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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. is lots of games in secondlife use the Search like google. enter keywords. pick from the list. press the Teleport link to go to the place you picked. try all kinds and see which ones you like
  2. to open search in viewer - button bottom of the screen - press Ctrl+F - (menu top of screen) World \ Search
  3. viewer = program that you download from the www.secondlife.com website so you can use to login to secondlife and play naruto
  4. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: turn around twice in your chair (to age the magic), ah! ha! i not been doing that part
  5. click the search button in the viewer. enter: naruto. pick from the list
  6. i dont think it has anything to do with freemium or sense of entitlement or anything like that if a sim promotes/advertises itself as a roleplay sim then is reasonable to expect that the sim is setup to be that if it is and also makes it difficult for people to actual find the gate to the arena/rp then is a problem + some sims do it good. like they balance the needs of the shopkeepers with their roleplayers. lots of sims do that way. like some you spawn in a courtyard/skybox. is heaps of shops there. but is also a great big arena gate/teleport that you cant miss right in front of you. thats good and easy + what OP was saying and with which i agree is being put to the long march thru the maze to get to the arena/rp. is not that i feel any sense of entitlement when i say this sux. i just think it sux and i cant be bothered. so i just leave on other hand if i can get into the arena/rp easily and i like it then i will look in the shops afterwards. not before. and when i do look then i am looking to buy something specific that fits in with the arena/rp if i want to just go shopping then i already know lots of good shops and malls where i can get everything i could ever want. except maybe what i need for this arena/rp. but i never know what that is/might be, unless i make it thru the arena/rp gate first
  7. i think the main key to linden acceptance of an official charity programme is them not having to get involved in the RL compliance issues on an ongoing basis is possible that linden may waive lindex fees when funds is transferred to the charity/org paypal. dont know that is a good idea to make this a condition of the programme tho linden the company has to meet its own costs and be seen to be fair. they not subsidise education/schools anymore. so dont think is fair to ask them to subsidise charities/orgs now (lieu fees). even if they do good works if linden the company wants to make charitable donations, like lots of companies do, then they can do that separately. i just dont think is a good idea for them to be expected to do that as a normal course of their business tbh i cant see them doing anything if that was expected of them + if was me then i would just go for the .charity/.donations official account name tags and let each charity/org that gets one of them organise their own inworld affairs. is simpler for linden and will be more easy to get a programme off them i think like you say when is an official .nametag then is easier for residents to trust and also easier for rl charities/orgs to go: yes we want one of them
  8. can see what you saying. is all good the idea just make some comments i dont see why linden should get involved to the level you have outlined i think that all is required is for linden to allow a real world charity to make a charity account like: redcross.charity, greenpeace.charity or alternative to .charity a .donations account amnestyinternational.donations, childrenshospital.donations, cancersociety.donations the realworld charity or hospital or society, school or club even, can then make a group with with their .donations/.charity account name as founder and can then invite, as they like, sl users to their group as officers/members to make committees/do good works/raise funds on their behalf we can know that is a realworld charity/org bc has an official lastname tag, like .charity or .donations. so can know that they getting the money direct. or at least paid by us into their sl official account linden only need to be involved in the validation of the account at creation. after that is up to the charity/org how they want to do stuff, pay their costs, etc is up to the realworld charity/org to protect their good name inworld. not linden linden cutting themselves in for a piece of the donations action is not good. linden should only get payments for services provided. like tier, lindex fees, etc. like any other normal account activity
  9. having a safezone to spawn in is ok. if is shops there then is ok as well is the long march that some force you to make that annoys me. so am agree with Boudicca on that part + if i like your place and how your arena/rp plays then i will probably look in your shops afterwards for stuff that i might like also if you got empty shops on the long march then is a sign for me that nobody likes your arena/rp. not enough to pay rentals anyways. so cant be much good. and i usual just tp out to another place and see what is there
  10. i think you probably not like it if could mod your dashboard. if can do that then next step will be able to mod your inworld my.profile people then will bling them up with wallpaper and shiny. and puppies and kittens. and change all the text labels to unicodes. will make your eyes pop out your head if you not wearing sunnys when you profile perv if can do that (:
  11. i think the 404 and sometimes 400 errors caused by the antispam bots filter sl forums gets hit heaps by spambots so i think they try to fight them off with some kinda filter something and we get caught up in it sometimes also i think on IE9 the website put some kinda session super cookie something something on your computer (i think) not sure if i get 400 and 404 errors then quite often on IE9 i get redirect to login page even if enter www.secondlife.com in browser address bar when that happens then i have to use a program like ccleaner to delete all cache and temp files off my computer. then it goes ok again after that. the IE9 internet options delete browsing history button not fix it all by itself
  12. Solaria Goldshark wrote: Wife: "KMA" jejejejejejjjejeje (:
  13. Aard Andel wrote: Isn't there something called a "hardware ban" that allows your computer to be indenfitied by other than IP address? yes
  14. i went to have a look at the club was quite a lot of normal chat. hardly any gestures compared to some other clubs also the owner seems to try to mitigate as best they can. build/voice/fly off and 221 LI out of 937. ktris was about 330. compared to 890 on my linden homes sim one thing more the owner could do is turn off the option to see avatars on other parcels on sim. if turn that off then can help to reduce the load on the neighbours when they on their parcels close by also owner could restrict sounds to club parcel. that can help as well to make things better not sure what else owner can do to ameliorate resource hogging the way SL works + can def see what is the problem for you tho. is lots of avatars on there so the sim works quite hard to keep up only fix for this i think is a change to avatar per parcel accounting instead of per sim. would be a good thing if estate owner could have a option to manage that. not sure if linden will ever do that on mainland tho even if was available to estates bc 65536 / 512 = 128 (>40) + is a shame bc is a really lovely sim. can see why you a bit upset. i would be as well
  15. but toyota is like total uncool like even if they do 1-2 at indy 500 and got kicked out of the great race at bathhurst for going to fast they still uncool !!! go v8 !!! bbbrrrmmmmmm !!! jejejjejejeje (:
  16. if is not something obvious on your or the neighbours land that has your name in/on it then: on a mainland parcel i had a weird spot. whenever i walked onto it pushed me up and away turned out was a phantom artifact of a push trampoline/bouncer that used to be there from previous land owner. when they removed all their stuff it went phantom. was there but you couldnt see it and it not show up in any view including script info when the next sims rolling restart happened then it went away maybe is something like that happening. is something phantom and scripted with your name on it would seem like if only happens to you maybe someone in your group was playing with something and they delete but it went phantom? maybe not sure eta: if it is then a sim restart will fix it
  17. some acronyms are pretty good like RATM
  18. if you want like really really goofy then can try login to SL (:
  19. welcome to the new SL where all ur stuffs b longs to teh stuffs eating monsta (:
  20. am glad you got your card working yes is pita sometimes linden when it comes to giving them money using payment method as age verification is a legacy thing and not apply anymore. now just have to promise on the signup that you are as old as you say you are and you good to perv. same like how pr0n sites do it the money launder thing is something that most sites that allow you to cash out worry about. can get in trouble with the regulators if you not careful how you handle them. if is just a cashin site and no cashout then gift cards are really good and easy way to let people put money in the game
  21. i rtfm after i done whatever. just to see if they wrote it the way i done it. if they havent then i contact them to say they wtfmw jejejejejejjeje (:
  22. on some of them you cant leave no matter how old you are. student or teacher. is a school rule. the accounts are school only. if students or faculty wants to go to SL proper then have to make a non-school account the schools that do that way do bc they not want anyone on their adminned accounts to maybe do stuff other places that they shouldnt. that include teachers who maybe want to explore their more adventurous side. they can do that if they want. just not on a known school account is bad for the school to have any of their named accounts get snapshotted in a compromising position. parents of students get really upset at the school when that happens
  23. Pussycat Catnap wrote: I was told back in 2009 that if you have a parcel set as your home, you are supposed to be able to get there even if the region is full am pretty sure that part is still true. is how you can always get into a popular sim at anytime. just set your home there (if have the perms) you have to press the Home button tho. not use a LM or the back/forward button or teleport link
  24. Luc Starsider wrote: ETA: I meant to reply to the OP, but the forum software screwed it up... seems like they using the same rez software on here as well
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