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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. sansara is to avatars what africa is to humans
  2. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I want Boolean search so you could not only specify specifically what you wanted but also what you don't want. For instance, long red hair but not demo or mesh. That I would vote for (I thought LL was doing away with that?) and watch. +1 more
  3. just on broadening the debate like you mention earlier + is two kinds of ways laws/regulations can be made: descriptive and prescriptive some context: ToS = law. things like Community Standards = regulations regulations are made under a provision of a law is not the same as RL law/regulation. is contextual equation + when people ask is this/something/whatever against SL ToS? most people interpret this to mean is: will/can i be sanctioned/banned for it? the answer is yes, when is written in the law/ToS itself or is described in a regulation/CS + where it gets messy is when we wants to argue that something/whatever is not against the law when is not exactly allowed/proscribed in a law. is messy because it avoids the main point: can i be sanctioned for it? + descriptive vs prescriptive linden choose to use descriptive method in ToS, Community Standards, etc + the reason is that when you use the prescriptive approach then it is used/interpreted in two ways first way: can do anything you want except for the banned things on this list second way: can only do what is on this list. everything else is banned the prescriptive way of governing behaviour can get quite bureaucratic very quickly. also can spend huge amount of time chasing people who operate to the letter and edgecasing every prescripted item to pieces + in a descriptive method of governance you just give an example of what is meant. example = a description of behaviour. not a prescription for behaviour so, basically what the descriptive system means is that the lawmaker/enforcer is the final authority and not the law/regulation is quite a big difference in the two approaches
  4. http://www.simonastick.com/ can make your own SL-like world on it on your own computer. can also hookup your world to the open hypergrid if you want cant hook up to SL tho. SL is a closed world and is not part of the hypergrid
  5. is ok. dont worry about it + we kinda started to derail your post. chatting about the WA\infohub policy in general now
  6. yes agree is the repeating that gets people into trouble whats subjective is what repeating means. like if i came once an hour and drop one on everyone present. once a day? once a week? what if i not use bots either. what if i employ newbies to do it for me and then say am doing it to help them makes some money? and on and on and on + for people who go to WA/infohubs regular they heard every possible excuse ever
  7. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: ... vulcherism ... i had to look that word up. when i binged there was only one find: "Thus is the pillar upon which this vacuously europhilic coffee and pseudo-high art culture vulcherism really spins." in the comments on this article: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/more-sex-and-death-please-the-art-form-of-arrogance-20100519-vf4g.html + it has coffee in it (:
  8. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: So I might have missed something but - it looks like the rule about not advertising in Welcome Areas & Info Hubs is not part of the TOS. Therefore it would not be against the TOS to pass out landmarks. Just against the WA guidelines. it can fall under Community Standards: Disturbing the Peace: ".. repeated transmission of undesired advertising content, ..."
  9. Cortland Swindlehurst wrote: It's that island in the Blake Sea. I'm not a spammer, I was just riding my boat and stopped by there like I always do. I only handed out 7 LMs. The guy that reported me, I get off my boat and he says "are you female?" I'm a man, but I have long hair, though my swimming trunks and bare chest should leave no doubt about that. Now I think about it, I guess he just trolls that place ready to hit report button for anything, why else does he care if I'm male or female. Is it against TOS for a man to be shirtless on an island in the Blake Sea? Anyhow I did change clothes straight after landing and because I'm a nice person I just said "I'm male." Then I hung around like I always do and on a whim passed out those lm's. SINCE HE ENGAGED ME IN LOCAL CONVO FIRST, how did I spam him? He said someting weird / rude to me to begin with, I brushed it off and shared a LM with him. Then he reports me. I really dislike infohubs by the way, I didn't even think about this being one it's just one of those islands in the Blake. (can anyone tell me what happens next, like in 3 months will Linden send me an email or IM? Now I've got to watch that email which I normally don't. I'm assuming here I'll get a warning email, but if there's any chance of suspension while it's looked into or whatever, or if they just see "spammer" and click suspend I need to know that) the island in the Blake Sea is Barbarossa. is a linden WA/infohub. is M rated so is ok to be shirtless dont worry about. you will be ok i think. only time you not ok is if you keep coming back other times and still dropping LMs on people at the WAs after you know what is the rules. linden pretty lenient like that + that guy was just being a jerk by the sounds of it. after he IM you and then find out he not going to get any booty off you. some people just go off like that + WAs not all bad. is some good people go to them as well + if wants to promote your business then do the normal ways. buy classified ads. make a group. make events for your place and put in the Events search. particpate in forums with your business sig on the bottom. stuff like that also if you got a free or group gift board then people like me who not have any vested interest in any shop or business will learn about you after a time. i know all kinds of places that have good stuff for new people. when i find them or learn about them then i put in my shopping folder or building or helpy places. depending on what it is for business owners i try encourage them to make group gifts only. that way new people will join your group and you can know about them. also when they join your group then it can help them to remember. lots of new people go to heaps and heaps of places in the first few weeks. they cant remember them all in their head. so the group memberships help them with that after a time some of them will go cool i like sl and put their money in. when they do then some of them remember who was kind to them and go back and buy some stuff off you
  10. you not allowed to sell/promote stuff at the WAs. random giving LMs/notecards/group invites is considered promoting eta: the reason is bc when linden dont enforce it then the places fill up with spam bots
  11. if you can open the graphic control program then i think that the same thing is all kinds of stuff in there. working out what is what can be a pain sometimes. i just end up trying things and see what happens
  12. i think Nimble is enabled by a viewer code change in the TPVs
  13. sometimes the attach point not stick when is just done from Inventory. same like how permissions sometimes not stick either + can try rerezz inworld and change the name or some other property. then take back. when it comes back into Objects folder then the attach point is usual changed to default. then reattach where it should go then after that, Drop it inworld. then rightclick on the inworld copy and Wear. it should then attach to you direct off the ground. if it does in the right place then should be ok after that is how i do it anyways
  14. sl viewer is a bit funny quite often what works on one computer doesnt work on another. like on mine i have a nvidia 230. it actual goes faster when basic shaders is on than when they off. weird !!! + but anyways. get the latest driver and play with your Grpahics/Hardware settings in the viewer. try to find a mix that works if the latest driver doesnt work then start stepping back thru the versions available on the website secondlife also uses OpenGL not DirectX for graphics. the driver for that should be included in the manufacturer driver install if anything i think that the problem. an old OpenGL driver. the latest driver off the website should give you a 3.x
  15. you on it + about getting accused of cheating. how dumb is that. the sim owners who run those kinda contests actual want you to do exactly what you said. teleport in your friends and vote can only think the person who say you are a cheater is some other player in the contest + only time is cheating is if use bots or alts to pimp yourself. most contests tho are pretty on to that cheat and deal to people who try that one
  16. people who have that card say the problem is caused by the driver shipped from the factory. is out of date they recommend that you get the latest driver off the manufacturer website and install eta: am not abs sure but i think your card is using shared memory. check and see. like it maybe 256 dedicated and 256 shared. if it is then in Prefs \ Graphics \ Hardware changed it down to 256 so only uses dedicated
  17. chpmunks can rp pretty good whenever i see a vulture avatar sitting on a tree in sl i always go hmm! i think is really a chipmunk:
  18. yes can see that def happening be a bit like vanity plates + maybe linden will get .resident and then offer them to us or force march everyone so: my.secondlife.asa.resident
  19. yes lol i wonder how they going to resolve soundslikes .jeje .jejjeje .ejejejjejejejeje + and what about like: .ucks is going to be quite funny i think some names
  20. "we decided to submit applications for new TLDs, which generally fall into four categories: •Our trademarks, like .google •Domains related to our core business, like .docs •Domains that will improve user experience, such as .youtube, which can increase the ease with which YouTube channels and genres can be identified •Domains we think have interesting and creative potential, such as .lol" http://googleblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/expanding-internet-domain-space.html#!/2012/05/expanding-internet-domain-space.html + i wonder if they also apply for .hehe (:
  21. when i am in helpy mood i just do the linden public WAs dont do the infohubs/places run by other residents dont belong to any helpy groups + quite often i just end up directing traffic. where/how to find stuff they interested in. dont get into any moral debates with people. if they ask a question then i just answer it. whatever it is + probably the hardest experience for a new person is when they a non-english speaker and end up at a WA. so i try help them a bit more. like take them to a place where they can meet people who is same language as them + and new people who wants to go shopping. freebies, buybies if they got own money. i <3 shopping. even just windowshopping (: except shopping for adult content. i dont help people do that. bc of my name. it can make other people at them shops uncomfortable. is not good that if people ask me where they can get AC then am happy to tell/show them how to use the Search to find for themselfs
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