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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. One should not mind other creators making one or more of the above mistakes, because, theoretically, this should put anyone that is mindful of such issues at an advantage. Unfortunately, that's not how it works, because of one thing: The Flickr audience can't see and does not suffer from massive poly/bad UV/coplanar/loose and missing stuff/lag/low fps/messed-up UIs/etc. I'm talking about the increasing market for backdrop sceneries and 20+ LI chairs and tables. The number of furniture and props that don't exists for every day use in SL, but instead, solely for Flickr picture taking is rising mightily.
  2. Voice, if you need to get the work done. Text is completely unworkable in creation-related meetings.
  3. Maybe I should pay for some decent PI work rather than stick these to telephone poles the whole time. It's a lead statuette that's not really worth much. It's got enormous emotional value to me though.
  4. No joke. A famous British rock star today launched a product line of plush stuffed bats with velcro-detachable heads.
  5. My friends wouldn't believe me, so I'll just drop this here. And, But I'm not complaining
  6. I don't. I just make stuff that I like. Also, I don't consider myself an artist, just a content creator. And I don't pretend to have a style either. I really don't care about style. Just about stuff that I find appealing. Yes. That individual would be me. I created a notebook and a pen once. Because I needed a notebook and a pen for my game. And dice. I made them from real life because I liked them and I needed them for the game. But then again, I'm not making stuff to have on display in a museum. Just for fun. In my underpants. Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm off, making more 100% original mesh. Good day.
  7. Now that you mention it: sales had been relatively bad over the past two days. But people seem to have caught up with their purchases since then. Soon, I will be able to get those pectoral implants.
  8. Yet, you start this thread with a 6 month-old alt. Why not with your original? Why do you wish to remain anonymous with regard to the subject?
  9. And again, it is the prophecy! https://gawker.com/5158190/the-end-of-second-life
  10. @AngeliqueMinogue - Someone's a Silmarillion fan. Here's two trees for ya.
  11. Based on the multitude of opinions in this thread, I still can't make up my mind on whether I want to live in a free society, or rather in an un-free one. 🙃
  12. Then, you could argue that the process of relieving yourself could be considered a game too (the goal of the game here is to find a bathroom in time, or you lose), and indeed any other aspect of First Life.
  13. First, you have to look around and find gold coins (L$). If you have enough, you have to go to the Bald Mountain and trade them for the Scroll of Quests that the Old Wise Man keeps in his cave. I don't want to give away too much, but the first quest involves a lot of scorpion and wild boar killing. Good luck! Now, if you will excuse me. I have to finish reading the internet.
  14. Granted. And the area where your fridge once was will remain clean for the next 80,000 years, after which the radiation levels have dropped sufficiently for fungi and arthropods to recolonize the place. I wish I Disney would quit making sequels and live-action remakes.
  15. I found that hard to believe. First, if you pass on a script, as you say above, and the new owner puts that in a box, the script is always reset. Second, theoretically, each llGetOwner() call should result in an up-to-date owner key, no matter how it was passed on--either by selling the original to another person (so not a copy), or by giving a copy, even without resetting. I found this very unlikely to be true, but at the same time, I anticipated that it might be, because each platform has its quirks. So I decided to test it. I tested three scenarios using the following script: default{ touch_start(integer Total){ if(llDetectedKey(0)==llGetOwner()){ llSay(0,"You are the owner."); }else{ llSay(0,"You are not the owner."); } } } And with this script I did the following: 1. I gave a box with above script to someone else and let the new owner click it. 2. I set an in-world box for sale such that the original box changed ownership upon purchase and let the new owner click it. 3. I gave the above script directly to someone else for them to put in their own box and let the new owner click it. In all three cases llGetOwner() came up with the up-to-date key, saying: "You are the owner." So, no, if you pass the script on to a second person but do not reset the script, it will not remember that you are the owner (nor should it, because each llGetOwner() call should get a fresh result). Consequently, the new person should be able to use the device. That's not all. To make things worse, your solution... ... actually breaks the original, functional code: the CHANGED_OWNER event is only registered when the original object changes ownership while it is rezzed in-world (e.g., by setting it for sale and set to 'Give Original'). Conversely, the CHANGED_OWNER event is never triggered when you take the object back into your inventory and then give a copy to someone else (or, sell it on MP or a copy in-world through a vendor). This means that in all but one method of object transfer, the kOwner variable actually never changes at all and the new owner will not be able to use it.
  16. No. It's not about dance skill or dance classes. It's all about shopping and where to find and buy better dances.
  17. Welcome to the wonderful world of floating point computations.
  18. How's the weather in St. Petersburg, Boris?
  19. Is having to decide whether your words or actions are allowed, or whether to Abuse Report someone is taking a toll on you? Are you longing for a more authoritarian society for relief? Or how should I interpret this? I'm confused by so many of these vague forum posts lately! Are we in the Age of Aquarius yet?
  20. You want to move your avatar without moving your field of view? That would take some custom scripted object that fixes your view while you walk around. You'd have to ask a scripter who does custom work. Or maybe there are some tools already available on the Marketplace for that. Or you want to move the camera without moving you? Press Control and click somewhere with your mouse.
  21. Shadows can disappear when you move a camera because the object that blocks the sun may move out of draw distance range. So, maybe increasing draw distance will help preserve the shadows you want.
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