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Rodvik Shares 2011 Highlights & His 2012 Outlook


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 i like that fact that LL didnt not forget that they talked about npcs although i dont know how much is include. i hope that the developer program is going to be better than doing the10-part test before you can load meshes and a little bit better then developer program for snowstorm. i still dont know what the snowstorm project is about since we have v3.

artifical life was the thing i was after in 2007,  i will be part of the developer program and push for things of my own.  i hope the second life takes the lead and shows what can be done.  althought i am not sure for the 4-hr limit in sandboxes.  these things take more time to develop. a standalone sandbox would be nice.

blender would be nice too,  realXtend does it with blender-> ogre -> REX where you can animation on blender and see the real time results in realXtend.


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This is not good.

It stratifies the world further, and creates an even more remote and privileged dev class that gets special access and tools.

That privileges them in the economy.

The building tools as originally conceived were open to anybody to learn.

Sculpties took one layer away of that accessibility as it became harder to make things.

Mesh of course went even further -- the user can't edit or modify the object as he could even a sculpty.

The creative of amateurs was always a key feature of the openness of the world.

Now that window is shutting, and slamming the fingers of the half of the 20 percent who create things for others

as amateurs.

The skilled 10 percent then turn the rest of us into passive consumers.

It's no good saying snarkily "Learn the skills." It's not about that. Anyone can rez and texture a prim and somewhat modify their world. They can modify others' creations.

When the world becomes made not of building blocks and textures and scripts but mesh and now these specialized dev tools, SL is not that different than World of Warcraft -- only without the game.

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I have to agree with your assessment so far. Mesh was of no interest to me so not having the ability to upload them never even crossed my mind. But the new creator tools sound very different. They will be tools, whereas mesh is only a file form, and, if they could be of use to anyone who creates stuff, or experiments with creating stuff, then dividing people by only allowing a few to use them would be very bad, imo.

I can envisage the scenario where the few who have the tools are able to create more highly desireable things and the majority can't even start to compete. Perhaps it's too soon to judge. We'll know better when we find out what sort of accreditation is required to be able to use the tools. He used the word "powerful" about the tools, so it could simply be that the tools will be extremely useful for griefing and that RL info will be what's needed. We'll have to wait and see.

ETA: From what he wrote, it doesn't actually sound like he means building tools. It the dividing of people's accessibility to building tools that would bother me.

The bit about artificial lifeforms sounds interesting. If they can be used to replace bots, then it will very interesting.


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All I read is:

... recently launched Linden Realms, the Lab's first-ever game prototype

 this will make the polished creation of full MMORPG’s or people/animal simulators within Second Life easier and of high quality.

In addition to delivering new features and increasing our support for Second Life, we will be launching some completely different products next year not related to Second Life.
In other words:
  1. We made a game in SL
  2. We want you to make games in SL
  3. We're going to become a games company and move away from SL

Rod's still seems the best bet for LL and at least there's a sense of direction at last so I hope it all works out well for them.  SL as just yet another MMORPG isn't what I'm hoping for though.  ( don't know what would be best for SL though, so Rod's doing an infinitely better job than I would, lol).

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Sounds great, I just hope that these features actually come it would make for more creative things in Second Life, but these would be good too...

1. Require ID to become Age Verified, Less under 18 people in adult areas, and Less griefers in adult areas.

2. Possibly Require Credit Card, or manual verification if the user signs up and doesn't have one it prevents massive griefer accounts for the sole purpose of griefing others.

3. Fix Last names, or allow users to create their own last name. ( I hear this is coming but not here yet.)

4. How about getting rid of the highlight field terrain editor, and give us something 3D (;? ( Imagine Minecraft like in SL)

5. Advanced Sim Weather System, and ability to control ground textures better, think about its night time in the simulator and all of a sudden it starts raining and lightning striking, and no not talking about scripted systems with rezzer and boxes, but more real and easy to setup and control region wide, or certain parts of the region and such.

6. Less Griefers? <--- I want to see less griefers with the ability to grief in my name and create problems for me.

7. LESS SPYWARE! No More Alt Detectors, or Ban Networks like, Red Zone, CDS, or any of these systems that spy through media, give people back their privacy before they were around.

8. What about adding Realistic Trees and more types of Trees to the Linden Default List such as mesh trees and such.?

9. What about giving people the ability to actually grow grass on their simulators, or land that looks realistic without use of prims like the Linden Grass but better.

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I don't really see it this way. Of course, I can only guess, but I think most of these new tools will be for specialized things that only a few people will need to use to create the things they need. Most, if not all of the rest would only want these tools to attack or grief some1. Just look at linden realms, it's not that complex, but if every1 has the tools to do all those things, then we'd have some pretty creative griefing going on.

As far as mesh, thank god we now have mesh. It is not for only the highly skilled. Heck, I still don't understand half the stuff these 3d programs can do and I can muddle thru it. Mesh is way beyond just some minor improvement. It is "THE" improvement, that any1 that knows anything about real 3d creation, has been waiting for since they first found SL. These imaginary divisions are just that, imaginary. Mesh, who makes it, how it works, mesh builder kits, and everything else mesh related will evolve in a way that is uniquely SL. I have no doubt about that.

Now, onto what Rodvik was talking about. I liked most of what he said. It does bother me that merchant was only referenced once, and nothing at all was mentioned about search or merchant promotional opportunities. Tools aren't really that big a deal if no1 can find your **bleep**e! And, on a related note, he said nothing about our social profile network.

Oh, and I'd like to make another reference to "Uniquely SL". Many people that don't make stuff in SL can find SL boring at times. No really! Not me, cause i love to make stuff. SOOOOO, what is the answer? Better Games! Obviously! This doesn't change SL fundamentally. And, whatever games get created here, will be "Uniquely SL".

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Ann Otoole wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

All I read is:

... recently launched 
, the Lab's first-ever game prototype
 this will make the polished creation of full MMORPG’s or people/animal simulators within Second Life easier and of high quality.


For those LL deems should have such privs.

i didn't see that part in there..where was it that they said only the select may have this?

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No doubt what he is saying here has the potential to change the nature of SL in many ways. Whether for better or for worse we will have to wait and see.  While I disagree with some of the things Linden Lab has done, and also feel that some of the numbers he has posted are up for questioning, I do know that I don't have the specific data available to know if he is just using them to his advantage or if they truly reflect a positive growth.

The one thing that does concern me is the lack of comments so far in response to this announcement.  While I have not checked what all the SL Bloggers are saying, I do know that a year ago the comments  would have been flying off the wall both here and over on that other SL-Centric Forum that we are not supposed to name here.  If I were to be concerned about anything, it would be that.  I know it's the Holiday season but still, I'm surprised not to see more responses.

Rod's job is to make money, and I totally respect that.  And I do want to see SL continue to thrive and grow.  What I don't want to see is it move away from "Your World, Your Imagination."  That, at least for me, is the reason I am here.  And also my biggest concern.

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Yeah, that last part kind of bothers me tho, about other products. This kind of stuff, to me, is why SL had faultered in the past. Not enough focus on the actual product. Yes, I see improvements with just about everything, but LL being successfull rest on this world. Why invest in other crap? Why not invest here. There are ways to support your communities without showing them major favoritism. Help your communities develop. Promote those popular communities and things like them in advertising compaignes. These being outside of SL, they don't affect the economy as a whole, but bring more consumers into the mix. Don't advertise our most popular communities to us and we should have easy ways to find them. Plus, you are affecting other communities by advertising it to us within our own world. Like before when LL promoted the virtual pet industry. Other merchants were pissed cause it was right in every1's face, and we knew that our kind of products would never get that kind of promotion inside SL. Do you think LL would have gotten so much blowback if it was only an external advertising campaigne?

Just My Thoughts.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Ann Otoole wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

All I read is:

... recently launched 
, the Lab's first-ever game prototype
 this will make the polished creation of full MMORPG’s or people/animal simulators within Second Life easier and of high quality.


For those LL deems should have such privs.

i didn't see that part in there..where was it that they said only the select may have this?

"One of the key goals of Linden Realms was to learn more about what tools Residents could use to develop richer experiences in Second Life — and boy, did we learn a lot! In Q1 2012 , we will be releasing new tools used to develop Linden Realms, which will allow Residents to create even richer original experiences in Second Life. To prevent abuse of these tools, we will introduce a "creators" program in which verified members will be given access to these very powerful capabilities."

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Ceera Murakami wrote:

There are no comments for the CEO's Blog post because he hasn't allowed anyone to make comments. If he turned on comments, his happy-talk post would be full of the sort of critical replies you see in the threads like this one in the forums.

    I was speaking in general.  I know that comments in the blog are turned off.  Which does seem somewhat silly to me because unless they decide not to allow a thread like this to exist, comments are going to be made.  I only checked one alternate SL-centric Forum out side of this one.


    Perhaps I have grown a little more skeptical than I used to be.  Too many years of hearing we are going to fix things that still aren't fixed.  I am all for things that will improve SL, my definition of improve being things that make it more realistic or vibrant and easier to navigate.


    It's just become a little harder for me to jump on the band wagon.  I'd like to but experience has taught me to think before I jump.


    One of the reasons I said I'd be concerned by the small response is this:  When people care, they speak up.  When they don't care, or have quit caring because they feel their concerns never get addressed, they don't speak up.  Be it positive or negative it is not a good thing when people stop caring.

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Maybe people have stopped reading the blog? I've long complained about the lack of information coming out of Linden Lab on their own blog, I find more information on third party forums or delving into the wiki to read the minutes from office hours, the blog has not been a good source of information for quite a while now.

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I ve still got some nice land for sale though...

damn so it seems has every other person in sl...

the maps beginning to look like a plan of a custard factory....

wonder how many people cite tiers being too high and a lack of support for long term customers as their reason for selling up as my partner and myself do....

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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

And considering the CEO is english he does nothing to ensure overseas users can pay in their own currencies via pay pal - and no fixed rates in our own currencies so we're still subject to fluctuating exchange rates too.....

Welcome to the global economy. Do you seriously think that LL's costs go down just because the value of your local currency drops?

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