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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Have you tried going to a different sim? You may have granted an object on the sim you are on permission to animate you and it is that which is the problem.
  2. tente perguntar na secão em português do fórum https://community.secondlife.com/t5/F%C3%B3rum-em-portugu%C3%AAs/bd-p/PortugueseForum
  3. Sometimes huds get rotated, whilst in edit you can try rotating it to see if you can see it better.
  4. Karen, when someone does an estate ban, for an hour or so an IP ban goes in to place automatically from the Linden end. It was a feature added a few years ago and is useful for creating a cooling off period preventing the banned person from coming back with a string of alts. The estate owner has no knowledge of the IP address, and so they have initiated an IP ban but it is the Lindens that carry it out. You can test it yourself where you are an estate manager by banning yourself and then trying to tp your alts in. It takes a couple of minutes to initiate and lasts for at least an hour.
  5. I just noticed it suggested in an earlier thread that there was a problem with the default Realtek sound driver windows uses that causes this problem. The thread is from a year ago now. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Sound-Fading-in-and-out/td-p/2112233/highlight/true/page/2 Realtek's website seems to be down and that link dead.. So not sure which driver is best to use. Audio_Realtek_6.0.1.7543_W10x64_A from the PC manufacturer's website is more recent than the one windows installed. There is no sound effects tab in the control panel that ObviousAlt mentions. And it hasn't fixed the problem
  6. I have noticed this too recently. Where is the setting to turn this off?
  7. Sort of, but it doesn't revoke permissions to objects that the blocked person may be using.
  8. Can you take a similar picture and show what is under the general tab?
  9. This should help: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Calculating-land-impact/ta-p/974163 Prim is kind of the old way of talking about land impact. What are you trying to rezz? have you rezzed other stuff? You can only have 117 prim\land impact worth of stuff in your Linden Home. If you want to rezz more then you will need to buy or rent land.
  10. Trezz Vyper wrote: Hi, .... Couple of questions (for my piece of mind): Are there scripts which allow; even a blocked avi, to locate another person's location in SL? Are there scripts which can teleport a person to another location withouty their permission? ..... Yes, the scripts on sale here, say they work on any avatar wearing the script. No RLV used. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JM-Creations-Location-Spy-v10-Detect-you-friends-locations-GRIDWIDE/392285 I suggest they look under Parcel info, and then click the avatar tab. They will see a list of scripted items they are wearing. It may help locate the scripted item allowing their stalker to know where they are and teleport them. They can then use edit to look for suspicious scripts in the object they are suspicious of to remove the script. Alternatively just stop wearing anything they have been given.
  11. For savoury Crepes it is worth trying beer instead of milk like in this recipe: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2015/feb/12/how-to-cook-the-perfect-crepes Lemon and sugar is nice, but spinach and ricotta is my favourite filling. 
  12. There was a discussion in the Server subsection, but if even Karen didn't spot it then it counts as well hidden! And yes... I hope we will see more of this openess from Linden Lab, it is refreshing to be given an explanation. That Sunday evening was so frustrating. A friend had to cancel their wedding because they couldn't get the wedding dress on and most of the guests were clouds.
  13. I can't say I have heard of any of them. Sims come and go all the time.
  14. The Hud with the body has alpha styles...eg. Pants 1, 2, 3, 4. Boxers, Jacket 1 & 2  But they are very limited compared with other bodies. If those settings don't work for you, all you can do really is hope for an update from the creator. If you search for broderick on marketplace I can see 3 stores that do jeans\pants supposedly for the avatar.. I would still demo them before buying them. The comments section for the avatar on marketplace seems to indicate dissatisfaction with the alphas and lack of tattoo and other layers. You may want to look at other avatars if you want to dress them up and not just go around as a naked beefcake. . The meshbodyaddicts website is probably the best resource for information about male and female mesh avatars. The Slink or Adam avatars seem like the best choices for wearing clothes.
  15. This from Utilizator is normally what I think of when someone mentions an "Avatar 2.0", but it is a different mesh body system to Maitreya. I don't understand what you mean by using the two together. Clothes from each will be rigged differently and won't fit one another, Utilizator can't use Omega appliers because it is texture mapped differently. I don't really understand what you are getting at with your question, but as I understand it the answer is basically: No. They do the same thing but in different ways. You can't use them both at the same time. Unless maybe you can use the head with maitreya body, but I don't know that you can if that is what you are asking... but since you talk specifically about using the body together that doesn't seem to be your question.
  16. That is quite normal. I am often chatting to a silent passenger on my boat only to get an im asking me to to them to me because they crashed. I have never thought to raise a Jira about it.
  17. In my experience on a 2.6 Mbps internet connection it hardly ran at all, dropped connections and when it did everything was blurry. If you don't have more bandwidth than me on your internet connection it is a waste of time.
  18. Unscheduled Search Maintenance We are performing unscheduled maintenance. on our search . While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience issues with asset retrieval or other features. Please check back here for updates. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2016/01/03/post2703/
  19. Merry Christmas Hippie, LadySue and every one else at the space port!
  20. Thanks Whirly. I will take a look at your post and go through it later and respond. I am pretty sure I have the texture memory size maxed and I was getting the constant blurring in a skybox, so there is perhaps more going on than the obvious. I will check it out in more detail when I have time later. Edit just checked and video card memory was maxed. Turning it down has maybe fixed the problem. I have a 2Gb card but setting the hardware to 1Gb seems to fix it. ----update---- I was wondering all day if I had been short changed on my graphics card when I sent it in for repair and got a 1Gb card back, but Speccy and NVidea's only information seems to indicate it has 4Gb of memory onboard. The texture thrashing occurs when I set Ukando on max of 2Gb, it seems ok on less than that, but since Firestorm's max is 1024mb I will leave UKando's at that for now. Replicating the Firestorm issue is not so easy. I will come back to that I am sure after Xmas, (I will be on Lumiya for a week from tomorrow) and when I do I will investigate further and if necessary do a JIRA bug report. It is most noticeable on group rides where 20 or so of us explore a biking sim on bikes. Ps I didn't adjust that setting in Firestorm. If I have changed any Debug settings in Firestorm it will just be for the camera view. (The Computer got wiped several times before the shop replaced the graphics card. The Firestorm install is only a month or so old)
  21. ChinRey wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: When it was first introduced there cropped up those people who's attitude was "if it is mesh it's got to be good." Oh yes, "Mesh for Mesh' Sake" - that's a serious issue. To me the saddest aspect there are the old school builders who used to be great before they turned to mesh. There are some builders (I won't mention names of course but most of them are doing landscapes and plants) I truly admire for the great meshes and sculpts they used to make. But then mesh came along and they bought Mesh Generator or Mesh studio and ... got completely lost, producing mesh garbage that is way below the quality of their own old builds and well below what we really need in SL. On the other hand there are some things that just don't work with prims. I wanted a see through dance floor to fit a circular room that didn't have alpha problems. so I stretched out my tube added my texture set it to alpha masking and sat back happy at a job well done until I realised my prim now had a land impact of 200. Rather than give up on the idea I added the script to it to it to make it in to mesh and load it back in to SL, rezzed and textured that and the land impact was back to 1 again. A variation on Dilbert's Mesh tube does work in SL, in a way that the same shape in prim does not.
  22. Anya Ristow wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Well I can't really say I have noticed much change. Clubs I went to when I started out were always full of people gesturbating and others mostly AFK whilst they shop on marketplace and listen to the music. When was "when I started out?" If it was 2011 when you joined this forum then you've never known a time when people talked in open chat everywhere on the grid, because that started to decline in late 2007 and by mid 2008 clubs were full of what I called "club chat", which is gesture spam and nonsensical, tiny snippets of random prerecorded comments. That is, bots. No, they aren't AFK while they shop. They are brought in by the venue owner to make it look like there are people in the club. Multiple avatars are run by one person using a bot client, and the "chat" is generated by the client. The person running them can respond to chat or IM, but their own bot chatter can make it difficult to see that someone has walked into the club and said hello. That, or sometimes they're just watching TV, or too busy setting up bots in another venue. So, actual human visitors can be ignored. My initial foray in to secondlife was in 2009, but fairly shortlived as my pc just wasn't up to it. I walked into some water on help island or wherever i started. I couldn't see anything much for graphical glitches and well I relogged and I was still in the water and I couldn't get out. I came back in 2011 on this account with an upgraded computer and have stayed ever since. I have never considered whether the gesturbating friends of the hosts you see at some events are bots or not, perhaps some are, but not all of them. For the most part I seem to recall them saying hi to each other when they arrive before they start showing their gestures off. I don't care for it but each to their own. So long as they don't get in the way of the music I will put up with them. Aethelwine wrote: I actually see much less of that nowadays because I rarely go to clubs and instead go to events with djs and people chat at them and don't gesturbate. And the trick is to find these events. I know of one because I found a club owner on another web forum and got in her in-world group, where she posts event notices. And I know of a discussion group that posts in-world group notices because I found them years ago through word-of-mouth. Now, imagine you are running out of things to do because these groups and venues are closing up. How do you find new ones? When someone asks what there is to do in SL, this is the info they need, not a vague, unhelpful, "yeah, I still find things to do. I don't see bots at the events I go to." If you have a strategy for finding these events, describe it. Describe it in enough detail that someone else, perhaps a newbie who doesn't have twelve hours worth of patience before they find their first event, can reproduce it. If you know of a venue that has real events, name it. If the event it regular, name the time. If you know of a group that posts event notices, name it. I've asked many times over quite a few years where people are finding live humans at the keyboard, and these unhelpful responses account for almost all the answers: 1) A described strategy that no longer works, because the person is describing how they *used* to find things. Or it amounts to "check the events list", which only works if you have unlimited time and patience, and probably means you are describing a strategy you don't actually use, or that you can't tell the difference between humans and bots so the events on the events list seem real enough to you. 2) A named venue that currently has no live humans, because the person hasn't actually been there in years and they don't know that it is no longer active. 3) A named venue that *everyone* names (NCI, Shelter, Blarney Stone). Again, this tends to be from memory, not from current experience. 4) A named venue that is empty or has bots 166 hours per week. A more helpful response would be to name the update group where event notices are posted, so one can show up during the 2 hours per week there are humans there. 5) Most of the responses amount to "no, you're wrong, SL is full of human activity" without naming anything at all. I don't mean to pick on you, Aethelwine, but I have years of experience asking this question and in all that time only a couple people have been helpful. Almost everyone else is just here to tell me I'm wrong, out of pride or something. When I first joined Sl seemed a very lonely place you could be in a crowd and no one would talk to one another the hubs were full of noisy people being stupid or offensive. I would have given up on it quite quickly if I hadn't been preyed upon by a bloodlines clan member, who bought me a Hud and introduced me to a premade group of friends with social events. Alot involving the War thing where they jump around attacking one another and stuff. I had too much lag to get involved with that, but having a premade social group made the difference between going and staying. They eventually fell apart but I found another bloodlines group to hang out with. In my travels I came across Hippie Bowman's sim and got involved with building, the Breakfast club and events and people there. And then I joined a motorcycle club and things really took off. My friendslist expanded exponentially. They had events, affiliated MCs had events, like one big family of people. More recently I have taken up sailing going on LCC cruises, Topless Cruises and RSYC cruises. I always contribute what I can, building advice, finances to keep the sims running, hosting, Djing just getting involved. I am now a Vice President of an active MC that runs two of the best biking sims (RRMC), and a Cruise Director for the Thursday Topless Cruises. I struggle to manage all the chats and social side of things to make time to do the things I like doing like sailing and riding. I don't think I am special. When I first joined I was afraid to talk in public for fear I would look stupid, I still do. But once you get to see people enough they become familiar faces and then it becomes easy to talk in public and private. There isn't any secret formula to finding events. You just look for the things that interest you, do them, meet people talk to them get involved in their events and then the conversations start happening, just naturally. As for event groups, if you like live music... then Live Music Enthusiasts is a good place to start. The performers chat to the crowd and encourage conversations. Naz Fride DJs an event at Atomic Palace Saturday nights I have really enjoyed going to, on the few occassions I have managed it (it is the middle of the night for people in Euro time). Commune Utopia has great events and are a nice bunch of people. Hippie Bowman's breakfast club on Sundays and anything he does. Helping Haven do nice events and are a nice bunch of people if you like helping people. The Caledon Group, The Wastelands, the sailing groups are all good for after parties and chatting during the cruises and after. My MC too RRMC has about 5 or 6 events a week to get involved with, some riding, some dancing and djs There must be countless events and communities to get involved with and find friends to chat with in SL, you just need to look for when their events are. After my first few years here I now have more to do than there is time in the day. Because of sailing what people think of as mainland is expanding through the addition of private sims on its borders, the Seychelles, the USS sims. SL seems more alive today to me than at any other time since I joined.
  23. I don't know if there is some restriction to using animated textures on mesh, since I have never looked at it that much or had any desire to, but I do have mesh objects with animations SDS Distortion planes for example.
  24. Well I can't really say I have noticed much change. Clubs I went to when I started out were always full of people gesturbating and others mostly AFK whilst they shop on marketplace and listen to the music. I actually see much less of that nowadays because I rarely go to clubs and instead go to events with djs and people chat at them and don't gesturbate. There is a time and place for both and thinking about it, it seems to me that balance and dynamic has probably always been there and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't always want to be involved in chats when I just want to listen to music. Pamela Galli wrote: Well, there is no denying that mesh has evidently not given SL a big boost, especially considering the huge amount of time and effort that has gone into learning, say, Blender. It may have even slowed its erosion. There is no real way to know. I just know that when I heard mesh was coming, I assumed that meant that a ton of ready made content would be imported from the Internet, which it has. So now SL looks better at least. The other thing about mesh tho is that it really cuts LI. People do not have to pay for as much land. I was filling up almost a sim a year for a while, but that stopped when I began replacing things with mesh. Like with most things, there are trade offs. It is only really after the first few years that I got involved in building anything, and that would be post mesh. First with prims, then using sculpt generator thing, and now using mesh studio. A friend makes motorbikes from prims in world and then meshes them. A 30 land impact bike he makes is often the result of 2000 or more prims. The tools are still there for in world creation, it takes time to make complex builds, but it always did. It may cost to buy mesh studio but the savings on land impact, as Pamela states more than makes up for that. As for no good vehicle scripts, I really wonder if the op has used any of the scripts designed for that over the years. If SL is in decline for the reasons the op gives then it is sad because the reasons aren't valid. Anyone can build with prims, and do much more with them now than ever before.
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