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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Patch! Are you suggesting that residents don't need to follow official channels when it comes to feature requests/bugs/complaints/rants?!
  2. I read all of your posts and didn't 'miss' anything, but thank you for assuming that I didn't bother and only skimmed so I get enough of the gist in order to add to the 'war' you're now complaining about. Your post title is Poor Utilization of Newer GPU's, not Poor Optimisation for Those Wanting to Play In 4K.
  3. Perhaps you should move to Sansar or HiFi, then. Both have been built from the ground-up and aren't running on 15-year-old code that's been so patched and darned its not even the same old sock you once knew and loved in your pre-Windlight days.
  4. Really? I have a long-in-the-tooth (6 years old) custom gaming rig running on a 6GB 1060GTX, no SSD, and I access SL via a crappy 8MB transatlantic ADSL connection that usually pings at around 190m/s. I run constantly on Ultra or (just a shade under it at busy events) with all settings maxed including sun moon and projectors, and all reflections at highest quality (the only things I have switched off are Avatar Cloth, and my AA is just 8 rather than 16), and my average framerates are much higher than that. More than double, in fact. Hell, I haven't even overclocked this thing. What are you doing to get such low results on a rig like the one you spec'd in your first post?! People were saying that ten years ago, as you will no doubt recall since you've been active and paying attention since "the game first launched". Second Life always had a reputation in the past as being something of a GPU-killer. In the near-eleven years that I've been active inworld I've rarely had a GPU (NVIDIAs all, with the exception of one poorly-chosen Radeon which was easily the worst card I've ever used) run at full-tilt for more than three to four years before it started giving up the ghost. (The Radeon lasted less than two.) Pull that number down to a year and a half when I was spending all my spare time inworld and stressing my GPU to hell and back. And here you are, complaining that SL doesn't work your GPU hard enough?
  5. I have no horse in this race and no opinion on the OP's question, but there's some misreading going on here, viz. - She, not he, as per the original post that you quoted: She didn't open the conversation with where she was from. The mention of location happened a reasonable way into the conversation, as per: The women asked her, ten lines into the conversation, where she was from, as per: So she answered, as one does when asked a question that can be answered easily. Lastly: Tough man-to-man advice, eh? I suspect the tone of your reply might have been a little bit different if you'd noticed she was actually a woman IRL. Ironically, that's what triggered the initial experience detailed in her original post:
  6. Despite its being my personal preference, I can give you several possible reasons: The HUD sorely needs updating with more alpha cuts, specifically across the front torso and clavicle. I've lost count of the number of open-fronted/partially-open jackets and shirts that I can't wear with it because the front torso and clavicle cuts go right across the body The hands and feet have to be purchased separately and don't come as part of the package (although I believe that you can now buy an 'all-in-one' set; at least I saw one for the female bodies at Skin Fair, although the male body wasn't present there) It's not as muscular as Signature or Belleza, and a lot of guys want to look muscular (but not overly-buff, like Aesthetic) That said, I still prefer Slink for many reasons: The hands don't 'starfish' out like Belleza's do, because they have an inbuilt idle AO While the hands come with a pose presets HUD, they're more natural-looking than the static poses you get with the Signature body. Also, the hand AO looks more natural - softly flexing - than the Signature option of running through all of the poses (including the sillier ones) one after the other I just prefer the overall look and shape of the Slink body. I'm not a fan of gym-bunny-bulgy biceps/triceps/deltoids, and - while the Signature body can be edited somewhat to reduce those muscles - they can't be reduced to non-buff proportions without some serious editing of shoulder width and pectorals. And the Belleza body has a weird 'potbelly' shape at the hips that also requires some shape finagling Belleza's body has terrible neck fit issues with many mesh heads. A neck fix update has been promised for months but hasn't been forthcoming (although, obviously, Bento hand updates on the female bodies take precedence over that) In all, I'm mildly astonished that the Belleza body - which is still in beta and still has those awful neck fit issues - has overtaken Slink as the second most created-for male body. And when I say 'neck fit issues' I'm talking about things like this: That's against a Catwa Bento head, and it's not just down to a poor Windlight. That's a gap you can see daylight through. I never have fitting issues at the neck like that with either Slink or Signature.
  7. There is, as MaggiJin mentioned, some vote-skewing going on. One particular store has a BIG, bright sign right next to their male mesh body, which reads something like "Want more clothes for [body name]? VOTE HERE!" As if the vast majority of male clothing isn't now being made for that body and one other anyway...
  8. Every memory has a piece of its artist. Musical inspiration here, close-up here. Credits Meva, VoltHair, and L'Etre for Man Cave, plus A&Y and SEmotion for Men Jail, and Ghost'Ink and Sn@tch for Skin Fair. Shirt: A&Y - Nephilim Cyber Top (black) Pants: Meva - Janis Pants (Sig, Belleza) Hair: VoltHair - Denny V2 (black) Skin applier: L'Etre - Omar (Catwa) Face tattoo: Ghost'Ink - Lexa WarPaint (Omega, Catwa, Genesis, Lelutka, system) Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Go & See - Night Eyes (Catwa) Chest tattoo applier: ISUKA - Augustus (Omega, TMP) Belly tattoo applier: Sn@tch - Mayhem Tattoo (Omega, free gift @ Skin Fair) Nails: Meva - Male Bento Nails (Sig) Piercings: Artificial Hallucination - Casual Goth Piercings 2.0 Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Body: Signature - Gianni Poses: SEmotion
  9. In order of why I will reject a hairstyle: 'Flat' looking textures with no gloss to them, especially black. 'Size all over' resize scripts with no directional resize and no manual modification. Rigged hair that doesn't sit perfectly on my mesh head, either hovering above it or cutting into it anywhere. 'Unisex' hair with huge boob-bumps. High complexity.
  10. The shape I'm wearing, plus the skin (which is textured to have cheekbones for days).
  11. Balls. *ahem* Credits L'Etre, Vango, and Cult for Man Cave, E.V.E. for Sense, plus Gild, Zibska, and Patane for Ultra. Skin applier: L'Etre - Omar (buttermilk) Hair: Vango - Oliver (grayscale) Shirt: Gild - Shirt JK with T (white) Pants: Gild - Diagonal Cut Sarouel Pants (white) Shoes: Cult - Levi Shoes (white) Eyes: E.V.E. - Microphone Eyes* (gold) Makeup: Zibska - Trista Eye Makeup Necklace: Patane - The V necklace (gold) Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Brow applier: Identity Body Shop - Clear Eyebrows Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Poses: Quar Store, Wrong & the Owl Location: Weekend Ruiner - Balls of Steel *glow not included (wear any mesh eyes and set them to have glow to get this effect)
  12. Hover over their name and you will see an 'ignore user' option, like this - Click it, and it will take you to another page where you can choose what you want to ignore from that user, then click 'update preferences' -
  13. Nobody knows. There are several rumours about the current non-Bento sale, but the two main ones are: That it's a last-gasp money-grab before they switch off their external servers and all TMP objects stop working That it's a pre-Bento-release sale before they release Bento heads and bodies Which one (if either) is true is anybody's guess. However, given their business practices in the past, I wouldn't hold your breath for #2 to happen. I suspect that sales of their non-Bento bodies and heads had dropped off massively prior to this sale - mainly because hardly anyone is creating for TMP anymore - and this sale was a way to get some cash rolling in to keep the servers running. They've been promising a Bento release for a long time now and nothing has happened, not even any updates to their current items. Even their CSR has no idea how long the sale is on for, which is not a promising sign. If you're considering a new body/head purchase I would strongly suggest looking elsewhere, to find items that are being actively worked on, updated, and created-for.
  14. Going redhead again with another gorgeous skin from Vendetta. Credits Vendetta and AlaskaMetro for Skin Fair, plus VRSION RIVAL for The Mens Dept. Skin applier: Vendetta - Samuel* (tone 04 - Catwa, Lelutka) Brow applier: AlaskaMetro - Onfleek Eyebrows (free tester) Jacket: VRSION RIVAL - 22 Male Jacket (fitmesh) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (olive) Hair: Dura - B83 (fatpack 2) Ears: L'Etre - Stretched Mesh Ears Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) *review copy
  15. Whichever one you prefer 'Best' is subjective, depending on what's being judged about it. Quality of the body itself? Ease of use? Features of the HUD? Most clothes made for it? Etc.
  16. ...and? People collect and play vinyl records, even though digital media is - technically - superior in quality. Why do they prefer vinyl? Because they want that sound. It may not be technically-perfect sound, but it's the sound they love. Some people aren't in SL to look perfect. They don't care if - to your eyes - they look like 'lesser beings' because they care more about building or exploring or teaching or learning or driving or flying or biking or socialising or anything else other than shopping and looking good.
  17. Probably because most people - especially those that have been inworld for several years and have therefore grown very attached to their system face - will buy and wear a mesh body before they consider a mesh head. I see it a lot on these forums and hear it a lot in inworld groups: many people want to find a mesh head that will look exactly like (or as close as possible to) their system head. Because of this, some people will wait for a long time to get a mesh head, even while they happily wear a mesh body.
  18. 1. If people are happy with their non-mesh avatars they have no need or desire to find 'alternative ways to get mesh', so this point is irrelevant. 2. They have every right to complain about mesh users who regard them as inferior, 'unkempt', 'disheveled', and 'lazy', just because they don't want to wear mesh. And I say that as someone who is fully meshed-up and the owner of god knows how many Bento mesh heads. Three examples (out of hundreds) of different looks I had before I got fully meshed-up - Unkempt, disheveled, lazy, and the equivalent of 'someone who doesn't shave*, comb their hair, or dress nicely'? Oh, sure. *Oh god, I have neatly-trimmed facial hair in my third pic! *GASP!* My point must be rendered null and void!
  19. The feathering around the hairline was an instant giveaway. It's High Life by Stealthic: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Stealthic-High-Life-Hair-Blacks-Whites/10117745
  20. Rahman Hak-Hagir? I'll take the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of racism over that of a conceptual performance artist:
  21. I wouldn't call it racist, since 'mesh' isn't a race. There are very real problems of racism in the world, and 'mesh snobbery' is in no way comparable to them. However, I would regard the example given in the OP as a new and peculiar form of caste system, with - for the mesh snobs - the non-mesh people being the dalits, or 'untouchables'.
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