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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Rhonda Huntress wrote: a few looping sound clips is a very ineffecent way of playing music. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GENZO-Anywhere-Radio-Streamer-HUD/1775225 L$50 and take your radio with you. Res in world (either on the gound or attached to the avatar) and everyone nerar can hear the music as well. How do you convert a shoutcast link in to the flashplayer links it uses?
  2. I am sure I have been getting notices about new dances being released by henmations recently.
  3. SamsonMcgarrett wrote: I apologize in advance if this question is too noobish. I've been attempting to animate a large ship that currently sits about 86 prims. So, I've been researching how to get the physics weight below 32 and have been playing with converting prims to "convex hull". However, when I do so, it always increases the land impact. This is someone else's build but it seems to me that they are all simple prims, not sculpties and certainly not mesh. So, when I try to edit an individual prim in the linkset, for some reason the land impact increases by about 20. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Thanks! I think the reason why convex hull can sometimes increase land impact has already been explained. But your underlying problem seems to be animating something over 32 prims. I don't know how that works in any technical detail. I have always used Karyn's over 32 prim script. It works out what properties to make each prim in the linkset. Any prims you want to be physical, eg tires or you might just put a box around your whole vehicle should be labeled solid, the root prim will be solid anyway. Drop the script in and it has always worked for me like magic regardless of the vehicle scripts I am using. It will I think allow anything up to 255 land impact to operate as a vehicle (with additional vehicle scripts).
  4. Fatewear also take a look at argrave for hair and hats.
  5. Hi Angel Cher, nice to see you are returning to secondlife. I hope you stick around! Hugs
  6. I am never without mesh of some form on my body. Even on the 5% of occasions I am not wearing a mesh avatar I will have mesh feet (gos), shoes and hair. - low lag for sailing or racing. Furniture, landscaping, plants and houses again all mesh. The only prims I think I am likely to use are for platforms (often megaprims) or for making into mesh.
  7. Why not just make sure your folders have less than 42 items in them and drag and drop them into a chat window with your friend? They will then get the folders and can organise them as they wish.
  8. I did a little research and found an article about NASA preparing to send microbes to Mars that will create oxygen and allow potentially for colonisation in the future. interesting stuff. No wonder people are talking about it.
  9. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Fortunately, your squatter looking for a place to set up will have a problem. Back in the day, abandoned land allowed anyone to build and no return. There was even a group to let otlers know where they could squat. LL has changed that. If the abandoned land they are in is allowing them to rez stuff and it is owned by LL, do a support ticket so they can fix the settings. As for the sex couple, tell them to search sex. There are plenty of place in SL that have free sex toys and beds for them to use. For changing, I know for a fact that The Free Dove has dressing rooms on the second floor. I learned in my first year how to change from the skin out in public and not show a thing. Problem is that with the generosity of builders/creators there is a whole new mindset in players that they are owed a place to have sex, dress, etc for free. A friend told me he squatted on abandonned land for about a year until someone else tried to take over. If I recall correctly he was talking about 10 years ago. So I don't see anything much has changed. People have always made use of the resources around them that are available, it is only a problem if it impacts negatively on others.
  10. Maybe they do own the land they are getting changed on, they could be alts or they could have been told by the landowner they can come there to change. I often tell people about my landholdings and tell them they are free to use the space as they feel, so long as it doesn't interfere with me when I am online. It is not like real life, where you will come home and find your stereo gone or having to change the sheets on your bed if someone you met has come around to use the place. If I was running a town on mainland I would be encouraging people to come and enjoy it like it was their home. People having to use abandonned land seems like a rather sad reflection on the permissions the community of landowners in the area have set up to me.
  11. I can't help but think of the the words of the famous Chartist, S Smiles: "Life will always be to a large extent what we ourselves make it"
  12. pretty sure dark delights is taken already. How about Whitby, or the Batcave?
  13. Not really an answer to your question, but I have not looked back since getting Gaeline creations mesh eye lashes. The hud makes them easy and they look better than tattoos. As for lips I am a bit of a philistine I just use a few colours from a pink fuel fat pack I have. to get my lips the shape they are in your picture I think I would be making adjustments to my shape.
  14. Go to the redelivery terminal in the shop and start again
  15. if you are male and young looking for your age you might want to try using the default female avatar and playing with the sliders for the shape and adding a male or femboy skin to it
  16. There are quite a few bike scripts in secondlife, but Karyn's dominate. They currently come in version 7 Beta scripts and version 6 scripts. I personally prefer the version 6 scripts, mostly because they are what I know better. The version 7 scripts have some additional options for tuning the bike, but they can both be tuned to taste pretty well. They are especially good for racing so a lot of Karyn's scripted bikes will feel really difficult to steer and control because they are being sold for racing, for taking tight turns at top speeds with a delicate touch of the left right buttons. They can be detuned for normal performance, but some like TAMA have additional adjustments in the script that make them pure racers such that however you try to set them up they will still be awkward to cruise around on. Other bikes run on more basic script sets, there are a number of makers from CC, Motorloon, JFC, the late Picasa, Motor Bazzi that all use scripts that seem like developments of the HQCC scripts or were developed at a tangent to HQCC from basic vehicle scripting. These types of bikes tend to be easier to ride, better and more stable for cruising about on roads and crossing sim borders, but there is no ability as a rider to tweak the performance through the menu, nor the scripts as they will be no mod. They tend not to bank but are easy to ride and good initial bikes for most purposes, but don't expect to win any races on them. As for bikes bouncing on the transitions between one section of road and another, that is often due to the hip height of the poses and its bounding box, there are other factors especially with mesh roads and mesh parts, I don't know all the answers to why, alot of it is trial and error each collection of parts behaves a bit differently. Some bikes run fine on prim roads, but you take them out on a mesh road made by Simone Barsov, and they jump all over the place. Whatever KatyProxima has done making her mesh roads, they are much smoother and there is less chance of the bike jumping about. Bikes seem to bounce a little more on prim roads recently than I noticed in the past, it may just being spoilt with KatyProxima's new roads, or it might be some almost imperceptible change at the Linden Lab end. I would recommend search Moto Bazzi and JFC Customs on inworld search for a cruising bike and for one you will be able to practice racing on go take a look at Sau this bike in particular has a nice balance of speed and controllability. Try the demos out inworld and see how you find the handling on the bike, and pick the one you find best.
  17. Did you post a photo of your new home to your profile feed, along with the location? Just checked your profile. It looks like you have your home in your Picks on your profile.
  18. Try a Shae look? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/gO-Shae-red/5955015 maybe this hair: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ARGRACE-ANZU-Blacks/7387242 I have had other outfits from !gO! and thought they are exceptional quality.
  19. Ebbe Linden wrote: >> Maybe it's because I'm a Swede... It has all been downhill since England lost Sven-Goran Eriksson. There is a lot to be said for Swedish cool.
  20. Ebbe Linden wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: I've got the impression that the whole idea of region crossings would be alien to this new platform. That is probably where some of the anxiety about a mainland kind of experience comes from. While seamless crossings have obviously been too problematic to try again any time soon, some kind of way to smooth over the edges, something like a fog or tunnel you can walk (or riode a vehicle) through to get between experiences that want to allow that, might go some way toward keeping that kind of imersion alive. Will Sansar be able to suport something like that? Something like this is what we have in mind. Can you be more explicit about how this will work? I have seen stargates on a sim transposrt a space ship 1000m up in the air. The same idea can fairly seamlessly move a motor vehicle around a sim (so long as the script can be added to the car). With experiences and larger km sized sims this would be great for land vehicles, but what about aircraft and sailing ships or when you want to travel across a sim border without going through a tunnel...boats and airplanes in particular can't be driven in to tunnels without losing the immersion, or sense of being in the same place as before. With sims the size you are talking can't their be a zone of 100 or 50m around the edges in which the two servers can negotiate the hand over between sims.... such that the original sim handles the vehicles position, until such a time as the second sim is synchronised and then it hands over and the illusion of a seamless transition between sims is maintained for the person? Whilst the number of people owning land with protected access to the sea in SL may be small (because of limited availability and the high costs) there are a lot of people come from their private sims to enjoy sailing and exploring mainland. It is hard to say how many, but nearly everyone I know has at least one boat or has enjoyed being a passenger.
  21. Rentals come up here: https://sites.google.com/site/slhollywoodrealestate/available-leases but be careful a lot are homesteads. Also use the land map and look for parcels to the sides of the Hollywood estate, you will find they have rental boxes on them. The Snug harbor estate and Second Norway normally have parcels for rent at what I would consider to be reasonable rates for the location, again check your region info to see if it is a homestead or full sim. I have 700 prims for about 2,000L$ a week on the Snug Harbor estate right next to the Blake sea channel on a full sim and am very happy with it. I have had an LCC party on it and am planning a Topless Sailors party on it too.
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