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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. /me runs in and breathlessly shrieks "Riot have thigh-high latex and leather high-heeled boots rigged for Slink male!" at the top of his voice, before running out again with an ear-splitting grin on his face
  2. The creator behind Hotdog is making so much amazing stuff right now: Credits Hotdog and Vango for Men Only Monthly, L'Emporio for The Darkness Monthly, and an upcoming release by Vendetta for Hipster Mens Event (opens September 23rd). Shirt & vest: Hotdog - Napoleonic Waistcoat (dark - one size only, so try the demo!) Hair: Vango - Jared (monochromes) Skin: Vendetta - Sergei (tone 03 -Catwa, Lelutka, Omega) Rings & nails: L'Emporio - Damned Claws & Rings (bento) Gloves: Native Urban - Gallagher Gloves (black - bento) Pants: David Heather - Seventeen Pants (Jake, Gianni, Geralt) Boots: Equal - Glenn Boots Mesh ears: Swallow - Magic Pixie Ears Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, system tattoos) Eye appliers: Madame Noir - Ghost Eyes (Catwa, Lelutka, own brand) Piercings: Catwa - Bento Face Piercings* (rigged for all Catwa bento heads) Head: Catwa - Skell* (bento) Background: The Weekend Ruiner - Good Mourning *review copy
  3. /me briefly scans the thread. Eh, I'll come back in another 10 pages. Phil will keep it warm until then
  4. Since I was the person who stated in this thread that Solar's comment was "good advice" your remark is clearly aimed at me, and thus I'm going to respond (in the very limited five minutes that I have available before I need to leave for work). Yes, the words that we use are very important. But so is how we read and interpret words, which - in theory - should be 'carefully and with thought', but which - in reality - rarely is. It is human nature to see what our current mood or emotion makes us see. These are Solar's exact words, with highlighting by me: This is what you read in those words and have subsequently focused on: You're transposing their words, so that the frustration shown by the use of the word 'bloody' is settled onto the action that Solar urges should be done (aka: move on), instead of settling onto the thing that needs to be overcome (aka: the post). Not "move right on by" (the [frustrating] post) but instead "[frustrated] move right on by" (the post). You've read their words as putting the onus squarely on the person, instead of on the thing, and that is not what was originally said. To reiterate: the frustration Solar expressed in their post is with the thing that needs to be overcome, not at the person who 'should' overcome it. And now I'm out of time and need to leave. I dislike posting before work because I can't come back to my post for another nine hours, but I wanted to respond to this one. My apologies in advance if my limited time meant that I phrased anything poorly; I've literally hammered this response out, quickly checked it over, then hit 'post' (and am about to run out the door!)
  5. "Be whatever you want to be! NO, NOT LIKE THAT!"
  6. One of the ugliest things, to me, is a superiority complex. Doesn't matter which side of the fence it comes from. There's room for every type of avatar in Second Life, no matter what it looks like. As for resurrecting a long-dead topic just to point and laugh, that's not a great look for anyone to wear: mesh or system.
  7. CSR-ing. Normally I work from home, as it were, but today I'm feeling sociable so I'm loitering at the store instead
  8. I was bullied for years at school, both mentally and physically. Throughout my entire school life, in fact. I stand by my words. ETA: Allow me to clarify. Some people coddled me (and yes, sometimes I needed the hugs that came with the coddling, especially after I'd been physically attacked) and others gave me the tough love ( tools and advice) that I needed to begin coping with the bullies. Take a guess at which came in most useful to me, both at that time and subsequently throughout my life.
  9. Phil, mate? You can be an annoying, curmudgeonly, contrarywise, argumentative, thread-elongating, last-word w*nker sometimes, but you're our annoying, curmudgeonly, contrarywise, argumentative, thread-elongating, last-word w*nker. And the very fact that I'm using those words with you should show you that I know I don't need to tippy-toe around you
  10. Solar's response was not defensive; it was commonsense advice: If you have blocked someone on this forum and someone else quotes them (so that you see their post anyway) just keep scrolling and move past the post. Solar then gave another tip, explaining how to collapse the quoted part of the post so that it's not visible and you don't have to read it. There was nothing defensive about their response. It was simple advice, and good advice at that. I also agree with their summation that nobody should have to choose between responding to a post and remaining silent because their words might be regarded as "too sharp". There have been times when I have spent over half an hour crafting a response to a post made by someone whom I suspect may struggle with my advice if it's not given in a very softly-softly manner. I've edited and re-edited my words so that they come across as non-upsetting and as generic as possible while still giving the advice that's needed. It's taken a lot of my time get those few words of advice just right, but on occasion I sense that it has to be done. But not everyone has the time nor the inclination to do that (and sometimes I don't have the inclination either) and on occasion there is a requirement for tough love. While I'm an advocate of that saying "Be kind to everyone, because everyone is fighting their own battles", sometimes the best kindness is not to wrap someone in cotton wool and handle them with kid gloves for fear of upsetting them. Sometimes the best kindness is not pandering to their every wish or demand for sensitive treatment and hand-holding every step of the way, but instead to give them the ability to stand up and take those steps on their own.
  11. Ah, but in the past we had the One Troll to Rule Them All, who - together with his multitudinous alts - pestered the forums. He spread himself far and wide (and very thin) across many people's patience, and - while he may have come across as a nice person to some - he did his damndest to persecute and drive away from the forum a select few people (mostly women) whom he'd set his sights on. (And in his style of 'witty' bracketed afterthought sign-off: boy, did he hate that I had him muted and refused to rise to his goading )
  12. A quick google showed me that Brazilia Doll is a brand created by Sking. In order to wear Omega skins on any body part you need to buy and wear the correct Omega relay for that brand of body part. Since you're looking at Brazilia Doll (made by Sking) and at Slink, you'll need the Omega relays for Sking and for Slink. Instructions can be found here on the Omega page dedicated to Sking bodies (warning for NSFW images at that link). As to where you can find the skins, just search Marketplace for Omega AND skin AND applier AND male/female (change that last according to the gender of skin you want). Make sure you try demos, as Omega skins intended for slimmer bodies may stretch on the more generous bodies that Sking tends to make.
  13. Palgrave Macmillan is an academic publisher. That would explain the elevated cost over and above what one would have paid for an edition of Harry Potter. I recall spending over £70 on Molecular Biology of The Cell by Alberts et al. when I needed it for my degree and couldn't locate a used copy. In fact, I spent a bloody fortune on textbooks back then ETA: Just noticed that's the price for an ebook version. I would be prepared to pay that cost for a print copy, but it is a bit steep for a digital version.
  14. Take a look at me. Wired to a machine. Credits behind the spoiler tag. Hi-res on Flickr (start here).
  15. Yes, male Slink Physique has separate arm toggles for layers. Jake was released in May 2017 and has not been updated since then (it's still in beta). If the Targeted Layers feature was introduced in 2018 then Jake won't have it. (I own the Jake body but almost never wear it. Once the neck issues are addressed I might wear it a bit more.)
  16. I sometimes use the Catwa add-on teeth, but you'll find the human ones to be the same shape as the built-in ones. The main teeth applier that I use is this one by Glitter Litter. It's called 'Perfect' but it contains several shades of white, down to a much less 'bright' version. Cheap as anything, too
  17. My profile: Guess how many times a week I get a friendship offer out of the blue from someone I've helped in Catwa chat? No, I will not be your personal, on-call CSR, damn it!
  18. Congrats, Laoise, for getting the 10,000th post in this thread (Belinda's reply is showing as No 10,001 on the forum front page so I figured some congrats were in order!)
  19. Tattoo layers go onto the system body that you're wearing underneath your Maitreya body. Since the system body is completely hidden by an alpha layer that's why you don't see them. Toward the end of this year a new update to Second Life, called 'Bakes on Mesh' will allow for system layers to appear on mesh bodies, but that's not been released yet, other than in beta (which means that most people will see odd textures on you if you use it, rather than the textures that you see). The Omega versions of your tattoo appliers won't work unless you're wearing the Omega relay for Maitreya, which you can get from either the Omega Solutions store inworld or here on Marketplace.
  20. Skell Dagger

    Bento Male

    Looking at some of the close-ups of that body I'm doubtful that it's a mesh one. Two parts in particular stand out as issues that most men have had with the system avatar, namely the 'thumb spike' - ... and the sharp 'dip' at the inner elbow - However, on the offchance that this is a mesh body (you will know it is if you have objects with a 'golden box' icon in your inventory that you have to wear for the head, body, hands, feet, etc, as well as an alpha HUD) then you won't find any clothing fitted specifically to that mesh body anywhere inworld, other than the place you originally purchased it. Your best best is to check out the six main menswear events inworld - The Mens Dept Men Only Monthly Hipster Mens Event Man Cave The Men Jail - and pick up a lot of demos to try with your body and see what works.
  21. Oh dear. So I assume that if some hot, sexy female avatar happened to hug you out of the blue, you'd report her to LL for accosting your innocent pixel body, Quinn?
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