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REALLY Sick of discrimination against child avatars


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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Being narrow-minded and practising discimination.......is nothing to be proud of! I'll happily be described as "intolerant" of such folk.

Sounds like you are living in a political correctness bubble. I prefer to live my life based on common sense and my own experience rather than just towing the PC line. My own experience has led me to discriminate against certain groups in society such as people wearing Klu Klux Klan robes, groups of youths hanging around on street corners after dark, adults that are overly fascinated with impersonating children,  anyone knocking on my front door to preach religion at me, anyone walking around displaying swastika's, The tax man, double glazing salesmen..... I could go on and on, the list is quite extensive. I assume the worst of all those groups based on my previous experiences with them, I discriminate against these groups to varying degrees because not doing so leaves me exposed to them. I find It's easier and safer to be discriminatory towards these group as a whole and then work on an individual and personal level to overcome that discrimination with select members of those groups. 

IMO everyone discriminates to some degree in their day to day life. Even if they are not willing to admit it.

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I was flipping through the MP when i came across a store selling childrens clothing... or what they claim is childrens clothing. The avs in the pics were NOT children. They had cleavage and very sexy shapes. The clothing is such that i would expect to see it on Ladies in the Red Light district. Hip huggers, micro bikinis, torn tights/leggings, Chest shading, and mini skirts.... I have 2 daughters, ages 7 and 9, they do not have curves nor do the have an adults upper body. I have seen these clothes on some kid avs inworld. With the shading they dont look like kids anymore.

Perhaps this could be the cause of some of the "discrimination"?


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Once when I was skydiving I fell through the roof of a building and became trapped in some shop. The shop had incredibly sexualised clothes for children sold and a photo studio inside. I did a bit of research into who owned it and it turned out the owner was a woman who had been banned for the same and the shop was being looked after by her friend. There were scores of people angry about her being banned but tbh i was so offended by the shop. Not because of the child aspect but because of how revealing the clothes were, the poses of the av pictures modelling them.. until SL users can learn to keep a lid on confusing adults with children I don't feel comfortable with child avatars. It's a shame that the child rp has been ruined for the innocent few but it has, deal with it. Secondlife has plenty of other things to offer.

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:

The children in SL that I've seen are "glammed" up and look sexualized. That's the problem for me. None I've seen really look like children but those kids in pageants, or worse. So that's where I'm coming from. Just see them so sexy looking, even false eyelashes.

People controlling the child avatars tend to jump and skip and run around vying for attention. I've had them beg, cry, ask me to be their mommy. It's just annoying. I'm sure there are those who don't do that, but it's just what I've seen.

Finally, there's just too much sex, and *kinky sex,* in SL in my mind to have children avatars there.The idea of a family there is fine, but they are adults not children and I can't dispell the reality. A friend of mine knew of a child avatar that ended up with the father of this family. The girl changed her avatar to an adult  after but, basically stole her mother's husband. Too much drama for me.

If you're happy being a child in Second Life, then you shouldn't really care what people think about it, but it's just a subject that brings out strong opinions.

You are not well informed then....we've been producing & selling Kids avatar skins for over 3 years.....none of our skins have a hint of make-up...because we don't believe kids, particularly girls of the ages of 3 to 7 should be wearing make-up. We're sold 1000's of these skins over the years.....so obviously there are 1000's of those little girl avatars that are not "glammed-up" to the eyebrows! There are other skin creators that provide  Kids skins without make-up...like Robin Sojourner.(Kick the Can skins)

The too much sex or kinky sex as you put it.....should be designated to the Adult regions, especially if it's open to the public...and no Child Avatar should be in the close vacinity, let alone being on that Sim.

Do you have the same strong feelings and fears everytime you walk past a Kindergarten or Primary school? Do you worry and wonder about what adults are lurking around these schools.....or everytime you step into your car, do you worry whether you'll make home safely and not be involved in an accident?........My point is that you're giving yourself unnessary stress over events you cannot control!

As long as one has the ability to reduce the Avatar heights below 4ft, it really doesn't matter whether Child Avatars are allowed in Second life or not.....these illegal acts can still be simulated on a land denying public access. It's impossible for LL to monitor the going-ons, of all such illegal activity (including gambling) on such a vast grid!  Of course i don't condone such illegal activities.....but one has to be realistic or find another online game to play!

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Arkady Arkright wrote:

That's not "Discrimination", it's "expressing a point of view which is different to Rene's'".  You're the one who's being 'narrow-minded' in not accepting that different viewpoints can exist.

Of course it discriminating....as some people are questioning why Second Life should allow child avatars on the grid in the first instance. if that isn't discriminating...I don't know what is! Next they'll be targetting furries.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Rene Erlanger wrote:

Being narrow-minded and practising discimination.......is nothing to be proud of! I'll happily be described as "intolerant" of such folk.

Sounds like you are living in a political correctness bubble. I prefer to live my life based on common sense and my own experience rather than just towing the PC line. My own experience has led me to discriminate against certain groups....



Not  necessarily.....my approach is quite different to you, as I prefer to judge people on individual merits and what is presented in front of me....and not their grouping that they're attached to. I'm comfortable with my abilitiy to make my own analysis....and hopefully a correct one!
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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I was flipping through the MP when i came across a store selling childrens clothing... or what they claim is childrens clothing. The avs in the pics were NOT children. They had cleavage and very sexy shapes. The clothing is such that i would expect to see it on Ladies in the Red Light district. Hip huggers, micro bikinis, torn tights/leggings, Chest shading, and mini skirts.... I have 2 daughters, ages 7 and 9, they do not have curves nor do the have an adults upper body. I have seen these clothes on some kid avs inworld. With the shading they dont look like kids anymore.

Perhaps this could be the cause of some of the "discrimination"?


Female kids shapes shouldn't have cleavages....obviously a creator that is not very experienced in creating them. One can flag those products...if the photo displays are not appropriate or a correct representation.

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Arkady Arkright wrote:

Now that I've discovered that you have a commercial interest in the continued existence of child avatars I understand you better...

Well it didn't take long for someone to think that's my only horse in the race.! (I mean it's pretty obvious from the photos in the signature right?)

There are some Avatar forms i don't find visually appealing e.g a slave person being collared and made to walk along all fours and dragged along via a chain by a Master . That is not my cup of tea.....but by the same token, i wouldn't dream in suggesting they should all be banned from the Grid because i find it degrading.!

...and before you jump to more conclusions, I own a Fetish Mall too...but it doesn't mean i have to like all the products being sold there or the type of clientele ....it's just business!

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I've seen it way too many times myself. I even had to enforce a silly set of rules that included no child avatars on more than one work stint in SL. While there are exceptions I have found that largely this veiw of child avatars comes from people's unspoken belief that everyone here has a sexual agenda at all times, hidden or not. In short, most simply assume you are acting out on a perversion. They can't accept that someone having a child avatar is a way to express their inner child as you say, or that perhaps they are just a person that really finds children to be wonderful and something to celebrate.

I've put on a child shape from time to time to play on the swings, or join in the fishing contest at cartoon kids. These were fun things to do and had absolutely no sexual or sensual conotation whatsoever.


I'm with you. Too much prejudism and biggorty is tolerated on the grid period

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Reply to the threadstarter and his fans:


I am tired about this complains.

First, i take any avatar the way he presents himself.

- Woman as woman, man as man, child as child (childrens don't buy houses for example).

To be or to act here as a child is nothing more than an sexual oriented fetish like BDSM, animal-sex or whatever. These "childplayers" went to places with many people and say: "would you be my uncle?" to adultplayers wich they don't know. In my believe child-avis provide sexual services for money.

Tell me someone play here a Nazi or KluKluxClan RP and is not a faschist !!

You are sick of discrimination? GOOD !!

So you have to start thinking about what you doing here and in wich way your engagement gives a forum to pädophil people (if you are not.)

More exactly:

That means.. self IF! you are not a pädo, with yur behavior you give people who are pädophil a plattform and a justification to act like they do.

There are many people out in the world who do not kill jewish people by themselves - but they looked away when it was happend. But they aren't better. 


p.s. sry to the others, please do not missunderstand me,  i don't want to say BDSM is pervers in any way, it was just an example for sexual orientation.

Anyway, my English is not the yellow from the egg !! xD

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Catherine Foulon wrote:

To be or to act here as a child is nothing more than an sexual oriented fetish like BDSM, animal-sex or whatever. These "childplayers" went to places with many people and say: "would you be my uncle?" to adultplayers wich they don't know. In my believe child-avis provide sexual services for money.

This may come as a complete shock to you, but not everyone is in SL to have sex. That includes a sizable number of child avatars, but is not limited to same. I would say, from my own 6 years of experience as a member of Second Life and as a child avatar that while there have indeed been incidents of sexual ageplay on SL, it is very much the exception, not the rule.

Catherine Foulon wrote:

That means.. self IF! you are not a pädo, with yur behavior you give people who are pädophil a plattform and a justification to act like they do.

There are many people out in the world who do not kill jewish people by themselves - but they looked away when it was happend. But they aren't better. 

Did you just seriously Godwin child avatars? Wow. That's mind boggling.


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no matter if they do sex with their child-avis here or not. they support the pädophilia system and ensure more padophilia to come to sl.

i am here for 6 jears too. but to have an clear opinion do not depends on the time someone play SL.

the apologies of the proponents are always the same. and they are always a slap in the face of human experience with abuse.

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Catherine Foulon wrote:

no matter if they do sex with their child-avis here or not.
they support the
system and 
ensure more padophilia to come to sl.

i am here for 6 jears too. but to have an clear opinion do not depends on the time someone play SL.

of the
are always the same.
are always a
slap in
the face


i haven't heard something this funny since i was in the back hills of kentucky..you don't get out much do ya? hehehehe

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Catherine Foulon wrote:

no matter if they do sex with their child-avis here or not.
they support the
ensure more padophilia to come to sl.

Uh, again, no.

I sure as hell don't "suppot the pädophilia system." In fact, were you to go to most of the child avatar spaces in SL (Little Wonders, Escapades, Willowdale, Everlasting Family, etc., to name a few) and tell people you were a pedophile, I can all but assure you that (a) you would very quickly be ejected from the region, (b) you might find yourself pre-emptively banned from some ofhters  (we don't all talk to each other, but word does get around), and © that you have been abuse reported under age > ageplay. Kid avatars (as a general rule) tend to be the first to report it, not the last.


(who is really trying to not get sucked into such a conversation. Again.)

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Marianne McCann wrote:

Catherine Foulon wrote:

no matter if they do sex with their child-avis here or not.
they support the
ensure more padophilia to come to sl.

Uh, again, no.


(who is really trying to not get sucked into such a conversation. Again.)

"Don't cast your pearls before swine."  Some people don't deserve intelligent responses.  Just wipe your feet and move on.  

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  • 3 months later...

I have an adult avatar but in truth I feel safer on a child avatar. As an adult avi I find myself to be more likely sugjected to things that make me uncomfortable. The only time where I was told it was inappropriate for me to be in a place on second life was at a support group place. This did bother me, but I left and came back on my adult avatar. But as a child avatar, I am usually the one decides if I feel comfortable there or not. I have wandered into places like went from a kid's store the adult store by the same person, and then felt ok I don't belong here. Part of that is that there is nothing there for me, part of it is that I feel like a kid and I don't want to be in a grown up place by myself. Now if I am helping my second life mom pick out a pair of boots, then I may go with her as a child, but there have been times where I felt uncomfortable and said I am gonna get on my grown up avi. But generally if I am in a grown up place, the adult just irnore or maybe say something about how they like my hat or how colorful my outfit is. But as a child avatar, in a grown up place, if I am subjected to someone cursing I ignore it as long as its not directed at me. If I would an adult avi and it were directed at me, I would find it equally offensive and unnessary. Either way I think that I would have a right to comment, aww you said a bad word on my child avatar, or hopefully something more articulate on my adult avatar. They are the ones who chose to engage. As a child avatar, I would never go to a nude beach or anything like, but there are stores that sell things that I might want, like hair, colorful leggings, skirts, homes, decor, building supplies. In some cases I could just buy it on my it on my adult avi and either trasfer it to the other, or rez it where I need it. But with some clothing that isn't possible. And if I know where it is, and the owner is ok with it, there is no reason that anyone else should have a problem with it. It is unfortante that those who sell items that are not innappropriate for children would ban us, Sure it is their property and it is thier right. But if someone were to say something innapriate to us, the issue is with that person not the owner. If we happen to see nudity in an adult type area we probably are gonna get ourselves out of there. And in order to get someone in trouble for being inapproriate with child avatar, you need proof, screenshots, chat logs. You aren't going to get in trouble for living your second life and ignoring the child. In regards to being annoyed with the annoying things kids say just mute us. I have had to mute so many annoying guys on my adult avatar who would not take no for an answer and some who even proceeded to follow me. As an adult avatar I rarely curse, I do not engage in combat, I have no interest in engaging in sexual behavior. But I am more often subjected to it. As a child avatar, I have places where swearing is rare, where it would be inappropriate or someone to proposition me, I am much less likely to subjected to material that I find offensive. I am a very sensitive person in real life, I have experienced trauma and I have some issues that I need to work out, being a child helps me with this. I learn about myself and my past through this process of having a second life family.

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It generally bad form to revive an old thread - especially one with a lot of posts like this. They imply disputes that either got settled or which people decided it was wiser to 'agree to disagree' and moved on.

Reviving it just makes everything thing about arguing over it again.



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Teenie Crystal wrote:

I have an adult avatar but in truth I feel safer on a child avatar. As an adult avi I find myself to be more likely sugjected to things that make me uncomfortable. The only time where I was told it was inappropriate for me to be in a place on second life was at a support group place. This did bother me, but I left and came back on my adult avatar. But as a child avatar, I am usually the one decides if I feel comfortable there or not. I have wandered into places like went from a kid's store the adult store by the same person, and then felt ok I don't belong here. Part of that is that there is nothing there for me, part of it is that I feel like a kid and I don't want to be in a grown up place by myself. Now if I am helping my second life mom pick out a pair of boots, then I may go with her as a child, but there have been times where I felt uncomfortable and said I am gonna get on my grown up avi. But generally if I am in a grown up place, the adult just irnore or maybe say something about how they like my hat or how colorful my outfit is. But as a child avatar, in a grown up place, if I am subjected to someone cursing I ignore it as long as its not directed at me. If I would an adult avi and it were directed at me, I would find it equally offensive and unnessary. Either way I think that I would have a right to comment, aww you said a bad word on my child avatar, or hopefully something more articulate on my adult avatar. They are the ones who chose to engage. As a child avatar, I would never go to a nude beach or anything like, but there are stores that sell things that I might want, like hair, colorful leggings, skirts, homes, decor, building supplies. In some cases I could just buy it on my it on my adult avi and either trasfer it to the other, or rez it where I need it. But with some clothing that isn't possible. And if I know where it is, and the owner is ok with it, there is no reason that anyone else should have a problem with it. It is unfortante that those who sell items that are not innappropriate for children would ban us, Sure it is their property and it is thier right. But if someone were to say something innapriate to us, the issue is with that person not the owner. If we happen to see nudity in an adult type area we probably are gonna get ourselves out of there. And in order to get someone in trouble for being inapproriate with child avatar, you need proof, screenshots, chat logs. You aren't going to get in trouble for living your second life and ignoring the child. In regards to being annoyed with the annoying things kids say just mute us. I have had to mute so many annoying guys on my adult avatar who would not take no for an answer and some who even proceeded to follow me. As an adult avatar I rarely curse, I do not engage in combat, I have no interest in engaging in sexual behavior. But I am more often subjected to it. As a child avatar, I have places where swearing is rare, where it would be inappropriate or someone to proposition me, I am much less likely to subjected to material that I find offensive. I am a very sensitive person in real life, I have experienced trauma and I have some issues that I need to work out, being a child helps me with this. I learn about myself and my past through this process of having a second life family.

That's a very articulate post. Thank you for sharing your POV.

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