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ATTENTION! Listings on the Marketplace are borked. Everyone check your stores!

Pearl Vollmar

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to everyone who has been providing us with details on this issue. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will post more information as soon as we have it.


The Commerce Team

Will you REALLY post more on the issue when you find something out???  You never have in the past.  We have no clue what you are really working nor any problems you have discovered or solved.

So lets see if you REALLY DO get back to us.  My bet is we wont.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to everyone who has been providing us with details on this issue. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will post more information as soon as we have it.


The Commerce Team

Will you REALLY post more on the issue when you find something out???  You never have in the past.  We have no clue what you are really working nor any problems you have discovered or solved.

So lets see if you REALLY DO get back to us.  My bet is we wont.

I'd say the post is more about showing they really do work on weekends when needed but we'll see

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Just added this to the JIRA:

Just attached image (UNAVAILABLEseralok.jpg) of an item ( https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Dean-Razorback-Electric-Guitar-18/1405954 ) that has a messed up listing. That's the other merchant's link, but it shows my image. I tracked down the item in my store inventory and saw that it was marked as "Unavailable," so I don't even know why it's been showing in my listings.(??)

Since it was already unavailable, I decided to delete it to see if it would remove the listing from my store. No, the listing is STILL there, and now I have NO access whatsoever to the listing because on my end, it is supposed to no longer exist. So apart from having an unavailable and now deleted item showing on my store page, it also shows the incorrect creator, price, etc.

I am also hearing of reports that some merchants think their product images are being "stolen," and shoppers who doubt the reliability of a seller because of the incorrect and strange information.

I'm absolutely and completely disappointed that the Commerce Team allows this craziness to continue without any informational updates (besides, thanks, we're working on it) and continuing to leave the Marketplace open in its current state and leaving the merchants open to be vilified, DMCA'd, and our integrity questioned because of YOUR mistake and unwillingness to take the problem seriously.

Why haven't you shut the Marketplace down already?



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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to everyone who has been providing us with details on this issue. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will post more information as soon as we have it.


The Commerce Team

Will you REALLY post more on the issue when you find something out???  You never have in the past.  We have no clue what you are really working nor any problems you have discovered or solved.

So lets see if you REALLY DO get back to us.  My bet is we wont.

CTL You've been investigating this for several days now. Give us a clue what's going on, hey? We are your customers and we do pay for a service after all. And now your mistakes are causing residents to question the integrity of merchants, because YOUR team is screwing up.  How much longer are we going to have to wait until this HUGE issue is resolved? Why is the marketplace still running right now?? We have NO control over most of our messed up listings, the impetus is on you to fix this. Why aren't we being given any information?? Are you fixing it, or still investigating? What is taking so long?

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Couldbe Yue wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to everyone who has been providing us with details on this issue. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will post more information as soon as we have it.


The Commerce Team

Will you REALLY post more on the issue when you find something out???  You never have in the past.  We have no clue what you are really working nor any problems you have discovered or solved.

So lets see if you REALLY DO get back to us.  My bet is we wont.

I'd say the post is more about showing they really do work on weekends when needed but we'll see

I hate to be a party pooper but I read it literally and it doesn't say "TODAY we are investigating".

It's not difficult to wake up, have coffee, pop onto the forum to create the illusion of urgency.

I hope otherwise, really I do but there's just a complete information blackout which is the most unimpressive of all.

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They should at least post an official note on the status grid about it. I have come accross people who don't believe anything that isn't said by LL officially.

My feeling is that they are aware of the problem but  simply don't know how to fix it. They are just as lost as we are.

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What is so sad about this whole official DD Deployment is that all the problems that are being encountered since LL officially released it to the production MP and grid was fully anticipated and predicted by many of us veteran merchants. 

Not even because we saw flaws of the DD in the various beta releases of DD over the past year since LL started this long road of DD development.... but just because many of us knew so well of LL's 100% consistent and horrible history of immature software development and proper testing of the code they do develop. 

I was not involved in any of LL's secret Closed Beta team.  I did not participate in LL's somewhat public open yet restricted beta in December.  I also did not participate in any of the final weeks of open DD beta testing on the Aditi grid.  Yet I already knew that LL's DD deployment would not go smoothly and it will be riddled with either one or more catastrophic failures and/or several major / minor problems.  Why?  Because LL's lack of mature development, testing, and deployment skills ensures that every one of their code releases into production will have many stinkers.... the question was... how bad and how many.

That is why I havent converted any of my 6 main MP selling packs to DD.  Even this strategy was not a 100% assurance that my MP store and packs were safe - with DD LL's code could still have impacted my MB listings.  So far.... knock on wood... my listings have been safe.  But it just frustrates me how LL's track record is sooooo sooo predictable and bad. 

And the larger frustration is Rodvik's complete lack of involvement and "I wash my hands of it" approach to all of HIS Commerce Team's continual development, operational, and poor customer service / communication.  I had hope that Rodvik was going to be a CEO that was going to take a new fresh Customer Service driven approach to running LL and the SL business.  But he has rammed his head in the sand regarding any of his Commerce Team's terrible business unit operations.

It tells you a lot about the future of LL and SL when you see how Rodvik lets the Commerce Team continue with how they manage MP and treat their Merchants and MP customers.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Couldbe Yue wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks to everyone who has been providing us with details on this issue. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will post more information as soon as we have it.


The Commerce Team

Will you REALLY post more on the issue when you find something out???  You never have in the past.  We have no clue what you are really working nor any problems you have discovered or solved.

So lets see if you REALLY DO get back to us.  My bet is we wont.

I'd say the post is more about showing they really do work on weekends when needed but we'll see

I hate to be a party pooper but I read it literally and it doesn't say "TODAY we are investigating".

It's not difficult to wake up, have coffee, pop onto the forum to create the illusion of urgency.

I hope otherwise, really I do but there's just a complete information blackout which is the most unimpressive of all.

(Emphasis is mine)

This is exactly my thought too, Miss Sassy.  I don't expect to see anything happen with any of these Jira's until after 9am Monday. 

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Pearl Vollmar wrote:

I'd like to share this blog post with you guys. Please share it and spread the word

Yes really good read! I have noticed that there is a pattern to the madness. There are numbers in the range of 14184XX that display incorrect associations. Let me do some further looking at others errors.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

LOL Couldbe... that was my thoughts when I first read a Commerce Team posting on the weekend.  There was no real content in the posting - as per ususal - so it seemed to me it was just to show that they ware working on the weekend.

Or it's a bot that's scripted to periodically post the same message.  Just saying....

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To continue documenting my experience with this issue, the following is the info I attached to a new ticket I created per a notecard received from Brooke Linden:

1. Markeplace listing: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/13510?search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search


Top row/right column

VH wrong.jpg

a. Product Item Image - Victorian Hearts Welcome Mat - Correct/Czari’s Attic

b. Product Description - Incorrect - linked to creator <name>

c. Problem - Wrong creator listed on my product as well as X-rated description on G-rated item

d. Attempts Made to Correct - In edit mode the following image was displayed:

Victorian Heart Sneakers.jpg

I deleted this image, uploaded the correct image, made sure everything else on listing was correct, then saved update and refreshed.  At the time nothing changed.  The next morning my store now shows two listings for this item, the correct one and the wrong one as noted above.

Also used Search Merchant for <name>.  A blank MP screen is displayed.  Used People Search in-world. No profile. Incorrect listing now not showing in my Edit Listings, thus I cannot do anything on my end to remove this incorrect listing.

2.  Marketplace Listing:



Second Row/Last Column

a. Product Item Image - Love Hearts Welcome Mat - Correct/Czari’s Attic

b. Product Description - Incorrect - linked to creator <name>

c. Product Price - Incorrect

d. Problem - Wrong creator, description, and price listed in my store with correct product image

e. Attempts Made to Correct - In edit mode/preview everything displayed correctly. Deleted and reuploaded my image in a trouble-shooting attempt. Saved update, refreshed.

f. Current issue - My Marketplace store still shows incorrect creator, description, and price attached to my image.

g. Further troubleshooting attempts - Clicking on this item displays the following:

LH Checkout.jpg

Went to the Marketplace store of <name>.  Noticed many of her listings are also incorrect - mixed up images, different creators, etc.  Used search to find “Dark Red Eyes” - displays the following image:

Dark Red Eyes.jpg

Here we see an image for “Dark Red Eyes” from <name> store, but the description is of a different item as well as yet another creator, thus the erroneous linking is not back to me but in a seemingly endless daisy chain.

Conclusion:  As I have done my best to troubleshoot my situation, per CTL instructions posted on this forum thread:


 And this jira:


I respectfully request that LL make the necessary corrections to my current Marketplace listings. 

Czari Zenovka


Per Pearl's suggestion, I sent a notecard to Brooke to let her know my ticket was submitted and asked to keep communication with her open via IM until this is resolved.

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Thanks for the update but that has nothing to do with the corrupt listings.  What are you going to do about them?  I hazard a guess and say the problem is unfixable unless there's a roll back but that requires you to a. have backups, b. have the skills to then roll the transactions from the rollback date through again and c. find another way to work around the duplicate foreign key issue that doesn't use that indexing.  (kind of guessing a bit here but I did run it past someone who is very experienced in these things).

It's a bit of a mess, isn't it?




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Sassy Romano wrote:

It's not difficult to wake up, have coffee, pop onto the forum to create the illusion of urgency.

I hope otherwise, really I do but there's just a complete information blackout which is the most unimpressive of all.

ahhh I see you've hit upon my definition of "work" in this case ;)

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

We have posted an update to
. Here is the updated text:

While we work to address current Marketplace issues, we will not require any Merchants to migrate listings away from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery before June 1, 2012.

Commerce Team...I would hazard a guess that Direct Delivery has absolutely nothing to do with the corrupted databases/listings that many merchants are struggling with at this time.  Direct Delivery may have made the problem more visible somehow, but it's not the delivery system that is the problem. 

This "update" you've posted has nothing to do with the massive listings problem currently ongoing.  THAT is the issue that needs fixed and it needs fixed two days ago!  Please address these listings!!  What are you doing about them?  When are you going to shut down the marketplace and for how long?  When you be rolling back the databases?  etc etc ad nauseum. 

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

We have posted an update to
. Here is the updated text:

While we work to address current Marketplace issues, we will not require any Merchants to migrate listings away from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery before June 1, 2012.

It is more fesible to say that you will not require the migration until x days after the SLM is working as expected and the database is clean and functional.

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>It is more fesible to say that you will not require the migration until x days after the SLM is working as expected and the database is clean and functional.

Thus the construction "not before", meaning: possibly later (and probably MUCH later).

Giving people dates for things at least creates the impression of a viable schedule, so, even though I still think it's bunk, I have to respect LL for starting to do it in a less senseless way.

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Argus Collingwood wrote:

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

We have posted an update to
. Here is the updated text:

While we work to address current Marketplace issues, we will not require any Merchants to migrate listings away from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery before June 1, 2012.

It is more fesible to say that you will not require the migration until x days after the SLM is working as expected and the database is clean and functional.

Yes they still do NOT get the point.  This is still an arbitrary date.  And this is what Brooke stated -- that there would be metrics to indicate when MBs will be discontinued. We have it in writing.

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iam not surprise by anything that happen with the market for last week I just waiting to see how long it be tell there was trouble now I get it not DD that problem but well this is LL after all ,, I did check on mine its seem OK I hadt move my stuff over to DD yet and from the looks of it prolly wont be any time soon, good luck all with the market

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Josh Susanto wrote:

It is more fesible to say that you will not require the migration until x days after the SLM is working as expected and the database is clean and functional.

Thus the construction "not before", meaning: possibly later (and probably MUCH later).

Giving people dates for things at least creates the impression of a viable schedule, so, even though I still think it's bunk, I have to respect LL for starting to do it in a less senseless way.

I agree with you Josh. What we don't need is possible issues caused by DD on top of all this mess that is already occuring.

And the date being June makes me think the borked listings are a much more complex problem and will require a lot of time to fix.

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So this is the reply I received from my in-depth ticket I was instructed by Brooke Linden to file:

A comment has been added to your Case..

Case: 01382016
Avatar: Czari Zenovka 
Type: General Marketplace Issues
Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance
  Dear Czari Zenovka

Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support. We are sorry to hear about the Marketplace listing issues you are describing.

To properly investigate violations of the Terms of Service of Second Life,
we require that you file an official inworld abuse report—that way, the report is routed quickly to the correct team.

Please be as specific as possible when describing the problem. Each abuse incident is investigated by Linden Lab; if the reported incident violates Second Life’s Community Standards or Terms of Service we will take appropriate action. If any further information is required, Linden Lab will contact you regarding this incident.

Following please find some links of the Second Life wiki giving more information about the process:


If you have further questions, please let me know and thank you for being a valued member of Second Life.

Kind regards
AnjaB Scout
Linden Lab Support


Ummmmmm...file an in-world ABUSE REPORT??????  *Bangs head on desk*

Abuse of LL to me???  Abuse of the entire LL Marketplace to an indeterminate number of merchants? 

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