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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. is not wrong to say Hi to strangers. no if people not say Hi back then is ok that they dont really. dont worry about it if they dont. just keep saying Hi like you do and if they say Hi back then cool
  2. Feldspar Millgrove wrote: Vegro Solari wrote: If somebody took the cookies from you, you'd have less cookies than before. But. if someone sings or uses your song in SL, you know what? You have one more fan in the world, and many more listeners Each of whom was supposed to pay for a copy of the song - the uploader has deprived you of your income, taken money right out of your pocket. How is this different than the stolen cookies? Or do you think that artists should not be paid for their work? tbf Vegro has said that artists can be paid. publishers even as well sometimes like they should get paid according to the value that the buyer puts on the piece and not by the value that the seller does. ie if the buyer thinks the piece is worthless then they should be able to get if they want anyways and pay nothing is kinda naïve that way I think. or innocent maybe. Vegro chat a lot about babies and children. so maybe is more innocence than anything else. or maybe to many star trek movies q: (: + or is maybe that Vegro equate the evols of the marketplace with capitalism with a big C is going way off topic but big C capitalism is a economic theory of fairly recent historical development. same like Marxism with a big M today is general thought/conscious that somehow both these theories were/are attempts to explain the dynamics/mechanics of the marketplace in the industrial age the thing is tho (I think) is that both these theories are not really about the market place. they about industrialisation. or more correct the generation and distribution of wealth produced by an industrial society I think as well what sometimes we can forget is that there has always been a marketplace central to human affairs since the caves. a buyer and seller. sometimes for barter or swap. sometimes for coin. has never been a sustainable society in which there has only ever been prices set by the buyer is doable that way tho. and has been tried. like it works good if you got a big gun and you point it at the seller the alms method can also work. like shake your begging bowl or put out a tip jar. can work good sometimes this as well for for some individuals and charities even. but is not sustainable. not on a society-wide basis anyways in terms of distribution of wealth can make a academic model where it could work but in practice it never goes the way of the model. none of them do really can ask Alan Greenspan about economic modelling of human behaviour. he cried at the committee hearing when he had to acknowledge that his model got broken by people he thought was his friends and of the same mind as him and believed in the model. they didnt believe in anything as it turned out.. they was only in it for the money + so anyways. we kinda stuck with the buyer and seller reaching an agreement over how much will be paid. we stuck with it bc history shows that this the best way. out of all the possible ways we tried already
  3. I pretty much decide things on a practical level like if you do A then what is the outcome. what is the outcome if you do B. same C and so on dont much get into philosophical/belief ways of thinking much. is kinda broad brush that way most times I find. like is no practical outcomes most times when i end up in these kinds of chats. not ones that can be measured cant know every outcome every time but i try be practical about that as well and just go for the most likely outcome that will most likely benefit more people more of the time than any of the other ways + just want to say again that the interwebz is the great enabler i think. as more and more new media/interwebz channels open up to artists then they will have more opportunity to self-publish. that the important thing i think. one day soon i hope then wont be any need for oldcentury style 'publishers' who demand artistic/editorial control over the artists works. this last is the heartbreaker for many artists. that and the money
  4. yes I understand how existing laws can be abused by orgs/govs/people with vested interests am just trying to understand your reason for equating this to ripping vids you seem to be saying now that bc govt appears to have abused the law in the wikileaks case then we should not have copyright law at all? is that right? if so then how do we protect artists? say for example like in SL from copybotters? if there was no copyright/dmca/etc? do we just accept that is more important for us to stop the greater abuses of big biz/gov and that the price for that is to be paid by the artists? or are you thinking that the rights to publish copyrighted works cannot be owned by/vested in a body. like only in a actual person? I think sometimes when we chat about copyright then often end up chat about two different things and gets a bit mixed up sometimes. copyrights and publishing rights
  5. when you discard something then whoever sent it to you gets a message saying that you discarded it I get off you so. you get back off me. am happy to fill up their box for them that way (:
  6. Vegro Solari wrote: When it was only music, OK that's sad for the record industry, but not a big deal. But now it's government secrets! Information is actually getting to be free, and this cannot be allowed to continue, if the old order is to stand. One reason that the government is for the most part allied with the recording industry and other such lobbies, is that government interests are similar to those of the industry, and at odds with the interests of the people at large when it comes to the internet. My favourite part in all of this are the wonderful people that argue that doing only what you're told in this complex situation (with many opportunities and pitfalls) is everyone's moral duty! like how do you extrapolate ripping off a person who makes a vid of a song they wrote into some other person accessing government secrets. I dont see what is the connection that enables you to make this jump + when you say that government interests are at odds with the interests of the people at large can you be more specific about what you mean? can understand the argument for privacy when it comes to accessing your personal data and legal preventions to stop govt/biz snooping on peoples activities, but what does that have to do with ripping digital art off an artist?
  7. something that is said quite a lot is: art for arts sake that art is to be appreciated and not valued in filthy lucre. that lucre diminish the artist. is rubbish this thought + is rubbish bc the thought goes that the artist is required to be pure and not sell out. they supposed to make art solely for the purpose of feeding not only their own soul through their creativity but also the souls of the audience by evening. and during the day to work in the bread factory to not only feed the belly of the audience but also to fill their own. like get a real job or something is lots of people dont think that making art is a real job. it is + the debate is actual about the publishing model used by artists. not about the art itself. the interwebz is making it possible for artists to self-publish and to get their art onto the main distribution channel. this the game changer it have nothing anymore to do with the evol hollywoods/record companies/art galleries/concert hall owners/show promoters/etc anymore. is about the artists now and their own self-determination to self-publish. the interwebz makes this possible is true that the oldskool channels like radio and TV will continue to be important channels for promotional purposes but less so now and increasing less so as time goes by. specially for music and film/video and books/painting/virtual models/etc as well + some examples: getting your song on iTunes front page is way more important than signing up to an oldskool bigas record label. shooting a short and have it go viral via youtube is more important than getting a slot at Cannes. getting on the front page of Wordpress if you a blog writer more specific to SL style. if you use say DAZ to make stuff then is more important to get on the front page of the DAZ shop than pretty much anything else same for apps for Win 8. iPhone, Android. and on and on and on now that these kinds of channels are becoming more and more available on the interwebz then we going to see an explosion of art for breads sake. SL in its own funny way actual showed the way on this + is good this. I am happy that is happening quite often when I am argue against rippers then sometimes people think I am stick up for hollywoods and bigas record companies. am not. I am argue for the artists. so that artists not have to work in the bread factory anymore by day. so they can just go their studio all day as they like and make stuff and post on the channels and make some money for themselfs and their families just by doing that way
  8. if some of the tick boxes are greyed out then can try turn on the NoProbe debug setting. so that on start the viewer dont try to probe/guess (wrong?) what kinda computer/gfx you have
  9. Vegro Solari wrote: ** Think about it. They are ACTUALLY saying, actually with a straight face, that it is illegal and furthermore IMMORAL for you to SING A SONG that you don't have the permission to sing! You will be ostracized as a "pirate" amongst your peers if you do not comply with this new world view, where everything, every expression of inner human experience has a price tag and a rightful owner.*** is nothing that says you cant sing a song can only not make a public performance out of singing other people songs without the songwriter/publisher permission. most all songwriters are happy for anyone to do that and happy to give permission. publishers as well. just have to pay the fee is all. is how songwriters/artists get paid. from the fees. more people that public perform their songs the more happy they are don't understand how singing has anything to do with pirating/ripping. they not the same thing at all. altho can see why pirate rippers always try to make some kinda connection between the two. even when is not real and not true
  10. teach me how to dougie !!! is gettting mudered in SL this girl made it legend
  11. is good that you making some progress might try that v1 trick to restore the folders when i get back from my hols. thanks
  12. can start with something a bit easier/different http://sauerbraten.org/ is zlib license and all all the source code so can build yourself. has a inworld editor for scene/room building. uses octree room metaphor. has rudiment for multiplayer server as well. has oldskool cube style scripts as well. so is pretty easy that part to learn can do mesh and shadows even on a a low power laptop. it plays pretty fast. they also got some 1st shooters demo games. can easy load NPCs as well. can get like about 60+ of them in a single scene is kinda easy to learn ish, is c/c++ and is build on top of SDL
  13. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7653 seems like you joined the I GOT CHOP839 CLUB seems the fix is for linden to run a serverside repair script on the account. so best add your name on the end of that jira. looks like is lindens watching that jira and fixing people as it happens
  14. ouch !!! last idea. see if u can can log in to the beta grid. just to see what happens there. is supposed to replicate your current inventory. if is doing the same on there then yes is really big problem. only a linden will be able to fix if is borking the replication as well if it does kinda work on there then maybe be able to make some comparisons. probably wont help much but maybe the broken links wont be replicated? if not then will have some ideas more about which links are total broken I will try search for that guy who had almost the exact same problem as you. cant remember which site it was on but I will try to find
  15. dunno if can see but here I dont have any system Gestures folder. I havent got round to fixing it yet
  16. about the missing system folders it happens even to "normal" accounts. like me. is a pita anyways. what I have to do to fix it + i use my other account and send my affected account: one of each primary resource type. Animation. Gesture. Script. Sound. Texture. Photo. Notecard. Landmark. Calling Card. skin for Body Parts. system top/bottom for Clothing. etc. i also give 1$L what that does is somehow force the inventory system to recreate the System folders in the right places most times. after that things start to go proper again + ok is one real killer about this that i read about one time someone did this above and the System folders got created as top level folders. so what they did was box as much stuff as they could and send to their other account. after that then they total deleted everything in their Inventory, including all the System and not system/fake folders. like total wasted everything and Empty Trash then they clear cache and log. when they log back then emptyo inventory. so they done the send primary resources again from their other account. it recreate the system folders then they log and wait for until inventory dl. then they got their boxes back and was ok after that dunno if this will help you but can try maybe and see + the technical reason is that the db links to old stuff are broken/lost. you have to force the system to create new links to new resources + ps: to get back my Lost and Found folder. i deliberate rez a thing on a autoreturn land. when it gets returned then it recreates the folder to put it in
  17. sorry no/lo no warning - lo warning. no chance - lo chance + just add. a lo warning system is not always about the actual time. like 10 or whatever seconds or less. is about the time needed by the person who is being warned to extricate themselves like if you a sailboat on a linden water sim and cross onto a parcel then usual need about 60 seconds to turn your boat and exit. anything less timewise in this case then is a no/lo chance of doing it but if you on a simboard say like mine that can move at 30 meters a second full blast. I am gone/over/thru your parcel before the evictor script even knows about it. so even a 0 time evicter script isnt going to affect me much at all
  18. when I had a bed I made it so that any other person got evicted when they sit on it I did like that bc when I used to have a bed I would put my ava in it in pyjamas before I log out so she can have a good sleep. didnt want no creepy person try get in her bed with her while she was asleep (: if they was just walking round and sit on anything else then oh well dont care. so that was ok
  19. I don't think anybody much moaning about what you do on a private sim or even a mainland one that has no public spaces on it the moaning isnt about explorers either. the moan comes from vehicle owners. like what happens when on your vehicle: you hit a banline, a no object entry parcel and/or parcel full. and what happens with evicter scripts. more specifically what happens to your vehicle in all these cases is true that is your land and can do whatever you want is also true that if a person lives on a mainland sim right next to a water/road/rail public space that has been designed by linden/mole for the express purpose of ride/fly/sail a vehicle, and that person put in a no/lo warning evicter script or set their land controls to interfere with the vehicle riders effort to extricate themselves from the land ..., then they a aline + even more aline. I notice that on parcels that edge public water/ocean sims then the people who do have no/lo warning evicters right up to the edge of the public sim, also push all kinds of megaprims out into the public water. these are not void sims. they public sims. land that the parcel owner dont pay for and yet feels entitled to encroach on to make into their own view/place is a strong correlation between uptoedge lo/no warning evicter scripts and megaprim encroachment onto public spaces. like about 8 out of 10 no/lo evicter script landowners are also encroaching on the public spaces
  20. ProfessorSchaeler wrote: Ok, this happens all the time. While i'm flying the airplane (doesn't matter which one), it gets deleted in midair while im flying it I am share your pain in last week my simboard been getting killed on linden water sim crossings in fly mode when I am hit them at speed if I am in sled mode like schooming on the top of the water then not so bad. speed I think is killing me in fly mode. more than what it was the week before
  21. bejjinks wrote: I will continue to stay impartial. I will neither turn to the left or the right on this. I will neither side with the antigay agenda nor with the gay marriage agenda. I'm sure my neutrality will leave me very unpopular but so be it. actually no most people actual dont care either way. they neither anti or pro same sex marriage or anything else. they quite happy to let other people live their own lifes as they choose when we dont care about the choices other people make for themselfs then is a more happy world
  22. Marigold Devin wrote: Lethal Vidor wrote: When I put my graphics on low, it actually puts my FPS lower (which is odd). It does seem very odd that your FPS should go lower when you switch your graphics to low.  thats actual true for some setups. Basic Shaders On runs faster than Basic Shaders Off. it does on my NV 230M
  23. Gemini Seriman wrote: AMD Radeon™ HD6620G see the G on the end. it means G for General Use means shared memory Graphics try to always buy a laptop that has a M as the last letter. M for dedicated Memory on the gfx card NVidia the same GT nnnM
  24. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Is it possible you have turned on auto play media? If so. It will also play prim media that users have around .. ^^that turn off autoplay in your Prefs. then touch start your own player manually if you wants to leave autoplay on then find/cam the other media players and touch stop them. when you do that it only turns off on your viewer. they still keep playing for other people. so is no harm to do that. but if you leave and come back to your parcel then will have to turn them off again + if is not autoplay doing it to you then is a bug. some people have been reporting it as well as me. i made a jira about it. but it got moved to SEC so cant point you to it
  25. Jo Yardley wrote: Maybe I'm the exeption to the rule, but I'd rather find signs, videos and instructions and figure out things on my own in stead of being met by someone who I don't know. same whenever i do ask anyone a question i just wants to know the answer the number of times i seen helpy people not only not give the answer but wants to debate with the newbie the premise of their question. makes me insane. i wants to shoot the helpy people who do that edit: like i mean newbie: how i get money? helpy: you dont need money + newbie: how i get a mainland parcel? helpy: mainland sux. you better off renting on estate + newbie: how i upload mesh things i made helpy: mesh is not good for everyone. and if you made clothes then best to wait until linden finish the deformer + stuff like this makes me crazy. answer the question for goodness sake (:
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