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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Medhue Simoni wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Furthermore, under your preferred system, if someone hijacks my consignment of TV sets on the highway and roughs up the driver, to whom do I turn for assistance? Or a little closer to home, copies all your animations and puts them up for sale at half the price you are selling them? Hmmmm...... I didn't see the US government in SL, capturing all those copybotters and copybot viewers. Do you really think the government can protect me at all? I kind of think that is laughable. Plus, I don't believe in IP rights. They aren't real property. Real property, is rivalrus, meaning that no 2 people can use it at the same time. This is why property rights are important, because we can't function and be affective if people can steal our property. That said, data is not rivalrus, meaning it is not property, and it can't be owned. Despite this, what people call copyrights are a valid concept, because I can choose whether to make something or not, and who I sell that creation to, and under what conditions. If they break the contract, I can choose never to do business with them again. If everyone chooses to break the contract, I can choose to do my business in a different way. DMCA has plenty of flaws but there are many examples of it working. I doubt many of the other people producing content will be so willing to give up such a tool. Also Contracts are what they are because they are legal entities, something as an anarcho-capitalist you should be arguing against because they are excessive hand of government in your unregulated free market.
  2. Medhue Simoni wrote: Actually, he didn't mention Blender even once, until they took questions from the audience. Even then, he kept saying "other 3rd party software" instead of Blender. I think in the whole thing, he only said the word Blender 1 time. SL supports Maya as well as it supports any other program out there, even Photoshop. Heck, LL gives us FBX files. The difference tho, between Maya and Blender in SL, is who is willing to help you. Maybe I'm very wrong, and there are hundreds of Maya users in SL. If that is true, then most must be very competitive people who are unwilling to share info with others. You can't find anybody making anything for SL users that use Maya, nor anyone to answer even the simplist question about SL and Maya, outside of Cathy Foil. If you ask a Blender question tho, you'll have numerous people responding, not to mentions the thousands of tutorials online. Again, this is why it would be smart to make sure Blender is working early on. If you have 10 Maya users good enough to know what they are doing, it doesn't matter, cause they likely won't help anyone, besides LL. On the flipside, most Blender users are more than willing to share what they know. Industry standard is kind of a vague term, at this point. In Indy game development, and small movie studios, especially in india, Blender is the standard. If you just look at how many people use Blender vs Maya, Blender wins again, hence the standard. Yeah, the big studios use it. The reason is because they have so much invested in it. There whole workflow goes thru it. All the software they created is linked to it. That is why they keep using it. New movie studios around the world tho, are using Blender. With it being opensource, they can much more easily create their own versions of Blender for the tasks they need, and many of those studios freely give that code back to the Blender community. Whether he mentioned it a hundred times or once, he still said Blender would be supported. The under representation of Maya users in SL is an issue worth addressing at an early stage, especially since Autodesk own the FBX format and they want to attract commercial interest in the product, something that never really happened in SL, one reason being the support for Maya being incomplete and the need for Maya files to be exported in to Blender first. When they have ensured FBX is properly integrated in to the core engine, then they should have also ensured compatability with Blender and a bug free robust product that will stand the test of time.
  3. Medhue Simoni wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Those that think they are owed something for nothing were and are the investors behind the banking system and the banks and mortgage lenders too big to fail that had to be bailed out by the public purse and a decade of austerity internationally. The problem you are talking about fundamentally was an issue of economic under regulation. Anyone that knows their history knows that Ireland during the potato famine was exporting grain whilst a million Irish starved to death, because the market dictated there was better value exporting food whilst those producing it literally starved to death. Remove all economic controls and innovation except in methods of fraud is stifled because any innovation would immediately be copied and sold for less than the crerator. Market economics is certainly a useful tool, but only when it is regulated to ensure it operates for the public good. It's always a bit funny to hear people say they know history, cause the real question is not if you know history, but who taught you history, or where did you learn this history from. Now, I don't know alot about the irish famine, but I will tell you some basic facts, and then put my conclusions from those facts. Ireland was ruled by the English, who stole the land and gave it to English settlers who rented out that land to the irish people. There were refered to as Absentee Landlords. England strangled the irish people with ridiculous taxes, and regulations. Quoted from wikipedia, "In the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish Catholics had been prohibited by the penal laws from purchasing or leasing land, from voting, from holding political office, from living in or within 5 miles (8 km) of a corporate town, from obtaining education, from entering a profession, and from doing many other things necessary for a person to succeed and prosper in society." So, it was the government that was the source of the problems, not the market. Even when you talk about the famine itself, which was caused by a potato disease and and the potatoes had little diversity, it could easily be argued that this was a direct result of the state. England gave all the best farms to the english lords, and the only lands left to farm on were very poor to grow anything on. These were called cotter farmers. That particular potato did well dispite the terrible soil, which caused the lack of diversity. For every action a government takes, there are always unintended consequences. Some of those, results in millions dying, and there are countless examples. See what I mean tho. It all depends on your perspective. I'm sure a marxist could easily twist all that to sound like evil capitalists did all this, but it was government, not freedom that created it all. Really tho, you don't really need to know any of that history. All you need to know, is that the irish came to the US during and after that time, which had the least amount of government involved than most other nations, and much less than nations only a days swim away. No, instead they crossed a huge ocean to escape the oppression that was all throughout europe. Most of that is distraction by talking about issues that don't contradict anything I said. Yes, Government can be oppressive. And yes, a cause was indeed oppressive Government. But my point was that one cause was unlike the famine in 1780 the absence of an export ban. Had there been an export ban the rate of emigration would not have been so high and a million people would not have died. The free market doesn't act on moral principles, it is amoral. It is only by regulation that it can be controlled for the public good.
  4. I don't find the banline hud that useful. Everytime I do a sim crossing it vanishes and then re-appears and maybe one in 10 sims it breaks because I have had a slightly bad crossing.. maybe in to a parcel with scripts disabled and then bang I have flown\sailed\ridden in to a banline and am stuck and looking for somewhere to rezz. I find it more reliable to use the minimap with parcels turned on and then just use pattern recognition to see where the linden made safe routes are through sims.
  5. irihapeti wrote: the modern-day anarcho, particularly anarcho-capitalists, just says it straight out: I will not be obliged Non Capitalist anarchists are normally collectivist, not individualist... when it comes to the individual and society they very much are obligated. Obligated by their mindset, their lack of greed and lack of personal property. During the Spanish civil war that approach to running things was remarkably successful. And it can be successful, but only where people are ready for it and have as a whole overcome their sense of personal greed. It is utopian in a sense, because clearly as a society we are a long way from traditional anarchy being achievable, but that does not diminish the attractiveness of the idea.
  6. Furthermore, under your preferred system, if someone hijacks my consignment of TV sets on the highway and roughs up the driver, to whom do I turn for assistance? Or a little closer to home, copies all your animations and puts them up for sale at half the price you are selling them?
  7. Bobbie Faulds wrote: The Slink body, with the latest update, looks really good and has great alphas and is only 1250L...you'll pay that much just for the boobs. Fusion has nice ones though. Do you mean violet studios? I think the Boinka ones by Xplosion are much more natural.
  8. sooby Mills wrote: Yes..I have tried the mask mode and all that happened is I wore the top fine, but I also wore a white top that covered all of the top of my avi. .lool, I will have to persevere I guess and keep trying. .you are all being so kind trying to help..I really do appreciate it. You need to turn the layer with the white top off. As Trinity says, you can use two layers on mesh bodies\parts using the mask button on the top layer.... but only if that layer is a solid texture.. masking doesn't work with transparencies. But, I would avoid where possible making outfits with more than one layer on any area. If you are going to wear a tattoo on your top, then don't try to wear applier underwear or an applier top. Use mesh instead. If you aren't using tattoos then you can use underwear layers but don't use the clothing layer. It will often look like it has worked but as soon as you cross a sim boundary or teleport somewhere things mess up.. and there is no guarantee people will be seeing you the same way you see yourself.
  9. Medhue Simoni wrote: Plus, the secret sauce in SL's success was this crazy, wild west type of free market, where every person could engage with it. There were many factors around that, and cost could be said the be the most important. It was essentially free for anyone to make a profit in SL. Anyone could grab a free animation editor, or use gimp for textures or whatever. Now, LL is doing things totally different. Now, you'll need Maya, and someday, if they decide to bother themselves with supporting Blender, we'll have a free option. How many animators do you think there will be in this new world, until blender is supported. How many clothing designers will there be? How many crazy characters will there be, or NPCs? And why, because LL made the cost to create out of the reach of almost everyone, just like so many other failed platforms did. To me, LL didn't learn a dang thing from their own history. They are raising the cost for the main people that fill they economy, and somehow think they will have the growth they need to survive. The economy, merchants, and freedom to create was what saved SL, and made it something. Now, they are canabalizing the very thing that made them special, instead of being creative and giving us more value. Ebbe was talking about Maya in the alpha stages... this year a year before release. He made clear Blender specifically and other tools would be supported by the time it gets to a wider release... ie the beta stages. One of Second life's problems for attracting commercial interest as I understand it is that it doesn't properly support, Maya. There are times when people using Maya have to use Blender as an interface to get their creations in to SL. Once they get the new platform right for Maya then Blender, and the other packages should fall in to place easily since they developed to be compatible with Maya as it is the industry standard.
  10. Those that think they are owed something for nothing were and are the investors behind the banking system and the banks and mortgage lenders too big to fail that had to be bailed out by the public purse and a decade of austerity internationally. The problem you are talking about fundamentally was an issue of economic under regulation. Anyone that knows their history knows that Ireland during the potato famine was exporting grain whilst a million Irish starved to death, because the market dictated there was better value exporting food whilst those producing it literally starved to death. Remove all economic controls and innovation except in methods of fraud is stifled because any innovation would immediately be copied and sold for less than the crerator. Market economics is certainly a useful tool, but only when it is regulated to ensure it operates for the public good.
  11. Helping haven people all seem to have the patience of saints and are well equipped to help people striggling. Also Caledon university has helpers around everytime I have passed through and have displays guiding people through the basics. Similar to those at the orientation I started out at when I first joined.
  12. With any mesh body or bodypart and more than one applier layer on an area (eg. in this case your top) the layers will sometimes get messed up. Therefore if you are going to wear a bra or garter belt or highrise pantyhose you are best wearing a mesh top and not an applier top.
  13. DejaHo wrote: irihapeti wrote: about naivety is a pivot naivety < skepticism > cynicism i would rather be on the naive side than the cynical side One can not be naive and skeptical. They are mutually exclusive. Skepticism is founded on knowledge and reasoning. Most cynics are skeptical of everything; why? Again, because they know! PS I am neither. Scepticism doesn't have to be founded on good facts or sound reasoning... where it results in denialism, solipsism and relativitsm, or being paid to do 3 jobs simultaneously then scepticism is naive.
  14. Good quote, Innula. Even more recently people only have to look at what 19 years without a government did to Somalia to understand why we give consent to exercise power and force on our behalf for the common good. Medhue, I like your idea of Linden Labs charging different prices for land in different areas of mainland based on its desirability. Practically all they could do would be to discount plots inland, but that could damage the economy of the private estates by drawing people to mainland without increasing land ownership and revenue. If they did the pricing right, I would think they could increase overall land ownership and revenue... but it is not without risk if they get it wrong. Going forwards in SL2.0 (or whatever it will be called) if they were to set up continents, some sort of dynamic marketised value for the land that Linden Lab directly benefited from could be a good idea, and make mainland much more profitable. To have people bid what they are prepared to pay for a particular plot as tier or rent rather than just the one off cost. Whilst land costs are high, there is a positive to that in that it encourages people to interact with one another rather than just building private areas compartmentalising themselves from social interaction. But as someone that spends a lot on land, and have had to downsize from running sims personally and seen lots of other amazing and popular builds go because of cost. I do think land cost is too high. Linden Lab do need profit and revenue to keep things going though and reducing the cost of land without any increases in revenue elsewhere is only likely to cause them a shortfall in income. That leaves a new possible charge for membership or increasing the cut they get from transactions. Some charge on membership might be a good idea and a way to hinder griefers creating disposable accounts, but I doubt they could price that in a way that makes much difference to their income, especially not for Secondlife itself, as people already have their accounts. Whilst you (Medhue) have spoken strongly against an increase in the cut Linden Lab takes on sales transactions, the figures you have provided seem to show SecondLife is actually underpriced compared with other platforms. I don't really see your argument against it for the new platform. For Secondlife itself, for makers to retain their income from a product they would have to mark the price up and then relist everything... something I understand the behind the scenes functionality of Marketplace makes incredibly onerous. But for the new system they are working on, you would just increase your prices to compensate the cut. I don't see the big problem, unless costs for products rose so high people wouldn't pay for them at all.
  15. We will have to see what the new product they are working on will be like, but from what has been said I can't see much excitement going there from the sailing and piloting community if there is no mainland to explore and to cross between regions you need to find a "gateway". 1024m regions would be great for car and bike racing and by building roads up in to the sky like is done already could be great for exploring and cruising... but all the same the loss of continuity between regions is a major downside. It might be big enough to make warbug dogfights fun, or pirate naval battles. But really this is two steps forwards and one step back. Alot of the money that goes in to SL is for coastal sims. Loss of mainland and proper crossing between sims will have a huge impact on interest in taking up the new platform.
  16. LlazarusLlong wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: Some people here seem to like suggesting false information. such as: Syo Emerald wrote: It will probably be handeled like now: With different region and content rateings. which is pure supposition with absolutely no basis. "No basis", apart from it being they way they are handling things in Second Life, which is after all the context in which he was answering questions.
  17. Do they use invisiprims maybe that will only work now if you turn advanced lightiing off?
  18. There is a summary here: https://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2015/03/18/ebbe-linden-talks-about-education-second-life-and-next-generation-platform-at-vwbpe-2015/ Extracted section relating to Maya : “At the beginning, the platform will be revealed to alpha users this summer who know Maya” “After summer we will invite more people as it gets easier to use” “It could be years before you decide to use this new thing instead of SL” “In the beginning, accessibility and multiple platforms, we are focused on virtual reality and PC.” “Any content in the new platform will be good on Oculus and PC” “No more Linden Programming Language, so you can use existing experts.” “We want to be open, so whatever we don’t supply 3rd parties can extend to provide additional solutions” “When the platform is more generally available it will support many tools including Blender” It seems to me like the period in which it will be opened up solely to Maya creators will be relatively short and only at very early stages about a year at least before a general release. That their planning, at least from my unsophisticated understanding of what is being summarised includes Blender compatability.
  19. Thanks for clarifying, Freya. I hope they fix it. It is not a major issue, but it is frustrating.
  20. Freya Mokusei wrote: I agree that this is annoying. I typically only log in when I am about to reply or edit something I've posted. Getting redirected is not helpful. The solution I use is to just hit Back twice once I get to the Blogs mainpage. Logged in status should be unchanged for you, as it is for me. Reckoning this is caused by a change in behaviour for return_to Querystring - it's setting to some bizarre page I've never heard of (and Lithium just reverts to root, which is blogs.secondlife.com). Bizarre page is: https://support.secondlife.com/openid_rp/handle-auth-id/ and returns error code 404. If this is the same for you then you will experience this same behaviour. I get error code 404 on my desktop as well as my phone and both login to the blogs page. Who has changed the behaviour of the return_to Querystring ? and why?
  21. Safari isn't an option on Android so far as I can tell. I am trying dolphin now but it is incredibly slow, like chrome and firefox. Opera mini is by far the best browser I have found for my phone.
  22. What browser do you use? They aren't displayed on Opera. And because Opera mini actually caches pages going back doesn't help. I have to go to the bottom of the page. Remember not to pick forum threads because that goes to questions and answers and pick forum posts and then swap the tab from all to the normal view, by which time I have forgotten what I was going to respond to or where it is.
  23. It is tricky enough using the forum on a mobile phone without being redirected to the blogs page everytime you login. The links to get back to the forum are at the bottom of the page and to an awkward view of the forum. Please revert the way the login wotks to how it was.
  24. As I read it from secondary sources there is a lot to be excited about, but if they aren't planning for contiguous mainland area at the outset I think that will be a mistake. One of the great things about sl that sets it apart from the competition is the ability to explire mainland by foot and vehicle.
  25. I had some spam from somone about Lindens4U the other day. From no one I knew and not at my location, so I reported them as a spammer and possible fraud. The account was about a year old, so maybe had been phished?? or maybe it is legitimate. I don't know. I reported it in world so I don't know how to check on what resulted from the AR as it doesn't appear in my case history on my webpage. I just applied the principle if something sounds too good to be true then it probably isn't and isn't worth the risk. I didn't get a hud though, I was directed to a webpage with a link.
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