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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There's one rather interesting observation that Maddy made to me in conversation in-world last night that I'll recount, and then I'm going to drop this subject.

While the GD is clearly losing people and becoming a fair degree less active, the opposite is true of the Adult subforum here, which has become much more active of late, and is hosting some really interesting discussions. And that's because, ironically, even as LL has tightened the screws on what is permitted in GD, they have actually substantially loosened the constraints that were once imposed on Adult conversations and pictures.

People will tend to migrate to places where there is more, rather than less, freedom to express themselves. Bizarrely, there is now less constraint in "Adult" than has been imposed here, and were seeing the impact of that, I think.

I wonder if that is quite the effect that LL was hoping for . . .


IMHO, a lot of newer posts in the Adult section belong there..

"That's all I have to say about that." - Forrest Gump

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3 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:


my timing really sucks on the returning here. I guess. Just "returning" maybe sucks, except I got a fancy bonus prize for doing so, so I can't peeve too much :)

Your timing may suck for you, but I think your presence on the forums now, is a blessing for the rest of us. Even the perpetually contrary people need someone to be peeved at. 😉 

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11 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Well, so am I Silent! The no-good so-and-so's went and locked the resurrected Off Topic thread.

Damn...that had a lot of potential for amusement. Shame on you, Mods...and we were even following the new guidelines.

Flounces out.

Wait... what? I missed this somehow yesterday.

That blows my idea of creating a thread where we can drift from topic to topic like real people do on real forums having REAL CONVERSATIONS that aren't the same old boring Second Life rehashes I've been reading for almost 20 YEARS.

That really peeves me off.


*mutters something about new blood...

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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/me sighs and looks at the door slowly closing after Sid. Hears Rowan about photos. Remembers words spoken in IMs about "fading fast."

My timing has always stunk. When I returned here a while back, I was bored out of my mind and thought I'd make a quick one-off visit. I found out, to my surprise, "I miss this place!" and I came back. But I came back to find that confusing and worrying new rules came to play at the same time I did. Since then, I have sadly realized that even though some of the same faces are here, there are a lot of my favorites who have not returned. The "this place" I missed is no longer the same "this place." Seasons change. Turn turn turn.

I meant, and still do, all the heartfelt good things I said in my "Thanks & Gratitude" thread about this place, and this place means the people and the opportunity to interact with them. So much good. Or there was. There's a glimmer, but the aggro is now outweighing the warm and fuzzies.

I have loved to reconnect with some old forum friends. There have been inworld "friends" since I've returned. There have been Discord connects. I'm so glad for that! And so I'm glad I came back. Most importantly, most wonderfully, in case y'all missed our subtle hints in Rowan's "naked" thread, the best thing about returning is "finding" my SL partner that I stumbled over here while flirting shamelessly with him (took him long enough to notice!): Da5id Weatherwax. I'd get mushy but then Jordan would have to barf all over the snooky-wookie-isms, and well, no one wants to see that.

But with the new rules, the pearl clutchers insulting my way of life in nearly every thread (it's the new "politics" that people are dragging around much to at least my annoyance), the self-appointed hall monitors and rule-quoters, the (in Sid's words) wardens, the mommies tsk-tsking, the folks "roleplaying" a-holes, the dearth of "interesting"... yeah. no. I just can't 2040085089_50756283188_6fff9f1779_o.thumb.png.f65ee90caab4b938646deeeef64789f3small4.png.c865a1520e62f0fbbdf56747964a995b.png

Consider this a soft-flounce. I'll put the earbuds in to drown out the "yay!"s on the seeing of my backside (sans coffee). Never say never and all. Who knows, maybe in 2-years when SL has been bought by FB/Meta, this place will be changed for the better! [sarcasm font]

/me picks up most of the Taylor Swift gifs and follows Sid out the door, but makes a hard left turn into a photo thread (cursing at my inadequate laptop) behind Rowan. The report of my death has been greatly exaggerated.




Edited by Seicher Rae
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1 hour ago, Marigold Devin said:

Well we're playing in their garden and we will keep on pissing in their pool I guess.

Peeve: That it's already past 5pm here and I haven't had my lunch yet.

...we're paying for this garden...

I wonder if it would be possible or desirable to give different posting rights to people based on what they pay into SL? 

Would it be better to have forum rules decided by a democratic vote?

Of course SL is not a democracy, but this doesn't mean it's users should have no say in how it's managed. 

We are free to voice our complaints, even if management doesn't want to hear them. Most of the people using SL don't care about the forums though, so we shouldn't allow ourselves to get an over-inflated sense of our importance. 

I'm just kind of incapable of shutting up and saying nothing when I think people in a position of authority are being unjust to the "little people" who support them. This has gotten me in trouble in the past, but fear of authority figures just doesn't stop me.

I don't think I'm pissing in the pool either. I'm just stirring up the water a little.

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8 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

/me sighs and looks at the door slowly closing after Sid. Hears Rowan about photos. Remembers words spoken in IMs about "fading fast."

My timing has always stunk. When I returned here a while back, I was bored out of my mind and thought I'd make a quick one-off visit. I found out, to my surprise, "I miss this place!" and I came back. But I came back to find that confusing and worrying new rules came to play at the same time I did. Since then, I have sadly realized that even though some of the same faces are here, there are a lot of my favorites who have not returned. The "this place" I missed is no longer the same "this place." Seasons change. Turn turn turn.

I meant, and still do, all the heartfelt good things I said in my "Thanks & Gratitude" thread about this place, and this place means the people and the opportunity to interact with them. So much good. Or there was. There's a glimmer, but the aggro is now outweighing the warm and fuzzies.

I have loved to reconnect with some old forum friends. There have been inworld "friends" since I've returned. There have been Discord connects. I'm so glad for that! And so I'm glad I came back. Most importantly, most wonderfully, in case y'all missed our subtle hints in Rowan's "naked" thread, the best thing about returning is "finding" my SL partner that I stumbled over here while flirting shamelessly with him (took him long enough to notice!): Da5id Weatherwax. I'd get mushy but then Jordan would have to barf all over the snooky-wookie-isms, and well, no one wants to see that.

But with the new rules, the pearl clutchers insulting my way of life in nearly every thread (it's the new "politics" that people are dragging around much to at least my annoyance), the self-appointed hall monitors and rule-quoters, the (in Sid's words) wardens, the mommies tsk-tsking, the folks "roleplaying" a-holes, the dearth of "interesting"... yeah. no. I just can't 2040085089_50756283188_6fff9f1779_o.thumb.png.f65ee90caab4b938646deeeef64789f3small4.png.c865a1520e62f0fbbdf56747964a995b.png

Consider this a soft-flounce. I'll put the earbuds in to drown out the "yay!"s on the seeing of my backside (sans coffee). Never say never and all. Who knows, maybe in 2-years when SL has been bought by FB/Meta, this place will be changed for the better! [sarcasm font]

/me picks up most of the Taylor Swift gifs and follows Sid out the door, but makes a hard left turn into a photo thread (cursing at my inadequate laptop) behind Rowan. The report of my death has been greatly exaggerated.




oh, and just FYI, since I'm pretty much comprehensively out as Seicher's other half at this point - I aint goin' nowhere. So she aint really gone, I'll tell her about anything interesting that happens :)

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1 hour ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

There are only about a dozen people complaining about the new rules. How is that customer demand? Also, the forum isn't a feature that you are paying for.  They could just put everything in the wiki and call it a day.

And those dozen or so people threaten to leave, leave, come back, and do it all over again! 

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29 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

But with the new rules, the pearl clutchers insulting my way of life in nearly every thread (it's the new "politics" that people are dragging around much to at least my annoyance), the self-appointed hall monitors and rule-quoters, the (in Sid's words) wardens, the mommies tsk-tsking, the folks "roleplaying" a-holes, the dearth of "interesting"... yeah. no. I just can't

If I had a list, I'd include, "The REAL question is..".

Good list!



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3 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Or plan B .. recognize customer demand.

This isn't high school, we're not children, most of us have children and you know where they aren't ever wanting to join .. this place.

Some of us have grandchildren.

None of us appreciates being treated like children by LL. I've let them have an earful or a dozen about it over the years.

It really does peeve me to be treated like a child when I haven't behaved like one.

LL doesn't care.

And once again my world shrinks ever smaller. I am now down to inworld and two forums, one of which is fast becoming a dead zone when it wasn't even a war zone anymore.

Peeve: It only takes ONE person to screw everything up for everyone. 

Thanks LL.


Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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5 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Some of us have grandchildren.

None of us appreciates being treated like children by LL. I've let them have an earful or a dozen about it over the years.

It really does peeve me to be treated like a child when I haven't behaved like one.

LL doesn't care.

And once again my world shrinks ever smaller. I am now down to inworld and two forums, one of which is fast becoming a dead zone when it wasn't even a war zone anymore.

Peeve: It only takes ONE person to screw everything up for everyone. 

Thanks LL.


Why not instead of being mad at LL, be mad at the people who ruined it.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

There's one rather interesting observation that Maddy made to me in conversation in-world last night that I'll recount, and then I'm going to drop this subject.

While the GD is clearly losing people and becoming a fair degree less active, the opposite is true of the Adult subforum here, which has become much more active of late, and is hosting some really interesting discussions. And that's because, ironically, even as LL has tightened the screws on what is permitted in GD, they have actually substantially loosened the constraints that were once imposed on Adult conversations and pictures.

People will tend to migrate to places where there is more, rather than less, freedom to express themselves. Bizarrely, there is now less constraint in "Adult" than has been imposed here, and we're seeing the impact of that, I think.

I wonder if that is quite the effect that LL was hoping for . . .


The last place on the forum I want to be is the adult section. That is why I have been in GD all along. 

Maybe it is time to tip my hat and lock the door behind me after I see myself out. 🤐

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17 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

The last place on the forum I want to be is the adult section.

I post there occasionally, as the mood strikes. But I agree -- it's not really my thing. And, course, it's very narrow. As important as sex is (and, while it's central to some people's SL, it's pretty marginal for many of us), there is so much that it doesn't encompass. The subject is far too limited to be of enduring interest to me.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I post there occasionally, as the mood strikes. But I agree -- it's not really my thing. And, course, it's very narrow. As important as sex is (and, while it's central to some people's SL, it's pretty marginal for many of us), there is so much that it doesn't encompass. The subject is far too limited to be of enduring interest to me.

For some of us it doesn't exist in SL because we learned, sometime in our 40s usually, that sex really isn't that important in a relationship. There are many other things that are far more important.

Kind of peeved that on a scale of 1 - 10 where when I was young, I would have rated it about 7/8 whereas today it rates about a 3.

Live and learn.

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I have not seen a parallel benefit from the new version of FS, which doesn't seem to be running much better for me.

You may have Vsync on in your Graphics preferences...it's on by default. This limits your fps to 60. Which is not a bad thing, actually, and is why it's on by default. I turned mine off as an experiment, and got insane high frame rates. With Firestorm.

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2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

...we're paying for this garden...

I wonder if it would be possible or desirable to give different posting rights to people based on what they pay into SL? 

Would it be better to have forum rules decided by a democratic vote?

Of course SL is not a democracy, but this doesn't mean it's users should have no say in how it's managed. 

We are free to voice our complaints, even if management doesn't want to hear them. Most of the people using SL don't care about the forums though, so we shouldn't allow ourselves to get an over-inflated sense of our importance. 

I'm just kind of incapable of shutting up and saying nothing when I think people in a position of authority are being unjust to the "little people" who support them. This has gotten me in trouble in the past, but fear of authority figures just doesn't stop me.

I don't think I'm pissing in the pool either. I'm just stirring up the water a little.

In view of the success of the Linden Homes in world, I could actually see LL liking the idea of people paying to post. That would make me silent, and that would be great for me as I would not be distracted by this area at all and could use the time to get my moneysworth out of my Readly subscription instead.

No doubt it would lead to the second emboldened text though. Like the nouveau riche in RL believing themselves to be better just because they have more dosh and a bigger car than Dave Smith down the road. 

Peeve: I don't know when to shut up either, and I detest politics but find myself in the middle of them all too often.


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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I post there occasionally, as the mood strikes. But I agree -- it's not really my thing. And, course, it's very narrow. As important as sex is (and, while it's central to some people's SL, it's pretty marginal for many of us), there is so much that it doesn't encompass. The subject is far too limited to be of enduring interest to me.

Except the "adult section" is NOT all about sex all the time..

There's a photography thread that is full of incredibly artistic shots that can't be posted outside the adult section because well, nipples, mostly. (the occasional dangly bit but mostly nipples) - but there's pictures that wouldnt be out of place in a mainstream RL art gallery, but the rules say that's the only place they can be posted in the SL forums.

There's philosophical discussions about the nature of relationships, that have to stay there because of the kink.

It's NOT wall to wall pixel-bumping :)

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3 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

In view of the success of the Linden Homes in world, I could actually see LL liking the idea of people paying to post. That would make me silent, and that would be great for me as I would not be distracted by this area at all and could use the time to get my moneysworth out of my Readly subscription instead.

No doubt it would lead to the second emboldened text though. Like the nouveau riche in RL believing themselves to be better just because they have more dosh and a bigger car than Dave Smith down the road. 

Peeve: I don't know when to shut up either, and I detest politics but find myself in the middle of them all too often.


I don't care what kind of car someone drives, where they eat or spend their free time, but I do care when money buys them more "free" speech.  Speech should be available to most people, regardless of their social status or how deep their pockets are. 

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2 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

The last place on the forum I want to be is the adult section. That is why I have been in GD all along. 

I don't want to go there either 🙁 Bunch of randy sods 🙂

Edited by Rat Luv
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58 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

In view of the success of the Linden Homes in world, I could actually see LL liking the idea of people paying to post. That would make me silent, and that would be great for me as I would not be distracted by this area at all and could use the time to get my moneysworth out of my Readly subscription instead.

No doubt it would lead to the second emboldened text though. Like the nouveau riche in RL believing themselves to be better just because they have more dosh and a bigger car than Dave Smith down the road. 

Peeve: I don't know when to shut up either, and I detest politics but find myself in the middle of them all too often.


I mean I am not paying to say something on the forums. That would be really dumb, The idea to pay for freedom of speech on a forum. That would be the death of the forums. However, how free is the speech though? When we have to abide by the rules and can't say certain things or certain words. Still no one would agree with paying to speak on the forums. 

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