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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. And the third scam account of the day just popped up.
  2. Beats me, Lil Many of the people coming into group are trying to warn others, which means we're constantly having to say that we're aware of it, we're sending out group notices, etc etc. I'd only been logged in for 30 minutes today and we had 11 reports in group chat during that time. ETA: It's reached the point now where I have a notecard with copy/paste info both for pasting into group and also filling out the abuse reports on each scam account.
  3. It's a holiday weekend, so I'm busy with the other Catwa CSRs, fending off hundreds of reports in the support group of scammers giving out "free Catwa Bento heads". One account yesterday, two so far today, and there will be more over the rest of the weekend. *sigh*
  4. Aww, thank you so much! Yes, Catwa created a head named for and inspired by me. It debuted at Skin Fair, and it's now available in the mainstore. It was such an honour
  5. It depends on the head and the skin. Many male skins will look awful on female heads, since (again, dependent on the head) the mapping is different - especially around the eyes and mouth. You'll find that the upper eyelid creases on some male skins will buckle and twist or simply look bad on a female head. Skin designers who shade beneath the male jawline will also give you issues on female heads; especially those with more pointed 'pixie' chin starting shapes. You'll come across the occasional pleasant surprise, though. Once April gets here, try the Vendetta albino group gift skin (details here on my Flickr) on a female head. (Group is free to join, and the matching 'tone 02' body skin will be just L$100 for the entirety of April, while the head applier is free). It actually looks pretty good on a female Catwa head, although I prefer using my own brows on most heads. Female skins on male heads work a little better (as before, dependent on the head) but instead of checking the eyes of those, look closely at the mouth, as female lips - especially around the upper lip cleft and the mouth corners - will frequently either go outside or inside the male lip shape. Skins that are slightly more androgynous or youthful in appearance will often work better on the whole. For male skins designers like Avi-Glam, Swallow, and possibly Tableau Vivant might work better on a female head. For female skins, try Omega ones that are designed for LeLutka female heads, many of which seem to me to have more angular (and therefore androgynous) shaping to them. In short: it's time to demoDemoDEMO.
  6. Every sandbox posts its auto-return times, usually around the sandbox itself and also in its About Land description, and in some cases you also receive a notecard when you arrive. The auto-return either happens at a specified hour (or hours) of the day, or a certain time after you have rezzed your first items (which tends to be about three hours, from most sandboxes I've visited). Simply take note of which it is, and set an alarm or timer to remind you to label/link/whatever your work - both new and old - and take it into your inventory before the auto-return will happen. Keep it there until either the auto-return time of day has passed, then re-rez it, or simply rez it again and start the auto-return timer all over. I'm not sure why you want such a complex workaround that would demand a complete rewrite of a great deal of code (if it's even possible at all) when there's such a simple solution as "Find out how long the auto-return is, then set a timer to remind you".
  7. No offence taken at all. Your comment just sparked some interesting thoughts
  8. This is a very interesting response. It reads (whether you intended it that way or not) as "I don't like this. It's too feminine. Please go back to being a masculine man." Androgyny has been a strong part of Skell's Second Life since his earliest days. (A glance back through more than the first four or five pages of his Flickr will show you that.) Since mesh bodies and heads (and the attendant mesh clothing with built-in boobs and hips - not to mention heels that only fit specific female feet) arrived on the scene I've not been able to enjoy that side of his persona as much. It's been stifled, and I've felt the lesser for it. This is all pre-mesh head stuff: My kind of androgyny has always been a little more masc than femme; a little more of the "Is that a boy?!" that I recall people saying when Boy George first appeared on the music scene in the early 80s. I have no desire to take Skell into the more 'pretty boi' outré-femme side of andro, which is why I've been tweaking "Syd's" face to give it a slightly more masculine shape (not all that easy with a feminine head, by the way). Androgyny - by its very nature - challenges our natural human instinct to pigeonhole people into nice simple boxes that don't make us feel uncomfortable. It also challenges our much baser (and less obvious-to-us) human instinct to judge whether someone else would make a good mate and father/mother to our children. And that's why I like it. I love blurring that gender line, but just keeping to the slightly more male side of it. I find it fascinating and a challenge. In short: masculine!Skell has not gone away. I'm just happy that I've found a way to once more indulge my andro side occasionally (Not picking on you, Liana. Your comment just made me have some thinky-thoughts, and I wanted to get them out there.) More pics behind the spoiler tag, just taken from a random sampling of my Flickr for the past few years:
  9. Holy crap, so many replies! Oh hush, you. You knew it would happen Once I've perfected his shape? Maaaaybe. Thank you so much! Yeah, the face needed more work. I've got it a little more to my liking, so I'll post a couple of shots in a minute. As to the personas thing, it's a mindset I cultivated years ago when I realised I was updating certain looks year-on-year. I realised they were more like different facets of Skell, rather than simply outfits or looks. Most of them have been roleplayed at some point, so possibly I created such a backstory around them that they came alive. You're right: I need no reason! And I'm pretty sure I've done the suit-n-heels things many times in the past, but since mesh heeled feet became a thing I've not really been able to do it. I've got the hips mostly (I think) sorted now, but any advice is greatly appreciated. Either a notecard with the sliders I need to focus on, or a PM here on the forum would be great. Thanks! Thank you so much Phew, now that's done with, here's an update. This persona now has a name (Syd, after one Mr Vicious, albeit obliquely) and he's becoming quite the character in my head. His face is now tweaked a little more to my liking, although I'll be faffing around with his hips until the end of days at this rate... (This post is already humungous, so I'm not going to add an additional credits list. You can find those here.)
  10. Love that set, @Syn Anatine As for me, last night - after an hour or two of demoing - I finally took the plunge with something I've been wanting to do for ages: I bought Maitreya Lara and the V-Tech flat chest mod and set about creating a bishōnen persona for Skell (to add to his several other personas). Below are pics of my first efforts, and I know I still have a long way to go before I'm happy with it. I'll be fiddling with the shape a lot more, to reduce the hips and also square up the head a little (it still looks a bit too femme for what I'm aiming at) but it's a start. And yeah, I suspect this persona is going to be a mouthy, punky little bastard. I can't see any variant of Skell ever being full-on femboi Anyone have any shape slider recommendations to reduce the femme hips on this shape? I've been futzing around with the various hip sliders and love-handles/saddlebags/etc but I've yet to find a result I'm happy with. (I guess this is as close to a female avatar that any of you will ever see Skell get *g*) Yes, I've already bought about eight pairs of heels...
  11. Not really, no. As Callum said, you simply add the hands, make sure the skin on them matches your body skin (either through tinting if you don't have a mesh body, or through the use of appliers if you do have a mesh body) and away you go. I'm now inworld and I just attached my Vista hands to check for you and record some animations to show you what they're like. The hand pose HUD is included, but it's a static pose HUD. You can choose to randomly cycle through the animations, which look (partially) like this: https://i.gyazo.com/d0d6b34d1bdee645eed88571fe2dcc6d.mp4 However, for the Vista hands to animate naturally like that, you need to wear the HUD for them all the time. As soon as you remove that HUD the hands will return to a static pose. This is the animation for the Slink hands: https://i.gyazo.com/56d355c1082cb23df17135129a43b265.mp4 That one is much more subtle, and you don't need to wear any HUD. The animations are built into the hands themselves. To start the animations, simply type /15 idle on into local chat, and to stop the animations you type /15 idle off. Both sets of hands are Bento and will therefore respond to the hand animations in any AO that's labelled as a 'Bento AO'. Hope that helps
  12. Mine change from day to day, although I'm fond of lighter colours. Today I'm wearing Az Design's 'Mandala' eyes:
  13. A gorgeous upcoming albino group gift head applier from Vendetta, available instore to group members throughout April. The matching body applier will be discounted to L$100 for the same duration. Group and store links are on my Flickr pic. Credits Skin applier: Vendetta - Faust* Body applier: Vendetta - Tone 02* Hair: Shi - Mod (monochromes) Brow applier: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega) Necklace: Rozoregalia - Alugim Necklace 2 Top: Ascend - Jacob Long Cardigan (white - Slink, Sig, Belleza) Nail appliers: A:S:S - Foil (no longer available) Head: Catwa - Victor (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Pose: Quar Store *review copy
  14. It's your thread, Love. Apologies for hijacking it.
  15. Once again: Do you want me to contact Catwa on your behalf and ask her for help specific to your problem? You state that your new head is also a Bento head, which suggests the one you've had problems with is a Bento head. If there is a genuine issue or glitch with a Catwa head, then Catwa needs to be made aware of it so she can fix it, otherwise there will be hundreds (if not thousands) of people who could experience the same problem. If you tell me which head it is, I can ask her to check it for you.
  16. RisingGrace is very obviously ignoring my advice, and - more importantly - is ignoring my offer of personal help. They have also visited my profile (which means they have probably muted me here on the forum). If someone could please quote the below so they see it, that would be great, because - beneath everything else - it was a genuine offer of help from me: RisingGrace: Tell me which head you're having this issue with and I'll take it up with Catwa personally. I'm a CSR for her store, and a moderator in her support group. I'll try to get some personalised advice from her for you. Can't say fairer than that.
  17. Callum gave you exactly the same advice that I would initially give: check the 'worn' tab of your inventory. If your viewer doesn't have that option, then type (worn with no closing bracket into the inventory search bar and look to see exactly what is attached to which point. ...which probably attaches to a different point and therefore doesn't disappear after teleporting. So you come here and insist that there's a problem with one specific product - even when other people who have a lot more experience with mesh body parts try to help you fix what could be causing your issue - but you clearly don't understand what we mean by 'attachment points'? We're not talking about 'attaching things to your head other than appliers'; we're talking about other items that attach to the same point on your body. A very common attachment point for mesh items is the left hand. That's why - if you accidentally hit 'wear' on a pair of mesh pants, instead of 'add' - it might remove your mesh body. Or your shoes. Or your head. What Callum was asking you to do is what I suggested in my first paragraph here: wear that outfit with the Catwa head again and CHECK to see which attachment points are being used. It doesn't matter what you're wearing; 'girly crap' or not. A pair of shoes or a hairstyle or a mesh jacket can all detach your head. And, incidentally, when you still saw it on but others didn't that is a Second Life glitch that happens when two things share one attachment point. It can also be caused by a slow connection or by accessing SL over WiFi rather than a wired connection, and for several other reasons, all of which require elimination before the actual cause is discovered. It's still cached for you, so you still see it, but others don't. There are many, many little SL glitches like this that those of us who have been here for years have seen come and go (and sometimes come back again). Have you seriously never tried to remove something that still appears to be attached (and is bolded in your inventory, which means it's still worn) over and over - even clothing layer items - then given up and relogged only to find that it's now removed? It's happened to me many times over the past 10 years (and it can also happen with things rezzed inworld that you're trying to delete). That's not a glitch with the item; it's a glitch with the server not updating your appearance. You say this happens after every teleport? You contact a new server after every teleport to a different region, and that server needs to update every aspect of your appearance, so it's no wonder you're seeing it happen a lot. (Even within the same region, the server is checking many times per minute for anyone new arriving, what they might be wearing, how many scripts they're loaded down with, etc.) Again: check what is attached to each attachment point. OK, look. You're insisting that there's an issue with a specific Catwa head, right? Did you contact Catwa Clip about it, to ask for help? Did you ask in her support group? If not, then here's my offer: Tell me which head you're having this issue with and I'll take it up with Catwa personally. I'm a CSR for her store, and a moderator in her support group. I'll try to get some personalised advice from her for you. Can't say fairer than that.
  18. I have barely used my Vista hands, to be honest. Since I mainly wear the Slink body it's easier to wear my Slink hands (and it also saves me from having to buy additional Omega skin appliers especially for the Vista hands). So - without logging in to put them on and check, which I can't do at the moment - I can't tell you anything about the AO that may or may not be included with the Vista hands. I think (although don't quote me!) I remember there being three or four separate animations included with the Vista hands, but as to an AO I don't recall. With regard to the Slink Bento hands, though, those do come with a subtle AO that I really love. Many hands - especially those included as part of mesh bodies - only give you the option to cycle through the static poses, and you need a Bento AO in order to see other hand movements, but Slink's AO is built into the hands and it comprises slight finger movements that are far nicer than cycling through random static Bento hand poses. You just need to type /15 idle on and /15 idle off to enable and disable it.
  19. You didn't need the membership for that. The boutique has been free for everyone, regardless of group membership. No notecard, but a quick google would have brought up this video, in which it's mentioned (as the vlogger discovers) that you need additional purchases for skin, eyes, brows, etc:
  20. Yes to all (except the last), unless we're Cockney sparrers
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