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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I don't have this problem on firestorm, but firestorm has a different problem and keeps deciding to stop loading textures after a while. So for example when exploring a new area of a sim often only half the scene will load, or I go to a shop and after a while, it stops loading textures until I restart the viewer. So I decided to try UKando (SLViewer has no parcel boundaries on the minimap so is useless to me), and immeditately I notice the problem I have had with Singularity and otrher viewers. where object go blurry, they resolve, and look ok, you turn around and look back and they are blurry again. So everything is always going blurry and reloading all the time. I looked up a solution and found that setting debug settings "TextureLoadFullRes" to True, fixes the problem. But it also means when sailing around things load even slower and I end up sailing through gray half resolved rivers, when on firestorm they might be a bit blurry but you can generally make out what it is you are passing and can pause if something takes your interest. I know others have had this problem, it seems quite common. Are there any alternative solutions than the "TextureLoadFullRes" one that would have less of an impact when exploring? I doubt it makes much difference but my PC: Intel i7-4770 CPU @ 3.4GHz. 16 GB Memory, 64 bit Win 8.1, GeForce GTX 745
  2. It is possibly a fault introduced while they are updating the avatar with new bones ? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Project_Bento/
  3. Aethelwine

    Sky Clutter

    Have you tried doing a link set search under path finding? It won't show individual prims but gives you a lot of information about every link set on your land, including the option to teleport to it.
  4. Benson Gravois wrote: Well if you want to stop driving and walk down to the kitchen to sit down say, it would suck if the boat disappeared every time you did that. It would suck even more if every time you came back to your parcel your found people had left their boats and stuff scattered around and had to return their stuff. There is a good reason for why people and the lindens use autoreturn. Boats that are "liveable" and vehicles get around that by including a pose menu that allow you to go from the helm to other poses around the boat without standing and walking around.
  5. I meant mlcc loonetta not oceanic. Take a look at the oceanic too it is similar. Just not quite as pretty.
  6. I would say for a "liveable" boat with sails you have two options and which is best depends on what you want. A) If your idea of liveable is to be able to sit at the seats inside and out, lounge about with friends, use other poses like showering cooking etc with friends then you best choice is the MLCC Oceanic, B) If you want to do all of that and have cuddles and ... well bump pixels then the Bandit 55 or 60, There other contenders but none are as user friendly for someone new to yachting, or they don't have the option of sailing... which if that is what you want then I would answer differently. As to your second question yachts like any other vehicle will be returned in areas with autoreturn after a short period of time after you get up where that is enabled... which you will find to be the case in most places. - Really no big deal since why would you stand up anyway unless it was to disembark or get on another boat?
  7. If you have clicked the kill scripts button that will stop the hud from doing anything and the appliers from loading because you have killed the scripts (ie deleted them). Use a fresh copy or go back to the store to get a redeilvery and start again with a fresh body.
  8. Check your power supply is up to it that may need upgrading with a newer graphics card.
  9. I find one head enough (the system head fits it nicely)... no need to buy a mesh head
  10. If you just want your club name in nice writing try making something on this website and downloading it for upload as a png with transparency. http://cooltext.com/
  11. Maybe look at the Eve Slim body, the breasts around 20 size would look natural with the right skin on the body. Slink Physique is an option but the breast shape doesn't really work small. The MBody has the best petite look but it isn't omega compatible, you would have to work with your own textures for it, so my recommendation would be to look at the Eve slim body.
  12. One way to mitigate this sort of grieving is by using a hud that displaces both the camera view and the avatar such that the titles are no longer above your avatars head. I am not sure I would want that added to the viewer though as the setting would be more likely to cause confusion than help.
  13. My understanding is inventory lost rezzing is the responsibility of Linden Lab not the maker. Alot of makers understand the issue and will offer a replacement, but there is no obligation on them to do so. You should do what you have already done, check folders, clear cache, raise a support ticket, try to contact the make. In the end I suspect you will just have to put it down to experience and avoid buying stuff that is no copy in future un;ess you absolutely need it, because this still happens all too frequently.
  14. Your style mode hud might not be working because you aren't using the current version. I rather like the current version it allows you to remove entries and makes it a very user friendly tool for changing applier layers. I miss it on the other mesh bodies now. The only downside for me with TMP body is the way clothes on the tattoo layer glitch and clip with movement. I know other TMP users who say they don't have that problem so it might be my graphics. I do like my Maitreya body but the shape of TMP is better, it seems less flat some how and the style mode hud I really like for it.
  15. The flash player installed for internet explorer is different to that for other browsers and it is that one that media players in SL use. So if you don't have any other browsers installed grab Google chrome or Firefox and then navigate it to the flash site to get the flashplayer for it
  16. The avatar 2. 0 was one of if not the first mesh body replacements. It is made by Utilizator and notable for being mod with at one time an active modding community. The kemono mod being one example. I still see people wearing them, a friend has a very lifelike skin on hers so the anime look of the avatar can be worked around as well as with. Because it doesn't use the same mapping as the default avatar there is no Omega applier compatability. I have one, but never did much more than buy a few things off marketplace for it. I can't really help with looking for stuff for it. I would look on marketplace, look at the profiles and picks and groups of those who have created for it and look for groups about it to see where to look. Anime places may have leads too
  17. It is well worth checking the laptop manufacturers website to see if it is ready for Windows 10. I checked and my Asus Predator Pc is but not many of their other computers seemed to be
  18. The LCC and Topless Sailors have regular cruises each week with a party after, but with at different locations. The Brook Estate are having regular cruises and I think parties now. The Seychelles Isles and other yacht clubs have occasional parties. I suggest joining some sailing groups in particular the SLSA and or SLSC most events will be posted in them.
  19. It looks like you need to petition your law makers to change their laws. "Louisiana has a law strictly prohibiting its citizens from participating in online gambling." Read more : http://www.ehow.com/list_6717451_louisiana-gambling-laws.html
  20. I have some vista and akeyo AOs, but after reflection I have adapted the Vista one to use Oracul walks. Oracul are by far the best value for quality.
  21. It sounds like you clicked a link from someone french to a product on market place. Just click the language button in the top left to toggle back to english. I doubt you have been hacked, but if you are worried there is no harm in changing your password. That should stop them accessing your account again.
  22. Rather than expect them to go in world to see, make sure the text is visible in the snapshot it takes when you press the AR button. It may take a couple of goes to position yourself right and if that fails see if you can send a photo. Whilst against the TOS I would expect them to be reluctant to act if they had to take additional steps to investigate it.
  23. I could probably make a Mao's Little Red Book. Scripted to give quotes on a click that could be worn as an outfit.
  24. Others may know better methods, but what I do is create a prim at ground level. Stretch it to the size of the parcel and then change the z position to the height of my intended build. The prim then shows the extent of your parcel when you are placing your sky build.
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