4 were kinda way way top end. bit like how 500-600 nvidia cards are now
  7. Darkness Anubis wrote: Actually years ago they did send banned people to a corn field sim. Where there was basically NOTHING but a sim of corn. SO there sort of was a prison. and a tractor. brrmmm !!!! jejejejejje (:
  8. am on Windows 7 Home 32 bit and standard Viewer 3.3.3 for me i found that the way to fix webkit issues was to install Firefox browser. to then make sure that any website i wants to access/show on a prim inworld works ok on Firefox incl any addins that is necessary for the site to work ok in Firefox. like make sure you got the latest Java, Flash, etc installed so basically if it works in Firefox then it will work in SL web on a prim most times + with antivirus then if antivirus+Firefox blocks stuff then so do antivirus+SLwebkit seems like main difference is that Firefox handle exceptions better. like it recovers better. SLwebkit just makes the exception and stops is the recovery part that needs work i think + also running web on a prim is murder on my FPS. like if i run a fullon music player like radioloyalty or 181.fm then it goes. like it plays on a water sim i can get usual get 40-60 FPS. but if i turn on my unscripted attach media radio then only 16-20 FPS. if i play same radio in my browser separately then FPS is unaffected i think is mostly to do with the adverts that are playing on the page at same time. lots of texture changeouts and stuff like that edit: is not every every time that my FPS affected this bad. just most times. some days is less affected. maybe is do with my interwebz connection more
  9. Roman Godde wrote: So Ive been on a while on sl, and I was just wondering what is the average age depicted of a SL avatar? Just curious, Roman about 12 seems like oh wait. i thought you meant impression. not appearance jejejejejje (:
  10. Robert69 Little wrote: .. Here I was minding my own business planning to have a grand opening and outta' nowhere.. I become a victim of griefer abuse.. file reports.. told to just turn the other cheek.. they will go ago.. only to make someone else a victim...it's like a dog chaseing it's tail.. a never ending process. when you have a pest problem in reals you deal with it efficiently. like you dont bother chat to cockroaches and mice and flies do you. no. you just smash them. and you keep smash them until they all dead or they go away longtime SL landowners become longtime owners bc they deal with it as a pest problem and they not quit. also they not relate to the pests as if they were actual people requiring a level of tolerance/forgiveness or rational something something. they just smash them like they do rl pests can do that way in SL. you have a banhammer. so use it and smash them with it + when you do this then if the pests persist then they will end up do something total unequivocal wrong. like they will use a homebrew viewer to evade your banhammer. pests are like that. they cant help it when they do then is doom for them. linden will account ban anyone using an evader. if alting then hardware banning follows + so the way to smash pests off your land for good and final is: banhammer them yourself. then if they evade ban then file a ticket about that. linden will smash them after that for sure but if you dont banhammer on your own land using the tools provided exactly for that purpose by linden then linden wont banhammer either. like they wont shoot if you dont
  11. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote: They have a tool that prevents someone from turning off their RL computer speakers? I know what you mean though. Now and then there are some people I want to hear and some griefer spewing some rant that I can't turn down. Turning off the speakers is not ideal. ^^ that i would like more fine control over blocking on a per avatar basis like block: chat | im | gestures | sounds | voice | particles | lights | delivery | render | all like i be quite happy to public chat someone while at same time have them gesture or attached lights blocked. while at same time allow others in my view to do that same i be quite happy to chat | voice someone but i not want to get IMs off them bc of what they sometimes say in IM also sometimes i wants to finetune delivery: like block receive notecards or LMs but get other stuff like things i buy stuff like that + is heaps of dif combinations for dif situations which could be dealt with ourselfs if we had more fine blocking controls. maybe would help lower the level of drama/annoyance/rage and reduce the desire/need to AR people
  12. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Start counting. Your be asleep soon one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep <turns over> one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep one pink sheep jejejejejeje (:
  13. the point is that there is a process for dealing with stuff abuse report. mute and ban if your sim is affected then can file a ticket or even get onto live help support to sort that out if not sure or wants more info before decide what to do then can ask on the Answers section here as well + the other thing we can do is have a rant and a moan. happens all the time that. is ok that people can actual do this. when we do tho then other people can give it back to us. and they do sometimes whether thats in RL or inworld SL. infohub, random shop or club or whereevs. it happens. can kinda chill on it a bit or can escalate as you like
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Honestly, I think the original limit had more to do with available resources (computing power, bandwidth, etc.) than copyright concerns. that sounds about right
  15. Greene Paine wrote: Imagine if this law were implemented in the USA and no sub culture could be banned from -anything-. You'd have people in cow suits working at banks, cavemen serving your McDonalds, Darth Vader in your romantic comedy movies. OH THE INSANITY!!! Or in the words of John Lennon, "Imagine allllll the peopleeee -and furries- living life living life in peace." \o/ cool (:
  16. Ima Rang wrote: I think the funny trolls should be fed. All serious and no laughter makes things really dull.... so true (:
  17. BellaRoche wrote: ... I had a balloon in my hand that if you clicked would give you info on Fish Hunt, Tree Hunt and Gold Hunt. ... ... COME ONE LL's START POLICING YOUR WELCOME AREAS AND STOP THIS MADNESS ... selling/soliciting/advertising at linden welcome areas and infohubs is not allowed. if linden did enforce their rules then you probably get a ban yourself + i know you probably dont think you did anything wrong but thems the rules can pretty much pick what happened. someone said something to you about it. you said you should be able to or cant see that you doing any harm. then it all went downhill after that
  18. hang round linden to long and can start get really paranoid. like 2 winners in a row. jejejejjejeje (: + is probably not. hope not lol + cant remember now where i read it but someone said one time that they was having a same kinda problem. when they log in then somehow their viewer was going thru their entire inventory and wearing/attaching everything was some kinda corruption something. they had to uninstall the viewer and reinstall to fix. hope thats the problem that OP has edit: like pussycat said below
  19. om Piers wrote: somethin-for-nothin philosophy, destructive but apparently also attractive i think you can get free baby chikkins with that dunno for sure. maybe is true tho. well might be
  20. if the stuff is attaching then is most likely this http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAttachToAvatarTemp
  21. if costs about more than 50L then i not buy off marketplace i like to try before i buy. if is no demo then i dont buy. i like to try everything i can first. can spend hours window shopping that way. skin, hair, anims, attachments, huds even, and now mesh clothes have limited budget tho so not able to impulse buy. wish i could tho. i would buy everything in some shops if i could (:
  22. only know you from on here is kinda sad to see people go. is good tho that you do on your own terms. so can take a little bit heart out of that tc and be happy (:
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