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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: I suppose i should clarify my statement. When making clothing textures i only go with 1024x1024s. When making textures for mesh appliers i use 2048x2048s, there is a huge visual difference. the edges are crisp and clean with a 2048 and blurry and fuzzy with a 1024. same image, two different sizes. I have no idea why this is so, but it is. The problem is if everyone used 1024 textures it would quadruple the graphics memory required for people to see what was going on, and with a group of people around your once crisp textures won't be rendering at all or continually going blurry.
  2. Try Follow Us. If I recall correctly they do some stuff that should suit.
  3. Are you reporting it as an offline region? You might find arguing it is offline because of griefing (even if technically not quite true) will get a faster response. Because when I have reported offline regions the response has always been pretty prompt. Maybe check with live support too for their advice on which category to use for something you want seen as a high priority,
  4. LuminousElf wrote: sword art online krito great sword and cyber nano pet Is that some sort of incantation\spell casting?
  5. Are you wearing leggy things or do people just want to see you naked
  6. Only the parcel owner or those with the permissions to set parcel access rights can answer that.
  7. For Slink there is this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Aggressione-Slink-Applier-clear-layers-HUD-update/6669450
  8. First off don't give them the pleasure of seeing you annoyed with them or upset. That is how they get their kicks. To stop them pushing you around take a seat. R-click their name in the nearby avatar window and try the eject and ban options. If they don't work then you may not have sufficient permissions to deal with them directly. Your rental may have a security system that does if the estate managers have set one up for you. If that is the case have a look at the options it provides, try ban and eject from there. If some how or other you are ejecting them but only across your parcel bondary and they are coming back, then try a free security orb like this one once it is set up it should do hard work for you and keep them ejected from your parcel... maybe try some of the other options like orbit and push, Alternatively just log out or go somewhere else for 30 mins or so. At some point they are going to be bored waiting for their fun plaything to be around and they will go annoy someone else. Copy what they have said to you into a notecard and abuse report them by r-clicking them and selecting the option, or finding it off bottom right option on their profile. Tell your estate manager what happens when they turn up (since you say you have already tried contacting them) and they should give you more advice. I hope this helps.
  9. Tazzie Tuque wrote: I would have to agree with you there Bobbie with regards to standard sizing, I have a relatively thin avatar, not skinny have some curves I have to wear medium mesh size, so I can't imagine how tiny one must be to wear XXS? But it looks like we are stuck with this standard sizing thing unless LL decides to update it, then all the already made mesh fashions witll have to be redone by all the clothes makers.. or yanked off MP and out of stores. I honestly don't have a clue if or how this will ever get resolved. It is frustrating! I find small is plenty curvy on my avatar, but the curviness is greatly reduced above 6 foot height.
  10. If you like pirating you should look up Blake Diego and have an explore there. You will find information on other pirates who take their ships out to compete with one another and the merfolk at Fancis deep,
  11. To my shame, after at least 7 years learning french at school my ability with it is less than rudimentary. I spent two years studying Latin and feel more comfortable with that, although I have no idea how to actually speak it. Syo Emerald wrote: Sean Heying wrote: (( Some people are hostile to non-English language though. This forum software returns the error: "The message body contains [[ c cedilla ]], which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post." When I try to write the French Language name francais properly - I can hear the cries of a small subset of racists screaming "Speak English you fool" )) Using German in the forums is nearly impossible for a native speaker...at least if you don't want to re-read everything you wrote twice. A good chunk of letters that are essential for my language are banned and it slows you don't replacing them with ae ue and such. That is awful. I can understand words being censored, but there is no reason to ban letters. Are unlauts offensive? cedilla's sedition?
  12. My Oracul and Akeyo AOs are working fine. I had a problem with getting some dance animations to work in a club the other night, but they worked elsewhere... I put that down to script lag local to that venue.
  13. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Eve Breen wrote: thanks...have they applier for all (face, hands, body and fee)? Erm, well I dont think it's all separate? I just wear the TMP Body DeLuxe (incl. hands and feet, I do not have the mesh head) and added the applier, which worked for everything. Yes that confused me too. Every mesh project applier I have tried does the hands, feet and body together.
  14. League are my personal favourites they do appliers for Slink, Maitreya and the mesh project. So I can have the same skin regardless of the body I am using.
  15. Freya Mokusei wrote: I agree that this is annoying. I typically only log in when I am about to reply or edit something I've posted. Getting redirected is not helpful. The solution I use is to just hit Back twice once I get to the Blogs mainpage. Logged in status should be unchanged for you, as it is for me. Contrary to what I said earlier in the thread tabbing back does work, when I refresh the page I want I am still logged in.
  16. sweetlady1964 wrote: Hi, I will put in a ticket today, this problem is just not acceptable and i think LL should stop all HENMATIONS activitys here. I have had to cancel all my Burlesque shows due to the fact that the hud does not work this has caused a loss of thousands of Lindens, and damages my reputation. If anyone knows of an alternative Professional Dance Hud please let me know, you are welcome to IM me in world. You are better off using something like the Spot On system if you are doing choreographed shows.
  17. My folders are: mesh bodies, Stuff for sorting, Old Stuff. Older Stuff, Vehicles, Clothes, Furniture, Buildings, Landscaping, Building Stuff, Good Stuff and more stuff.
  18. Wow. That stinks especially for those that spent money on games and stuff for Onlive. Maybe they were ahead of their time. As Jessica Lyon says over ont he firestorm blog, I hope there are other options to fill the gap it leaves behind. "I can tell you that all of us here at Firestorm, AND the folks at OnLive are greatly disappointed by this news. Things were really just getting started and what they were offering really plugged a hole for users on older computer systems that nothing else provides as of right now. This hole will only get wider in the near future as well since XP operating systems will no longer be supported on the Second Life viewer and not long after Firestorm as well. We, as users of Second Life and OpenSim are now without this option and the good folks at OnLive are out of work. So while I anticipate some of you may feel some anger over this news please understand there is no one to blame but Business. None of us could have predicted this sudden end to something which had really just begun. If any good could come of this for us it may be that at the very least OnLive has demonstrated quite clearly that there is a strong demand for software that can run Second Life on older computer systems. Perhaps someone out there may pick up the ball." http://www.firestormviewer.org/onlive-sold-sl-go-to-end-april-30th/
  19. With the success and popularity of breast physics added a few years ago, we have now decided to take the step to add physics for men and furries. We are adding two new bones with physics in the groin area for developers to use with tails and todgers, Settings for gravity and swing etc will all be added to physics options for these limbs. Do be careful in damage enabled regions though, get too close and you might get knocked out.
  20. You won't notice a mesh avatar easily fully clothed, but it is obvious with something like beachwear. I agree with Pussycat about mesh bodies generally being varying degrees of full chested. I just checked slink, maitreya and TMP bodies and whilst the breast shapes are distinct they all are shaped for fairly large breasts anything much under 50% on any of them starts looking miss shaped. The CMFF body and the Utilizator Avatar 2.0 bodies are the only ones I can think of that would work for a more petite chest size. The Avatar 2.0 is however a bit "anime" in look. I would be reluctant to recommend either to people new to SL or that wanted an easy solution. For that the standard avatar, pink fuel skins and extra careful shopping when buying mesh clothes would be the way to go.
  21. You can find the Asset blacklist under Singularity on the menu at the top of the page, (between Help and Advanced).
  22. Stylemode is for loadng appliers on your mesh project body and adjusting textures on any boutique clothing you have bought. The opening post is very unclear what it is asking.. but system clothes hairbases etc all go on the base avatar and will be alphaed out and invisible when using a mesh body.
  23. The wave I have has a control panel the owner\group\all can use to turn the wave off, that might work if you can find where they have put it. I put mine at the start of the wave next to where I put the surfboard rezzers, which would seem to be the commonsense arrangement. I would send a message to the owner of the wave about it since it is not really that unreasonable to not want a wave washing across your living room floor and surfers surfboarding through your hallway. If that doesn't work or you don't have the patience to awaut a response then speak with the estate manager for your sim or abuse report it if it is on mainland. Makes me think of this song... nice video
  24. Medhue Simoni wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: I would describe a situation in which there is no effective way of enforcing criminal or civil law through the courts as "anarchy." What term would you use? Furthermore, under your preferred system, if someone hijacks my consignment of TV sets on the highway and roughs up the driver, to whom do I turn for assistance? Have we not discussed this before? I think the real question is, would you rather be robbed by the mafia, or the state? Actually, that isn't even a good question, because when you are dealing with a state, they can also let the mafia steal from you to, like they did in the US. Do you really think you get protection from the government, when all the mafia has to do is bride your rep? Plus, the mafia doesn't have the ability to inflate your money supply. I'd take the mafia over the state any time. Heck, I might even be able to reason with them. Today, the average US citizen pays close to 40% of their paycheck to the federal government. Then, they will pay another 10% of that income in other taxes, if not more. Then, if you add in the extra cost consumers pay for corporate taxes, and the Federal Reserves 3% guaranteed inflation, which is usually much more, Americans are giving a good 70% to 80% of their paychecks to the government. I'd much rather pay off the mafia. All very easy to say but you have not experienced what happens when the Mafia runs things and not a democratically accountable government. There may well be problems with the current US system you have experience of, but that is not an issue that would be improved by removing what influence you have over their policies and practices. Additionally I refer you back to the points you made about the Government of Ireland at the time of the Potato famine. The Government then was more like a Mafia organisation than one that was democratically accountable. The points you made there are arguments against the position you are taking here.
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