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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I've been in SL for almost eleven years and I still change my look every day Just embrace the constant change and enjoy it. (Oh, and say goodbye to your wallet!) This outfit looks so cosy; I could snuggle up like this IRL right now. Credits Ascend and Shi for TMD, plus Riot for FaMESHed and HUWE Cosmetics for Skin Fair. Cardigan: Ascend - Jacob Long Cardigan w/Tank (black) Pants: Riot - Elliot Jeans (slate) Boots: Shi - Caleb Boots (black) Gloves: Native Urban - Gallagher Gloves (black) Hair: Stealthic - Rebellion (ombres) Makeup applier: Zibska - Adrie Brow applier: HUWE Cosmetics - Fishtail Brows (Catwa) Tattoo applier: Redfish - Shining Tattoo Collar: Stray Dog - Collar Ears: L'Etre - Stretched Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Lucent Eyes* (jinx) Skin applier: Avi-Glam - Vincent* (light) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male *review copy
  2. Caleb Boots by Shi, currently out at The Mens Dept. Unisex, with both rigged and unrigged as well as laced and unlaced versions included.
  3. It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile. Be yourself, no matter what they say. Credits Mossu & Dura for The Mens Dept, plus Zibska, and Go & See for Skin Fair. T-shirt: Mossu - David T-shirt (black) Hair: Dura - B&G83 (fatpack A) Eye makeup applier: Zibska - Belasco Ext. Makeup Lipstick applier: Shiny Stuffs - Catwa Dollface Eye appliers: Go & See - Hole Catwa Eyes Skin applier: Go & See - Dash (pale) Head: Catwa - Skell* Body: Belleza - Jake *review copy
  4. Spent far too much money at Skin Fair & TMD today... Credits Catwa, Go & See, Sn@tch, and G.ID for Skin Fair, plus Burley for The Mens Dept. Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Skin applier: Go & See - Dash (pale) Makeup: Sn@tch - Cavern Club Extreme Eyeshadows (Omega) Tattoo: G.ID - Cosmic Tattoo Hair: Burley - Jeremy Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Ears: L'Etre - Ringed Mesh Ears Body: Belleza - Jake Pose: Wrong & the Owl *review copy
  5. I've been helping out in the Catwa support group for so long (and I'm now a CSR & moderator there) that I have a ready arsenal of useful screenshots
  6. Since it's a Catwa head (and assuming it's a Catwa bento head) you can turn this off in either the Catwa Master HUD or the Hair and Beard HUD. Find the relevant tab for the hair and click 'clear' on that section. Be aware that - if it's a bento head - it will have upper and lower layers, so you may need to check/tick both 'upper' and 'lower' boxes and clear them individually. This is a screenshot showing clearing the lower hairbase on the Master HUD: For more info and a tutorial covering the basics of Catwa bento mesh heads, I've got a blog post here that will hopefully be helpful. If rigged long mesh hair is digging into your back between your shoulder blades, it's very likely that it was original made for female avatars. Try looking for long male or unisex styles. If you want one that's leonine, I'd suggest demoing some of Exile's long unisex hairstyles, such as 'Say It' (used in this pic), 'Future Outcasts' (used in this pic), and 'Blown Away' (used in this pic).
  7. I believe Catwa looked through Skell's Flickr for inspiration, plus I had asked her ages ago to consider a more 'beautiful masculine' head.
  8. Understatement of the year Thanks, all! You have no idea how hard it's been to keep this quiet
  9. Playing with myself This is the new Catwa 'Skell' Bento mesh head, available at Skin Fair from March 9th. Blog post here. Credits Head: Catwa – Skell* (Bento) Ears: L’Etre – Olympe Mesh Ears Skin appliers: L'Etre - Toni (buttermilk) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop – Thick Eyebrows Eye appliers: Avi-Glam – Vivid Eyes* (pearl) Hair: VoltHair – Kevin Hairbase applier: Stealthic – Male Hairbase (thick) Necklace: Empyrean Forge – Springleaf necklace Windlight used throughout this post: Phototools Dead End Sky 01 *review copy
  10. Remember me coming in here and saying I was so excited about something that I used several emojis in a row? @LittleMe Jewell will certainly remember - lol! Well I can finally spill the beans. This is why I was so excited: Blog post (well, it's basically me squealing in a somewhat undignified manner, but hey...) is here. [insert line here about Skell playing with himself]
  11. So what you're saying is: Anyone who disagrees with your post is a sycophant People who disagree with your post (the above-mentioned sycophants) are being paid by Linden Lab to defend their product Only clever people understand what you're talking about, therefore the people who disagree with you are stupid (I'm not up in arms, btw. I'm just summarising your points.)
  12. https://carleton.ca/edc/wp-content/uploads/Effective-Questions-for-Leading-Discussions.pdf
  13. Nothing suits like a good suit and this new one from L&B is a stunner. Credits This beauty of a suit is available at FaMESHED this month. Fatpack only, but absolutely worth it. The jacket is also available separately. Suit: Lapointe & Bastchild - Edge Business Suit (Slink, Sig, Jake, classic) Shoes: Deadwool - Dandy Shoes Hair: VoltHair - Kevin Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Brow applier: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows Beard applier: CDC Creations - Beard 46 Tintable (Catwa, Omega) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Vivid Eyes* (pearl) Skin: L'Etre - Toni (buttermilk) Head: Catwa - Victor (Bento) *review copy
  14. Oh, le singe est là-bas. Regarde! Il est sur une bicyclette, il joue du banjo, il fume une pipe.
  15. I just edited my post with a bit more detail
  16. Catwa is the name of a brand of mesh heads and accessories for those heads, created by Catwa Clip. You can find her Marketplace store here and her inworld store here. ETA with a little more detail: What you found was a skin applier for a Catwa mesh head. It won't work on a classic/system avatars or on any other brand of mesh head. To wear it you would need to purchase a Catwa mesh head (always demo first; the demos are freely available) then wear the HUD for the skin that you found, click it, and it will apply to your head. You will also need a matching body skin, either for a classic avatar (if you don't have a mesh body) or for whichever mesh body you own.
  17. Looks great, Shaun! Avi-Glam has gorgeous skins. Check out their eye appliers, too, if you're going the way of a Catwa Bento mesh head. They have a cheapie on offer in the store, plus some group-only lucky boards and other group gifts, as well as all the other eyes in the store.
  18. Interesting sidenote: they've removed the free bodies. They clearly don't want people picking up a free mesh body and getting all the free clothing for it...
  19. Not directly using the old system tattoo, no. But if you have the full-perm texture of it in your inventory (or saved to your hard drive so you can re-upload it) you can use the free Omega Dev Kit to turn it into an Omega applier that can be used on mesh bodies. Regarding the legacy system tattoo, there may yet be hope if you don't own the original file. I'm not sure of the planned logistics of it, but LL are working on a project that will allow baking of textures onto mesh. See this forum post for discussion of that.
  20. Probably. Maybe. All the time. What was the question? (Actually: shave the chest and trim the rest. 'Bald as a baby' does nowt for me...)
  21. Hey, don't use it all! I posted the below pic (which was, technically, how I looked yesterday) in a discussion about less-muscular bodies and skins. I've been growing a bit despondent lately about how many male clothing creators are dropping support for Slink (and some creators are now rigging only for Signature, which has become the "male Maitreya" in terms of popularity). I own the Signature body, and will wear it (with my own heavily-modified shape) if I love a piece of clothing that's rigged only for that body, but I wish people would realise that not every guy wants big, rounded arm muscles. But there ya go; that's us blokes for ya. I've even had guys call me "stick-thin" while looking like the below. Body: Slink Physique Head: Catwa Victor Skin: L'Etre
  22. While their previous body skins were a bit more gym-buff, I don't think that L'Etre's "The Man" body skins aren't all that muscular compared to some, but I agree that their faces are gorgeous. This is the current body applier in buttermilk tone, together with their 'Toni' face applier (and added facial hair from CDC Creations). Body is Slink Physique and head is Catwa's Victor: There's a light six-pack and a deep inguinal crease, but that's my personal preference anyway For a less muscled body you could try Avi-Glam (whose appliers - both head and body - have a more youthful appearance) and also Clef de Peau (who have different types of body applier, from soft to athletic, etc), but be careful with CdP and ensure that you demo, because they have several generations (two at last count, and another one on its way) of body skins and they might not all work with the CdP head appliers that you choose. Depending on which mesh body you eventually choose, you might want to try Stray Dog skins as well, although they currently only have appliers for Signature and Belleza, as well as Omega appliers that (when I last demo'd them quite a while back) didn't work too well around the separate wrists and ankles on the Slink body, but they might work on the Adam body, which has hands and feet as part of the whole). Of the above three I just mentioned, going by the look of your current forum avatar, I'd recommend trying Avi-Glam first of all. ETA: Just thought of another couple that would work for your current forum look - Tableau Vivant, and Swallow.
  23. TMP is a... beast unto itself, and - given the huge sale on right now - many are suspecting that the creators will pull the plug soon and all their products will stop working (since they rely on external servers to change textures, etc). You could try the retrofit mode on the neck of your body, but it's tricky to get that to work well. For a less muscular body, try demoing the Slink Physique body and the Absolute Creations Adam body. I use Slink and love it, since I prefer a leaner "swimmer's torso". It also fits very well with Catwa heads. While the Signature and Belleza bodies can be reduced in muscle they require some serious underlying shape adjustments to do so, and even then the results are not to my personal liking. (The Signature body, in particular, has big rounded deltoids that are difficult to reduce.) A non-muscled skin can help, but the overall shape is still going to be relatively muscular. (For reference: I own all the bodies concerned and have been working with them for a while. I still prefer Slink, although the Signature alpha-cut HUD is superior to Slink's)
  24. The thing (well, one of the things) that always stuck in my craw about this was that - in order to get an alpha HUD - men had no choice but to pay L$5000 for the deluxe body, whereas women got an alpha HUD with the L$2500 basic body. It's fairly obvious why: at the time it was released the TMP male body was the only male mesh body on the market. There was no competition, and none on the horizon either until Slink finally came along over a year later. The TMP creators - knowing that men would be wanting a mesh body - clearly decided to charge a higher price as a result, so male avatars had to fork out for the deluxe body just to get the alpha HUD (which, let's face it, is an absolute necessity because very little mesh clothing fits absolutely perfectly).
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