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4 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Super Peeve:

The Best London Walk: Tower Bridge to Westminster Bridge



No, no, no, no NO! This is not LONDON BRIDGE!  This is TOWER BRIDGE, the one with the TOWERS, which is on TOWER HILL ROAD which is literally next to His Majesty's Palace and Fortress, THE TOWER OF LONDON (built in 1078) which is in the Greater London borough of TOWER HAMLETS, which is why the borough, road and bridge all share TOWER in their names!


The Story of the Tower of London | Tower of London | Historic Royal Palaces

^ H.M. Tower of London, Tower Hill Road and Tower Bridge.


Now try and guess what this plain and simple looking 1973 era concrete bridge in the City of London is called....

London Bridge to close for 'vital' repair work | New Civil Engineer

^ Yes! The actual LONDON BRIDGE!

See? Even says so on London Bridge's underside. Boring looking isn't it?! 😜 

Well, yes. Except . . .



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13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

That one in Arizona is of course the "real" London Bridge -- the one built in 1831 and decommissioned and replaced by the shiny (?) new one. The 1831 version was not the original, but was itself a replacement for the version built in 1209 (sometimes called the Old London Bridge).  That bridge, too, was a replacement for a pontoon bridge built by the Romans, which went through several stages of disrepair, fire, and reconstruction over a millennium.  The current bridge, therefore, is sort of like the apocryphal axe that has had its head replaced three times and its handle replaced 6 times, yet is the same old axe.  Somewhere along the line, people started singing about "London Bridge is falling down", but that's a different story.

Oh yes, peeve:  Having a perfectly good thread turned into a pedantic history lesson.

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9 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Oh yes, peeve:  Having a perfectly good thread turned into a pedantic history lesson.

Peeve: Enjoying history when you don't usually, because we all speak English! 

Thank you for the details!


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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11 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I survived and you should too"

... No .. you're half dead in all the ways that count. I'm so sorry.

My suffering outweighs yours, because we are not discussing in it.  

Peeve: It's all about meeeeee!!!!!!

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I always thought it went like this, What doesn't Kill Me makes Me stronger?

Trying to find the positive in ones self experiences to motivate  ones self, rather than to try and motivate others..

It makes more sense for me to say, I've been through worse before, so I can handle this, rather than, I've been through worse before so you can handle this.. hehehe



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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I always thought it went like this, What doesn't Kill Me makes Me stronger?

Trying to find the positive in ones self experiences to motivate  ones self, rather than to try and motivate others..

It makes more sense for me to say, I've been through worse before, so I can handle this, rather than, I've been through worse before so you can handle this.. hehehe

I've been though a lot, I'm covered in physical and mental scars.

Today can't be worse .. ok, let's try, because what else are we gonna to do.

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Just now, Marigold Devin said:

Peeve: That I KNOW me writing in purple gets on some people's nerves, but going back to plain old black is depressing and meh.


What's wrong with purple?

Now . . . PINK! That will peeve people!

I can hardly wait to try!

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Just now, Marigold Devin said:

Now, see, I don't get that, the dark-theme thing. I don't find that easier on my eyes at all.

I have spots in my vision .. I don't see them as much with a dark UI .. and I tend to be at the computer long after sundown with the room dimly lit. Dark mode is my jam.

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10 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Missed it by that || much. 🙄


I meant as a reaction to a post, but sure. I could probably just make posts with that emoji, starting with this one. 🙄


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