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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. nvidia like microsoft never been much interested in opensource. they just think that the proprietary closed source model works best for them is ok that they do. i think a mixed model is better altogether really. some opensource. some closed. people can then work/use however it best suits them. people/customers will decide what works best for them as well + is mostly a philosophical debate the open/closed one. is fine to debate that tho. but i find that i not personally reconcile my philosophical view with my practical view hardly ever. i just use whatever works and does it in the way i want. if not then i dont use it and get something else that does
  2. like you say linden use the main/agent method. divide and conquer. is a pretty good strategy this i think dont know anything much techy about how it all works. just observe and see what happens and wonder about it + like for example: (i only got a laptop with i3, nvidia 230 gfx and adsl. i just use the beta sl viewer as well. whatever version that is. i think would be the same with most any other 3.x TPV tho) if i stand on top the temple at OIP and mod my draw distance i can see all HIP, Pooley Stage and as far as Waterhead even. plus quite a few other regions as well. with all kinds of stuff happening on them takes ages to dl everything some days. but when it does then i can see pretty good. the effects of objects/scripts doing their stuff. even avatars moving and doing whatever. way away from me. the faraway actions can be a bit jumpy sometimes tho. but is ok most times cant see any avatars on Waterhead tho or even HIP2. can only see them on the Map. can only see avatars on HIP and Pooley next door when is only a few avatars on OIP then can pan easy and zoom my camera all over. even when HIP and Pooley have heaps of avatars on them where it turns to mud for me is when OIP itself gets loaded up with avatars this my experience. so i wonder about that and why it goes like it does. and if this is true then what else might be true + am more going whatif this or whatif that. my main whatif being: whatif the region size was reduced. and if so then how different would that be on a 3x3 small region/sim cluster than it is now on a 3x3 std size region cluster. LOD probably be the main difference i think
  3. lots of the deliberate viewer crashing at the moment is caused by: MAINT-771: Sculpty objects with a large surface area can crash video drivers. is an official fix coming for this in the latest beta viewer. hopefully we will get soon in the main release + ps. can help with crash fixes if you want. turn on Crash Report in your viewer. the devs then can get some hard data to look at when they trying to fix stuff
  4. Ziggy21 Slade wrote: 3. How come they are in a position to hurt the butts of other residents? same way when someone else organises a fair or hunt or event and picks and chooses who to invite or not. fairs/hunts/events of all kinds get pimped by linden in Destinations and on MOTD over and over the sims that hosting this display arent official anything. is a private party at any party the host gets to choose who is the clowns. the clowns dont never get to choose themselves
  5. could be the DJs upstream is playing up. and then depends on how their broadcaster service handles it same thing happens on voice sometimes. like when is a storm or something. the upstream packets can get mixed up a bit sometimes. usual they just relayed by the broadcaster in however order they received bit like chat as well. when is laggy then quite often multiple textchats in the viewer comes out backwards
  6. i think this move is in response to what has happened since the Korea Supreme Court ruled a while ago that offworld trading in game assets wasnt illegal. when it was previously considered illegal under their existing laws http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/01/116_58775.html was generally accepted that inworld trading was ok if the game allowed it. just not offworld on outlaw sites (outlaw meaning without the gamemakers permission or consent) since the Supreme Court ruling has been lots of offworld outlaw trading posts been set up. without perms/consent and without any regulatory oversight. the regulatory oversight part is a problem bc the Supreme Court ruling basically says that bc is legal then trading in assets is a taxable activity the tax part is a game changer for the whole games industry. bc it means that even inworld/ingame transactions could also be subject to taxes the game makers dont like the tax part. no one does really + also the gamemakers dont like outlaw trading bc can bring their game into disrepute when their customers get caught up in rogue outlaw sites. the game maker gets the complaints and told to do something by the unhappy customer who got ripped off on a outlaw trade and wants the gamemaker to reverse the transaction/trade ingame + personally i think the Korea proposal is for the best. more bc of the tax implications than anything. if Korea law is not changed then will encourage the taxman in all kinds of countries to look at sales/vat on inworld transactions if the inworld currency is convertible to rl currency at the moment is general accepted by the taxman that inworld credits is not real money. is only when the credits are cashed out to reals that the taxman enters. i think this the best to handle it. is going to get messy otherwise
  7. you probably right one thing that wasnt a factor a few years ago tho was the impact/uptake of wireless and tablets, netbooks, etc for large vista complex scenes then fullon computers will still be the way to go for a few more years yet i think is just fun to think about how you might simulate a realtime 3D performance/scene/game to many watcher/actors aimed at both desktop and book/tablets simultaneously maybe if is not linden then someone else will have a go at it. maybe even one of the opensim groups. like break away from SL centric. can remain asset type compatible, but instead of going toward megaregions and more prims/li per. go the other way and make a smallgrid maybe even chop them tinier. like 1000/2000 sqm + 10/20 avatars per sim/scene manager. something that small would probably run quite ok on wireless. could make quite a nice home/room with one of them. teleport to the 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 etc arenas, shops, clubs and performance venues
  8. yes sorry i kinda get the helpy places and infohubs mixed up sometimes
  9. sometimes your avatar shape doesnt restore to normal when you take off the crusher script (which is part of the outfit). is a glitch in the script. so your avatar shape remains crushed/deformed is 3 ways to fix that 1) menu: Me \ Movement \ Stop Animating Me. if this doesnt work then .... 2) obtain a free undeformer. can get one at NCI Kuula. when you wear it restores your shape to normal 3) take off the outfit with the crusher in it, then log out and log back in
  10. ultrasoft wrote: I don't hang out at infohubs, but every time I "go home" I end up at one. And every time, a bot gives me a landmark for me to throw away. so you have met Rich and Sido then (: + is quite a few infohubs on the private estates where you can set home. Caledon Oxbridge is one. i think Dublin, Hyde Park, Moscow, Adjuda Brasil are some others. is heaps of them really. best way to find them is on the Map. turn on the checkbox for Infohubs. some of them you have to join their group to Set Home when you do and press Home button then will always go there
  11. is ok. just examining how it might work. so is all good so here goes some more (: + yes. is a hard limit to the number of avatars that you can put into a shared space. a simulation/scenegraph. without it turning to mud so lets pick a number and say is 40 for this example lets say also that the space is 4096 virtual sqm. so need one server sim/scene manager for that if put 4 of them together then is 4 separate sim/scene managers. like how it works now when put 4 standard 65536 sims together suppose that you then put 9 of these smaller ones together in a 3 x 3 grid. would need 9 sim/scene managers. max avatar count 9 x 40 = 360 if step out to the next bound then is 5 x 5. 25 sim/scenes x 40 = 1,000. and so on + in terms of physics and scripts then the effect on any one avatar is no more than it is now where is difficult is downloading the volume of resources and rendering when the client draw distance is set to encompass them all. thats doable if you got a huge fibre and a powerful computer so how would you do it on say wireless/copper and a off the shelf laptop? the first/main step would be the ability client side to choose how many of the sim/scenes you want to see/dl example: a concert on a 3 x 3 grid the middle one is a stage. bc is a sim then it can be restricted to the performers/staff. the performers not going to be affected physics/scriptwise by anyone on the adjacent sims. cant be crashed either unless they do it to themselves. so for the performers then be quite server lag free the other thing is the performers camera viewport which affect rendering. if stand in the middle of the stage sim. how many of the outer sims can you see at once? how would it effect you if you reduced your draw distance down to the edge of the stage? or just moved it out enough to a point where your computer can render a part of the audience efficiently? the stream will work bc all the sims can be tuned into it. like normal. so that will be ok + if you on the outer sims then if you could pick the sim you on and the stage sim only to view then will reduce the lag for you to no more than it is now when you on a full sim and looking into the next sim with only a few avatars on it or even if you could pick just the stage sim. the sim you on doesnt dl/render if you did that. cant even see yourself. other people can see you tho. and you can chat them and see them on the map and nearby list and so on. probably have to make it so that if cant see yourself then cant move either or can pick any combination you like, upto to all of them if you want and have the capacity to handle it + have just used a concert to help visualise things the principle is the same for other visualations and configurations tho. mainly that more avatars = more sim/scene managers working together am not suggesting that the whole grid be redone this way. am suggesting that out on the edge of the existing grid, this could be done as an as well if is off the edge of the existing grid then the global coords for this smallgrid mapping can be changed to a different config without affecting the main grid teleporting beyond the hardcoded limits of the current grid can be done by making the edge sims as gateways. to jump from the maingrid to the smallgrid then is a double jump thru a gateway. can do that seamless on the client side + one of the things that concern us all is tier. linden in a bind about this tho. maybe is not about reducing tier. maybe is about offering different configurations as different products for different purposes maybe if can make a smallsim grid of the left edge of the main grid. then can also maybe make a largesim grid on the right. for example a 768 x 768 single sim/scene for $295 tier? or get a 3 x 3 smallsim cluster for $295 if these were available then can look at reducing tier on standard/homestead sims + maybe also if made another smallgrid at the top then could make that one fullon experience permissions and not ever bother trying to do that on the maingrid or the side ones
  12. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: why would anyone want to hang out at an infohub? that seems like the most boring place in the world to me.how boring must their life be to stand around watching newbs learn SL. can learn stuff off people. even new people. they quite often have new/different insights into the world. is quite surprising sometimes what you can learn from them. like for example what works for you doesnt always work for them
  13. Marigold Devin wrote: it would have been useful to have developed the Helper Island sims more by having up-to-date noticeboards on with solutions to these more common problems so the people with the problems inworld could get help inworld.  this is one of my pet peeves helpy stuff inworld that doesnt help i was at Korea1 yesterday a new lady came. she went inside the main building. is a helpy sign which has a spinning click me on it. she click about 6 times. nothing happened bc it not work anymore. i give her a LM to a place where she can find korean people inworld a new guy came to the helpy sign area on korea3. he click the spinning green hand. <click click click> like the lady. nothing happened. it dont work either. i IM him but he not respond. he just poof. maybe he went soemwhere else. maybe he logged out. is 50/50 on that one if linden not going to fix the helpy things that dont help then i think they should just delete them. would make it easier for people. help that doesnt help is worse i think than no help at all
  14. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Sorry I disagree. Some people I know change there name so often that inever recognize them by it. They are generally also people that change avatars like you do clothes. If I can't see their username, I don't know who they are. :smileyvery-happy: yes same lol so end up going: so then who are you again? am ur bff are you? really??? jjejejejjeee (:
  15. linden been providing newbie exits to places other than the WAs for quite a few years now have to go way back to the Help Islands in the HIP style to find when was the last time you exited to linden WA/Infohub only. thru the big green Exit sign. even then was alternative exits. like thru the board that had the otherworlds destinations on it. the one with the flags on. which used to be on the Welcome Islands. so you didnt have to go to the Help Island after the Welcome Island if you didnt want to. could just jump out to SL proper thru them has been 3 WI experiences made since then. each of them had/have alternative exits now is Destination driven exits. even more choices now for people to go to at the start than ever before. i agree with you on this part. more choices is good + lots of new people end up at WAs bc of the Home button. is heaps of them who click that button
  16. yes is some issues. am wondering about how they might be solved + consider the simulation at Ahern/Morris WA complex is 4 simulations come together. each sim manages its own part of the combined scene presented to the viewer differences in server lag can be quite noticeable as you move from one sim to another. depending on the number of avatars on each. what they wearing, scripts, textures, objects, etc on the viewer side then depending on your computer and how you manage your settings then can handle things ok all/most/some times when the place is loaded up with avatars and you stand say on the step of one of the buildings in normal camera, looking at the step of the building next to yours on the next sim. then pan your camera to the middle of the courtyard so can see everyone in front of you on your sim and everyone in camera view on the other 3 sims at the same time is not all that bad once you get/dl all the textures, anim and attachment data. you only impacted physics and script wise by about a 1/4 of whats in your view. by them on the same sim as you pretty much viewer side avatar imposter level has quite a noticeable effect on how fast the view renders depending on your computer + is bc of the way Ahern/Morris works now that i start to think about how that could be replicated on a larger scale
  17. if you want a business, say like a club/event type then you actual dont want a big ginormous space usually. you want a much smaller space where can pack/fit heaps of people in say like 40 people on a 4096m. less space even sometimes so what if you made some sims that small. then gridblocked them together. that could mean like about 640 avatars in a standard sim size space 4096 * 16 = 65536. so like 40 avatars per smallsim * 2 sims per core * 8 cores = 640 per box in close proximity would have to look at how draw distance works and make some changes based on the gridblocking. but it kinda already solves most of the wearable script problem of so many people in a close space i think would be doable without breaking the main grid if you made as private buyables out on the edge of the grid somewheres eta again: maybe a 3 x3 grid be good.. so the middle one can be the stage. 320 avatar audience that way
  18. leveling up Ricky ??? from defense hud to thrasher ??? am pretty sure your inworld friends who knows how to defend themselfs against any old thrasher will be happy to help you with that (:
  19. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: You know I never saw a mentor at a WA when I first started just on this part not many mentors ever did for any length of time. not the public WAs anyway. most of them went to the newbie Welcome Islands, where the great unwashed were not allowed what i find interesting is that the mentors who did the WAs back then, still do now without any need for a badge. and all them 1000s who didnt back in the day and instead took their badges to the WIs, wont go anywhere near a WA even now
  20. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: You know I never saw a mentor at a WA when I first started. I would see, on occassion, a Linden walk through but that was very rare. I did see a lot of WA regulars who hung out at the WA I came into when I joined (Ahern) and most were very helpful. But they also picked fights with others..........I really didn't know who was a griefer and who was a good guy. It wasn't overly bad though. I had fun until I figured out there was a lot more to SL than a welcome area. is still a bit of that goes on. arguing with each other. but not all the time. hardly ever really as a % of the whole amount of time. most of time they just chat about normal things at Ahern they do argue politics quite often. and yell at drunk people who on the voice. or leave their mics open and can hear kids crying or music and stuff like that. is quite a older crowd goes there and that kinda thing annoys them badly quite a few of the oldbies who go to Ahern regular used to be mentors as well. now that they not official helpers, they still help newbies, even if they having a raging argument with someone else at the same time. kinda multitasking they are is same at Korea1. is a dif group goes there with a dif kind of dynamic. they a bit more cheeky at Korea1. like say silly stuff to each other that some ppl would be mortified to say ever. Waterhead can be even more silly at times. but the regulars will always will stop and answer newbie questions as well and help them if they can can say the same about most WAs. each has it own ways and can be a bit wut wut ??? sometimes. until you work out how it goes
  21. Lindal Kidd wrote: ALL Infohubs are hives of scum and villainy fwiw i used to be a member of the secondlife mentor programme. since forever right up until the end was quite a few mentors end up with this same view i found after working with them in the public WAs for a time, then become apparent that they not really had the temperament for it. they would get upset, snippy, and start yelling even. absolutely murdering the AR button. a few would end quite bitter, hateful and resentful even. would come to the public WAs as if they were entering a warzone or something when they got like that i would just say: best not to come here anymore. find another way to help some of them never got over it tho. even now. way after the programme got shut down
  22. Calamari wrote: Any one got some good news about SL? meeee!!! i do but then ima gullible toady shill in a swamp (like what sigren said) jejejejjejejeje (:
  23. Lindal Kidd wrote: ... the Barbarossa infohub has become rather a ... hive of scum and villainy ... i never seen any pirates ever when i been there. is sooo unfair
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