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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. And the "zombie" mesh break apart isn't fixed yet either unfortunately as today I logged in fresh, tped to ONE sim, didn't even move -- just cammed, and when I came back to my building pad I was all broken up -- mostly mesh body. Alas.
  2. I am not sure about the others but "from the look" it appears that Blueberry uses Maya. She gave away a lovely house a couple of years ago at Christmas and it definitely had that Maya bake which is impressive. I am a Blender user and I still sigh over that Maya bake which I have never seen reproduced using Blender. While there is no real "need" for post processing after a 3D render onto a texture plane, it is of course done sometimes. The most popular graphics program and the one used by most of the pros is Photoshop. Having and using those programs of course doesn't guarantee in any way that you will get the same look or quality -- at least not before a few thousands of hours of practice, learning and trial and error (and no, that really wasn't an exaggeration :D). Enjoy the learning journey!
  3. Then you missed that thread :D. Actually (she says knocking loudly on the computer desk) I haven't seen this in the last few weeks. That may just mean that I need to get OUT more though LOL. Not all that unusual. Only with mesh avatars and clothes of course.
  4. Rereading your post it "might" not actually be derendering as we think of it but a breaking up of the mesh body and or clothes/ So empty triangles appear in the mesh perhaps, especially after teleporting around and about? If that is the case (there have been some threads on this lately and I may still have a screenshot in my "forums" folder) then it isn't you or your machine or your setting or (happily) poorly made mesh :D. It just "IS" and is a pain, for sure. I usually log in and log out to fix it since I can do that fairly rapidly. Found a photo that demonstrates what I am talking about. At times my Maitreya body will also break up. EDIT: If it IS an LOD problem then you would see the issue when you have your LOD set down to 1 or 2 and not 4. You would also notice it when your camera moves AWAY from the object in question (like you). It would NOT show up on a close view like this does. So there are two different ongoing problems. IF it is a general rendering issue (crowded places) then I would change my jellydoll setting to 50 or whatever (you will always see yourself so that isn't an issue). In crowds with 250 jellydolls you are rending almost everyone and that is VERY hard on your computer. You can always right click and show the person you might be talking to fully :D. I pretty much see folks in solid hues but everything runs pretty well. My system is similar to yours. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.09 MHz) Memory: 16286 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 15063) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2
  5. Also make VERY SURE that you house is copy and that the one you rezzed is not your ONLY ONE (as in a gacha and some brands). You have no way of "going back" in that case. ALSO NOTE that many house now that are mesh have MANY textures all on one texture plane. So using "select face" and clicking will let you change just one thing (like the floor for example). BUT there is no guarantee that it will look as you suspect as there are many factors involved. Hence that "make sure it is a copy house" in my first line :D. Good luck!
  6. ALWAYS WATCH THE DATES!!!! Yep in caps. And also note that posters like this ask to be contacted INWORLD and will likely never come back to their listing :D.
  7. We all know there are issues :D. And being at the bottom of the pile automatically on new stuff is depressing I know. For example. I made some new Cargo Crats for LEA12. They were similar (but much better with baked textures and three styles etc) than some "when mesh was new" ones. I listed them on the Marketplace and even linked to the old version with a note that there was a new version. But we know people don't read. I listed them in August of 2017. It has taken until October for them to move towards the top of the listings and they now are much better sellers than the old ones. I have seen this over and over again with new products. So it IS hard. And I still sell some pretty old (still usable but certainly not up to today's standards) stuff on the MP simply because the items have been around a long while and have sold over time. I have no answers. It is a huge job. **** I WOULD LIKE TO PUT IN A SUGGESTION THOUGH*** In the revamp it would be GREAT to be able to have obvious categories up top (like a menu in a webpage) for creators that make a variety of things. Since you now need a credit card to make an alternate Marketplace site (with an alt) it is very problematic. A few of us (probably very few) ONLY have one credit card. (Oh my how could that be?) So that is my personal wish :D.
  8. The easiest method (and many of us have been there) is to get a COLLAR style necklace that covers the seam. One that is color change and smallish might be good. Other than that you need to find a skin that you like that ALSO has an applier. You can TRY and tint the Lara skin so that it is close to your head -- and you should do that of course) but you will never get an even close to exact match using the tints. It will change dramatically depending on Windlight and viewer settings. So collar and keep your old head or start shopping for a new skin.
  9. I delete all but Lara to keep my inventory down -- at least that's my plan. I sometimes find things that I was in a hurry and keep. If I am a GOOD girl I also delete all the scripts and notecards and things that I will never need. If it is something I REALLY love (and I do delete a lot of things after blogging them) I keep a copy of the original in my save folder for that year. I rarely see classic fit garments on the brands that I feature but now and then the classic might fit better than the "Lara" (not all designers that tag have the developer kit it seems) so I of course keep that one :D.
  10. Many huds including LARA are no mod and cannot be reset. I just went in to look and make sure. I would vote for getting a new hud from the redelivery terminal :D.
  11. The problem that I have with the triangle physics for the couch is that most people seemed to WANT to bump into their furniture, not walk through. I certainly do. There was another long thread on this a few weeks ago. There are exceptions but for furniture most items have the largest upload cost in download, not in physics. It would be quite simple and still cost effective uploadwise to make a physics model for the couch that conforms to the shape of the couch. I know that was only an example :D. but I really do wonder about furniture with no physics at all. GRASS we can walk through in real life. That makes sense as do a few other things -- but not tables or chairs -- in my book anyway.
  12. NOT Omega compatible. You missed the replies above :D. Still very nice gift.
  13. The -.5 is the X axis (left to right) so setting to 0,0,0 should do it. Not a script person just have used a lot of sit scripts in the past that had similar functions. Good luck.
  14. Those that don't "do" events don't understand that the VENDORS actually are paying the sim rent (and more than that in many cases) with the fees. So adding extra sims adds more to the fees -- again in most cases. Higher entrance amounts keep some creators from joining in -- perhaps the ones that you (the OP) would like to see there. So it doesn't really solve a problem, it only shifts it. Seraphim is great. No arguments there and I use it often for blogging. BUT they take their photos a day earlier than opening in most cases and often there are lots of folks missing from their lists. So not necessarily a representation of ALL that is available once the event opens. Not Seraphim's fault, it is the creators who for whatever reason seem to wait until the very last hours and beyond before setting up even when they have had up to a week before the event opens. It does boggle my mind. I suggest that if getting there the first day is THAT important then becoming Premium (about a buck a month if you pay yearly) is the best choice.
  15. I don't think we can do that yet. On The Lab's agenda though it seems. No, that Windlight Queen is from tutorials and the Places Settings that have been around for-e-ver, long before they made their way into 3rd party viewers.
  16. The problem in (and it won't be going away) that everyone sees things differently do to their viewer settings so what may look great to you using materials could look HORRIBLE (and I mean quite horrible) to someone using a different Windlight setting. I wish you luck on your journey. Just be sure and test with a ton of Windlights --- unless of course the item is just for YOU and YOUR photos :D.
  17. Alternately you can make a specular map from your defuse texture and add that into your node set up in Blender Cycles (sure there is a way in Maya too as Maya really has a nicer rendering engine -- to my eye anyway). From there you can do a bake and then even redo the specular map from the baked texture. I would suspect that a subtle normal map would help make the effect more convincing. IF you were doing the texturing by hand, you would paint your texture and then make the specular map from that. You CAN adjust the specular quality inworld to give more of the look you want. BE AWARE though that a LOT of folks don't have ALM turned on and so will never see the specular effects UNLESS they are baked in. Hence I am on the baked in side of the conversation -- mostly for that reason. That said, it will NOT be all that fluid but best as mentioned for static things. While I have not seen things in person, it seems like Sansar does a better job with this sort of fine tuned lighting effect.
  18. Manly. My new male mesh avatar is getting there. I won't be having a "sex change" operation any time soon, but it is nice to be able to feature some stuff for the guys.
  19. I had mine mostly this was for other reasons LOL (arty ones) but what does that last setting about sending my slection target hits do? I have that checked for some reason but don't remember WHY I may have ---- oh great one that knows all *wink*.
  20. Well it certainly could be a competitor (been there done that). Do you know what they are flagging it as? Is there any chance in the keywords you forgot and left tags like "kids" or "children's" or such? If so, then they could certainly complain about that if it comes up in search under kids. If it comes up in search under kids because of your store name --- I'm not sure how you could handle that. It is a problem with the marketplace that only one store per avatar thing. Who wants trees in with skins in with kitty tails ? LOL. Messy.
  21. Tried putting in a support ticket but it wouldn't go through so writing here and hopefully someone else will get a ticket to finalize. Tried attaching and reattaching hud, relog, getting new hud. Alt has same issue. She cannot get glytchs either. I can. So any hunters CHECK YOUR NUMBERS before going too far. I am down at least one pink value since I wasn't paying attention :D. The rest of SL is working fine including rezzing, moving inventory items, building, attachments and animations, IMs etc. Just the HUDs so I am thinking it is the database that controls that. Cheers. I am going to bed.
  22. I will go along with the MUST have Omega (unless of course it is Letluka or Catwa LOL). I would not buy any head that wasn't one of those three. You have almost no options then and that ain't good. Also many heads will let you demo skins so it is REALLY important to find a skin and head match. A lot of the other things can be adjusted with your shape.
  23. Thanks for letting us know. I really didn't think it would be Omega compatible but with the alpha hud it is very usable for lots of guys. Good to know about the gals gift. Will check that out! Some impressive things in the store for sure.
  24. Only a guess here since I don't use this method or render engine -- but of similar issues you can bake to a LARGER texture plane and then reduce that in your graphics program. You can of course render at a higher value in Cycles but not sure how you can do that in Blender Render. Perhaps you know. The other alternative would be to use the diffuse texture as a basis for the normal map using other software. Sorry. That's all I can think of
  25. Yes that derender thing is needed in some cases. I don't actually think most of them were TRYING to hide it inside other products (hence when trying to get the mustache you get the vendor to buy instead). I was looking closely (not in wireframe LOL) and the bounding box of the mesh was outside (like when using a cube for the physics) so most likely they just didn't TEST to see if folks can click. Four HUNDRED stars for derender. Thanks again.
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