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Do you find it harder to talk to "perfect" avis?

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17 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I message profiles not people.  When at a busy place, that's how I decide who I might want to engage in conversation.  How they look is secondary.

I seem to remember somebody talking about what they called "meshism"—a form of avatar discrimination where you prefer to interact with modern, mesh-body avatars over the classic, standard avatars (which I always thought was an absolutely stupid way to make decisions about who you wanted to talk to). I'm someone who also chooses who to talk to by what's in their profile.A well-written, engaging, and grammatically correct profile will always draw me in more than what your avatar looks like.


Edited by Vanity Fair
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5 minutes ago, Vanity Fair said:

I seem to remember somebody talking about what they called "meshism"—a form of avatar discrimination where you prefer to interact with modern, mesh-body avatars over the classic, standard avatars (which I always thought was an absolutely stupid way to make decisions about who you wanted to talk to). I'm someone who also chooses who to talk to by what's in their profile.


Now, the visual aspect does matter if there's any intimate contact involved.  I like to watch pretty pixels as much as anyone.

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13 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Now, the visual aspect does matter if there's any intimate contact involved.  I like to watch pretty pixels as much as anyone.

Yeah, see, here's the thing. Although I have tried it once or twice in the 15 years I have been on SL, i have always found pixelsex to be somewhat ludicrous.

However, I did once divebomb a BDSM orgy in my Mary Poppins avatar though, staying completely in character the entire time. Fun times! (Yes, I'm weird. Embrace it; be a professional weirdo!)

Also, I have a Roman Catholic nun avatar named SisterMary Bliser. I actually lasted all of five minutes at oRgAsMs Adult Free Sex Lounge, whacking the johns and escorts with my ruler, and shouting “SINNERS REPENT!“, before I was banned from the sim!

Who says you can’t have good, clean fun in SL? (Yes, I’m evil. As I always like to say: if you’re going to go to hell, why not go express?) 😉

Mary Poppins.png

Sister Mary Blister.png

Edited by Vanity Fair
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I have a zillion different shapes because I like making shapes and going for certain looks..

I have tons of different mesh bodies and heads and more things to attach to them than I could begin to guess the amount..

I've had mine to where I thought it was what I wanted and then wake up the next day and say to myself.. What was I thinking!!

As much effort as I put into trying to make my own different looks, I can't really say to anyone else how to do their avatar..

Besides, why would I judge someone by their avatar anyways? I mean it's an avatar not a person.. hehehe

Communication and profiles can tell a lot more than an avatar can..

I enjoy looking at other peoples avatars and seeing what they have came up with really.. I'm not about to throw a stick in their spokes.. hehehe



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Every cube in this avatar is mathematically as "perfect" as SL allows.


When I go out in public as this, a little devil with a blowtorch, or a cloud of decaying morality, I get more comments than when I go out as human. Others don't seem intimidated by this "perfection".

All else being equal, I'm more likely to approach avatars that visually impress me. If I want to know how they did it, they're the ones to ask. Similarly, when I'm at a sandbox, I'm drawn to those who are noodling with the most interesting creations.

I think I understand your question, but wonder if it comes from a faulty intuition about the nature of "perfect" people. I've found them to be as warm and generous as anyone else. Do we do them, and ourselves, a disservice by presuming otherwise?


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
Ha! It turns out I'm not as perfect as my avatar.
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57 minutes ago, Vanity Fair said:

Also, I have a Roman Catholic nun avatar named SisterMary Bliser. I actually lasted all of five minutes at oRgAsMs Adult Free Sex Lounge, whacking the johns and escorts with my ruler, and shouting “SINNERS REPENT!“, before I was banned from the sim!


The best I've ever managed is parading around a r*pe sim in a cooked ham avatar.

Respect! 😏

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2 hours ago, Orwar said:

   But please, show me how you attained the data on what type of genitalia people behind the avatars around you have, I'm quite curious.

This is only my experience, YMMV.  I simply ask them.  Most will tell you, some will not.  Others will reveal it after some time.  Some guys are very good at hiding it and I have been duped before.   I have since stopped doing slex so it doesn't come up or matter to me anymore.  Again, this is MY experience and probably isn't representative of everyone in SL but it's plenty of data for me to make a reasonable decision.


I tend to talk to avatars that are unique in some way but only after I look at their profile to see if there is anything  we can talk about.

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3 hours ago, Vanity Fair said:

I seem to remember somebody talking about what they called "meshism"—a form of avatar discrimination where you prefer to interact with modern, mesh-body avatars over the classic, standard avatars (which I always thought was an absolutely stupid way to make decisions about who you wanted to talk to). I'm someone who also chooses who to talk to by what's in their profile.A well-written, engaging, and grammatically correct profile will always draw me in more than what your avatar looks like.


I refuse to interact with anyone who refuses to put effort into their avi. If they're walking around in an ugly system avi and their profile shows they've been on sl for 5 years, they're not getting a reply from me. If they're a noob needing help then that's different.

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21 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I message profiles not people.  When at a busy place, that's how I decide who I might want to engage in conversation.  How they look is secondary.

I do it the other way. If the avatar is well made, I'll look at the profile and if it appeals to me then I'll start a conversation.

If a poorly made avatar starts a conversation with me then it is a matter of how good a conversation it is. And also where we are. At a dance club or other less-sexual venue I am more open to conversations, even of lower quality... even broken English.

Non-mesh avatars start off with one strike. I have seen some classic avatars that are very well done. The new residents, like less than 6 months, start off with a strike too. But, with so many users returning after long absences, it is a bit hard to know who is new.


16 hours ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

I find it difficult to communicate with people with different interests.
it has nothing to do with how perfect their avatar looks.
After all, Avatar perfection means nothing to me.
it just shows that the user has passion and spends a lot of time with the game, completely unrelated to their personality

Aaaaa.... yeah. Figuring out what interests people can be a challenge. But, I have a friend or two with the only thing we have in common being SL. One is into building, particles, and scripting. That works.

A hot avatar always helps... in my case.

I agree that how the avatar looks is often a good indicator of how knowledgeable and interested one is in SL. I too find that is no indicator of personality type.

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22 hours ago, purrrkitten said:

In another thread I saw someone mention that they find it harder to talk to "perfect" avis and they preferred avis with some flaws or something along those lines.

Do you feel this way?

I never thought about this before seeing that comment. I realized for me, I'm more likely to talk to interesting looking avis. The meaning of interesting varies. It's just an avi that catches my attention and makes me go "oooo." I don't really notice the ones who look like everyone else.

Not at all. I've rarely started a conversation with anyone though, am living in my own little world.

Probably now though because I choose to remain a non-mesh classic avatar, fewer people talk to me nowadays. And that is absolutely fine by me. It used to be too busy in the olden days.

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2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:
3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The best I've ever managed is parading around a r*pe sim in a cooked ham avatar.

Ooooh, I'd have offered to slowly pull all the cloves out of you... with my teeth.


1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You're a little out of control today, ya know?

People are gonna wonder which of us is the real ham, Ms. Rhiadra.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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I've found over the years that a lot of the people that I've met that have been around for awhile, that don't put a lot of effort into their avatars, are many times people that are putting that time into scripting and other types of creations..

Some of them have been some of the oldest in SL and have been very interesting conversations where I've learned more things about this world in one sitting than I could shake a stick at..

I've met a lot of interesting people over the years in this world that have came in all shapes and sizes..

Heck, one guy was like, the height of one of my heels on my stilettos.. A little grey man that just loved to hang out and chat.

He would show up every once in awhile and ask if he could hang out in my pocket and just chat while i worked..

I remember this other guy that showed up one time at our club.. I kept looking around the room to see who it was and couldn't find him.. Then seen this huge hand sticking through the wall. Then seen on the other side of the club another hand sticking through the wall.. Then looked up and seen this face that was so huge that it was taking up most of the ceiling..

I was like, Holy crap! You're huge!

I think I was only two years old in SL at the time.. I never seen anything like that before then..

I think wild and creative avatars like that, really grab my attention more than anything..


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10 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Well, if you keep in mind that 50% of the female avatars are male it might make it easier.

What does that even mean in the context of the gender identity revolution that is being experienced in real life over the past decade or more?  Isn't a male or female avatar simply a reflection of how the owner is identifying at that time? Are there not laws in the USA now that stipulate that if one identifies as a male or female, then one is that gender regardless of the r/l physical reality?

The question today is not how many female avatars are actual males but how many female avatars are currently identifying as female and the same conversely for those identifying as male. If we cannot get that concept in virtual, how much hope is there of getting that in r/l?

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4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Are there not laws in the USA now that stipulate that if one identifies as a male or female, then one is that gender regardless of the r/l physical reality?

The US is a patchwork of rights for trans people.

Canada's Bill C-16, passed in 2017, prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression, and makes self-ID legal in a number of situations. As of January of this year, "conversion therapy" is also banned. Different provinces have slightly different rules on changing legal status and documents, but most now make it possible to change gender as given on documents such as birth certificates.

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45 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The US is a patchwork of rights for trans people.

Canada's Bill C-16, passed in 2017, prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression, and makes self-ID legal in a number of situations. As of January of this year, "conversion therapy" is also banned. Different provinces have slightly different rules on changing legal status and documents, but most now make it possible to change gender as given on documents such as birth certificates.

Well thank you Scylla though it somewhat misses my main point about respecting what someone is identifying as and the proclivity to judge whether the person behind the avatar is really such.

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1 minute ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Well thank you Scylla though it somewhat misses my main point about respecting what someone is identifying as and the proclivity to judge whether the person behind the avatar is really such.

Not really. I agree with what I take to be your point: that we need to acknowledge and respect people's own self-determined identities. I work hard to avoid "misgendering" in SL: how one represents here is how you will be treated by me.

I was really just addressing your point about the US; your own country, Canada, actually has much stronger, and much more uniform, laws protecting trans rights than the States. I assumed (incorrectly?) that you weren't aware of that, or you wouldn't have used the US as an example? If I was incorrect in that assumption, I apologize.

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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

What does that even mean in the context of the gender identity revolution that is being experienced in real life over the past decade or more?  Isn't a male or female avatar simply a reflection of how the owner is identifying at that time? Are there not laws in the USA now that stipulate that if one identifies as a male or female, then one is that gender regardless of the r/l physical reality?

The question today is not how many female avatars are actual males but how many female avatars are currently identifying as female and the same conversely for those identifying as male. If we cannot get that concept in virtual, how much hope is there of getting that in r/l?

avatar gender dowsnt matter but faking real

gender is  really matter,  if you want to develope freidnship with human being behind the vaatar.


yeayea i know some person just want to connect with the pixel rather than the user behind avi, .

so there are 2 types

1. me want friend with your avatar ( not with you, so if your avatra ugly, move along )

2. me want friend with you.


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