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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: 16 wrote: if object is mod then can open Contents and delete any scripts you dont want/need if object is no-mod then can remove by using Copy to Inventory. need to be sure you know exactly what you doing this way. bc you cant put them back if you get it wrong That does not work if the scripts in the object content are COPY. You just get a copy of the script in inventory. i forgot about that one. sry
  2. Qie Niangao wrote: We really, really need to be able to revoke experience permissions, and review which experiences have which permissions on us. There are lots of details hiding behind that magical "secret token" I invoked above. It's a fun design problem am agree about being able to revoke permissions. would just argue that if can revoke permissions then cant execute them yourself. like if you can revoke permissions to stop someone else shooting you with a portal gun then your portal gun shouldnt be able to work either is why i thought some kinda group tag would be the easy way to enable/disable things. if not wear the group level tag then can wander round OOC all day and nothing will happen to you on the arena and you cant do anything to others either. no matter how many scripts you loaded up with + have no idea what linden is doing really. i never get invited to any sekrit meetings ever unless the secret token is done soemhow like a temp session key then cant see how is going to stay secret for very long
  3. Jesica Dragovar wrote: O.M.G. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! thats horrrrriiiibbbleee !!! i wants my eyes back please
  4. ok cool you on it. yes lol make a copy of whole thing first before you start if you forget and break it then no bawwing afterwards k jejejejjeejjejee (:
  5. am pretty sure you can change your plan anytime upto the expiry date. can do on your dashboard. if you got a year plan and change to monthly plan then when the year plan runs out then you get billed only for monthly after that is when you do nothing and the current plan date expires then is problems
  6. when linden fix the request permission for the normal style permissions system then we will get some of the things like autoteleport. wont be able to auto-teleport anyone tho without them agreeing by click the dialog. same like how animate requests work + the full on experience permissions like in the video we not going to get except under some yet unknown controlled system. dont think linden even knows how they going to do that yet. except by sandbox the sims like how they done on Realms i am vote for a group permissions system. but might be to expensive to do. like have to make a whole new groups system to do i think. is maybe possible bc the normal groups system is kinda broken anyways bc of the load it now under
  7. if object is mod then can open Contents and delete any scripts you dont want/need if object is no-mod then can remove by using Copy to Inventory. need to be sure you know exactly what you doing this way. bc you cant put them back if you get it wrong
  8. GothGirl Demonia wrote: LOL I am looking for the so called naughty one technically, and will be searching google until I find it to late http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Emergency-Deploy-Starting-Now/td-p/1559621 + but anyways. here is how they work properly when we get them one day someday
  9. agree would also like a button for the list of names. so is closed by default. click the button to open and see the names
  10. Senobia Xenga wrote: Why do these threads crop up every so often from disgruntled members? bc thats what you should do when you disgruntled. if pay for a service and not get then say so. is better than not say anything and just leave like not learn anything otherwise: provider: why you leave? customer: am not saying provider: is there something we could do better? customer: am not saying provider: where will you go now? customer: am going to kill myself provider: why? customer: am not saying
  11. Deltango Vale wrote: Echo...echo......echo.......... Anybody here? Earth calling Linden Lab. i hink the jira on that one is still unassigned (:
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: I am still presently of the opinion that a land owner should have the option on this function to turn it off or on. if was me i would make assumed-permissions a group enabled experience if the script belong/assigned to the group and the player is wearing the group tag then the assumed permissions can apply. if not then they cant that way is not parcel or land based. group owners can also then add/remove parcels to the group. where that can be tested for so is a check server side if isSameGroup then can assume permission when avatar is detected anywhere on the grid if isSamegroup and isOverGroupLand then can assume and do/allow group land stuff + could also then make groups scriptable levels as well. that be quite good bc can then ask if avatar is in a level. like: if isSameGroup and isGroupLevel("killonsight") then power up armor if isSameGroup and isGroupLevel("goldcustomer") then give them some gold stuff if isSameGroup and isGroupLevel("clubvip") then teleport to vip room stuff like that
  13. is something else these functions supposed to use the normal permissions system. linden stuffed it up
  14. just comment on this and what you said later on below the purpose of them is is to be able to make teleporters and portals like on the Realms "experience permissions" dont have any permissions request like we normal understand them. like you not asked on a dialog to grant or deny. an experience script can assume that you have granted permission just bc it can detect your presence so in one sense they more properly called a assumed-permission experience i think assumed-permission experiences are a problem except on a dedicated sim or group of sims set up specifically for this. like on linden realms. when you leave the realms sims then the assumed-permissions are revoked when done as documented they actual quite cool how they work when implemented the proper way + outside of a dedicated sim/sims group tho is quite problematic how to grant/revoke assumed-permssions what linden did was graft these realms-style functions onto the existing permissions system, so we can get the normal accept/deny dialog. so thats ok when they done the graft linden not implement it properly. was a case of WOMDCAC. works on my dev computer and channel so what happened was some people made scripts that grab avatar uuids. a assumed-permission is then granted on other channels to the script and woosh!!! you have to mod/write extra stuff to make a nawti one to do that way. like actual grab the uuids and then invoke the woosh + seems like linden has fixed now so will be ok altho is a deeper problem i think. stuff not being tested properly. hopefully this will be a wake up for linden and they will be more careful to actual test stuff better in future
  15. is this story the same as the other story that goes: buy my stuff ???
  16. npv = non physical vehicle it works the same way as sitting on a box. just uses script/menu so you can use/move easy. also the animation/sit offset can put your avatar at some distance away from the box. so when someone else puts a follower on you then it goes to the box and not to where you avatar is standing/sitting
  17. oh! ok was thought you maybe wanted the nawti one. sry Marianne provide the link above to the proper one: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgentGlobalCoords is an example script on there that show you how to use. is pretty good to make stargates and portals and stuff like that
  18. what Innula said you dont want to go down the other way. i dont recommend armoring up either. as if you not have much experience of greifing then sometimes defence can easy turn into offence when you got the weps/capabilities. give a person a gun and all that most greifing is done by people who not care if the account they doing it on gets banned. is part of their game. like draw you into some drama and you get banned as well. is not good for you if you are invested in your account and they are not so just sit the box and AR. block and derender
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: "To run this function the script must request the PERMISSION_TELEPORT permission with llRequestPermissions and it must be granted by agent." (my bolding) yes. this is how it supposed to work. and it does if write/use it the way is documented
  20. Rhys Goode wrote: "There is no such thing as privacy in SL" .... Used to be true, but not anymore. I own land on the mainland, Moderate sim. For most of the last year, there are much enhnaced access settings, although you may need a V2 or V3 viewer to see the controls. I can set up my land so that no one outside of my parcel can see any avatars, or "hear" any chat, or hear any voice. Even if they are right next door. One more step, I can limit access to my land to those avatars on a specific list that I control. This is a pretty good approximation of privacy. They can see that someone is there on the mini-map,and they can look at the furniture, but they cant see or hear me or my guests. I am not quite certain, but I think that "owning" a Linden home gives you just the same controls for access. yes. the parcel controls are the same for linden homes parcels they quite good i think if they could also be added to, so that can make an enclosure box on the Z then be perfect. like 0-100, 1000-100, 3900-4000, etc. even if is just one per parcel if they made so that everything in an enclosure box above say 2000m could be made hideable then would be even more perfect
  21. ^^that altho if you new then will take a while to level up to that rate of earnings can expect about 20L an hour until you can discover where is all the blue and green crystals and map them
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