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Bring back Ratings!! - A Proposal

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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

SL's nearby/local chat is just cluttered, honestly. Clear a little of that up with filtering and maybe that would solve at least some of the issues.

There you go! How about a feature to "temporarily hide / ignore this person in chat" during a chat session, so you can focus on the others present?

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

There you go! How about a feature to "temporarily hide / ignore this person in chat" during a chat session, so you can focus on the others present?

Maybe, but I was mostly thinking of gestures, talking attachments, online/offline notifications, name change notifications, the text that fills up the chat when you get a store notecard dropped on you, etc.

I have no idea if any of those can currently be turned on/off or filtered out - never bothered checking. But if not, a little button on the chat window with checkboxes like gestures, notices, etc. that would allow you to select what you're seeing in that window could work. If you filter it out, it could dump into a secondary tab somewhere. Or just...vanish into space. 😏

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17 minutes ago, Zalificent said:

I keep hearing about "Mt. Steep-Learning-Curve".

I have my climbing boots, hammer, pitons, rope and ice-axe handy, but I can't find this mountain, after 7 years, I've given up looking for it.


9 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'd say there is much more to learn now compared to when I started in 2009.  There were no options for choosing a body/head and I think that right there is the first thing most people want to do, customize their avatar.  We, as older residents of course, wouldn't find it as difficult because we've encountered all the newness one step at a time.  Small bites opposed to a full course meal the new people have now.

Definitely much more to learn, and of a very different nature. Back in the day when I started, Second Life had already been going for around four years, and I had absolutely no gaming experience, and a real hatred of computers and modern technology generally so I put the fact I struggled with the steep learning curve down to that. 

To Zalificent, if you settled into Second Life very easily then lucky you, but I think you're in the minority, and maybe were meant to be everybody else's cheerleader/mentor. And I expect it does depend what a person is looking for and expects from a social media platform, and previous gaming/computing experience.

Regarding the OP's suggestion, I personally am not looking for any form of validation, and as regards my own personal issues with not wanting to "upgrade" my avatar, I really wanted to keep the game of dress-up dolly to an absolute minimum too. 

But it wouldn't do for us all to be the same. 

Back to Rowan, small bites are definitely the way.

And @EliseAnne85 yes, a friend to help us along our way - that was definitely what saved me from committing SLuicide in the first two weeks of my SLife.

Edited by Marigold Devin
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9 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Definitely much more to learn, and of a very different nature. Back in the day when I started, Second Life had already been going for around four years, and I had absolutely no gaming experience, and a real hatred of computers and modern technology generally so I put the fact I struggled with the steep learning curve down to that. 

I was the same as you.  Absolutely no game experience whatsoever.  Yet, here I am all these years later.  Each new thing took me a while to adjust to.  It would for a lot of folks.  The difference is, as I mentioned, one step at a time.  Mesh, then mesh bodies parts, then mesh bodies, then heads (I think that's the correct order).  Each time, I worked with that one step for however long it took me to figure it out.   I owned my first mesh head for months before I used it regularly.  

When I was new, I found a skin, slapped it one, edited my shape and DONE.  There really wasn't much to 'learn' in that respect.  It was one icon.  Skin.  No applier, not tattoo layer, no matching your head to your body.  We really did have a much easier time.  I'm not sure if I started now that I'd have the patience to muddle through it all.  

Edited by Rowan Amore
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6 hours ago, Zalificent said:

Breaking NEWS! :

80,000 noobs screaming at each other when there was only about half of current mainland and no estates, generated more local chat spam then 55,000 veterans spread across 27,000 regions...

PICTURES at 11...


Who knew?

You weren't in SL as far back as 2002/3/4/5 were you. There weren't anywhere near that many regions.

SL opened to the public in June 2003 with only 16 regions. 




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The occasions I recall being particularly rewarding uses of local chat involving more than a handful of people were all highly structured. For example discussion groups with topic leads, or Show&Tell presentations with polite (moderated) feedback.

Party free-for-all chats can be fun, too; thinking of events like Forum Cartel parties, as well as some (but fewer and fewer) clubs.

Voice though. If I ran an active social venue, I'd definitely disable voice on the parcel.

This thread made me think of a couple things I'd otherwise suggest, but heaven forfend the arbiter of all things social find them impure.

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5 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Also, Just look at the actual real world and how people communicate..It pretty much mimics that.. Everyone in the same room on their phones talking to someone else that isn't there or texting to someone in the same house rather than getting off their butt to go down the hall to say something.

I wanted to say something to Ceka about the above and how the modern world is communicating and how so many people's eyes are constantly on their phone and their finger scrolling.  I feel I am invisible to my landlady and cannot get things worked out well because her phone is always in her face and she seems like she lives on a distant planet called PHONE IN FACE and she doesn't hear me or maybe once in a while gives me a grunt.  And now, I'm noticing this my recent doctor's visits.  My doctor's get phone calls and it's my time.  If my doctor's become like aliens from PHONE IN FACE, I dunno what I'm going to do.  Right now, I need my doctor's time.  I need to have a minor corrective surgery; however, no surgery is really all that minor.  But, to my landlady I definitely feel invisible.  If doctor's become this way, omg.  People are addicted or something to their phone.

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6 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

To Zalificent, if you settled into Second Life very easily then lucky you, but I think you're in the minority, and maybe were meant to be everybody else's cheerleader/mentor.

I used to help strangers a lot in group chats, with mesh head/body problems, bom problems, rlv problems. Did that as an aside to my own SL for some years.

I stopped because I got sick and tired of ...

"Arrogant Perma-Fossil: Nonononono, I disagree, the answer is obviously [totally wrong crap] and you can't disagree because I have a proper 2 part name, and i spoke once to an LL staff member who works as a non-tech back office filing clerk in the billing department and who logs in once a year for 2 hrs to stand at the back of the stage when the Great Ones are giving their Opening Day Speeches for SL??B! So you are wrong you filthy noob under 15 yeas old!"


I got real tired of that, so now I only help people in person, if I think they might be worth helping.

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22 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Yeah, but then you could dance right into people and that's called bumping.  Not a good idea.

Have you heard of the mini-map? That you can zoom in on that to show green dots within 10-20 m of you ? That even blocked avatars show on that?

I mean it's only been a viewer feature for, what? A decade or more? Pesky new stuff, right ?

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6 minutes ago, Zalificent said:

I used to help strangers a lot in group chats, with mesh head/body problems, bom problems, rlv problems. Did that as an aside to my own SL for some years.

I stopped because I got sick and tired of ...

"Arrogant Perma-Fossil: Nonononono, I disagree, the answer is obviously [totally wrong crap] and you can't disagree because I have a proper 2 part name, and i spoke once to an LL staff member who works as a non-tech back office filing clerk in the billing department and who logs in once a year for 2 hrs to stand at the back of the stage when the Great Ones are giving their Opening Day Speeches for SL??B! So you are wrong you filthy noob under 15 yeas old!"


I got real tired of that, so now I only help people in person, if I think they might be worth helping.

Quite right too.

I used to try and help people in world, but I realised I wasn't on the LL pay roll, and I'm not actually that nice really.

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15 minutes ago, Zalificent said:

Have you heard of the mini-map? That you can zoom in on that to show green dots within 10-20 m of you ? That even blocked avatars show on that?

I mean it's only been a viewer feature for, what? A decade or more? Pesky new stuff, right ?

I don't know how that would work for me because there are a lot of Dinkies/Tinies at our annual events and we are crowded as is.   I've noticed some Dinkie/Tiny events, the dance floor area is just too small for all of us.   I just think our avatars better be sure under those circumstances to stay in one small spot if you block people and make them disappear because bumping into people at an event could get one banned.  Sheesh, just talk in IM.  

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13 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Quite right too.

I used to try and help people in world, but I realised I wasn't on the LL pay roll, and I'm not actually that nice really.

I helped people all the time and really enjoyed doing so.  I never had any issue aside from the occasional naked person asking for the SLex.  Overall, it was great fun!

I don't have as much time inworld as I used to but I've helped a few.people from the forums when I could.

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I usually just sacrifice new people in volcanoes as a means to appease the SL gods and provide for a good harvest that season.. but to each their own.  Back to the ratings for linden dollars, I still don't have a problem with it.  Gods know, it works wonders for social media, even on this forum.  Not that I am impacted by it at all.



/me refreshes forum to check my ratings

Damn it...

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32 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I usually just sacrifice new people in volcanoes as a means to appease the SL gods and provide for a good harvest that season.. but to each their own.  Back to the ratings for linden dollars, I still don't have a problem with it.  Gods know, it works wonders for social media, even on this forum.  Not that I am impacted by it at all.



/me refreshes forum to check my ratings

Damn it...

Looks to me like you're a head ahead.


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Getting from the start of logging in to sl the first time to somewhere inworld wasn't too super difficult for me, but I have game experience, so that helped with the tutorial thing. Once you go through the little exit portal thing, you're on your own. I read online to figure out what to do after I leave that area. First thing I read was-check the destination guide on the website. I checked it and went a few nice places, but no people there. Tried some others and they weren't the places they said they were. So then I tried the music category and that's how I found clubs. Not all of them good, but at least I found some people. 

That's where things went downhill, people. So many people with the-what kind of av is that, oh a noob and elitist attitudes if you mess something up or do something wrong. Heck forbid I bump into you because you're not rez for me yet. Nothing told me to bring up minimap yet. I didn't know you were even there, so sorry my not real pixels dared touch your not real pixels. That's very not fun for new people, and is a lot of it. I learned to look at people's profiles and find other things to do there. That's how I found fishing and coin hunting, other clubs, freebie places and more people. 

New people have to search and look for things more often than not new people. Not new people know where to look, new people have to get with the outside search engines to ask questions, find the forums, look for blogs, youtube videos. There's lots out there, but you have to know where to look and what to look up. If you have game experience, you probably know how to search and what to search. If you don't, you might not.  This doesn't even include the totally confusing nature of getting an avatar made, skinned, shaped and dressed. You can't go through the new user experience with old user knowledge. I've seen people say that they tried new user experience and pretended to be new, but you really can't. Your mind knows where to go and what to do. You can't wipe that info out.  It's not the same. 

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On 2/8/2023 at 1:05 PM, EliseAnne85 said:

I haven't been in the human venues since about 2017 but it seems to me that the host/hostess is the one who used to keep the local chat going and upbeat and sometimes a little crazy and fun.  I don't know what is currently going on in the human scene with host/hostesses but I do know in the Dinkie and Tiny community we rarely have any events with a host/hostess as it's too expensive.  Dinkies/Tinies are chatterboxes anyways.  We tend to be more in local than IM.  I often don't even see I got an IM until hours later.  But, if I remember from the human scene, it was the host/hostess that kept up local chat.  

But, I was wondering why you are bringing up lack of local chat, are you thinking that too many places have bots or something along that line?  

That is a good point about the places that have a host/hostess/greeter and have run into local chats in those places that had them though they seem a minority nowadays. Maybe something to do with tipping in general falling off? Noticing an advertisement at one club I frequent to hire a host/hostess and will see when they have one whether that will help to instigate some local chatter. They are offering 100L$ + 100% of tips which I thought was pretty good though not sure if that is a standard.

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   People not using local chat isn't an SL exclusive 'issue', a lot of MMORPGs have had an ever-expanding world and a dwindling userbase which often means you can go through entire zones without seeing another person if you treck back to earlier game content. People in most if not all MMORPGs use third party communication platforms such as Discord or Teamspeak for guilds/clans and even entire realms - it simply isn't 2004 anymore, the way people interact with each other online is radically different to what it once was; that doesn't mean that 'people today are less social' or 'people today don't know how to communicate', if anything it's the people crying doom about people not talking in local who simply haven't kept up with the rest of the world. 

   And even in Discord, if there's more than a few people involved in a conversation and some of the participants wants to talk about something different, instead of trying to mash several conversations into a single box we change channel, make new group chats and send PMs. There's just no benefit whatsoever for 20 people to talk over each other when two people want to discuss how great Tamagotchis were and three people want to discuss the weather and two other people want to discuss their weekend plans and one person trying to get a conversation on Pokémon going without anyone bothering to address them because they're too busy discussing the bestest anime waifus and they feel it's going to be awkward when they declare their all-time virtual waifu dream always was Eevee whilst another is just flooding the chat with gesturbation and clicking on every spanker and head-patter they can find whilst someone's pregnant belly is blurting out that 'ermigerwd it kicked!' - what the Hell is the appeal of trying to muddle through all of that? This suggestion is not in any way going to increase the quality of conversation people have, if anything it's just going to spread the disease that is local chat to more places. Personally I'd much rather just converse with the people I find interesting or entertaining and pretend like the riffraff that happens to be in my proximity at any given time aren't even there.

   Some MMORPGs have tried to remedy the silence by creating global chats, and whenever anyone I know makes a new character in any of the games that have them, turning that off is the first thing they do, as it is without fail, regardless of the game, a cesspool of such magnitude that it would make even the worst Twatter trolls blush. Last time I swung by a 'hangout' in SL the tone was of exactly of the same nature; some kid screaming the n-word repeatedly on voice whilst another was telling a trans-person that they should go off themselves.

   The way people communicate online has changed, it changing in SL is not a sign of SL dying, if anything it just shows that much of the userbase are adapted to it. We don't 'need' people to talk in local any more than we 'need' people to stand around in sandboxes building 2,000-prim spaceships just because 'that's what people did in the golden year of '04 when champagne ran in the rivers of the mainland'. Whether the changes has been for the better, well, that's debatable - but trying to socially engineer SL based off of a rose-tinted goggle view of how everything was better in the past certainly isn't going to be conducive for user retention - we should be moving forwards, not backwards.

   Just let people communicate in whatever manner they see fit, and try to move along with the times. 

   Goes back to watching 1930's infomercials about the history of the tobacco pipe and it's 'modern' production methods.

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