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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I think more people value mainland than Linden labs realise. They may not be sailing or flying every day, but having that sort of thing there as an option is something that makes second life special and somewhere people want to be and stay. Without that it will take me a long time to move over to the new platform, because even if it has better graphics it will be missing one of its most important features.
  2. Cory Edo's Trompe Loeil immediately springs to mind. Consistently high quality and a large range of styles to choose from at not too high a price.
  3. I have not had that problem before. It may just be a glitch. Perhaps worth doing a clean install and see if that fixes it. What viewer are you using?
  4. Conifer Dada wrote: The best thing would be if LL could update the system avatar mesh by increasing the number of polygons while keeping all the current reference points, so that textures still fit. Also they could add some new slider adjustments, like "knee position", so you can alter the thigh / calf lengths relative to each other, and split 'belly size" into two - "upper belly" and "lower belly" Yes to that, especially the knee position. But it isn't going to happen. The best we can hope for is that they get it right in the new platform they are making.
  5. Medhue Simoni wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: [...] So, I'm just kind of wondering. How many think this is a good idea? Is it worth it? Maybe you should ask the creators of the EBody. While perhaps not exactly the same idea, it sounds close enough. Well, that's kind of the opposite of what I'm talking about, as far as mesh avatars. My thought is to simplify things. Have efficient avatars, that you just wear and go. Avatars that are easy to find clothing that fits. Something that works seemlessly with existing skin textures, and no need to match anything. Heck, maybe I'm wrong tho. Maybe women enjoy all those options and playing around with their avatar. I'm a guy, so I could very well be thinking about this all wrong. If hands and feet are the problem, I could easily create new hands and feet, and match them to fit the skin textures. Oh, and technically, with the testing I've done, I don't see any need to alpha out parts of the mesh body, because the weights can be so precise, that there is no need to hide any skin. I really don't understand why those mesh bodies have all those alpha options, as they should work exactly the same as what I tested. Bad weights are the only reason to have those alphas. That wouldn't be a problem with clothing made for these avatars I'm talking about, cause the clothing creators would be getting those weights directly from me, or whomever else might make these avatars. Plus, with these mesh bodies, they don't take advantage of the extra materials that meshes have, and this is because the SL heads don't have theses features. So, with a full mesh avatar, your skin can look many times better, and eyes. Unless I am missing something the e-body is almost exactly what you are describing, except that it doesn't have a head and instead of dropping textures directly on to it, incorportates the omega applier system (which would seem more useful and allow greater compatibility). No one can make clothes to fit the standard avatar that don't require alphas unless all your shape sliders are precisely the same. With standard sizing alphas are needed and with fitmesh the same because not all the shape sliders are "bones" (is that the right word) that the mesh clothes can be rigged to. I have never had a pair of trouser I could fit in to without an alpha layer, without making my legs so scrawny and chicken legged the alpha is the only option. So far as I am aware most of the mesh bodies use materials or can use materials. I don't notice skin makers advertising their skins using materials... but then that would probably more likely put me off the skin than attract me. I rarely turn advanced lighting on because of lag... Having even more layers of high rezz textures on my and other avatars that I can't even see would impact performance far more than any gains for me and many others.
  6. Ina Fairport wrote: The oldest build as far as I know is the Governor Linden's mansion build by the very first SL resident Stellar Sunshine http://slurl.com/secondlife/Clementina/188/122/61/ The Oldest build from what I can gather is the Man Statue: It is rather elegant with a pleasing aesthetic simplicity, it is good to see it preserved. This is what the notecard giver says about it: It all started back in the Alpha stage of Second Life (then Linden World) when Linden Lab wanted to test a new rendering engine, how feasible a city scape would be, and other general content testing. This city was built in Natoma before any non-employee users had logged into SL and was not named but often referred to as "Linden Town" or "Linden City". The town/city contained many buildings (mostly unfurnished and low texture usage), a small park-like town square with a fountain, and roads all through it. The city also had a statue in its town square behind a "City Hall". The statue turned out of course to be "The Man" built by a content developer (oldjohn Linden) hired at the time by LL (in 2002). The city was later deleted before Beta to make way for the new Welcome Area which got the nickname of the 'Newbie Corral' and also the various other new-resident oriented things (Avatar Central among them). However one thing survived the deletion of the city to become the only proof of its existence (besides pictures), and that thing was "The Man" statue. At this point The Man was moved slightly to the corner of Natoma and placed on a small grassy hill. The Man stood and greeted new residents from its perch off in the distance as they entered. Natoma remained this way until the Welcome Area, along with other content, was deleted and moved. Being the crafty build it was, The Man once again escaped deletion and still stood tall above the land. Natoma has since gone through many changes, some Linden builds disappeared and only two old builds were left from its past. These surviving builds are the Arch'D Linden Grande (from the Newbie Corral era) and The Man statue. Thus The Man stands today as the oldest original still-standing build within Second Life. Presently it is owned by Philip Linden (this happened sometime ago, perhaps during its moving) and has had a few objects left around it over time by residents as "offerings" to The Man, giving it a kind of realistic feeling of a mysterious symbolic statue. (Thanks to Andrew and Philip Linden for providing additional information.) Landmark: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Natoma/61/208/54 I can't find anything else out about the Arch'D Linden Grande I assume that must be lost now, but the statue is still there.
  7. Ina Fairport wrote: The oldest build as far as I know is the Governor Linden's mansion build by the very first SL resident Stellar Sunshine http://slurl.com/secondlife/Clementina/188/122/61/ This is what the notecard giver says about it: This lovely mansion was originaly built by Steller Sunshine way back during the Alpha (early, early testing) days of Second Life (at that time known as LindenWorld). All other builds created during Alpha were deleted except for the Mansion and another build by Steller which was a cabin, her first home, after being carried over to the main grid the cabin was used by Robin Linden in Taber as her home for awhile. The mansion which resides in Clementina, was givin by Steller to the Linden's to preserve it for the cross over from Alpha to Beta testing. The mansion was home to Steller through-out the Alpha testing phases, and was the location for many of the first parties in Second Life and other memorable events. Now the mansion is home to Governor Linden and over time has gained and lost some objects. The gained objects were plaques and namestones from Linden Lab and the users of Second Life proclaiming thanks and grattitude, these objects could have been seen in the grassy overlook. Also a time capsule was added and just recently was opened, between 06/17/2003 and 06/25/2004 anyone was able to drop items into the time capsule if they wished to add to it, the time capsule could have been found in the ground near the guest house. The lost objects are objects that were deleted due to when Second Life switched to the new "Prim Allotment Via Land Amount" system in 1.2. Thankfully land was purchased before all of the mansion was auto-deleted by the server, the main loss being the basement which is accessible through a hole in the pool and a door with a drop down inside the house. Since the original typing of this Notecard some changes have happened. The plaques and namestones had been deleted. The time capsule also has of course been opened and deleted (see; Second Life First Year Anniversary Gala for more information about the Time Capsule opening). Also some objects have been restored and others had been deleted. With its beautifull view, great architecture, fantastic use of prims, and friendly enviornment, this mansion still stands as one of the greater builds in Second Life. And it will continue to do so, as of recently a group was put together (in large part by the efforts of Jake Cellardoor) to restore the Governor's Mansion to its former original glory. The team under Linden backing has so far done a great job of replacing lost objects, even replacing some objects that have been missing since 1.2 or earlier. It includes a landmark, some pictures and an update history that shows the notecard was last updated in 2005. Looking at these old places it does seem strange that there was interest in preserving and recording Sl history up until 2005 and then nothing.... just tier paid on the old builds to preserve them. The Governors mansion has some sort of tour thing in the basement that no longer works. It does seem a little sad and curious about what happened in 2005 to change the way history was recorded and preserved.
  8. I too love exploring. I recently bought a place here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kirkby/179/93/27 Opposite is a sort of Acropolis structure with a Linden Village Landing Point motif motif on the side. Rather than being built by moles it seems to have been built by Michael and Governor Linden, There is also a wall with notecard givers on .... Second Life 2-Year Anniversary Celebration - The Wall of History. Built by Pathfinder Lester. Each notecard gives a little bit of history, a photo perhaps and a hyperlink to a dead historysecondserver website. Varney Boardwalk, Varney Montain, Skyline Graveyard, Hiro Pendragon, Tower of Primitives, Abbotts Aerodrome. All from before I joined SL. The latest references I can find are from 2005. The whole area is endlessly fascinating, like a grand discarded relic to a bygone age. Is this from a time before Moles?
  9. MeiMeiMing wrote: I have been having a problem with my TMP Deluxe body not rezzing for other people. It usually occurs when I log on or TP to another location. I can see in the Style HUD that there is no body. But it shows that I am wearing it in my inventory. But I cannot detach the body to reattach. Sometimes relogging fixes the problem. (took me 5-6 tries today to fix it.) I have tried all the usual tricks with clearing cache. My other mesh body parts like N-Core shoes and my Snow Rabbit head do not have this problem so it appears to be just TMP. And dont get me started on the POS Style HUD. This is becoming unbearable and considering the price it should not be happening. Ming It sounds like you are having this problem. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6925? It seems to affect some people worse than others. Alot of people were complaining when Firestorm updated recently and they adopted the latest linden lab code. The solution that works for them is to go back to the old version of firestorm. See if using Firestorm 4.6.9 (42974) Hotfix Release fixes the problem for you. It is available here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6925? Maybe by August, a year after they introduced it, they will have found a fix for it?
  10. No real reason for things like hair or furniture to be sold no copy. I would avoid spending money on any that weren't.
  11. I have seen suggested... although I might have misunderstood, that wearing your sheer underwear on your clothing layer, turning alpha masking on on the underwear layer (presumably even if nothing actually on it, and your tattoos on the tattoo layer will fix glitching issue as the order f the layers is made clear by having the masking on in the middle layer. Since I have given up on wearing tattoos and got used to not wearing knickers under my pantythose I haven't tested it to see if it works or if the masked layer needs something on it to fix the sorting issue. Edit... the Mesh Body Addicts page essentially says the same thing. maybe masked mode panties would work there, or maybe you can get away with just turning themask mode channel on.
  12. It is hard to find nice pale skins too that don't make you look like one of the undead.
  13. Jumpman Lane wrote: Hi, K, see, I admit it, I'm a retro-noob (blame Linden Lab for suspending me so much hehehehehehe) but GEEZE I used to be able to bet nekid and onna pose ball lickety split. Now i gotta mesh with huds and play around with alpha and getting dressed AFTER takes even longer. Plus I aint wearing them dorky Mesh heads but I admit i do look better thaneva hehehehehe. Anybody got any mesh tips like how to make these sap creators make more clothes for my body another option is to copy the body that is set up with alphas for your clothes and then save it along with the outfit. having a copy of your body for each outfit, is not such an extravagence for a man with just a few sets of clothes.
  14. I think most people outside the USA think it has something to do with the Dukes of Hazard. hehe But a little investigation and you find out the real meaning of the South Carolina confederate battle flag being raised over their Statehouse in 1962 was as a White Suprematist symbol of resistance to the growing Black Civil rights movement. As such its meaning is clear and for anyone that thinks their state should not be proudly broadcasting its racism, its usage as such is inappropriate. I am not for banning symbols of hate,but any individual or organisation distributing such symbols has to think and consider if that is something it wants to be seen to be doing. And anyone wearing one on a sim where I have ban and eject rights can consider themselves under caution and I will use my ban hammer alot quicker on them should they be an arse.
  15. Perhaps easier still is to look under World, About Land, Script Info and then the My Avatar tab. And you will see a list of scripted items you are wearing and the memory they are using. If the item has 100s of scripts in its linked parts and you can't remove them through its menu, or a command (read the notecard that came with the item) then this free script will remove the scripts from each part of the linkset. Just rezz the item drop the script in. Read what it says in nearby chat, take it back to inventory, rezz it again and then r-click to get it in edit mode and then go the the build menu > scripts > set to running in the selection and then watch the running progress box that pops up as it cleans each part of the linkset for you. Take it back to inventory and you should have a clean descripted hair piece\shoe or whatever was causing the problem.
  16. What mesh body are you using? There is a descripting thingamyjig for the slink avi in their store (or used to be). I have never noticed the mesh avis I have being all that heavy on scripts. It is only when I put a dance hud on I go above 50 scripts.
  17. In my experience they return the money at that point and tell you it was a meant to be a free gift... At which point I do what Irhapeti did and buy some things from their store.
  18. As they say, if all else fails read the friendly manual (RTFM) : 9.5.1 Activate MP3 streaming support on Windows To activate MP3 streaming on Windows, follow these steps: 1. Download LAME 3.98.4 binaries from http://lame.bakerweb.biz/. The download includes versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 2. Unpack the downloaded archive. You need a utility for manipulating archives like the free 7zip. 9.4. Troubleshooting 53 Mixxx User Manual, Release 1.11.0 3. If you have the 32-bit version of Mixxx, copy the file libmp3lame.dll from the x86 folder to the location you have installed Mixxx, for example C:\Program Files\Mixxx\ 4. Alternatively, if you have the 64-bit version of Mixxx, copy the file libmp3lame.dll from the x64 folder to the location you have installed Mixxx 5. Rename libmp3lame.dll to lame_enc.dll in the folder where you have installed Mixxx 6. Restart Mixxx Hint: A common mistake when going through the process is not copying only libmp3lame.dll from the LAME zip file and then renaming that file to lame_enc.dll. It’s deceiving but there is a file named lame_enc.dll in the LAME zip file. You don’t want that file! Also, make sure the version of LAME you use (x86=32-bit vs. x64=64- bit) matches the version of Mixxx you use. Select Help → About to find out whether you have installed the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Mixxx.
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I have none of the problems you seem to be having. If it were solely SL a lot of people would have these problems. You should investigate and trouble shoot your end. You can have a high end computer and fast Internet but still have issues. See this to help you troubleshoot the problem. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ I know quite a few people that are having attachment issues crossing sims from the sailing community who do that regularly. The issue is the same as for teleporting and related to this Bug. Those experiencing the problem are using the latest code from the Second Life viewer, including I believe on some TPVs. The solution is to use the old version of Firestorm 4.6.9, until it is fixed.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Nova Convair wrote: Mesh hair moves with the body but looks like it's glued to the body. Looks like crap. Flexi hair swings through the body and the movement doesn't convince me. Looks like crap. So most of the hairstyles in SL look like crap. The one or the other will look better in specific circumstances. Very few are even of an acceptable quality. SL has no good hair. Point. I agree, SL has no good hair. Or another way to look at it, all hairs in SL have shortcomings. Some of it comes down to the skill of the hair maker. A lot of it comes down to the limits of what we have to work with. If a Mesh creator could figure out how to overcome that "plastered on look" it would be the cats meow for longer hairs. I think the best looking hairs are shorter cuts done with flexis. But a really well done short flexi hair (they usually have a lot of strands, such as Sweetheart Hairs does) comes with a hidden cost. When calculating ARC you add: "Each texture counts once, so hair that has fifty prims but only one texture across all the hair adds only 5 points for textures. (Note that most hair has at least two textures, one with transparency to make the 'ends', and one without for the main bulk of the hair. So hair like that adds 10 points for textures.)" "8 points for each prim that's flexible." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Avatar_Rendering_Cost So there is a pretty high "penalty" for a well made hair with flexis. That is the main reason I have moved away from flexi hair, it pretty much doubles the rendering cost of your avatar.
  21. I seem to recall having to reinput my credit card information after their system rejected it and others saying they had to do the same. It was a couple of years ago now so my memory is a bit vague.
  22. search for yacht clubs and\or marinas and go visit them. Most will have rentals
  23. I have read lots of conflicting advice about interpreting the script information with regards to improving SIM performance. Can you explain at what point the total frame time number becomes a problem Is it more important to be looking at the information real time to look for spikes? and any other script related information needed to diagnose and cure script related SIM problems?
  24. So sad to hear of anyone's passing, especially when they have contributed so much to people's pleasure of secondlife. Rest In Peace Sylva
  25. Didn't K&L use their own skins from the complete avatar sets?
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