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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. That's exactly what those settings mean, yes.
  2. If clearing that section (while the main part of the hairbase is still showing) removes the lines, then it sounds as if you have an issue with that particular hairbase. Does it happen with hairbase appliers from other brands? Try some demos and see. ETA: I just noticed that you talk about tattoo layer hairbases. Do you mean the kind that go onto a system avatar?
  3. I usually consider approximately 50k a good complexity level. I try not to go much over about 75-80k if possible, and I always save the complexity number as part of the outfit name. To the OP: Things that will lag you include - lots of alphas lots of heavily-scripted add-ons (hair, jewellery, shoes, etc) flexi items (flexi skirts on dresses, flexi hair, etc) having your LOD set too high having your draw distance set too high having your graphics set higher than your GPU can reasonably handle If you combine 4 and 5 - for example: putting your draw distance at 512 and your LOD at 4 - then your computer will likely have to render every single tiny jewel in the complex necklace being worn by that female avatar halfway across the next region.
  4. I don't wear my Lelutka head all that often, but look for any options it gives you to clear the neck tattoo and/or general face tattoo (can't remember which it uses without logging in and checking the HUD). On Catwa heads that area is covered by the neck tattoo section, so there is probably a similar zone on Lelutka.
  5. And from a blogger, you have no idea how rare and wonderful that is. Thank you for letting your bloggers do their thing and be inspired, rather than setting rigid rules. (Disclaimer: I don't blog for Tarani, although I do own quite a bit of her makeup - lol!)
  6. Some of us do. Not all of us, though From the Review Policy page on my blog:
  7. This. Great song, and insane animation. I may be a tad obsessed with this video...
  8. If the hair is modifiable then you can try to edit the alpha mask (quick video guide here). This works best on straight hair, and doesn't always look fantastic, but it's a decent enough workaround if you can manage it. Also, if the hair has a 'materials' option then that will usually get rid of the issue, but only if you have Advanced Lighting enabled in your graphics preferences. Anyone who doesn't have AL enabled will, unfortunately, still see the unintentional nip-slip. Other than that, the 'alpha glitch' is a Second Life bug that we can't really do much else about.
  9. So you want us to tell you where you can find stores that are infringing trademarks/copyrights/trade dress, and thereby breaking Second Life's Terms of Service regarding Intellectual Property?
  10. I'm only for myself and my fella. My gasp of shock was an expression of a modicum of sympathy; no more, no less.
  11. Interesting article by photographer Thomas Hawk, on Flickr's decision: http://thomashawk.com/2018/11/why-limiting-free-users-to-1000-photos-on-flickr-is-a-smart-move.html Excerpt:
  12. Yes, and it's already been debunked on pages 1, 2, and 3 of this thread, with a screenshot from the CEO of Flickr stating the below: What Inara has missed detailing further in her post, though, is that grandfathered accounts were only ever supposed to have been for 2 years, and they (we, since I'm one of them) actually had three years at the old price. Back in August there was an announcement from Flickr that grandfathered accounts would - when they came up for renewal - be subject to current Pro account prices, which meant a doubling in cost. My October 2018 renewal was $49.99, which - considering that I use the site daily and it hosts 3,413 photos of mine (all of which I happily hotlink on this forum, thereby using Flickr's bandwidth) - is something I don't mind paying for.
  13. Oh god. The temptation. I can just picture it now... ѕєχχувαувєєєρяєттуρяιи¢єѕѕ (bettybangers.resident): There's something wrong with my Catwa head! Skell Dagger: Betty - Could you please elaborate? What's the problem? ѕєχχувαувєєєρяєттуρяιи¢єѕѕ (bettybangers.resident): MY NAME IS ѕєχχувαувєєєρяєттуρяιи¢єѕѕ!!1!1! Skell Dagger: เ ๔๏ คק๏l๏ﻮเรє, คภ๔ ฬเll гєקєคt ๓א ợยєรtเ๏ภ: ฬђคt เร tђє קг๏๒lє๓ ฬเtђ א๏ยг ςคtฬค ђєค๔؟ DISCLAIMER: Not an actual chat log
  14. If you use Chrome, yes. Install the User Agent Switcher for Chrome extension. Then, whenever you want to upload to Instagram, click the toolbar icon and select either Android KitKat or iPhone 6/iPad as your new User Agent. Your browser tab will reload and you'll see the upload '+' sign at the bottom. Click it, browse to the photo you want to upload, and - once it's uploaded - just scroll to the lower left of the image and click the icon below: That will fit the image to the upload window. Click 'Next' at the top right, add your text, tags, etc, and then click 'Share'. Simple Important: Remember to change your User Agent back to Chrome Default as soon as you're done, otherwise every tab will start displaying the mobile version of any websites that you visit.
  15. I got a load of hits from it on my blog a few days ago. No idea what was linked, though.
  16. People go where the community is, and the SL photography community is mainly on Flickr. I could never get into Plurk, but it appears to be the 'Twitter of SL'. To each their own
  17. It depends on what you need it for. Personally, I blog, and I like to use high-quality images. I also like to be able to link large images. I'll put some comparisons between Instagram and Flickr behind a spoiler tag...
  18. I have an Instagram account and I can give you one big reason: image quality. With Flickr I can upload and get high-quality resolution, but with Insta every image - no matter how much I optimise it - ends up small and poor quality. I use it because it's another place to be, but there's no way I'd have it as my primary image-posting location.
  19. I trust that you read my comment on page one explaining - from a CSR's point of view - why you might not have received the support that you wanted within five minutes of posting your question? In my response I mentioned a chat a few weeks ago wherein I was helping three people (and I was the only CSR in the chat at the point; another was online but busy, although she came in to help out once she was free). Looking back on my chat logs, it was actually four people that I was helping in chat, as well as the two that I was helping in IM. Sometimes we're also at the store or doing 'home visits' to help people out in person. Just for, er, fun... I decided to paste behind the spoiler tag the timestamps only of that chat log. I've changed the names to show only my own. Each person I was helping is now Avatar1, Avatar2 etc. My fellow CSR, when she arrives, is Other CSR. It might interest you to look at those timestamps and see just how fast-paced and involved this was, and remember that I also had two IM help sessions ongoing at the same time. My responses were multiple lines, since I was explaining in detail exactly how things needed to be done. And yes, despite my telling Avatar1 that I was going to focus on them first, I was still helping the others that popped up to ask questions. I've left in a couple of lines, where I explained I was busy, etc, plus a couple of generic (anonymised) questions. No other chat log text is contained behind the spoiler, so it doesn't fall foul of SL's terms of service.
  20. From what I can gather, I would suspect that anyone wanting to advertise under the new terms would need a Pro account. Specifically the following: Can I promote my business? If you are a Flickr Pro member, you can use Flickr to promote your photography business, your products, your photography classes, etc. You can link directly to a shopping cart, checkout page, or pricing pages on other sites, and you can list prices for your images in your Flickr photo descriptions.
  21. The announcement that free users will be restricted to 1000 images is easy to find. There is already uproar on the Flickr forums about it. However, as has already been screencapped (and repeated below, for those who read the first post and skipped to this page), there is a guarantee from a Flickr Staff member that SL photography is still photography, and will not be removed (unless, of course, the SL photographer is a free user and has more than 1000 images). Therefore I would be very interested to know where the information in that petition about people being urged to report non-RL photographs came from. (This is directed at the person who made the original petition, not at Jeny, who has simply brought the forum's attention to said petition.) I have been through the announcement, and I have also ploughed through the Flickr forum topic about it, as well as the Flickr blog post about the justification for reducing free accounts' limits. No sign of a "report non-RL photographs!" request anywhere. That it was included on the petition is alarmist and will only make people panic and kneejerk react, possibly deleting their accounts when they don't need to do so. I'd suspected a price increase would be coming, since - in all the years I've had a Flickr Pro account - the price has never changed. My account was up for renewal last month, and I was charged the new amount of $49.99 for the upcoming year. For all the use (a hell of a lot!) that I get out of it, that - for me - is a fair price to pay. I can afford it, and I'm content to pay it. I also suspected there would be some kind of limitation for free users (although I thought it would come in the form of a size restriction, such as 1GB of free storage, rather than 1000 images) because - since the decision was made in 2013 to allow all users unlimited storage - it was obvious that Flickr couldn't sustain that kind of offer indefinitely. Yahoo could, but SmugMug can't. I recall there being a similar uproar when Yahoo acquired Flickr and made sweeping visual changes to the site. Many SL photographers migrated to Ipernity. I got an account there, out of curiosity, but never went back to it after a couple of posts.
  22. I'm one of the 'bold text people'. I work as a CSR and moderator for a store support group that contains approximately 23,000 users. Where you see light-heartedness, I see sarcasm. (And, being British, believe me I'm fluent in all of sarcasm's little nuances.) Was the chat generally moving along, with people talking in it? If so, your question might simply have been lost in the scroll. Solution: ask your question again, and be patient. Was anyone with bold text (moderator/CSR) talking in chat? If not, they might be helping several people in IM already and simply be too busy to reply to you. Solution: wait for a little while, then ask your question again, and be patient. Was the chat completely silent? If so, then the moderators/CSRs might have been busy helping people in IM and the rest of the group may not have known the fix for your problem. Solution: wait for a little while, then ask your question again, and be patient. CSRs and moderators are usually not required to be on duty every second that we're logged in. Most of us, however, will keep the group chat open so that - if we notice someone is asking questions and the other CSRs are clearly busy - we'll step in. At that point, a day off becomes a 'day on'. The only time I close the support chat I work in is when my partner logs in and I want to give him all of my attention instead. Even then, I still get IMs dinging in, all of which receive my autoresponse that tells them I'm AFK/busy and suggests that they join the group and ask their question there. A couple of weeks ago I was helping three individual people in group chat, all at the same time. One was a newbie who needed 'hand-holding' all the way through a step-by-step routine to do something. Another was a 'regular' who asks tens of questions a day, just does what they're told, then comes back and asks the same questions again several days later because they don't actually listen or take in what they've been told. The third was being helped and was asking for other help: wanting links, and landmarks to be given to them instead of searching for that stuff themselves. While all of that was going on, I also had two people in IM that I was helping, which quickly became a third IM because the newbie I was helping in chat was getting thoroughly confused by all the other stuff going on in chat. The chat questions were coming in so fast that I could barely type quickly enough to keep up with them, while switching from tab to tab to keep up with the people in IM as well. If you'd come into chat at that moment, asked your question, and then five minutes later you'd come back with "...Wow okay thanks, helpful as ever-.-" (which, believe me, I have seen people do when we've been slammed busy with work like I just described) then you bet a few other people in the group might have called you out for "voicing your annoyance at not getting a response".
  23. Four pairs of horns. Not too over the top... for me, anyway
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