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Did this really happen in Second Life?

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I heard this story about two people who fell in love in SL. I guess they were on some G rated sim, something of a populated and "welcome" area...

Anyways they got to talking, she was very sweet and he was very smooth with words.They started meeting at an adult place, a very romantic park in SL where they could get to "know" each other without the constraints of G sim rules.

I don't know the avatar's names. they might as well have been Casanova Suave and Goddess Aphrodite.

Her avatar had a face that would make a grown man cry from it's striking features and beauty. Her body was of a goddess. She looked maybe 21. Her hair was not of prims, but of rays of the sun from the Goddesses.

His avatar had a face that reflected pure masculinity, strong and handsome, and he was tall, and had just enough body hair. Not overly but just enough to say, "sexy man". He looked maybe 30. (a sexy 30, not a "let himself go" 30) His hair was so handsome that running your fingers thru it would make you instantly climax (especially if your name was Edward Cullen since he likes men)


So the romance went on for a while, they divulged their deepest fantasies, bought all the things needed, set up RLV and all that silly stuff...

This was true love, until -

He saw her RL photo and things were different. She was a little over 21. OK a little over 26 (her dress size) but age wise, she was closer to like 50 something. She did have the body of a 21 year old model, but was buried under enough weight to create a whole nother woman. Gray hair in rollers, and she just wasn't that hot...

He, on the other hand - bald, overweight, lived in his mom's basement collecting SSI, in his late 40's, and enjoyed the smell of his own sweat socks. He was 5 foot 5 inches and had a bit more, well, a lot more body hair than a sexy 30 year old man would. his picture was not of a man standing next to a red corvette but next to a rusty ford pickup.


For some reason, they say, this romance fell apart faster than setting a pile of unlinked prims to physical.

Is this really possible in SL? I mean come on, I know SL defies reality in many ways but this is just stretching it.


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Well, you know, I have this friend who has this friend who knew the girl's cousin and she said what really happened is they drove down SLovers Lane and started making out until they were brutally murdered by some guy with a sculptie hook. So you see... no reason to be afraid.


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it happened.

it happened a lot of times in SL with some variations, some people have their own standards of external beauty, its easier to move forward a relationship when you have the visual base of the person, they feel comfortable because their interest matches their visual preference, its easy to fool yourself idealizing one person when you are very interested, minimizing or ignoring defects and maximizing virtues or inventing ones that the other person may have, when the idealization is shattered, all the admiration based on the fantasy dissapear, you have adjusted your reality about that person, and you only keep admiring the things that were not based on that ideal. if your partnership is more an ideal about a person, then the love gets reduced to the non ideal level and it can get close to nothing, if the love is more based on facts about a person, then the love has more possibility to survive.

of course there are many reasons why when people show their rl side to each other the relationship ends, maybe one of them lie about a fact, maybe they realize that they want to keep the relationship SL only, they enjoy it most this way, maybe they werent prepared for the rl step.

im sure it happened countless of times.

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I've heard of this scenario once or twice.  Usually it isn't a RL photo but a RL meet that sets those unlinked prims to physical....


Show of hands... Who has been building up in a skybox over a crowded sandbox and set the whole wad to physical?

<raises hand...(it was early in my SL life)>

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It happens a lot, and so it should. Some people say that, to them, SL is pure alternative reality and RL doesn't affect it in the slightest. For others, SL is an extension of their RL and it's those people who it's bound to happen to - not because the RL person at the other end doesn't live up to the SL image that s/he's created, but because people simply don't fancy everyone so, when the RL person at the other end is revealed, and is found not to be fanciable by the person, it's bound to end, and so it should.

To those who say that beauty is only skin deep, let me remind you that beauty *is* skin deep, and the physical *is* a part of the attraction between people.

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I think the happiest people are those who see the avatar as the spirit inside an other person. When i form a relationship, i dont much care what that person is like in real life, looks wise, but i am interested in their personality.


If i meet someone who is funny, friendly, a good listener and interesting to talk to, i dont much care if they are a man, woman or whatever in real life, with the only issue i would have being someone who is overly young (i refer only to adults here, young people need to be treated as young people).


The internet lets you be who you want to be without issues like gender, disability and looks getting in the way. It is a very good thing in that regard.

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it's an internet thing..it happens everywhere all the time..

the thing is it leaves a mith behind with it having people think that is how it is most of the time..

that only those types use the intranets..thats old intranets..

with cell phones and every kind of gadget and laptops able to connect..anyone can be on the net..it's not just for people into computers  and coding anymore..

it's grown to where it is becoming one of the top forms of home entertainment..

now we can hook the internet up to our tv's and crusie or have music playing or second life or watch a movie..

second life is full of fashion for women..

there are some that still believe that only men woudl be attracted to that LOL

that girls still do not exist on the intranets..Oo



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Ya its not just an SL thing it is internet wide. This happens in chat rooms and dating sites quite frequently. People lie about who they are and post pictures from when they were younger and better looking, or sometimes pictures of someone that isn't even them.

Nothing on the internet shocks me anymore lol. For the most part no one is who they seem. For some reason even in chat rooms and forums people always want to be someone other than what they really are. Successful, good looking, special ops you name it.

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it even happens in rl.

people try to portray themselves as more succesful, happy, good looking as they really are, buying some clothes because they saw a good looking model in an ad that look great in it, they buy makeup to hide who they really are, or pretend they dont have as many problems as they do.

we seem to be uncomfortable with our real selves, im talking about how we see ourselves instead of how we look socially, mainly because everybody does that, and being humanity social beings we can not allow ourselves to be left behind in the success of our peers. so we buy this and that to "enhance ourselves" hiding who we really are, "lying" about ourselves.

Second Life seems to be the ultimate presence modification tool to increase acceptance and fill our social hunger, when the real real self comes out... well.. it can be dissapointing. i wonder if people that got married and see their girlfriend/boyfriend without all those enhancements feel the same.

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A glance through the blogs on the site 'SLProfiles' will reveal just how emotionally entangled some people get in SL, how bitter they feel when their virtual relationship ends and how, for some inexplicable reason, they feel the need to write a self-pitying blog about it!

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Conifer Dada wrote:

A glance through the blogs on the site 'SLProfiles' will reveal just how emotionally entangled some people get in SL, how bitter they feel when their virtual relationship ends and how, for some inexplicable reason, they feel the need to write a self-pitying blog about it!

Oh that should be good for a few lols.

...Dres *considers the possibility he's woken up on the wrong side of the bed today*

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

it even happens in rl.

people try to portray themselves as more succesful, happy, good looking as they really are, buying some clothes because they saw a good looking model in an ad that look great in it, they buy makeup to hide who they really are, or pretend they dont have as many problems as they do.

we seem to be uncomfortable with our real selves, im talking about how we see ourselves instead of how we look socially, mainly because everybody does that, and being humanity social beings we can not allow ourselves to be left behind in the success of our peers. so we buy this and that to "enhance ourselves" hiding who we really are, "lying" about ourselves.

Second Life seems to be the ultimate presence modification tool to increase acceptance and fill our social hunger, when the real real self comes out... well.. it can be dissapointing. i wonder if people that got married and see their girlfriend/boyfriend without all those enhancements feel the same.

it seems you get what you give in essence.

not you personally of course, but those who are dishonest deserve dishonesty.

SL is just a chatroom for me and its embarrassing to see people go so deeply into it, their real lives getting lost along the way.

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