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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Penny Patton wrote: I haven't used Firestorm in a while, but I love the Viewer 3 UI. It pretty much offers you the ability to set the UI up how you like. I hate the defaults, but I can swap things around and get a setupo that works almost perfect for me. I am actually sad they got rid of the sidebar completely. I'd have rathered they give us the option to "dock" items to the sidebar as we saw fit. The sidebar itself was never a bad idea, it was actually a really good idea. The problem was what LL chose to shoehorn into the sidebar. Some things, like inventory, just don't work as sidebar items, primarily because of how LL set up those windows. Also people with older, pre-widescreen monitors naturally had issues with it. Still, getting rid of it entirely is a prime example of tossing the baby out with the bathwater. can agree with the sentiment of this + bc i have a 1366 x 768 screen i miss not being able to dock stuff on the side. would be good if one day we got left and right docking as a option. pinning would be even better i think
  2. LeeHere Absent wrote: My apologies. I've just seen your profile and your note that you are a man, and therefore, presumably the father. I am still intensely curious about the experiences of the mother. Please tell us more. maybe is not any mum. maybe their dad birthed them himself. can happen that. i seen that already in SL before. dudes getting themselfs pregnant and having their own babies
  3. BrainyBabe wrote: Hmm, well i saw someone in an infohub who's display name was not visible (but everyone else's was). I have my settings where i can see the avatar name labels. We recently had a falling out - so just wondered if that was an indication I was muted. tks can get draw lag sometimes and some of the nametags not get painted on your screen. can happen quite a lot when is heaps avatars in your view if turn away your view and then wait a minute then turn back then usual fixes the draw glitch
  4. Sevrer wrote: Not only this, I do believe certain music is just simply not age appropriate in this game. Some are very offensive and contain the most heinous words! Second life should use the copyright technology and scan for these borderline offensive "hipster" songs and limit them to adult sims. Just my belief. personally i think should like ban country and western music. like is really damaging for young ppl to hear all about drunky whisky makes you down and sadface and how ur old lady not understand and beats you with a frying pan and cruel stuff like that is terrible the effects that can have on young men. and girls as well. like they can so get a man and keep him on the good path just by smash him with a frying pan + and 80s music. and 70s even worse. is hoorrible what that music can do to young people. like if they hear to much of it then it makes their brains funny. is true. like they end up wants to stay home with their rents and not go out with their mates is just about the worst thing ever a teenager can do to their 70s-80s mum or dad on a Friday or Saturday night. like stay home and not go out. when all the olds just wants them to goooooo away out. bc the olds got a hot date on SL or just wants to party up at home by themselfs doing it on the couch to the beegees and elo ... /shudders so yeah. dont ever play 70-80 music ever where ur own kids can hear. if have to have to then only ever play it like at christmas really loud. so can annoy the grands. and on your own birthday. so everyone can know is not about them
  5. AruKuusouka wrote: ehm.. if u guys didn't knew, these projects failed, wealready won the battle against these extremists capitalists of the north ^^ Megaupload is coming back along with few others~ dunno if you keep up with the news over on torrentfreak if you do then probably know that in the last few weeks Paypal have cut off processing payments for Putlocker, ExtaBit, TurboBit, UptoBox, Cloudnator, RYUShare, BulletUpload, BackUpload, RGHost, NitroBits, FireGet, FileMates and quite a few others seems like + i think the days of massive open to public cyberlockers that allow anyone to upload and share anything they like without any checks by the hosting company are pretty much coming to an end mostly bc i cant see anyone much wanting to host anymore if cant get paid for doing it
  6. can get the Preview release ISO here for free and make a install DVD/CD or USB drive and see how it works if you like http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/download/ + if you can make a partition and boot off it then best to install that way. bc if you upgrade/overwrite your existing OS, like on your C:, then cant undo/restore it i quite like the Preview bc is free and can try before you buy. if wait until is official release then maybe will be no free preview anymore and will have to buy to try. if is no good for you then be waste of money that way
  7. Charolotte Caxton wrote: 16 wrote: Linden Lab wrote: Hello hello O.M.G !!! a linden in GD /me faints jejejjejeje (: That's not a Linden, that's a Lab. wonder if it goes woof at passing cars jejejeje (:
  8. mgjackson wrote: I understand ok, just the observation is its not that intuitive. If some of these things were hidden away then perhaps it would make the sim more accessable. you actual right about the viewer not being intuitive. SL a complex world and so making a complex viewer kinda comes with that. TPV makers tend to add more stuff on top making their mods even more complex SL did try to make a first look viewer a while ago now. quite a few of the vocal complex people who never used it anyways then complain that linden shouldnt be waste their time on it. so linden kinda buy into that line as well and stop dev it the plan now is to make a FUI that is total customisable. so user can set up the FUI how they want it. when is all done one day some day then will be about what is the default settings of the FUI for first time users
  9. looks like WIndows 8 is going to be about $US39. so that maybe an alternative costwise + windows 8 t have the metro tile thingy on the front but if when you click the Desktop tile then is same as Windows 7. seems toi be ok so far that part if you got a trad PC with no touch screen/pad capability and you used to multitasking (like lots of program/windows open at same time) then the metro not much good really. it force a single tasking view on you. can have multi apps open just cant see them all on same screen at same time like in normal Windows. if you just wants quick in and out to email and messaging and news/info then is ok the metro tiles way all the normal windows programs for email and msn and web browser and office and programs run ok on the Desktop tile so is good. can run all other browsers as well on it SL seems to run ok on the Desktop tile. is not any better or worse than on WIndows 7 seems like so far for me anyways edit: had to get the new Win8 drivers off NVidia and IDT to make it go. IDT came in the WIndows Update. NVidia i get off the NVidia website
  10. Irene Muni wrote: When I see how LL is managed , sometimes I suspect that there is only a Linden, the one and only Linden. He/She uses a lot of accounts and badges to mislead. But I'm not sure of my theory .D can confirm that you absolute exactly right + on the only 3 times i ever met a linden inworld to complain at they all said exactly the same thing each time i cant help you. pls talk to support k then i said:but i wants talk to u then they said: can open my profile??? i said: k and they said: wat u can see??? and i said: ur name and ur pic and they said: wat else ??? and i said: umm! is a hand thingy and they said: u seen terminator movie ??? and i say: bleep bleep bleeep and they say: no! uuuuuuu !!! + was exact same conversation with all of them. so i knows they all alts of same person jejejejjejejeje (:
  11. Jennifer Boyle wrote: In fact, my understanding is that the normal course, if the case was taken to a legal conclusion, would be for the DMCA notification to be filed, the content taken down, a counter-notification to be filed, the content to be put back up, the original filer to file suit, the content to remain up (unless taken down voluntarily) until a court made a decision or the parties reached a settlement that included taking it down. Is your understanding different? in lindens case yes is quite a bit different in how they do it. pretty much opposite to what you said heres the sad story that the OP (and heaps of other SL creators) are kinda worried about on here http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php linden say: "Linden Lab will respond to allegations of copyright violations in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA provides a process for a copyright owner to give notification to an online service provider concerning alleged copyright infringement. When a valid DMCA notification is received, the service provider responds under this process by taking down the offending content. On taking down content under the DMCA, we will take reasonable steps to contact the owner of the removed content so that a counter-notification may be filed. On receiving a valid counter-notification, we generally restore the content in question, unless we receive notice from the notification provider that a legal action has been filed seeking a court order to restrain the alleged infringer from engaging in the infringing activity." the thing that worries a lot of people is the last sentence in bold + basically what it means is that if i not give a chit then i can file a DMCA claim against you. even if is your stuff. then you counter-claim. then i notify linden that i have file an action in some court anywhere not in USA is no court hearing yet. i just filed for there to be one one day some day when the whatever Court gets round to maybe granting me a hearing or not your option 1) is then to file with the same Court somewhere whereever somehow that you intend to challenge my claim to your stuff what will linden do when you advise them that you have a filed your intent to challenge is what exactly ? the big fat wat wut??? is that my notification of a filing has no substance in fact. there is no actual restraining order been granted by any court anywhere. only a notification that i am seeking one against you so that linden will according to their own policy keep your stuff off the grid until ordered to restore it by an actual Court order so whats your other option 2) ??? seek a restorative order in the Federal District Court, San Francisco, California citing linden as the defendant you will still have to get a Judge to hear you tho. whenever that might be. is also a chance that linden legal will want to contest it maybe. if only bc of the ramifications for them if they do not linden legal really need to think about all this more. bc their current policy is predicated on the idea that the content actual does belong to the person who files the first DMCA notification can see why they thought that i mean like you would have to be crazy to claim for stuff that was actual made by someone else yes ??? crazy enough to not give a chit. like a greifer or something or more dangerous for everyone ........ crazy delusional enough to think that i somehow magically made it out of moonbeams and you stole my stuff out of my head + edit ps the ramifications for linden is its own policy statement. the bolded bit. linden would have to change that if the sad story unfolding is to change
  12. i broke my laptop. well the hardrive broke so i have to wait til Monday before i can put in the shop to get fixed only interwebz i got now is a ancient toshiba tecra 8000 that my friend give me. like he find it in a dumpster or somewheres + I AM OUTRAGE !!! bc linden not have any viewer that i can log in to SL on it wat a STINK outfit !!! jejejejejeje (:
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: what would an isp gain from going along with something like that? is the question that should be asked.. this the actual main question i think why would they? if look at the business model for ISP (same like trad phone companies) is based on traffic volume. more volume then more revenue more profit for them whats happening tho specially with smartphones is that ISP/phone company working out that is more money like profits to be made out of content+traffic than just traffic alone same like how the cable TV model works. can get premium payments on some kinds of content. pay per view + the content owners, well the big ones anyways, that own the mass market content or control the rights to big events arent interested in working with ISP/phone/carriers who wont work with them to ensure that the content can stay premium price in this case they quite adverse to providing content over a carrier when that carrier is simultaneously allowing their service to carry rips of that same content. it doesnt make any business sense to the content owner to do this so they trying to align/make deals with ISP/carriers who will make an effort to donk rips off their service is a cost/profit tradeoff for the ISP who do this. is not a moral decision for them either way. is financial decision + has been tried on trad internet before partially this with mixed success/fail but back in the day when open view network TV built on the advertising revenue model ruled. nobody thought that subs/ppv cable/sat TV would ever succeed. like why would TV consumers ever buy/pay for TV when can get for free just by watch network TV was lots of mixed success/fail for cable/sat TV as well back in the startup days but they keep at it and now they winning, making heaps money at it. so now network TV based on advertising revenue model is the dinosaur of TV. is still profitable for some network TV companies but is not a growth segment anymore + bc of the extra revenues that subs/ppv model generates then internet providers can pay content owners more for content and are happy to when is good margins in it for them when they onsell to their customers the financial question for ISP is: does the revenue in these margins exceed the cost of donking rippers off our service? when it does then we will start seeing their head honchos via PR dept making pious statements about declaring war on theft in glossy terms + the interwebz is starting to realign along these lines. by interwebz i mean all forms of content and engagement conveyed digitally. can see this happening already with what MS and Apple are doing with their platforms and app stores. can also see all kinds of legit providers like netflix etc joining in. they all working out is more money longterm for themselves in legit content when we say content owner we normally think of the person who made/owns the rights to it. we not really think much about the ownership of the revenue that can be derived from it when we do then can see that a cable/sat/net provider owns/is vested in a substantial part of the revenue generated that the game changer thought i think
  14. any appeal process is fundamentally a legal process a ToS for example is a legal process. is a contract between two parties and is legally enforceable under whatever legislation enforces contracts. is pretty much how the USA works at the moment and lots of other countries as well + in the NZ legislation way earlier that i linked to, their legal process for interwebz is ToS and then the Tribunal. in NZ they quite big on tribunals for all kinds of things. the Tribunals are courts. they kinda work like Judge Judy without the showboat like in the Small Claims Tribunal is just the 2 parties and the judge. no lawyers allowed. each party state its case as they understand it and the judge then asks each party what they think they can live with in terms of a settlement to the dispute the Judge then asks each party if the proposed settlements are acceptable to the other. if so then case over. if not then the Judge will ask them to reconsider and try to make a settlement. if the parties cant do that then the Judge will make a ruling and thats it. case over seems the Interwebz Tribunal works the same way but i not find any publicly reported cases for that yet + NZ go with tribunals bc of the cost of fullon Court actions seems like. the Tribunals work really fast. like the Tribunal Judges dont mess round. most cases are over in a single session the point is to make a settlement. the assumption being that the parties are grown ups and that is what they want. to settle the dispute fairly and then move on with their lives
  15. Charolotte Caxton wrote: They should make a linden.resident jejejejej (: + like who ur daddy? ejejejjeje (:
  16. i thought was 2 times. after he said he had to run and bbl then is quite a few Thanks after that. so i assume he did went away and came back to do that. then like you say is other Thanks later on next day (his) is good that some stuff you raised has been sorted \o/
  17. is good that you are concerned enough for your sons online safety that you bothered to ask some questions before allowing him into SL there is no automated chat filtering system in SL like is found in many all ages online worlds SL is not an all ages world as generally understood. is primarily a world for adults. 18+. with provisions for restricted access allowing 13-15 and 16-17 ages (read the links that others have provided to know what they are) the onus for their safety is on the child and on their parents. or on their teachers in the case of 13-15 when the child has a highschool administered account (which is what generally meant by a sponsoring org) if you are not convinced that SL is entirely safe for your son then tell him No. if he wants to join bc he wants to build and stuff like that then suggest to him Minecraft and Cloud Party
  18. Freya Mokusei wrote: - Is there an appeal process, where people can safely claim that they didn't do it, and have their objections listened to? where there is specific interwebz legislation in countries that do have this then yes where there isnt then the ISP is bound by their Terms of Service. if they choose to put in an appeals process then they must follow it to the letter under general provisions of common law/principles or existing consumer laws if any where is no legislation then property owner (ISP/IPAP/shop/business/etc) is free to solely determine whether or not they will include an appeal process in their ToS. potential customer can accept or reject the service on signup as they like
  19. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but I've gone shopping, spending hundreds of dollars at Wal-Mart, only to be stopped at the door on the way out to be told to show my receipt, simply because I had a big bag of dog food that couldn't be fit into a bag. ... where i live they are allowed to that. they also allowed to ask you to open your bag so they can inspect the contents. if you refuse to open your bag then they can detain you under citizens arrest powers until the police come to address the civil liberties aspect of this the shop must post a big sign at the entrance to say that they reserve the right to do this. if you dont accept then dont come in the shop
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: In my reply to Rod, who sadly has failed to do what he said he was going to do, that is come back and let us know that he has read through more of our comments, ... to be fair he has been back over there 2 times since he said that he would. can know for sure which ones he has read bc he click the Thanks button can understand why he never responds here. was Qie i think who said why. anything rodvik might say on a official linden site is kinda official. or is kinda read that way or hoped by us that it might be like he got some pain already for when he done that on his linden account wall about lastnames. so dont think would be good idea for him to do that kinda thing again + maybe one day we will get a comments Thanks or Like or Something buttons on here one day. be quite good i think. people like rodvik and other lindens can then just click without making any comment. just so we can know that they read it
  21. Linden Lab wrote: Hello hello O.M.G !!! a linden in GD /me faints jejejjejeje (:
  22. Freya Mokusei wrote: 16 wrote: only time that ISP actual bothers to look at you close is if you frequently attempt to connect to ip addresses that they know deal in, or act as a conduit for illegal stuff. like addresses on their chit/watch list sure can use proxies or ToR or whatevs. can disguise the content anyway you want as well. cant disguise the destination tho. so that the policing/blocking vector. is how it works where I live. from a technical pov is quite simple how is done The destination is easily disguised, all you need is another step (router/WiFi/tunnel/VPN etc) in front of it. thats where the upstream routing companies come into it. in countries where this kinda legislation is already in place the legislation refers to IPAP. IPAP meaning internet protocol address provider. cant hide from those guys no matter how clever is your tunnel. not unless you build your own physical darknet if look at the voluntary USA org that the OP is referring to then can see that they wants to get IPAPs involved as well as ISPs. is massive debate about that for sure. just on principle alone
  23. Freya Mokusei wrote: 16 wrote: these systems dont work like this where there are systems in place already they work on connections. the ISPs and router companies maintain chitlists of ip addresses. they block them you get in trouble when you try to circumvent the blocking Unsure what this means. I admit I'm not familiar with US ISPs; my perspective is the networking layer. Packet inspection would still be required to determine source/destination IP addresses. Circumventing the block would be relatively easy if it was only IP-based packets need a destination ip address. is in the header. they get blocked/fail to be delivered when the ISP/carrier is unable (or chooses not) to resolve the destination is actual how is done. like the ip addresses sites/servers that deal in illegal content gets blocked. not the content itself is virtual impossible to open every packet and somehow deep inspect it against a massive db of illegal stuff. is also a waste of time bc a rip movie is identical to a legit copy of the same movie. so is a waste of time to do that way and ISPs not bother with that way at all only time that ISP actual bothers to look at you close is if you frequently attempt to connect to ip addresses that they know deal in, or act as a conduit for illegal stuff. like addresses on their chit/watch list sure can use proxies or ToR or whatevs. can disguise the content anyway you want as well. cant disguise the destination tho. so that the policing/blocking vector. is how it works where I live. from a technical pov is quite simple how is done
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