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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I can't help on the issue at hand, but just want to note one of your most recent screenshots: the one for the 'Top and bot textures for the model'. If you had to pay for those textures in order to get the UUIDs, then you're effectively sharing those UUIDs with everyone for free, since the file names that we see in that screenshot are the UUIDs themselves. (In other words: might want to blur those out?)
  2. You're a 'newbie' because - like so many people who are suddenly posting in this thread - you are new to the forums. That has nothing to do with how old your avatar is.
  3. 16 first-time posters on this thread so far (most of whom we will never hear from again, outside of this thread). If each of those posters - who care so passionately about this region - became premium users, at a cost of just $7 per month, and donated their tier to a group dedicated to keeping the location going then that would be a considerable inroad into the monthly upkeep of renting a full, new region from Linden Lab. And I'm fairly certain there are a lot more people out there who don't post on this forum (or who haven't yet heard the call to arms) who would be willing to do the same in order to keep this apparent treasure of SL online. Second Life is made of pixels, inspiration, and money. And when that last one runs out, the pretty places go pouf. Alchemy Immortalis. Ceangeal. Empress & Hierophant. Silent Sparrow. Cadeling Gardens. SIC49. The Block. Little Nepal. Airship Outpost. Venexia. Just some of the places I have loved and lost in this fragile pixel world we inhabit. It costs a lot of cash to keep a region going in SL. Those who love a place as passionately as the people posting here in support of Devin need to support it, both financially and with tier donations. It can't always come out of one person's pocket, and it's always safest to rent directly from Linden Lab rather than from some landlord who could shut up shop at a moment's notice.
  4. Bingo. The title of this thread (however misguided the original content) is about individualising your avatar, not about achieving some 'fit in with everyone else' aesthetic. Yes, I look for perfection; my own kind of perfection. I'll tweak an outfit until I'm happy with it. Sod everyone else, because I'm not wearing it for them. Nor am I wearing it to fit in with some kind of SL-dictated 'in-crowd'. If that makes me a crowd of one, I'm happy with that.
  5. Not sure why this was posted in General Discussion rather than Your Avatar, so prepare for it to be moved, OP. That said, I'm going to agree with Callum: Signature Geralt body. Catwa Dino head. Avi-Glam skin ('Seiji' would work well, but I'd recommend demoing the 'abs' version as well as the 'soft' version, since the [shirtless] pictures the OP has posted all show well-developed abdominal muscles). Stray Dog also has some great asian skins, but they're more masculine and less twinky, and your images suggest you're aiming more for the twink look. They'd be worth demoing, though, in case one of them is right for you. Avi-Glam eyes. For hair I'd recommend Dura, and INK. (Not logged in right now, so I can't go through my [extensive!] hair folders to be reminded of any others.) With regard to other points brought up in this thread thus far: Adam body and head The style of clothing that the OP will likely be wearing on this avatar has to be borne in mind when it comes to choosing a mesh body, and Adam is simply not as well-supported when it comes to variety of styles. I shop a great deal and I see Adam support on maybe one out of 30-40 male clothing vendors. That's not to say it's impossible, but if you want an extensive wardrobe it'll be more work to hunt for items. OP, by all means demo the Adam head, but check that you can achieve an asian look with it. The look comes not only from the skin, but also from the shape of the head. It's better (not to mention easier!) to start with an asian base shape to the head (as Catwa Dino already has) than to try and tweak a causcasian shape into looking asian. Altamura body and head I've tried several of these (full-price and free) and just couldn't get along with them. The body HUD is huge and features alpha sections so tiny they can barely be clicked on. The heads are not very responsive at all to slider edits. And yes, Signature-fit clothing works mostly on Altamura bodies, but that tends to still have the bulky Signature delts actually built into the clothing. TMP Regardless of how perfect it may be for this look, nope nope NOPE to TMP. It runs on its own proprietary system (which will be rendered useless once the external servers are switched off), it's unsupported, and hardly anyone is creating for it anymore. Signature Gianni Yes, it's one of the two main bodies being created for today (alongside Belleza Jake), and it's great... if you want to look like you're down the gym every day. The pics that the OP posted are toned, but not gym-buff. Gianni is far too muscular for what they're looking for, and can only be slimmed down by extensive shape-work (I know; I've spent hours doing that). Signature Geralt, while a new body that's still (very quickly) gathering clothing support, is pretty much exactly the shape that the OP is looking for, after perhaps a minor bit of work to tone down the quads. Here are side-by-side comparisons (with a more detailed post here) of Gianni and Geralt, in their default shapes. Yes, I know shapes can be altered, but having spent those hours on Gianni - and still not being satisfied that I'd slimmed the delts down enough - I'd still opt for Geralt. Gianni is overall much more stocky and bulky; a 'prizefighter' kind of build with a lower centre of gravity. Nothing like the images the OP posted: "Gay" Aww, thank you!
  6. What are you doing wrong? You're employing a subtle form of advertising for your product, in a forum section that disallows advertising. That's what you're doing wrong. (Also, since there is no "customers don't read, damn it" section of the forum, I would suggest that you flag the review for inspection by LL, or change the listing name to something like "Fake/Joke Exploding Zyngo Machine".)
  7. I had this on repeat while I was trying out some new-to-me dances at Humanoid. I ended up buying five of them, to add to my (already substantial) Humanoid collection.
  8. Still so much in lust with 'my' mesh head Credits Stray Dog and Tram for Uber, plus Rebellion for Man Cave. Skin applier: Stray Dog - Ragnar (Catwa - tone 04) Hair: Tram - H0419 (HUD A) Necklace: Rebellion - Guarded Necklace Jacket: NativeUrban - Woods Jacket (standard sizing, TMP, multiple fits) Ears: L'Etre - Stretched Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, system) Pants appliers: Sn@tch - Daydream Jeans (Omega, system) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Poses: Wrong *review copy
  9. You missed something. Can't think why... Nope. You don't get to assume that you can speak for every single person reading or participating in this thread.
  10. I'll show Lil mine, @Vin Soulstar, if you show her yours (June 2016, pre-mesh head, and pre-'lie down in a darkened room'.)
  11. Believe it or not, I actually got Skell into some Bakaboo clothing a few years ago. Bright colours and all. Granted, he had to lie down in a darkened room for a bit afterwards, though...
  12. Skell's 'Syd' persona wanted a look-in today. Couldn't refuse; he pouts so nicely The credits list is humungous, so it's going behind a spoiler tag.
  13. Case in point: I just visited two events. At one there was a small decorative DJ deck sitting on the back of an open, canopied truck. Together their combined LI render weight was about 50,000. Two decor items. The whole region is filled with stuff like that. And at Uber there are 10 decorative planters in the event room, with a combined LI render weight of almost 77,000. Much though I love decorative and beautiful items, do people even bother to check what they're rezzing out to make their event locations look pretty? I've started blacklisting this extraneous stuff lately, just so I can get a good enough framerate to move my damn camera at busy events. I have a gaming rig that's about 6 years old. Still decent, has a 6GB NVIDIA 1060GTX, and 32GB of RAM, but I'm in the UK, and pings to SL are pretty slow. Anything I can do to speed up my experience, I'll do it. I also 'Show Friends Only' and reduce my LOD to 2 (which is as low as I can go before a lot of mesh items look like hell anyway; I do at least need to see the little tubes of hair dye that I'm buying my hair from...).
  14. No. Do not do this. This is bad advice. Telling someone to set their graphics so low that their head won't be rendered properly is not the right thing to do. For reference, the original poster came into the Catwa Support group the day after she made her post and was helped there. After several of us CSRs helped her for quite some time she was eventually advised - several times - to redeliver her head. She never came back to us after that to tell us if she had done that, or if it had fixed her problem.
  15. Skell Dagger


    Emptying cache files will not resolve issues like this. It never does. Did you try the Catwa default skins, like I suggested? Or any other non-demo skin? Can we please see a comparable screenshot with a different skin? You haven't told us which Catwa head it is; only that the head is clearly at fault. The following advice is based on your having a Bento head. Non-Bento (such as Basic, Premium, and Frames Animated heads have different HUDs). Can you please confirm that you have done the following, in this order: Gone into the third tab (eyes, brows, neck tattoo) of the Catwa Master HUD, then to the bottom section of that tab (neck tattoo) Clicked/checked the 'lower' radio button and then clicked 'clear' Clicked/checked the 'upper' radio button and then clicked 'clear' Gone into the fifth tab (skins, ears) of the Catwa Master HUD, then clicked any one of the default preset skins Gone into the second tab (alpha, lashes, tint, etc) and - in the right hand section where the big red 'RESET' text is, and clicked ALL (be aware that this will reset all appliers on your head to default out-of-the-box settings) If the mark persists, then redeliver your head and start afresh. I apologise if I appear not to believe you when you say that you've tried all the things suggested and they haven't worked. However, in the Catwa support group we see all too often that people who may be unfamiliar with the HUD (and who may also be in a bit of a flap because they can't seem to fix their problem) miss things, or are unaware that they're not following instructions exactly. For example: two or three days ago we spent 20 minutes helping someone with this exact same issue. She had a mark on her neck that wouldn't clear, and she insisted that she'd cleared both upper and lower layers on the neck tattoo section. It was only when someone took the time to make a GIF showing her exactly what to do that she realised she'd been trying to clear the ears and not the neck tattoo. 98% of the time when we see a mark like the one you have it's down to one of two things: either a neck tattoo that's not cleared, or a poorly-made skin. Hence my suggestions.
  16. Going back to an older look, and - unusually for me - this is a raw shot. Normally I'd darken that ear for the sake of lighting continuity, but I like the way it looks.
  17. Finally putting something new out in my store, after an almost two-year creation drought. It's just a photobooth that I made, inspired by the visual aesthetics of Blade Runner 2049 but I liked it enough to put it out for sale: ETA: Short video showing different Windlights.
  18. But the venue owner is not interested in your tips: Besides which: are you 'elite' enough for him to select you to attend his club? Let's hope you fit his selection criteria!
  19. Skell Dagger


    Does it happen with different skins? If you don't have another skin applier, try one of the default skins in the Catwa master HUD. Do you have the same issue with those?
  20. I think the key to making the move to mesh is not to see it as change to be fearful of, but rather to see it as a new opportunity that's exciting. That goes for any kind of change in life, really. It's going to get more and more difficult to find items that are system-compatible. Footwear, as we've discussed, is mostly rigged for mesh bodies now. And mesh clothing - while standard sizing and fitmesh are still out there - is increasingly being rigged for specific bodies. New skins are largely appliers only. You'll have to weigh up the amount of effort it will take to continue using a system avatar and finding new clothing and footwear that you both like and can wear, versus making the switch to a mesh avatar. That's your decision only to make, and I'm not going to try and sway you one way or the other. While many people have made the leap to full-mesh (myself included, and you should have seen me b*tching about mesh heads in the days before Bento!), some are happy just to have mesh hands and feet, while others love their mesh body but refuse to get a mesh head because they feel that - in losing the face they have lived with for years - they will not feel like themselves. I would say that, if you're at all anxious about making huge changes, just start with trying the demo of Slink's high heeled feet first of all. Pick up some demo heeled shoes for Slink High on the Marketplace, and see what you think of them together. I watched as Lil (LittleMe, who is also posting in this thread) made the slow move toward a mesh body in baby steps like that: first with Slink-compatible feet, and then with a mesh body. Maybe one day she'll find a mesh head she feels comfortable with, and maybe she won't. But I'm pretty certain that she loves the options she now has for footwear and clothing that she didn't have with her system body. I started out the same: Slink hands and feet first of all (but, obviously, the male versions), then a mesh body. And, finally, when Bento heads became available and I found a brand that I liked, I finally made the jump to a mesh head... all the while telling myself I would only wear it occasionally. It's never come off since, unless I've been switching it for another head, because I now own... several
  21. Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, TMP, and the like are all mesh body brands that have built-in heeled feet which shoes like these are created especially for. You need to look for the Classic Avatars logo on shoes if you intend to stick with your system avatar: Unfortunately, it can be harder and harder to find system-compatible footwear, since the options for mesh feet are so good that many people have moved across to them now. Even in newbie places like The Free Dove, the vast majority of shoes are Slink or Maitreya only. It's possible to buy the likes of Slink feet separately, and match skintones by hand (they also contain tattoo 'blend' layers so you can get a reasonably seamless match to your system skintone). You mainly only need the high-heeled feet (at a cost of, I think, L$600-something), since that's what the majority of footwear is made for.
  22. Skell Dagger


    Assuming that's a mesh head, look in its HUD for any 'neck tattoo' options, and clear them. If the head has multiple layers (like Catwa's upper and lower layers) clear the neck tattoo on both layers.
  23. Don't push your LOD above 4, in any case. Read this article for a better understanding as to why. Quick summary of the most salient point:
  24. There's a club? I can't get past the boots...
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