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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I believe Sid is being sarcastic, and referring to Scylla's post about how she cannot get help to solve the griefing issue on her parcel.


Me, sarcastic?
No..........  I'm just so pleased with how fantastic Linden Lab sometimes manages things.
One step higher even than the Premier League of customer care.

I even have marked the day when my premium is due to renew in my agenda already.
I will show my appreciation financially to them then, no doubt about that.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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What, I'm totally positive about them in my last posts.
They can't be against that, can they?
I'm doing the happy dance all afternoon already here in my RL apartment because of so much excellence.
But if you think they can't handle praise, I will stop.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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29 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: false accusations.  Your reputation and sense of self-worth are destroyed and the result of that is that your self-confidence is wrecked. 

It would seem that far too many here believe I am the one going around reporting tons of posts and causing drama to happen even when I am not even here. You're wrong. You've been wrong about me from the get-go.

I may forgive but I do not forget.

Did I miss something somewhere where someone accused you?  

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3 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Ain't those Lindens lovely?  They never make mistakes. They are always so helpful, walk the extra mile for you, we are afteral their paying customers. And it is so lovely to witness how they handle soft critism. They are the real professionals in the business.

Peeve: Why is there no sim where we can kiss their feet every now and then and say silently our prayers, when we feel like it?
Statues of them will do. A nice chapel maybe, and a music stream of course, because it is no party region.


There's a statue of Patch at the Fantassaria Community Region, if you want to go kiss his feet, make offerings of sweet incense, or even moon him there.

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M'kay - a few things ...

  1. Persecution complexes - no, everyone is not out to get you nor does everyone hate you (or similar variants), stop acting like such is the case
  2. We get it, there's outstanding issues in governance - make your peeve about it, perhaps explain why it peeves you so much and then either move on or write a blog post about it instead of seeking to jeopardize an existing vent thread (or any thread for that matter)
    1. Why yes, one can criticize - do kindly stop pretending otherwise
  3. In agreement with one thing in another thread: Either allow the use of certain emojis in general or get your board maintainers to shut them all off - better yet, stop trying to enforce the sunshine and lollipops saccharine "politeness/niceness"
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3 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

There's a statue of Patch at the Fantassaria Community Region, if you want to go kiss his feet, make offerings of sweet incense, or even moon him there.

Now there's a thread starter if ever there was one. Photo opportunities galore. 😈

Edited by Marigold Devin
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5 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

M'kay - a few things ...

We get it, there's outstanding issues in governance - make your peeve about it, perhaps explain why it peeves you so much and then either move on or write a blog post about it instead of seeking to jeopardize an existing vent thread (or any thread for that matte

Peeve: Venting in a vent thread should be possible, no?

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37 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: false accusations.  Your reputation and sense of self-worth are destroyed and the result of that is that your self-confidence is wrecked. 

It would seem that far too many here believe I am the one going around reporting tons of posts and causing drama to happen even when I am not even here. You're wrong. You've been wrong about me from the get-go.

I may forgive but I do not forget.

I don't know what other people think and don't know who quietly reports threads. I don't see you announcing that you're reporting a thread or thanking the moderators when one is locked, so I don't think you go around reporting them. 

I do think you tend to take comments personally when often they weren't even aimed at you.

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2 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: Venting in a vent thread should be possible, no?

Actually, praising our overlords in our official venting thread could be viewed as going off-topic, so we should be careful not to do it too much here.

Peeve: We may need to create another thread for praising our Linden Overlords.

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Peeve: People who read more into posts then what is put into a text.
Not my fault. Writers are not responsible for the mindset of the reader IMHO.
I'm so happy with the excellence. I want to vent it. That's all.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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Peeve: Why didn't I rediscover The Sound Of Philadelphia sooner?
Great tunes: Barry White, The Three Degrees, TSOP, Harold Malvin, Billy Paul, The Stylistics, The Ojays, The Spinners .....  and the memories just keep on coming.

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14 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:


I do think you tend to take comments personally when often they weren't even aimed at you.


There are times when others think my reactions are from taking it personal when the truth is I am angry about it for all the people such things have been aimed at.


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i1st peeve - Peeved that I don't have time to read pages 643 - 648 before I comment on one of the peeves on page 643.

2nd peeve - Apparently there was some drama that I missed. As usual whenever drama occurs, somebody gets peeved enough about it to come and post a peeve alluding to it. Sometimes that generates discussion about the quantity/quality of drama here in the forums.

On 9/20/2023 at 9:29 AM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

IMO, almost nothing that happens in or around this forum (and even inside Second Life) really counts as "drama" for me. Nothing that would make me reach for the popcorn, anyway. Even the place solely dedicated to it doesn't really satisfy the itch. Minor peeve, maybe. Sometimes.

Peeved that I always miss the drama.


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2 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

i1st peeve - Peeved that I don't have time to read pages 643 - 648 before I comment on one of the peeves on page 643.

2nd peeve - Apparently there was some drama that I missed. As usual whenever drama occurs, somebody gets peeved enough about it to come and post a peeve alluding to it. Sometimes that generates discussion about the quantity/quality of drama here in the forums.

Peeved that I always miss the drama.

Nah, you didn't miss anything here that I could see.

General real life off-forum outside of SL drama, yes, there was plenty of that yesterday. This whole week, even.


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9 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

There are times when others think my reactions are from taking it personal when the truth is I am angry about it for all the people such things have been aimed at.

Peeve : If you feel you are bit by ants, but are reaching out for the stars, you might consider getting off your butt first ... :|

Edited by Ted McGregor
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