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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. i think OP was looking for an immersive roleplay way to do it where Cloaking is an option on a roleplay HUD
  2. is not the viewers i dont think is the server. linden doing something to the database stuff is what i read. dunno how long is going to go on like this. hope not to long
  3. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: If the orbit has been pulled south then when the earth reaches the equinox it will be lat, we are coming up to an equinox so easy to prove, the next one is on the 21st of september at 11:12 am, so if there is a brown dwarf close in the south we should see it later As for now, the jet streams have moved, fact, weather all round the north is very bad, also the sun is more active than it has ever been and we are in danger of some huge flares, all these things support a brown dwarf star south of us. where i live RL i can just about see the South Pole on a fine day. if a big brown dwarf come schooming out the sky then i let everyone know ok + in the meantime ima make a dwarf catcher if it not work then all you guys up north can start your prayers when i say it not work k so if you guys not see any brown dwarfs up your way then my dwarf catcher will have worked pretty good if so then you guys not have to give me anything like money or nothing. not even a medal. maybe a ribbon for my hair. that be quite nice. not brown tho. i more like black ribbons mostly. sometimes blue or yellow is nice as well but anyways. is ok if you dont. i got heaps ribbons already really. bows as well
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status. Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter. thats true is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour + about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say
  5. i not disagree with your sentiments + back in the day there was a number of sandbox foxes groups set up by concerned residents to police public sandboxes. was a big push at the time to give them land powers. linden said no to that. use the AR system since then has been some public spaces where land control has been given to residents in partnership with linden. LEA and Blake Sea groups. dont know of any others even the ancient resident administered mainland infohubs dont have ban powers for the resident admins. just prim removal i think
  6. Arwen Serpente wrote: 16 wrote: Edited to add: lol, 16, so sorry, no idea why your quote doesn't show up! i think everyone incl me, needs a good muting every now and then jejejejjejejejeje (:
  7. Arwen Serpente wrote: RiStaraa, This was happening to me all weekend - I am age verified, a Merchant, etc. Normally, my Marketplace options default to G, M and Adult. This past weekend, no matter what I tried (logging out, clearing browser cache, shutting down computer, logging back in, resetting Maturity level), it kept changing back to "G" only. I kept trying for hours and then, without any explanation that I can provide, it corrected itself and allowed me to go back to viewing the G, M, and Adult products. Keep trying, something seems a bit buggy right now, and I suspect that is what you are encountering. Don't get discouraged. Make sure that you are age verified, and that in your viewer you check G, M, and A on each search page. Then, instead of using the MP for now, try visiting the actual stores inworld. this actual sounds pretty right was really screwy the whole age verification change over. was heaps people got this done to them. like got turned into G. linden done something at the time to fix them. maybe RiStaraa not get the linden fix that was supposed to have happened to everyone affected
  8. nah! not anymore linden change the age verification a few weeks ago now. seems you only get one go at it now. on the signup linden now working on the assumption that people will put in their actual RL birthdate. and if you put in a fake one just bc you wants to see what SL is before you commit then they put it on you to remember your fake info yourself (: + linden do the ticket thing to change bc of the actual real underage people. like if you under 18 and your Mom lets you make a G account and she watch while you do it then you cant go back later on and change it yourself when she is not looking
  9. phaedra Exonar wrote: The only way your going to have any control over your event is to have it some place you have access to the land setting. ^^that only other alternative to day old anon accounts is to move the event to a Premium public sandbox. gets expensive for them to greif those sandboxes. rules out tho anyone who wants to legit participate who is not premium account + for an advance notice antigrief system to work then linden would have to pretty much have an employee tasked to speciifically guard your event. even be present. not sure they would be prepared to pay for that. mostly bc then every other event organiser in SL would want the same standard of service
  10. if you put in a under 18 birthdate on the new account signup page then you stuck as a G account until the 18th birthdate comes of age + if you did put a 18+ birthdate in the signup then is borked. if is borked or you made a mistake on the signup and put in a underage then either way you have to file a ticket to fix it. you will have to provide some kinda RL identity docs to fix usually. the support person who handle your ticket will tell you what you will need
  11. phaedra Exonar wrote: For doomsday predictions my favorite is, 5 days after the earth really ends some one will predict it's still there. that will be 1 of the 13 8 of 13 will be arguing that they dead already 12 of 13 will then say: sry to hear that u think ur dead 8. so umm! can i haz ur stuff pls ???
  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote: ... It's about reasoning to the audience. There are often people who are on the fence over these arguments, ... ^^ that ^^yeah that
  13. is ok. dont worry about it that guy John Moore is a survivalist culture person i think. he seems a bit prone to almost wanting an apocalyptic event to happen + the thing about the planet/dwarf is that is no evidence of it. like maddy said is 1000s, millions even, amateur telescopes pointed at the stars. heaps and heaps of them are pointed at the oork cloud where this thing is supposed/most likely to originate. nobody has found it. or even any measurable sign of it. thats the problem that people have with this latest apocalyptic prediction nothing that is currently happening on Earth like earthquakes and weather/climate changes and stuff can be attributed to some kinda unknown planet/star. if they could then it would have to be probably bigger than the Sun if it could exert an influence big enough to shift the poles from so far away and that it cant be seen already the only other logical explanation if it did exist would be that it is invisible. is possible i suppose this but dont see how really as it would have to bend light or eat it somehow. and if it was doing either then we would be able to observe the light being bent/eaten even if we couldnt see the thing itself
  14. am not inventing it k the unfortunate guy who wrote the book was called Zecharia Sitchin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin google for Nancy Lieder. thats the ladys name. she has a blog
  15. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: ... this is about a small shift in the orbits as a result of this brown dwarf being near by and passing us every 3639 years. you probably referring to Nibiru. was some guy studied Mayan artifacts and stuff and came up with the idea that the Mayans knew about a large planet/dwarf way out past Pluto somewhere that swings into close Sun orbit every 3639 years or something like that. he wrote a book about it at the time. same like that chariots of the gods guy did way back then + then some lady jumped on the idea that when this thing comes zooming in it killed all the dinosaurs and the mayans and cause the bible flood and shift the poles and pretty much everything else. she said was gunna happen in 2003. didnt happen so now is 2012. maybe 2021 after that. dunno she also said she got capped by aliens who stuck a thing in her head so they could chat to her and she could pass on their warnings to us. dont know how true that is tho about the aliens done it
  16. if use a RLV enabled viewer then can flip between #rlv folder outfits with a script. like fighter outfit in 1 folder and system clothes outfit with alpha mask in the cloaked folder kinda works ok best to use a system clothes avatar for cloaking and not total nekkid. bc on some old old viewers the alpha layer doesnt work. so on them if you like total nekkid then ooowah!
  17. http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news171.html is estimated that will be about 20,000 miles at closest point when it goes pass. nasa says is potentially hazardous only if it changes course somehow and slams into the planet + so far only people who say it will change course are them into: end of days and rapture scene
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: I am curious about the claim to track "grid location." I thought mapping was only possible if you granted that permission. I'm not saying that this HUD can't do it, but I would love to hear a scripter weigh in on this. can use a script to get online status. stalking starts with that. most people are creatures of habit. like they go the same places pretty much when they do login. like to their home parcel and to the same clubs/events/shops etc when if is an ex cant/wont let it go then they know all this about you. part of the harassment is same like they do in RL. say stuff like you cant escape me. I know everything about you. and say other bs like that at you. when they doing/saying this constant at you then can be quite hard sometimes to stop it affecting you like mentally and emotionally + just add another thing we can do ourselfs to be more safe about alts. can stop random txt and voice IMs coming at you from random accounts. in V3 Preferences \ Privacy \ Only friends and groups can call or IM me when enable/tick this option then you get an advice that some random alt/account has tried to contact you. you just dont get to read/hear whatever they said. if is someone you recognise then can IM them back and say Hi and see what is. so thats ok if you not sure then can just ignore and not respond. if you still keep getting constant advices off them and suspect is a ex/stalker/harrasser on a alt then can Block them. is pretty good that feature I think for dealing with them types
  19. Charolotte Caxton wrote: 16 wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: Child: they soooo do look like that in SL jejejejejjeejeje (: That is a real life photo of a child. I had my camera set to 'crayon'. jejejejejejejejejjee (: is way funny that lol (: jejejejjejejejejejjeejeeje (:
  20. in the Appearance dialog go to the Wearing tab. take off everything except hair and tattoos/makeup that is part of your natural state/look. (in my case i usual as well leave on my default AO and other HUD/attachments that i always wear in every state) then Save As (button at bottom of Appearance dialog) and make a name for your natural state look that will show in My Outfits list after that can always strip down to that by: Appearance \ My Outfits \ [pick natural state name] \ right click and Wear - Replace Current Outfit once you got your natural look then can put on your clothes/shoes/etc and then Save As for each dif outfit/look. is quite cool My Outfits bc can mix n match stuff from dif shops. and super easy/fast change as well + edit: if you delete a item from Appearance dialog then it only deletes the links to the Inventory item. can have many links to the same Inventory items in dif My Outfits folders. can only delete actual Inventory items using the Inventory dialog. also when you do then they go to Trash folder. if you mistake delete then can Restore from Trash. only total lose stuff if you Delete and Empty Trash in Inventory dialog
  21. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Child: they soooo do look like that in SL jejejejejjeejeje (:
  22. K0NN0R wrote: P.S. - I heard as I'm a vampire I can lose blood? If that's true how do i stop it? see if you can get a werewolf and a ghost to be your flatmates. seems to work that. i seen it on TV q; (: but nah! jejejejejjee (: other people gave you some good advice about how to get some free starter stuff. so best go with them altho.... . .. . . . .. . .. can not worry about lose all your blood. could be kinda cool to play at being a shadow of the self you wont become (:
  23. Deb Palmer wrote: We have that same issue of positive or nothing being shepherded by some at LL as well when it comes to product reviews. I recently purchased an item that was really bad. I left a professional though negative review and was contacted inworld by the seller who told me that she has friends at LL who will remove a negative review. They did so. Internet commerce or not, a consumer has a right to have their voice, positive or negative heard. Any other use of a "feedback system" leads to misrepresentation and fraud. hmm! check to see if the vendor actual deleted the listing with your review on it and then relisted the item. some vendors do that way. they not supposed to do that tho i dont think the bit about the vendor telling you "i haz a linden friend who will jeopardise their employment at the lab at my request" is kinda wut wut ??? i think that person you buy of is full of it really
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