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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. if anyone wants. here is a graduated response regime encoded in legislation http://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2011/0011/latest/DLM2764327.html?search=ts_act%40bill%40regulation%40deemedreg_copyright_resel_25_h&p=1 this 3-step graduated regime has been in force since 2008 whats telling is that since 2008 has been only one publicly reported case of someone using up their 3 warnings. the person outed themselfs and had a bit of a moan at the time. nobody cared is no publicly available figures for any others that i know about. the ISPs arent saying. the rippers arent either ++++ more interesting tho is that this amendment introduced two new legal concepts not included in the previous Act “rights owner means— (a) a copyright owner; or (b) a person acting as agent for 1 or more copyright owners" the Act establish Rights as an ownership property in itself. like any other property for the purpose of this law + a Rights Owner can appoint an Agent who can act on their behalf with all the legal remedies available to the Agent that are available to the Rights Owner is quite interesting this development if you look at it from a LBDM (little black dress maker) pov LBDM can appoint an Agent to chase infringers who rip off their stuff across the interwebz. the Agent can do this and if they can prove the infringement then they can seek legal remedies on your behalf + under the previous Act (USA DMCA is the same) only the Copyright Owner could take the action. is basically impossible for a LDDM working from their kitchen table to police the whole interwebz alone also when they do manage to catch someone then they have to reveal their own real life details to the infringer at the time of notification the amendment means that the notification action can now be made in the name of the Agent. the Copyright Owner name/details dont have to be revealed until there is an actual court hearing. if that ever happens. most times it doesnt. not when we talking about actual forreals rippers the ISP/IPAP dont have to accept that an Agent has the Rights just on the Agents own assertion. is a important point that. if an ISP refuses to accept the assertion then the Agent have to show proof that they are who they claim to be it may be as a consequence that the Copyright Owner(s) reveal themselfs but only to the ISP/IPAP. not to the alleged infringer. as the Agent details get passed to the infringer bc the Agent is the lawful Rights Owner for the purposes of this law has been carefully thought out this part i think + i dunno exactly who worked on this amendment.i kinda suspect tho that whoever did is a LBDM in sl. or they know someone who is + when i mention law in these kinds of debates. this is what i mean do you need a law/regulation? yes or no if no then ok if yes then how? like "how do you make it?" is the question needing to be answer. whether you need it or not has been answered already. the answer becomes No when the answer to how? is: dont know + if you got a law already then how can you make it better? answer: amend it so maybe it is as easy as that for the USA as well like amend the DMCA and provide for Agents in the same way + wonder how linden/utube/whoevs would react to the LBDMAlliance Agent knocking on their door probably have 14 kittens 8 puppies and a long nap afterwards (:
  2. Nathan Zetkin wrote: ... if you do not like getting your account censored or reduced or cut - off, hopefully you will have an alternative that doesn't spy on you. some one should make a law about that. oh! wait. we dont want no laws govern the interwebz. is evol that. is way better if the market rules to bad for them in the countryside where is only one ISP. nevermind. they can move to the city where they can get another ISP on the market there
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I just hope that the assumption made in the last article listed in the OP is correct and my ISP really has declined to participate in this ridiculousness. If this is the case, I see them being in a really good position to garner a great deal of the market very shortly. ...Dres you would think so wouldnt you. about it being ridiculous and that ISPs wont join and so on. and that if they dont then they going to get lots of customers of the ISPs who do join + it dont end up like that tho. ISPs do end up joining these kinds of regimes. none of them want to now. but some of them have. some is enough to get it rolling what will happen is that all of them will have joined within 2 years from now they end up joining bc of the pressure put on them. no company wants to be singled out as a theif company. which is what they will be called. the theif ISP as a ISP then is no biggie when when all your competition is allowing/doing it as well + way back another time we was chat on here about interwebz filter. i mention about New Zealand where a group setup a child pornography interweb filter. none of the ISPs wanted to join at the start. freedom of expression. net neutrality and all that 2 years later they had all joined. except for one. that company is losing now customers in truckloads. none of their account holders wants to be associated with the bad ISP that supports child porn can see what happen there. the public perception moved from being a champion of internet freedom to being a child pornographer + same will happen with customers of 'theif' ISPs. they will move away from ISPs when the publics perception moves from being a internet champion to being a theif from an dispassionate pov then is quite interesting how human society does this kinda thing to itself
  4. i can understand your greater point about the intrusion of the government into the citizens way of life. and the lengths that vested interests go to distort the role of government to advantage themselfs + the deeper problem i have with 'voluntary' efforts like CCI is that they are a law unto themselfs. they self-appointed. and they control the interwebz by virtue of owning the gateways. and the pipes the interwebz is a critical component of modern society + things like CCI are set up mostly by otherwise good people who believe that something must be done about whatever is the bee in their bonnet. they have this kinda almost naive belief in their own goodness if we are going to have police then i rather that they be regulated. laws/regulations that spell out the extent of their powers and the obligations that they have toward us as citizens regulations is not a popular option for interwebz users up till now. sopa showed that. mostly bc people focus on themselfs. all they think about is how does it affect me personally. the dont really think about how regulation places safeguards/obligations on the providers as well. safeguards/obligations that the providers must observe in the relationship they have with their customers + i just say again what i said in the previous debate about all this if we dont want/get a regulated regime then we end up with an unregulated regime. we never not get a regime. we always get a regime. the question is which is better? regulated or unregulated if unregulated then we get CCI is this better? should we just leave it up to our ISPs to decide how the interwebz is going to work for us into the future + the OP has had an O.M.G !!! moment about this when realise the implications of CCI. the true extent of unregulated power in the hands of self-appointed people answerable only to themselfs. who do what the do in the name of what they believe to be good for us is quite a few other people are going to go O.M.G !!! about this as well i think but i dont really think is going to matter much. more people are going accept that an unregulated regime is better. bc of the property law so i am going to be in a minority again i think
  5. so how do you propose to stop these companies from doing this? i know !!! we could make some laws but last time we had a debate about that. SOPA/PIPA/OPEN yada. i suggest at that time that maybe we should have the debate. like what kind of laws should we have. and if so what is the best process to accomplish that but i get shout down by the interwebz wants to be free !!! we not need no lawz + their is a actual law that governs the interwebz. is the property law. property owner can do whatever they want with their stuff as long as they dont commit a crime. crime meaning not illegal by law blocking/cancelling anyones connection, channel or site account for no reason at all is not a crime + the interwebz is not free, free as in freedom. is owned by them that owns the gateways and pipes. until there is some law that says otherwise then they can do whatever they want with it. including blocking anyone at anytime for no reason at all
  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Oh... oops... drats... :matte-motes-nerdy: jejejejeeje (: 16,000 (or about) people a day cant all be true negatives and false positives can they?
  7. is a really interesting paper about this by Cormac Herley http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/167719/WhyFromNigeria.pdf + basically the paper says is about identitying and discarding false positives the objective is to get the absolute most guillible people to self identity. reducing the number of false positives and increasing the hit rate on true positives. so reducing the scammers costs. as the biggest cost for them is not the emails. is the follow up + so the scammers imply in their email stuff like: "i am a nigerian oil prince with a secret stash. as a intelligent person you are well aware there is a 99.9999% chance of me being a scammer who is going to loot you. this the reputation that has been inflicted on my country by others. but there is a .0001% chance that i am not a scammer and i can make you rich" is quite clever how that works. the paper helps to explain why + is also lots of math/modelling in the paper as well. ROC curves and stuff like that
  8. Gadget Portal wrote: 2/3 of the electricity I use, I generate myself, between solar, wind, and water devices. If the world lost power tomorrow, my lights would still be on, and I'd keep playing Xbox games, undisturbed. probably not. about the undisturbed part the generating capacity will be taken off you i think and redirect to emergency services like hospitals. you probably be moved out of your house as well under whatever the new emergency laws that will be made
  9. http://www.edxonline.org/faqs.html will be quite interesting to see how this goes i think you can do for free. if pass then you get a cert. the cert is going to cost some little money seems like. not the course itself. so if you fail, or pass and dont much care about getting the cert paper, then costs nothing + is not a actual harvard or mit degree or anything like that tho but still it will be quite interesting to see how employers view edx certs + am going to have a go at one or two of these when it starts. just to see really what it is about and how will it work
  10. Dillon Levenque wrote: Thank you for responding in a style worthy of Kattatonia's. I was tickled to see this thread necro'd :smileyvery-happy: Dear Dillon thank you for your kind words of support. is people like you that makes the world worth getting up for in the morning as a token of my appreciation and without any obligation or further effort on your part, i have automagically added you to our exclusive awesome catalog listing. a catalog that is only available to really fabulous and way cool people. a vibrant and wonderful community of over 63 million zillion now i look forward to a long and ever so rewarding relationship with you way into your future. how cool is that !!! yours eversoooo sincerely Luncheon Ford Innah (:
  11. Morgaine Christensen wrote: ... I have thousands of costly items in inventory already I have purchased over the years. If it became obsolete, I would not replace it nor spend money to upgrade. I have spent too much in SL as it is. ... ... I have a plethora of animations and other items geared to current AV usage. ... ... If they are going to do a new AV, then they best make sure that residents can chose to use the new or keep the old. I like my shape, took me years to get it the way I want...it is part of me and my personality....don't go messing with who I am! all of these^^ if linden do make a AV2 then will def be a toggle. will be nutso if they dont. if there was one single thing that would kill SL stone dead, it would be breaking/obsoleting pretty much 99.999% of every wearables just to make a new shiny + i like mesh. well some skirts and some tops. i like mesh skirts. mostly bc i have a wiggly AO. the mesh skirts ride better. even better when i sit down i think mesh clothes is a supplement at this time. like i am keeping my flexi hair. my fav boots are sculpts as well. if one day i can get some hair or boots similar in mesh then ok i will get. but for now i not find any that i like as much. not enough to be my favs anyways
  12. dear <insertname>Sandralee i regret that you have been inconvenienced by your misunderstanding of our store policy. no one else has ever. like evah ever if there is anything else i cant can help you with then please do not hestitate to contact me again. no matter how trivial it may appear to me you yours faithfully <signhere> (:
  13. some more stuff + one of the interesting things i find about mesh clothes is that when i first got some samples that even went anywhere near fitting my avatar. i went omg! i put on like about 40,000 pounds. i look like a barrel lol. except for my chest. which was way over on the nextdoor sim somewhere lost in the fog. never did find out where my bum finished up. jejejjejee (: anyways !!! + when i thought about it for a bit i realise that my avatar with systems clothes on is way bigger than it maybe should be otherwise. i had made it wider, thicker more muscular just so that it looked more normalish size with its system clothes on am not a big avatar. like about 5.75 inch tall in bare feet on the SL 3 viewer height slider. just about everything is about 50. head, length torso, legs. so pretty normalish what i had done tho with the other sliders was make then biggish, like arms, hips, butt, body fat, torso muscles, legs, etc. just so i could fill out my clothes more + when i put the mesh on that size then omg! like i said so i think ok. i will try find the mesh standard size that will make me the same size, including the bulk of the mesh, so that altogether i will be about the same size as before. fully clothed i load up my alt who is exact same size and wear system clothes. so can compare + anyways what i found was that i am actual XXS-XS top and XS bottom. so then i trim down my avatar to fit inside and then tweak it so is nice proportions without losing any height now when i stand them side by side then they about the same size with their clothes on. and i not look like a barrel in the mesh. my mesh wearing avatar is way more delicate now. my system one looks more like the barrel now. is quite chubby by comparison so i end up lose about 40 pounds instead of gain it i was thinking i was a bit skinny tho. so i made shorter to about 5.25 inch tall. and ooo! proportionally is pretty much exactly the same as my system avatar. just shorter and less fat i dont like to be that short yet so i put back up for now and will maybe gradually sneak it down a bit a a time over some weeks. or not. as i dont get naked. not where anyone else can see anyways + this my conclusion (so far) i think that the same would apply to other size avatars. bigger or smaller than me mesh clothes seem bulky. but i kinda realise they arent. our avatars are bulky, chubby even, to compensate for the skintight system clothes we been wearing since the beginning. mesh clothes on these shapes makes us look even more bulky. and the deformer all by itself is not going to change that
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Irene Muni wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: If they replaced the basic avatar you couldn't use most of what you have for your current one. None of your clothes would fit the new one. Animations that were created for the current one would not work either as the avatar structure itself would change making it necessary to replace anything containing animations (furniture, dance machines, HUDs, weapons, food etc. etc.). None of the current rigged mesh would work for the same reasons animations wouldn't. This. Which is one of the reasons why none of us should have embraced or bought a single piece of mesh until the Lab had more of the kinks worked out. Now they are in a position to say sorry, too late, you'll all have to live with the problems now. dont know about not getting mesh clothes bc maybe one day things will/might change somehow/maybe clothes is about fashion for me. i have some mesh clothes now, which i wear pretty much all the time. i quite like how they move even as limited as it is. is so way better than sculpty i used to have quite a lot of sculpty before now tho. and prim before that as things change i just bin stuff that i never wear anymore. last season is so last season (: am same in reals as well tho. if i dont wear it anymore then i put in the charity bin by our school gate. is more about the wearing and not the having for me. i not see any point in having stuff i never use or no longer has any meaning for me is some old stuff that is timeless or nostalgic for me so i keep them. but most not + ps. am a slave to shiny tho and is no hope for me ever. am doomd i am (:
  15. ultrasoft wrote: Still, there's no place like home. cool (: am happy you found a home for yourself. so \o/
  16. at this stage i just be happy to get the qarl mesh deformer + if linden ever do make a avatar 2.0 then hope they will make fish and animal ones as well personally i would like a proper angel/demon wingy avatar form. like with wingy things that can come out your shoulders. so can have normal arms as well. and when you fly then can animate them and they can beat and flap and stuff like that. that be quite cool
  17. have seen a HUD that chat on channel 0 it has short greetings in. like Hi <avatar first name> it scans for avatars and then shows up their first name on a menu dialog button with the Hi or whatever text when you click then it says on channel 0 as if is you. the text colors is normal like when you say yourself + is only good for short greetings tho. 24 chars. 12 only if is unicode (i think?)
  18. maybe if so then people will choose what works for them if nvidia make a decision that leads to fail for them as a company then to bad for them. same like all the other companies, tech or whatever, that have made fail decisions in the past. is their choice to do that if linux+amd end up more popular than linux+nvidia then good. if it ends up more popular even than microsoft+nvidia then good as well
  19. Baloo Uriza wrote: No, it was no cost. Free would mean you'd get the source to the whole bit as well that the philosophical part. free for users does mean no cost to them. free for opensource devs means access to source code. free as in freedom for me freedom means as the dev/maker/builder of stuff then you free to do with it as you like. including making it accessible, or not, to other people
  20. i dont understand what you mean can get a gfx driver off nvidia for a linux computer.i did when i used to have a ubuntu. i just installed and it went good. was free as well
  21. Roxas Yuhara wrote: Mostly, I have to use a very low draw distance, which sucks. I'll be happy when I return to the states and get cable internet. Currently, my powerful system is just bottlenecked by a slow connection so it's uttlerly pointless for online games. welcome to the rest of the world (: where slow is normal have only ever had a adsl connection to the rest of the world. on a good day then ping to USA = 250-350. on a bad day then can easy spike 3000-6000 sux to be me (: but i just go with it. mostly bc i never known anything else
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