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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. I agree. But that poses an aesthetics problem for contextual and wheel menus. Devs (hopefully) spend a lot of time deciding on the naming of options. First and foremost, it has to be relevant, but second, it has to be short, or it'll invoke 'mile-wide' menu boxes. 'Wear & Replace' is a lot less ambiguous than just 'Wear', but also an aesthetic nightmare for menu wheel users. (I'd strongly advise against simply 'Replace', because this could mean many other things than attaching stuff.) In this particular case, there seem to be only two options 1. Confused n00bs or 2. Ugly wide menus I think LL devs ultimately decided for 1.
  2. I have a certificate of ownership of the Brooklyn Bridge from before LL pulled the item from Marketplace.
  3. The example I mentioned, though, was the antithesis of this assumption: all prims shared the same location when they were linked. Their distances were zero.
  4. Oo, I like a challenge. First hint... I was about a game. Was it... Klondike Solitaire? What do I win?
  5. If I catch anyone eating shrimp on my sim, I'll ban them. Just sayin'.
  6. I got a 3-star review once because the customer did not speak English very well, so they didn't understand the instructions in the notecard that was included with the product. When I helped the person out in-world, the thanked me and promised me to update the review. They did. They added a comment stating: '5 stars!', instead of re-rating it. So the 3 stars still stand. But let me in on a little secret: leave the unreasonable reviews in place. Don't flag them. New customers aren't interested in 5-star reviews. They go after the juicy low-star ones. People want to know about the flaws of a product. Once they realize that these reviews are unreasonable, their attention to your store is already well-established.
  7. Just keep practising, folks (and teaching others, if you can). Also, I think there's a strong correlation between steepness of the learning curve on the one hand, and productivity/satisfaction on the other. In simple wording: the harder it is to learn something, the bigger the reward.
  8. I recently had this weird phenomenon where I linked 15 mesh objects. Usually, the LI is 8 in these, but mine was 9--probably because I used slightly more detail in the lower LoD sections. The odd thing was, though, that whenever I rez the link set and set Physics Type to None for the entire object (which, as expected, gives me an error message), the LI changes to 8. Works every time with this thing, even after transferring it to other people. LI algorithms move in mysterious ways.
  9. Sounds like you want to apply for Level 2 residency? There's a limit to the amount of money you can transfer from SL to your bank, to comply with laws that prevent money laundering and other schemes. To increase the limit, all you need to do is ask. Link on this page: https://accounts.secondlife.com/lindex/economic_limits
  10. Corrected that 3 hours ago. I think the old version got stuck in your browser cache. Anyone else seeing the uncorrected version?
  11. LSL is an event-based language. There's no need to return to listen. It keeps on listening whenever the listen event is triggered. And it will keep responding.
  12. I think a Gacha Dump is a great idea. The notion that the amount of gachas on MP is growing can probably be explained, at least in part, by the fact that the majority of gachas is unwanted by everyone. Maybe LL can provide a public region named Gacha Dump on which residents can dump all their unwanted gachas? It may be a good alternative to wasting time and energy by setting up a MP page to list them and for these items to stay up there forever and eternal, only to pollute search result lists on MP. Newbies can scavenge the place and pick up stuff for keeps or to trash as soon as they find out that there are nicer things out there. *cue fly sounds for ambience*
  13. Just underscoring Garnet's solution with a screenshot here. A pretty awesome solution to your problem: 1. Check 'Copy' 2. Click 'Refine search' Voilà. Most gachas are now gone from your search results list. Hope this will bring you back to MP.
  14. And thank you for finally understanding me and totally agreeing with me.
  15. @Selene All those methods require a lot of tools and social engineering. If someone's willing to put that much effort in that, then better not use SL either. You can just about determine someone's IP address with anything if you don't take the right precautions. https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/redzone-second-life-ip-address-detection-tool-runs-afoul-of-new-sl-policy-eu-data.477102/
  16. Ok, I'll take everything back and get on my knees for being too quick blurting out my opinion without considering a full spectrum of physical disabilities. Instead, I'll resort to legalese to avoid stranding in pointless semantic discussions. So, instead of saying: I'll say: If someone like the OP asks "Do You Prefer Chatting Using Voice or Text?", I kinda assume they have a choice between the two.
  17. That's not what I meant. I'll never hire you though. Because we'd never understand each other in typing either.
  18. No, I said: "If there's someone truly deaf, I'll type" Ok, jeez, of course, if someone cannot hear very well either. I'll type. I'll never hire someone with a third nipple, though.
  19. All the password reset emails go there too. (Both real and fake.)
  20. No, not general. If there's someone truly deaf, I'll type. But I have never been in such a situation. In all other cases involving real work and real money, I'll use Voice (or better, Skype, because Voice is often unreliable and the noise cancellation sucks, so only in case of emergency) and they can listen and type if they feel uncomfortable speaking. Oddly enough, the only people who I felt were uncomfortable speaking were techies who 'could not get their mic to work'.
  21. Yes. I did. It happened several months ago. This was because of an event 10 years ago, when I was still a n00b. Back then, I made a sculpty motorbike and set it for sale on SLXChange, or XStreet SL or whatever it was called back in the day. It cost a measly L$10. It was a really crappy bike--more like a joke. I thought it was funny to include the name of a notorious motorcycle club in the product title. The name of that club is so common that it is used colloquially, for chopper-style motor cycles world-wide. Kinda like 'Xeroxing' is colloquial for making photocopies. Little did I know that this club, which, btw, is labeled as a criminal organization in my country, had trademarked their name and has lawyers world-wide going after anyone using their brand without permission. Even the Walt Disney corporation/Buena Vista Motion Pictures has fallen victim to their legal bloodhounds. Also, I hardly sold any of said bike because: sculpty crappiness. Days became months. Months became years. Legend became myth. My store grew and the thing was pushed backward into the product list and finally forgotten. Had I even know it was still in my store, I would have removed it myself, because in this day and era of fine meshes, one cannot sell sculpty motorbikes with dignity or a straight face. Finally, several months ago, I too had my account on hold and with every attempt to log in, I would be redirected to the support page. How did I solve it? I opened a support ticket because I was totally clueless why it happened. After I filed it, I had the brilliant idea to check my spam folder, and, lo, inside there was an email from the Linden Lab explaining the legal situation. I have no clue why it was in my spam folder. All other LL-related correspondence ends up in my Inbox. Maybe Google's Bayesian heuristic spam AI thingamajiggy had an aneurism over the legalese inside the mail and tossed it. But I recovered it, recanted the support request and abode my time in account suspension like any God-fearing peninent. I waited for an amount of time which I will not disclose here, but, boy, did I learn my lesson! Always check your spam folder for more clues on your legal quest! Here endeth the lesson.
  22. Well done. I cut the cord on cable TV too, almost 12 years ago now. My favorite show? 3Blue1Brown is absolutely awesome. My favorite episode is where he visualizes the Riemann Zeta function. And the good thing is: it's free because, YouTube.
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