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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. jejejejejeje (: + plus also SL works in the future have been using Windows 8 Metro preview for about a week now. so far SL works good. not better. just as much good as Windows 7
  2. have to hunt thru the other threads about this to find the actual technical reason why cant have last names anymore am just repeating here what someone else said in another thread about last names seems like that in the names datatable is two values for name: 1) a field for your firstname 2) a ID (number) field for your lastname. the ID number is a lookup index into a separate lastname table is a number of ways can patch this. the simplest would be to put user-created lastnames into the existing lastname table and auto-index them on creation. problem with this tho is that as the table grows into millions then is scale issues + is quite a few other ways as well that can patch the existing way to make lastnames work. but doesnt really solve the scale problem only real way to do it, like do it proper, is to make a whole new other naming system
  3. first rule of Spam Club. never talk to Spam Club. like never reply or attempt to unsubscribe after the first time. it just confirms that you still a member of Spam Club mark it as Spam in your email program and auto trash it. depending on your email provider then also report it as Spam. when enough of the providers account holders report a source as spam then the email provider will kill the spammers connections
  4. Avariado wrote: Everyone should be able to run SL on a browser with a low-powered machine. I dont think browser and low-power are mutually inclusive is easy possible to make a browser VW that wont run on a low-power machine. html5 still requires a pretty good gfx card for realtime use
  5. Maelstrom Janus wrote: Why dont I believe these people who seem to be able to tp without trouble., who never go to laggy sims etc ... Ive been in sl five years an tps fail more most of my teleports that fail these days say: unable to do the teleport at this time. try again later (or whatever that message is). this compared to how it used to be for me when it would start the teleport and then viewer crash
  6. Freya Mokusei wrote: Having your ISP checking your data-stream for pirated content is equivilent to having your mail-man check your mail for cash, just in case it was stolen these systems dont work like this where there are systems in place already they work on connections. the ISPs and router companies maintain chitlists of ip addresses. they block them you get in trouble when you try to circumvent the blocking
  7. I think this new way of cutting off Adult access for accounts which may? be underage is a good thing the old way was to suspend the account entirely this new way a person who is underage [ edit: and lied on the signup ] can still login and play on their account. just not able to access adult content until they can proof themselfs for any genuine overage account that gets caught up in this then I dont think is a biggie. is maybe a inconvenience at most for some but I think most adults be ok with this
  8. bejjinks wrote: We live in a world where hatred reigns supreme. Everyone is full of bitterness and seeks to define a group of people to blame for all their problems. ... I view this world as a living Hell. War, poverty, greed, slavery, oppression. ... Bad things are done all the time ... Is there no peace anywhere? Is this Earth Hell already? What do I have to do to find peace and friendship? Do I have to deny who I am? you not have to do anything much. just stop looking for the evol in everything. Jesus didnt. seems like. just went round chat people and talk about good things. he also find the good in everyone. even them what others said was bad maybe if you tried that then you not have to wonder why you not seem to be able to find any love. if cant find any love in the world or in other people is bc is no love in you. is in the bible that. none so blind and all that
  9. sitting on the perch next to chat parrot at OI was the first thing that ever said hi back to me when I first came. so i will spend my last hour with him
  10. welcome to the interwebz (: just chill a bit and you be fine
  11. one subject that has had lots of chat in the past is what stuff would you want/buy if linden offered different kinds of Premium packages one of the most popular has been a builder/creator package with unlimited resource uploads
  12. no fly is good i can shoot you better jejejjejee (:
  13. reconkangas wrote: i do not know DSE lost its program by losing growth but i do know i did work for them as customer support and a friend that still works there told me it is a policy change that affects ALL real estate companies if is true then ouch! for the big barons. less ouch for the little barons tho. well is still ouch but not ouch! ouch! like before
  14. agree is not good what they done. is def something not right with their rent box. exactly like you tried to explain to the agent
  15. you have to be 18 to have a paypal account as well. sorry + some things you can do 1) get a parent/guardian to do for you. if they dont want you linking to their credit card direct from SL, and most dont, then they can set up a Paypal in their own name. then they can link that to SL to pay your premium with can also cash out to the Paypal as well, if you ever makes any money + 2) other option is to get a VISA debit card. SL accepts some of them, but not all. bc not all VISA card issuers are equal. SL accept most/some bank issued VISA debit cards. some banks will want your parent/guardian to co-sign for the card tho but when you get then you can use. can just load money on it from your bank account and then use to make payments to SL. if you get a good bank then they will let you transfer money back off your debit card to your bank account is pretty good them that do that way the main advantage of debit card is that cant overspend on it. can only get off whatever is the balance
  16. land that is themed has more l$ value than unthemed land theming dont have to mean zoning tho like beach land is a theme. same the cities like by Barcola if the moles were given more land/power to play with then they would make heaps of different themes all over the mainland I think + themes help to make cohesive neighborhoods. like-minded people are attracted to themes and become neighbors with others who general share the same tastes as them
  17. G account determined by the birthdate you put in when you sign up if put in a under 18 birthdate then can only go G sims until your birthdate turns 18. even if you pay premium + always wondered why is not at least one Linden Homes sim restricted for G accounts for them that wants to go premium can understand why linden donk the TG. but must still be some <18 would get a home if they could
  18. Ziggy21 Slade wrote: ... Parents like subscriptions ... ^^ that $US72 for 1 year Premium and you get the 300L a week. and 512m paid tier Jesus bc you a G account then dont think you can a Linden Home bc they all M rated. but can buy a 512m on a G mainland for <= 512L and the tier paid out your annual Premium fee other G under 18s sometimes at Violet or Waterhead WAs. is noisy there tho most days and some older people as well. so yeah but is heaps of 16-17 on SL . like you they just wants to try make stuff and play. they got their own sandboxes and places they go. quite often on sims that someone Mum or Dad owns. so no hassles or creepy people on them if you dont know anyone then like other people say. start off at Builder Brewery to learn how to build. you will soon hookup with other people your age if you do that
  19. Penny Patton wrote: With an MMO, everything tends to be self contained to a single server per environment. In SL, these environments need to constantly talk to each other, sharing information, ... ^^ that Gadget have a look at this http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ar-powerup3/ar-powerup3.html generally speaking can say that a typical MMO is designed like in Figure 1 diagram SL is like in Figure 2 diagram
  20. pravin, you may need to file a Support Case ticket here https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ the sim is active but access to the sim is denied. Search also reports the following: "Information about this location is unavailable at this time, please try again later." in your Support ticket just say that you rent there. you cant access the sim. that no one can. that you would like to get your horses and stuff back. best not to worry about your L$ at this point. can only get the L$ back off the sim owner and not off LL
  21. walmart are running this FB Like promotion. whichever walmart store gets the most Likes then Pitbull is going there the Boston Phoenix newspaper thought it be funny to send him to Alaska. so they been encouraging everyone to like Kodiak Alaska. so far has been about 35,000 likes. also so far the Walmart in Pitbulls own hometown in Miami only got like 45 Likes about. jejejejjeje (: when they tell Pitbull he probably have to go Alaska he lool and say cool whatevs. he will party up anywheres. he since been on twitter and othr places saying stuff like he hear can get bear repellent there. that them bears gunna need it dont know why he say that tho bc is like 1000s of bears sitting in their snow caves logging onto their FB accounts click Like Like Like Like Like Like Like. and singing: 1 2 3 4. uno do' tres cuatro. i know u want me. i know i want cha jjejejejje (:
  22. you now seem to be arguing with yourself. like at cross-purposes + is ok to state on your website that the two main parties control the CPD therefore cutting off other party and independent candidates from being involved in CPD-sponsored major debates that OpenDebate org does not think that this is fair, given the importance that voters currently put on CPD-sponsored debates. So the OpenDebate org sponsors an alternative forum in which all parties (including the two majors) and independents are welcome to participate + when start chucking in gratuitous stuff like the main parties do this sekritly, then the main point OpenDebate is promoting kinda gets lost in the eye-rolling. is shoot yourself in the head stuff if the intention is to actual get the two main parties to volunteer to be included in OpenDebate-sponsored debates
  23. my point is that if OpenDebate want to be taken seriously then they should not write stuff that soundslike O.M.G !!! is a sekrit cabal in control the CPD is not a sekrit cabal. is a vehicle that the two main parties use to organise a debate jointly between themselfs for their own candidates is not the only debate forums that candidates participate in is nothing wrong with OpenDebate org wanting to organise a presidential debate using a different format. is all good that they want to
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