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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Even better: make your own, with a texture that says Did you just upskirt me, you dirty little pervert?!
  2. The trick is finding a head that not only starts with a similar shape, but it also needs to be one that's responsive enough to sliders that you can mould it close enough to what you want. As a quick example, looking from your system head to the LAQ head, I would suggest beginning by playing with the following sliders: lower eye (your system eyes have a deeper lower lid curve) nostril width (your system head is narrower at that point, but that could be the angle of the photo) - I'd also angle the nose tip down just a little and reduce the nose-tip slider (can't recall the exact name of it without being logged-in; it's the one that changes how bulbous the end of your nose is) - ETA: just logged in to check. It's the 'nose tip shape' slider lip width needs pulling in, plus upper lip sliders to change the cupid's bow and height of the outer upper lips You can also use the brow shaper (in your system hair slider settings) to change the angle and arch of your brows
  3. Sadly, yes. It's... not pretty. It couldn't "do an elegant pirouette or shimmy" if its life depended on it. Seriously, pick up the body demo and see for yourself. There's a reason why every guy who wears the Slink male body keeps that thing hidden. I guess it was included so that guys who maybe wanted to visit a nude beach without handing over some L$ for add-on genitalia could do so, and I guess I should applaud the fact that the creator thought of something like that. But god almighty, how I wish it had been included as an optional version: wear the body with or without the added genitalia. No, not functional in any way. Nothing happens. It's not possible for it to "accidentally become visible". You have to manually click the body's HUD to show it. I've been using that body and its HUD almost constantly since 2015 and the only time I've ever seen that part of it was when - out of curiosity - I enabled it to see what it was like, on the day that I purchased it. About two seconds later, I said "Oh hell no", clicked it off in the HUD, and have never seen it since. No, not attached to a Bento bone. The body was released long before Bento and only the hands received a Bento update. I'd rather not, thanks. ETA: I should add that one thing Slink got very right in that area (and that none of the other male bodies I've tried have bothered to include) is a bulge in the mesh at the crotch. This means - if I want to wear applier pants - I don't look like I'm tucking.
  4. If the alpha wasn't working then you'd see that 'layered skin' effect across the whole body. The problem is caused by the jeans themselves. (I know this only because some designers of male clothing do the same thing). I looked up Villena jeans on Marketplace, and found those specific ones: the Distorted Boyfriend Jeans. Note the below included in the description: There's also an image of the skin HUD and tinting options on Marketplace: In short: the jeans come with included mesh 'bare legs' that you need to tint. Those bare legs cannot be disabled or removed. What you need to do is hide the legs of your Maitreya body and use the jeans' tinting HUD to tint the bare legs as close to your skin tone as you can.
  5. In the light of what's going on in another (soon to be locked) thread, I'm putting this xkcd comic here in case anyone wants to pilfer it for future use
  6. (Bolding mine.) Do you visit busy events in SL? Yes? Good, then you'll know that 40 avatars is about the maximum for a region before it slows to an absolute crawl (and in less optimised regions it slows to a crawl even before then). What would you deem an acceptable time in which to undertake this 'Nexus Walk' among others? One minute? Two minutes? Five? For how long at a time, and for how many times must we endure this 'walk' before "the goreans, the furries, the clubgoers, the brazilians, and everyone else in SL" become, well... I don't really understand what you're aiming for here. Is it familiarity? I see those kinds of people out and about all the time so I don't need to be shoved among them every time I log in, like some ghastly cocktail party where I can't even reach the bar because I'm lagged to hell and rubberbanding back and forth between the vol-au-vents and the cheese-n-pineapple-onna-stick. Is it the forging of new friendships among those battling to reach the end portals before the griefers and lag get to them and make them log out forever in frustration? Thank you, but I'd rather choose the very few people that I add to my contacts list after prolonged and repeated conversations with them, not after rubbing shoulders in a mad dash to a portal that will take me to my home. OK, so let's assume LL beefs up the servers that host these Nexus regions so they can comfortably tolerate 40 avatars without lag. Let's see now... the average logged-in number of avatars is approximately 40,000, so that means we would need... ...10,000 Nexus regions, give or take a thousand or so. (And let's just close our eyes to what would happen if the grid went down at some point and everyone tried to log back in at once.) Lastly: Show Friends Only is a thing for the simple reason that those who have lousy connections or older/slower/less powerful computers simply cannot go to busy regions with a lot of other people without it enabled, because otherwise they can't move at all. But - in your Nexus idea - what would be the point of derendering everyone, when everyone is supposed to be seen? What would the solution to all those other laggy avatars be then, hm? Everyone has to change their settings before each log in? Lower LOD to 1? Set Graphics Prefs to 'minimal'? Switch off particles (y'know, in case of landing poufers and griefers)? Oh! Oh, wait! I've got it! Let's force everyone to log in on system avatars, and they can change into their laggy mesh bodies once they finally reach their homes! Of course!
  7. Setting up my Christmas present to myself: a new gaming rig!
  8. There is a tendency in this thread to view marketing SL as a single advertising strategy: all or nothing in one direction or another. "It could be marketed as difficult!" "But that would have turned me off immediately!" etc. That's not (and likely never will be) how marketing works, unless a product is developed for a single target market. For SL there would need to be multiple ads and multiple strategies, depending on the communities being advertised to. The "come chat with visual, virtual representations of your grandkids; it's just like being there with them!" ad that goes out to grandmaknits.net wouldn't be the same as the "build your own warship to fight naval battles, but first you gotta learn how warships work" ad that goes out to pewpewgamers.com Marketing SL is like marketing humanity itself. All life is here. No matter how cynical or jaded one is, one cannot envision a single, snappy ad campaign that encompasses all of humanity. I'm sure some of you might attempt it ("They're warmongering, but they love peace!" etc) but in truth - forum witticisms and lol reaction-scoring aside - it's not possible. I honestly don't see the next generation being interested in virtual worlds, unless (possibly) they can access them on their phones. Attention spans in general are not what they were, and once something has been associated with those of their parents' age by way of their parents now using it (eg: Facebook, Whatsapp, etc) kids will move on, because who wants to be where Mum and Dad are? The challenge idea is good, but it's only one of many that would need to be considered.
  9. Quick heads-up: there are 50 pages of 50% off sale items at Meli Imako's full perm Marketplace store right now, until 1st January. I have about... well, a lot of tabs open.
  10. Credits as before. I just got in a little closer this time
  11. Indeed there is. None of the examples that I gave appeared to express a personal preference, nor were they phrased in such a manner. That's why I mentioned them. The words "right", "wrong", "correct", and "bad" are all judgemental ones, hence the mentions. You have, in fact, couched your words in this thread as I expected you would: carefully and thoughtfully. None of my examples came from you. Your thread title asked about a "functional height" - which leads to queries about the compatibility of furniture and housing and pose props relative to height. If you'd asked about the "right height" then I would have been side-eyeing you, but I know enough of you from your posting history over the years to understand that you're sensitive to the more subtle nuances and meanings of words that others may use without thought or consideration. As I agreed, there is indeed a balance that can be struck, and I'm going to strike it on my part by bowing out of this thread in the hope that I haven't managed to derail it completely by being over-sensitive myself. Back to the topic of functional height it shall (hopefully) go.
  12. My apologies, Coby. I have been told far too many times in my SL existence that I am "wrong" or "not right" or "not normal" - be that for being in a same-sex relationship, or for the clothing that I sometimes wear, or for my avatar's height. Seeing the words "wrong", "real people", "realistic", and a look that is "excellent and right on avatars" in a post that was created to ask about avatar height is like something of a red rag to me. I'm sorry that I jumped on your post, which was - as you said - more about proportion than height. There are other posts, such as those that mentioned the following - there is a trend toward more realistic female avatars but men are remaining giants reference to a height that is "proportionately right" several references to "giants/giantesses" (which, apparently, is not at all derogatory) multiple references to a height that is "realistic" reference to "huge" avatars in correlation with reference to height-related home items (eg: doors) that cause problems for "badly proportioned" avatars - which would have merited my words more than yours did. We do have resident "height police" whom we tend only to see in this forum when the topic of avatar height is mentioned (I'm surprised we've not yet seen those people in this thread, in fact) and they can turn a relatively reasonable thread into what amounts to a haranguing session that many of us who have spent years on the receiving end of are heartily sick of seeing. It would be nice if others could agree to be like Scylla: Posting in a thread is articulating one's thoughts aloud. We all judge privately (I'll admit that I do, too) but while we probably wouldn't dream of going up to someone in SL and calling them "giant", "fat ass", "T-Rex arms", or "invisible pony-rider" to their face because of their avatar height/proportion choice, some don't realise that they are telling those people directly that is what they think of them if they post those words on a public forum where those people can read it.
  13. But it's right for them. Judge as you will and if you like. But 'too tall people' is something that has been banged on about incessantly in SL for years. Those of us who happen to like our avatars being tall - not because we're contrary or are thumbing our noses at "how real people actually look", but because we like the way that it looks on us - are quite used by now to being told that there's something wrong with us.
  14. Close your eyes, not your mind... Credits Hotdog for Eclipse and The Mens Dept, Joker's Asylum for The Men Jail, plus Volthair for Equal10, Not Found for The Mens Dept, NOMAD for Eclipse, and Birth for Seduction. Got to love it when so many different items from current events come together so beautifully Coat: Hotdog - Morbid Manteaux (black - one size, so try a demo!) Pants: Joker's Asylum - Steampunk Skinny Jeans (black - Gianni, Geralt, Jake, Mait) Boots: Hotdog - Pointed Boots (natural - Jake, Slink M&F, Mait, Venus, Sig) Hair: Volthair - Sam (B&W) Skin applier: Not Found - Colt (medium - Catwa) Corset: Riot - Ares Corset (black - Adam, Jake, Gianni, Slink) Necklace: RealEvil - Predator Collar Ears: L'Etre - Ringed Mesh Ears Ear spikes: Gemini - Vinci Ear Piercings Makeup: Birth - Guyliner (Catwa) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Body: Signature - Gianni Set: NOMAD - Gothic Chapel Poses: Wrong *review copy
  15. Spellbound, this is a general chat thread. It's the correct place to write an announcement like that, especially since many people posting in this topic have known Rhonda and Clover for a long time
  16. Oh god. That perfect moment when an outfit comes together and makes you shriek and start seal-clapping!
  17. Hi Samitra Ignore what people are telling you about 'owning three textures'. You only need to know about that if you're actually creating your own skins using the Omega developers' kit. To get your body and head to match you will need either - A Catwa head (skin) applier and a Slink body (skin) applier - both in the same skintone and from the same skin designer or - An Omega head (skin) applier and Omega body (skin) applier AND The Omega System Relay for Catwa AND The Omega System Installer for Slink The two Omega System relays/installers (which I'll shorten to 'Omega Catwa/Slink HUD' for the rest of this post) look like this: Omega appliers aren't a brand in their own right. Instead, it's a cross-brand system that acts in one of two ways (detailed below) and works across most mesh body parts from most creator brands, as long as you have the corresponding Omega relay HUD for your body parts. Some Omega HUDs act as installers: wear them once, click them, and they install Omega compatibility into that body part. The Slink Omega HUD is an installer. Some act as relays: you need to wear them each time you want to add an Omega applier to your mesh body parts. The Catwa Omega HUD is a relay. It acts a bit like a 'remote controller' - communicating with the scripts in your Catwa head. If you're wearing it, and then click an Omega skin applier HUD, the Omega relay HUD will 'tell' the head which textures it needs to apply. Let's say that you've found a great skin that you love. The head appliers state that they're for Lelutka (a head that you don't own) and Omega, and the body appliers are available only in Maitreya (a body that you don't own) and Omega. In order to wear that skin on your Catwa head and Slink body you would need to buy the Omega versions of the head and body (skin) appliers, and ensure that you have those two Omega HUDs shown above: the Slink Omega System Installer and the Catwa Omega System Relay HUD. Then: Wear your Slink body and Catwa head. Add the Slink Omega HUD and click it. That will install Omega compatibility into your Slink body. You can now detach the Slink Omega HUD (but hang onto it, as you'll need to reinstall it if there are any updates to the body, or if you make a copy of it at any time). Add your Omega body (skin) applier and click it to apply the tone that you want. When you're done, detach the body applier. Add your Omega Catwa relay HUD. Keep it on your screen while you follow step 5. Add your Omega head (skin) applier and click it to apply the tone (and any other options that it gives you, such as freckles/brows, etc) that you want. When you're done, detach the Omega head applier and the Omega Catwa relay HUD. You're all done Any further questions, come back and post again and we'll do our best to answer them.
  18. Love, did you really just resurrect a year-old thread so you could post a picture of a chicken? (I suppose I should say thanks for reminding me of a certain pretentious artiste d'avatar Aesthetique, and giving me a chuckle in the process.)
  19. Frequent and voluble IM bitching sessions with the other CSRs/moderators It's frustrating more than anything else, especially when you ask someone to do a specific thing, they tell you "I've already done that", and then - after about 15 to 30 minutes of troubleshooting other possibilities - they let slip that they have NO DAMN IDEA how to do the very first thing that you asked them to do: the one they told you they "already did".
  20. It's also unisex. Out at The Mens Dept until the end of the month.
  21. "Did you get your precious photos?" Credits Gabriel, Not Found, and Dura for The Mens Dept. And that high-collared coat made me think of a classic movie scene... Skin applier: Not Found - Colt (medium - Catwa) Hair: Dura - U89 (Fatpack A) Coat: Gabriel - Leather Asymmetry Coat (Jake, Signature) Eye appliers: S0NG - Valo Eyes (Catwa) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, system) Ears: L'Etre - Ringed Mesh Ears Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) *review copy
  22. Most male avatars - like most female avatars - wear whatever we like the most. However, market forces dictate what bodies and heads are the most created-for, and if guys want a varied wardrobe of clothing they will often gravitate toward the bodies that they can find the most clothing for. If you want to be 'the same as most guys' then the Signature Gianni body and any Catwa Bento head would do it. With regard to skins, there are many more of those and a single 'most popular' brand would be difficult to pin down. I guess you'd come close with any skin from Stray Dog. You can, of course, individualise both body and head (assuming you opt for a Bento head) by using the shape sliders. If you don't, then you'll end up looking like the hundreds of other guys who also don't bother.
  23. Yep, that's a good start. And when you're trying demos of skins and makeup, make sure you're wearing a facelight or standing near a projected light, to see if the skin/makeup makes use of materials (which will cause shine even if you have your head's glossiness/shine switched off). Normally I'd not recommend a facelight, but for checking materials a bright light that will make it obvious is a good way to check for it.
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