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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Geralt is rapidly getting more support, so if that's the body he prefers it's worth getting. BTW, both Gianni and Geralt are 30% off at the moment, so if he's going to buy, now's the time to nab a bargain.
  2. Like you, I adore dancing in SL. I have a ridiculous number of dances (favourite stores include Humanoid, Abranimations, Akeyo, and 3FX). But the ones I'm enjoying right now are those bundled with my Vista 'Gerard' AO. And the reason I love them so much is because they animate my face beautifully. I sit here grinning and watching as Skell closes his eyes and really feels that beat. This is a one-minute video, so a gif of it would take forever to load. This one is - I think - the dances labelled 21 and 22 in the AO, blending into each other. It starts a bit 'handy' (I tend to prefer shuffle dances with a lot of fast, fancy footwork: 'Passion of Shuffle' from 3FX is a favourite of mine) but then it goes into a solid groove, and I sit there watching one happy avatar just lost in his music And this was the music playing when I recorded that video:
  3. If you're going to go autumnal, go all the way. The demo colour is what I'd choose, and I'd ensure that footwear and accessories matched one of the accents (eg: hair, lipstick, or fur collar). Match your metals on jewellery, bag, buckles, etc (all gold, if you stick with that necklace; if it has a choice of gems pick one that complements), and a lighter colour of knit legging or similar on the legs.
  4. Thank you! Make sure you share pics of your malt with us if you do take the plunge
  5. No, that was the Skell head, which was released at Skin Fair back in March This new head - called 'Dude' - is the first male release since then.
  6. Person can't find the group for Genus heads, so they come into the Catwa support group instead, to ask if anyone can help them with their new Genus head...
  7. Yes, there have been two female heads on a one-day half price sale: Lilly and Uma. This is the first male head to be released on the same offer, and I'm very glad that us guys now have a chance for a half price head
  8. I'm afraid not, no. It only fits to male bodies.
  9. Ending my day in the best possible way: with my gorgeous boy
  10. My take on 'Dude' Credits The new Catwa 'Dude' Bento head, which will be half price from 00:01hrs SL Time to 23:59hrs SL Time on the day of release: Friday 23rd November. Head: Catwa - Dude* (Bento) Skin applier: Birth - Miller (T1) Hair: VoltHair - Enzo (B&W) Shirt: Contraption - Scholar's Bound Waistcoat Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Facial Hair: CDC Creations - Beard 46 Tintable Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Brows Eyeshadow: Zibska - Noir Pack 13 *review copy
  11. I've just clarified the date on my post, using the 24-hour clock. It'll basically be half-price all day Friday 23rd November from midnight to midnight SL Time.
  12. I've just been given my tester copy. Just have to save my current outfit, then I'm going to try a new face. I always love this moment.
  13. Psst! Guys of the forum? (And those with male alts, of course!) CATWA Head Dude Coming Soon, Limited Offer, 50% off price for 24 Hours, STARTS Friday 23rd Nov. 00:01hrs SL Time ENDS Friday 23th Nov. 23:59hrs SL Time [Not group notice time] (Basically, all day Friday!) Credits: Skins from left: AviGlam, Insol, session. Session eyes applier. Deadwool suit. Stealthic Mesh Hair. (I know. Technically it's advertising, but it's the first ever half-price offer on a male Catwa Bento head, and I wanted to bring it to the attention of the guys in here, and any of the ladies whose menfolk and/or alts might be interested.)
  14. No. Because they'll receive the money you've paid them, but you won't receive the items you've purchased.
  15. The deep blue screams of falling dreams... Breath for Equal 10, plus a collab between Contraption & Raven Bell for Baroqued Gothical. Coat: Breath - Stand Collar Coat (black - one size) Hair & Hair: Contraption & Raven Bell - The Five Graves Hat & Hair Makeup: Shiny Stuffs - Dollface (Catwa) Eyes: ARTE - Dimensions Eyes (Catwa, Lelutka) Piercings: Catwa - Bento Face Piercings* (rigged for Catwa Bento heads) Drill piercing: Cerberus Xing - Spiked Drill (silver) Skin applier: Insol - Tyson (T1 - Catwa) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) *review copy
  16. Heads-up for anyone looking for a new photoshoot location. The Baroqued Gothical event has hundreds of tiny photo boxes - both dark and light (dark around the outer areas, light in the inner areas). The event booths are on the lower area, but stacked above each one are a couple of differently-themed photo areas (there are a few on the lower area, too). Worth a visit before the event closes on Nov 25th
  17. That doesn't compute according to what's showing as my bestsellers, Dakota. I have in my top six bestsellers: a L$50 item that has sold only once (total sale value = L$50) a L$10 item that I've sold seven of (total sale value = L$70) a L$75 item that I've sold 20 of (total sale value = L$1500 And yet on the very end of my listing (the last item, in fact - possibly due to its age - but it still sells) I have a L$5 item that I've sold 1100 of (total value = L$5,500), whereas at the very top of my bestsellers listing is another L$5 item that I've sold 388 of (total value = L$1,940). That 'top' bestseller (the 388 quantity) has been selling in greater numbers recently, as opposed to the 1100 quantity item, so perhaps there's a mixture of pricing, popularity, and frequency/date coming together here?
  18. Just checked mine and they're equally screwed (even though mine is all pretty old stuff now and doesn't sell much at all these days). One of my two top bestsellers is in the top six on the first page, but the other is almost at the end of the listings on the last page. In the 'top six' of my so-called bestsellers are three items that I've sold only two or three of, whereas my two actual bestsellers number in the multiple hundreds.
  19. OPTION A: You don't understand why, because you don't use it or want it, anyone else would use it or want it. OPTION B: I don't understand why, because I do use it and want it, anyone else would not use or want it. In other words: quit with the Who Moved My Cheese? crap. I'm out. I have better things to do than be pointed and laughed at as some kind of SL Luddite.
  20. Scenario 2: a teleport that's landed you, flailing, halfway inside a store wall. No way out, except teleporting somewhere else and finagling the teleport point on the map view to land you outside instead before you go back... until you spot a chair by the wall. Right-click-sit and you're out of the wall, can get up, and carry on shopping. There have been countless times in my 11.5 years in Second Life when I've cam-sat - often halfway across a store to nowhere near me, as that's the only chair I can find - to get myself out of tricky, awkward, or just plain annoying situations. Not one of them has been for nefarious reasons. I fail to see why - just because it's a trick used by the occasional thoughtless idiot to pixel-bump in someone else's home - that option should be taken away from the thousands that use it for the many reasons it's actually useful for.
  21. Fully-enclosed skybox that one has just rezzed out. No doorway in, so one either has to cam inside and sit on furniture (assuming it's furnished) or sit on a prim and edit oneself inside. That's one reason I can think of.
  22. If your friend is using the Firestorm viewer and he couldn't see the other avatar, it's likely that he has View Friends Only set in his viewer. Tell him to check the World menu, and he'll find that at the very bottom. 1. If sex furniture has to be rezzed in a home, make sure it's one that the owner can set to Group Only or Owner Only. Remember to change the settings for both Menu Users and (pose)Ball Users. If it's set to Group Only and you are a member of the group, you can wear your group tag and either change the poses, unseat the avatars, or even stop the furniture's poses altogether (which would also unseat them). If you really want to mess with at least the guy's head (assuming it's a hetero couple) then you can also switch the poses so that she's hammering away at him. A lot of guys aren't really fond of that and he'll probably jump off the bed faster than he jumped onto it 2. Both you and your friend should familiarise yourselves with the privacy options in SL. There is no real 100% privacy here, but we have been given tools to use to the best of our ability, including (but not limited to) - Setting the land so that people on outside parcels cannot see the avatars inside. (Although they can still see the green dots on the minimap that show someone is in the building). Combine the above with an access list so that people not on that list can't even get onto the parcel. Be aware that this will create unsightly banlines for your neighbours, so - if you get along with them - the neighbourly thing to do would be to send them an IM or notecard explaining why the banlines are going up. Banlines will stop people from getting onto the entire parcel. 3. The owner of the land has every right to eject and ban without needing to ask someone to leave. If the land is rented, the person renting should check with their landlord to find out the extent of their powers. Since those people were rude enough to just barge in and start banging on someone else's bed, they rescinded their right to any politeness in return. 4. Your friend doesn't need to see people in order to ban them (assuming you don't have any rez or parcel rights). You just needed to give him their names, then he could have gone into the land settings and banned them that way. 5. If your friend has granted you edit rights on his objects and/or rez rights on his land you could have done one of several fun things: Picked up the bed and spun it wildly around the room. Maybe finishing off by sticking it upside down on the ceiling, halfway up the wall, on top of the roof, or underground. Taken the bed into your inventory (check its properties first, to make sure it's not a No Copy bed). This will have left the intruders copulating in thin air, since the scripts would still be running. Rezzed an invisible prim containing a thick billowing smoke script under the bed, so that they can't get off IRL on seeing their pixels banging in SL. 6. Your friend can also get a security orb that will eject anyone not on the allowed list. He should make sure to read the settings thoroughly and set it up properly, or he may end up ejecting neighbours from parts of their own parcel (which happened to me when an overzealous neighbour's orb kept ejecting me and my partner from about one third of our neighbouring home). Try to find one that's restricted to the owner's parcel only. People cannot break into your house and steal things. Not in the sense of actually taking them so you no longer have them. Any old exploits that took advantage of that should have long since been patched, and if you're made aware of a new exploit it should be reported to Linden Lab so they can patch it ASAP. In order for anyone in Second Life to 'take' your objects you have to give them express permission - by name - to do so. What that "someone who has been on SL for a decade" was probably referring to was, as Love said, 'Copybot'. Using a Copybot viewer on Second Life is against the Terms of Service, and - had you accompanied that person while she stole items using it - her use of it while you were with her may have got you into serious trouble. Her idea of fun is actually thieving someone else's hard work, and I'm sure you don't want to support that.
  23. Just a quick Sunday evening snap from me. It's getting colder here, so I broke out the winter coat (well, in SL at least).
  24. As Par said: that link worked almost six years ago, which is when the original post and that comment were made: back in February 2013. When arriving at the forums from a random link, or when running a search here for information, it's always best practice to first check the date of the posting to ensure that you're looking at recent advice. We'd barely had mesh clothing for a year back in 2013, let alone many mesh body parts, and any skins being referred to in a post this old would be system ones, not mesh body and head appliers. (It's a good job that those of us around here who like to help are not expected to keep our links up to date, otherwise we wouldn't have any time left in which to help )
  25. Sounds like you're running into the reverse issue that I've always had: trying to wear female jeans on a male body (because not every guy wants to wear the de rigueur sweatpants that we're all supposed to need so desperately...) The main issue is the curve at the base of the spine. Typical male bodies don't have as deep a curve there, so when I used to wear standard size 'small' female jeans on Skell's avi, I had to wear some kind of top that covered the fact that the jeans dug halfway into the base of my spine. I should imagine you'll run across the opposite problem: jeans that gape open a bit at the back. A similar thing happens with long female-rigged hair on a male avi: it disappears into the body between the shoulder blades, or of course it has built-in boob-bumps at the front. I won't weigh in on your 'butch clothing' thread, because a male opinion quite rightly does not really belong there, especially since - in my case - it would be couched along the lines of "I have this problem, too, only using female clothing on a male body", which... well, it's not what that specific thread is about, and it turns the whole conversation toward a male perspective, and I'm respectful enough not to to do that. That said: I do get it, and I love your new butch look. It suits you so well. Syd (Skell's more 'femme' persona) is geared more towards punky than butch, but I'd suggest looking at the creators who rig for the V-Tech crowd. Since V-tech is the flat chest mod for Maitreya, many of them also include Maitreya rigs for those that don't want to get rid of the boobage. A lot of it is geared more toward the 'cute femboi' style, but the likes of Riot, Krankhaus, Grima, and - on a more historical bent - Hotdog, are all bringing out the occasional more masculine looks. Also, don't forget the male hair creators. The likes of Stealthic work perfectly with a more butch look, and definitely check out Volthair, whose hair is so good I don't even bother to demo it anymore; I just buy the three colour packs that I always have from them for each new release. As long as it's resizeable, give it a go. Finally, appliers. My go-to for these is Sn@tch, for things like their Skeletanks and their Debbie Ripped Rocker jeans. As long as you have mesh footwear (there are some fantastic Maitreya-rigged, butch boots out there) and can find a jacket or overshirt, then you have enough '3D-ness' to not look like everything is painted on. (Bear with: I'm feeling pretty under the weather and shaky-handed today, so my words are coming out of god knows where right now... ) I recall that Sn@tch has some mesh 'boyfriend jeans' in the store, although - from memory - I think they were standard sizing, so I'm not sure how well they'll sit on a Maitreya body.
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