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On 10/26/2022 at 10:21 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What???? So, other people's AFK avatars?

Ok, so, yes, I understand what AFK places are for -- but making money from pics using other people's avatars, presumably without their permission or any form of compensation, actually is not merely gross, but really kind of exploitative. Ewww.

Not that I ever have tried to lay claim to being a decent human being (in fact, I always tell people I have a heart as black as tar and warn them off), but I am guilty of something like that.

I cannot remember the details, perhaps it was before I gave in and spent the money to set up a mesh alt, but when I was doing SL photography I had fairly no success in finding models to pair with me on a series I was doing that required two naked people (I also could never find modeling work, either, but that is a different story I suppose). I went to an AFK site and found someone I liked, and used her to model with me. I did not show her face, but I did still use her and defs ATA. I did pay her, of course, and tipped her well, but she did not give permission. I think I did IM her, but never heard from her.

However, I for sure did not use that pic for commercial purposes, and probably only 3 people ever even saw it. Morally was still wrong just the same.

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Major Freakin PEEVE: When someone I've had to block, and have abandoned an entire section of the forum to avoid, decides to quote me in a post so they can correct me. When them doing nothing but quoting me in posts to try and convince me I'm wrong is why I blocked them in the first place.

It feels like someone sneaking up and breathing on me in the bathroom.

I swear, I could FEEL it when they quoted me. *shudder*

Edited by PheebyKatz
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People need to stop giving First Life Spouse free antique computing and gaming do-dads. Some guy who works with him just dropped a big Rubbermaid tub of Atari 2600 whatnots on us, and while Spouse is thrilled to tears, I only want to know one answer.


(Unsurprisingly, that is also what his wife asked. They're re-purposing the hobby room as a nursery. Their gain is my loss of square footage.)

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6 minutes ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

People need to stop giving First Life Spouse free antique computing and gaming do-dads. Some guy who works with him just dropped a big Rubbermaid tub of Atari 2600 whatnots on us, and while Spouse is thrilled to tears, I only want to know one answer.


(Unsurprisingly, that is also what his wife asked. They're re-purposing the hobby room as a nursery. Their gain is my loss of square footage.)

I keep taking stuff and hiding it in the shed outside, and it keeps being found and brought back in. Or left right outside the shed to get rained on. Or peed on by the dogs. Then I get to put it all back.

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2 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I keep taking stuff and hiding it in the shed outside, and it keeps being found and brought back in. Or left right outside the shed to get rained on. Or peed on by the dogs. Then I get to put it all back.

I feel like if I did that to the antique electronics, I'd get to move my things back in at my parents house. LOL.

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1 minute ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

I feel like if I did that to the antique electronics, I'd get to move my things back in at my parents house. LOL.

You should only take that route if he decides you guys are moving to Stepford. XD

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2 hours ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Not that I ever have tried to lay claim to being a decent human being (in fact, I always tell people I have a heart as black as tar and warn them off), but I am guilty of something like that.

I cannot remember the details, perhaps it was before I gave in and spent the money to set up a mesh alt, but when I was doing SL photography I had fairly no success in finding models to pair with me on a series I was doing that required two naked people (I also could never find modeling work, either, but that is a different story I suppose). I went to an AFK site and found someone I liked, and used her to model with me. I did not show her face, but I did still use her and defs ATA. I did pay her, of course, and tipped her well, but she did not give permission. I think I did IM her, but never heard from her.

However, I for sure did not use that pic for commercial purposes, and probably only 3 people ever even saw it. Morally was still wrong just the same.

Turns out all you can see is her hair and one arm (everything of me though). Not as bad as I thought. Still wrong though. 

Edited by CaerolleClaudel
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12 minutes ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

I feel like if I did that to the antique electronics, I'd get to move my things back in at my parents house. LOL.

As someone with a moderate amount of vintage gear (and modern tooling to repair vintage gear), I can assure you there is only one solution to this particular hobby.

Be thankful it's not photography. 

There will never be an end to it, the collection will never be complete, it needs to be stored indoors and maintained, most of it can be fairly uncommon and sought after (with plenty ranging from genuinely rare to pure unobtanium). Duplication is a necessary evil as in many cases replacement parts and spares can only be sourced from other machines (this also drives up market value/cost). Preservation and storage conditions are a big deal.

It's a lot of fun though.

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Additional Peeve: Asking the person to stop tagging my posts, so they react to my post, so I have to see their name in my post. You know, if I told someone I was diabetic and asked them to please not mess with my insulin, and they knew I couldn't see them, and they messed with my insulin anyway, and then left a note to show me they did it, I'd have no other way of seeing it than to think they were actually trying to do something to me. And be a jerk.

If you know someone has a condition, and you intentionally do things that make it worse, when asked to stop, what does that say to the person you did it to? It's like someone asking you to give them some space, and you get right up on them and demand to know what all of this need for space is about while they're having a panic attack.

And people get confused as to why I stop talking to them. Maybe it's because they don't care about me, and let me know it all the time.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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8 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

Putting urine in someone's contact solution is just so disgusting, how could anyone brag about it?  It's psycho behaviour! 👎

The guy had been sexually harassing her, sending her creepy texts when she was in the bath. She told him to stop, but he kept doing it.

We took care of moving the furniture together when our land lady put in new flooring. I dealt with the plumbing problems and when the gardener wanted to steal her stuff, but she took care of getting an exterminator when we had cockroaches in the garage and kitchen. 

She's not a monster, just self centered, and she triggers my codependency and abandonment issues.

I'm not in a position where I could leave, but she hasn't been around much lately anyway. We haven't been speaking to each other when she is here. The last time we said more than hello to each other was when she bumped into me in the kitchen, then smiled and said "I guess that's what happens when 2 people are in such a small kitchen". 

She's not a monster, but she was triggering my CPTSD reactions and making me want to hide in my room. This was after she'd faced in court the guy who'd assaulted her when she was a teenager. People are seldom all good or all bad. Sometimes we just irritate each other and don't mesh well.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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4 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

I keep taking stuff and hiding it in the shed outside, and it keeps being found and brought back in. Or left right outside the shed to get rained on. Or peed on by the dogs. Then I get to put it all back.

This is one of the big problems with living with other people, especially housemates. Someone gets irritated with someone else's stuff and then takes it upon themself to move it to a location that's less bothersome for them, but more bothersome to the person who owns it or who wants to use it.

One of my previous housemates put my microwave outside because she said it had ants in it. I moved it into the garage, but even after cleaning it, no one has let me bring it back into the house. I wanted to make cupcakes the other day, but someone had moved the cupcake tin to God knows where in the garage. Our landlady left a box of wine here, but it's since disappeared. Of course I also gave away some of her bedding and towels when I thought they'd been left by a previous housemate, so I can't claim innocence  either.

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8 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

Major Freakin PEEVE: When someone I've had to block, and have abandoned an entire section of the forum to avoid, decides to quote me in a post so they can correct me. When them doing nothing but quoting me in posts to try and convince me I'm wrong is why I blocked them in the first place.

It feels like someone sneaking up and breathing on me in the bathroom.

I swear, I could FEEL it when they quoted me. *shudder*

Ironically, I stopped blocking those types, and sometimes even follow them so I get warnings of what they are up to.  This way, I learn from their dastardly ebil. Sounds dumb but, somehow it seems to work so far for me.


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44 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Ironically, I stopped blocking those types, and sometimes even follow them so I get warnings of what they are up to.  This way, I learn from their dastardly ebil. Sounds dumb but, somehow it seems to work so far for me.

I unblocked the one person I'd had blocked. It was too much of a bother to keep showing their posts anyway when I was curious about what they'd posted. 

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45 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

They're all over the place, but they are all bare midriffs.

My tummy is gonna be cold this year.

Yes, I've noticed that.  I assume some do that so the sweater will work with various bottoms.   Guess I'll have to hike my leggings up Steve Urkle style.


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55 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

They're all over the place, but they are all bare midriffs.

My tummy is gonna be cold this year.

I refuse to be forced to wear bare midriffs and overly low shirts when I don't feel like dressing sexy. My solution is to wear system layer tank tops or shirts underneath. When I feel like dressing my avatar sexy I will, but I don't want to dress that way all the time.

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Peeve: Had a dream that I moved someplace and only figured out later that the "extra rooms" were other people's apartments! Was glad after I woke up that it was just a dream, and I "own" my RL home.  Just realized the dream could have been conflating RL and SL - as I have not "rented" for years, or lived in an apartment "ever". (Just college dorms, condos, and college "apartments".)

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So here's a fun thing.

Adobe's licensing agreement with Pantone (who "owns" a huge library of colours) has ended, and so Adobe has now, as of today, phased out the availability of a huge range of colours that were available through all but three of their colour packs.

I don't use colour libraries myself, so I don't think this is going to affect me -- but for those who do (professional designers, esp., but also people in the textile industry), the newly unavailable colours will now appear even in old files created in Photoshop, Illustrator, and other Adobe platforms as grey or black.

Of course, you can buy access to these colours -- I think I saw US$21 a month as the quoted subscription rate.

Yes. We live in a culture where a company can "own" a colour. And make you pay to use it.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So here's a fun thing.

Adobe's licensing agreement with Pantone (who "owns" a huge library of colours) has ended, and so Adobe has now, as of today, phased out the availability of a huge range of colours that were available through all but three of their colour packs.

I don't use colour libraries myself, so I don't think this is going to affect me -- but for those who do (professional designers, esp., but also people in the textile industry), the newly unavailable colours will now appear even in old files created in Photoshop, Illustrator, and other Adobe platforms as grey or black.

Of course, you can buy access to these colours -- I think I saw US$21 a month as the quoted subscription rate.

Yes. We live in a culture where a company can "own" a colour. And make you pay to use it.

I was wondering why Pantone was trending. I haven't clicked on it yet in my pre-caffeinated state.

I used to work in design (print) a million years ago. Losing access to Pantone could be a major problem for some companies and designers.

Adobe's shenanigans in general is honestly why I ditched the entire operation (for personal use - probably can't avoid using it if you're hired on in-house somewhere), and swapped first to open source, then buy once packages. If I ever do get back into the field on a freelance basis, I'll take my chances with those programs (and I adooore the entire Affinity suite it's so gooood). Zero shot I'd ever give Adobe my money.

Subscription-based software (and colors?!?) is a MAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE PEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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