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What if Second Life removed teleportation?

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What do you think will happen if LL decided to to remove teleportation from SL? Chaos? The end of SL? Or maybe something different will happen. Roads and oceans suddenly become used by everyone. Planes, trains, boats and automobiles become required to get around because it is too slow to walk or fly. Stores begin to cluster together. People stay in-world longer because they have to travel. Philip's idea of an interconnected community on a single main land would finally be fully realized. 

Your thoughts?

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How would I ever get off my parcel that is on a private owned region in the middle of the unsailable see?
If I could implement one thing from SL in RL it would be teleporting.
The best invention since sliced bread.

Just think of all the precious recreation time lost when you only can walk, fly, swim.
And what is the advantage of stores clustering together?  It would only mean more lag.
Have you been to SLB's shopping events?

Why do we need to fulfill Philip's ideas?
He had more bad ideas that never made it, like terraforming with bombs.

Sorry, but I vote against it.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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SL would be impossible to operate without teleporting, unless private islands were scrapped and everyone was forced onto mainland, and all that mainland was divided into separate parcels like Bellisseria, with a Linden-managed road network between them, ensuring that every single parcel has protected road or water access. Otherwise you would be trapped on your parcel, stuck between unsailable void or other people's ban-lines and it would be physically impossible to go anywhere, whether you have a vehicle or not.

It would also mean an end to special events, themed regions. There would be no facility to split or merge parcels, you're stuck with whatever size you get because there are roads inbetween them.

If that ever happens, it would basically mean they are pulling the plug on the whole thing. 

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There are many, many parcels on the mainland which are also surrounded by other parcels.  Besides which, how is this mass movement of stores to be arranged?  How many parcels will be available together for commercial areas next to transportation routes?  How many businesses will fail in the meantime?  Terrible idea, and I don't believe you are actually in favour of it.

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2 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

There are many, many parcels on the mainland which are also surrounded by other parcels.  

Indeed - this is what I meant about needing a complete road network with ALL fixed-size parcels served by a Linden-managed road network.  They would basically have to change the entirety of mainland into Bellisseria/Horizons. The cost would be immense; they'd lose ALL the private-owned land, and half of mainland which would now be buried under tarmac. This is one of the things about RL that is not better and not worthy of making mandatory in SL.

Also  Tier would have to double, or triple, or more, to compensate for that lost income. And who is willing to pay that increased tier? 

People wouldn't stay around longer "because of travelling". They would log off and uninstall the viewer in droves.

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I guess LL will have to move all islands next to the mainland or at least connect them with a waterway. I am slightly in favour of it. I am open to have my mind changed of course because maybe I haven't considered all the bad things that might happen. Which I'm sure we will see in this thread...

And it's not my idea, it was Philip Linden's idea. Per the Second Life Wiki, "He envisioned a vast green, continuous landscape, distributed across multiple servers".

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41 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

What do you think will happen if LL decided to to remove teleportation from SL? Chaos? The end of SL? Or maybe something different will happen. Roads and oceans suddenly become used by everyone. Planes, trains, boats and automobiles become required to get around because it is too slow to walk or fly. Stores begin to cluster together. People stay in-world longer because they have to travel. Philip's idea of an interconnected community on a single main land would finally be fully realized. 

Your thoughts?

I think you need to stop trying to punish people. I'm sorry, that is the impression I get from your posts. You seem to want to punish everyone for some reason. You come off as caring only about yourself and what you want and to hell with everyone else. 

Do you even have any idea how long it would take to walk from one's own parcel to a store that is on the other side of the mainland from your parcel? Do you think your ideas through or just run with them as soon as the thought occurs? 

What Philip wanted died when he left the first time. There is no going down that path now or in the future. It's far too late for that.


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6 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I guess LL will have to move all islands next to the mainland or at least connect them with a waterway. I am slightly in favour of it. I am open to have my mind changed of course because maybe I haven't considered all the bad things that might happen. Which I'm sure we will see in this thread...

And it's not my idea, it was Philip Linden's idea. Per the Second Life Wiki, "He envisioned a vast green, continuous landscape, distributed across multiple servers".

And he got that. It's called mainland.

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Driving  or riding my horse to the other side of the world to check out some demos of an outfit I seen an add for, then  them not looking at all like the add..

So many sim crossings and orbits back to mah house and so much lag and rubberbanding and everything else that would come with a very very long road trip..

I think it would hurt content creators a lot.

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6 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I guess LL will have to move all islands next to the mainland or at least connect them with a waterway. I am slightly in favour of it. I am open to have my mind changed of course because maybe I haven't considered all the bad things that might happen. Which I'm sure we will see in this thread...

And it's not my idea, it was Philip Linden's idea. Per the Second Life Wiki, "He envisioned a vast green, continuous landscape, distributed across multiple servers".

SL is completely different from the idea that Phillip Linden envisaged.  because like it or not, money has to come from somewhere and people are only willing to pay for what they really want, (not what someone else decides they are going to get).

Merely moving private regions next to each other would not work. There would need to be sailable regions between them otherwise you would still end up trapped in a checkerboard of private parcels/regions with no way across your parcel border into the next one. So the ability to restrict access to anyone (even banning specific people) would have to be turned off and security orbs would have to be made unavailable/non-functional too.  

The cost of these Linden-owned sailable regions, which will be hosted on yet more servers, has to also be met by customers. So if your favourite store now has to pay twice the cost for their land, they'll raise the price of their clothes to compensate. Or close their store altogether and go MP-only.  Or just, you know, quit SL because of how much it sucks now.

Edited by Maitimo
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There are more inland parcels available on private sims than waterfront ones.
Guess why? 
A lot of people like to see the sun go down or rise over the sea. They see other peoples and their own eyesores all day long in RL already.
SL should be a world where it is possible to make your dreams come true.

4000 and 8000 m2 private islands in the middle of unsailable see would be big hits if LL would introduce them IMHO.
I would go for it for sure if obtainable priced.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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I'm trying to be progressive to improve our second lives. Everyone is so conservative here.

Everyone saying that travel would be difficult is only thinking of SL as it is currently configured for teleportation. The mainland would change, people would move closer together, maybe there will be zoning to help stores relocate. Imagine large shopping districts where you wouldn't have to travel so far to reach them. If people want to live on an island they still can and pay the price for exclusivity by having to travel further to go shopping. It would be a status symbol to have a yacht because people would know you have to sail to  your house. That's an unintended consequence right there. Status can be had by where you live. I'm sure land sellers will be happy with that because now they can sell based on location.

Yes it does introduce more real life consequences into SL but people know how real life works. New residents will come into SL and instead of teleporting around confused they'd simply know how to get around because the SL world would be familiar. So many SL problems would be solved by removing teleportation.

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37 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

Per the Second Life Wiki, "He envisioned a vast green, continuous landscape, distributed across multiple servers".

He was still around when LL created private regions, so apparently his vision allowed for that also.  A vast continuous landscape already exists.  Nowhere does he say "ONLY continuous".


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One of the first sayings that I read when signing up was, Your world, Your imagination.

That was 2006..

When he spoke about 3d internet, I thought he was referring to being able to walk around in the internet, like we do in this world, and having addresses like websites do, so that we could get there, like we do now..

It's been a long time since I used to watch his videos talking about second life and other things.

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22 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I'm trying to be progressive to improve our second lives. Everyone is so conservative here.

Everyone saying that travel would be difficult is only thinking of SL as it is currently configured for teleportation. The mainland would change, people would move closer together, maybe there will be zoning to help stores relocate. Imagine large shopping districts where you wouldn't have to travel so far to reach them. If people want to live on an island they still can and pay the price for exclusivity by having to travel further to go shopping. It would be a status symbol to have a yacht because people would know you have to sail to  your house. That's an unintended consequence right there. Status can be had by where you live. I'm sure land sellers will be happy with that because now they can sell based on location.

Yes it does introduce more real life consequences into SL but people know how real life works. New residents will come into SL and instead of teleporting around confused they'd simply know how to get around because the SL world would be familiar. So many SL problems would be solved by removing teleportation.

Unless you're willing to listen to people, and treat them with respect, I see no point in remaining in this topic.

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1 hour ago, Bree Giffen said:

What do you think will happen if LL decided to to remove teleportation from SL?

A drop in the number of crash-to-desktop.

I actually like the idea of having inter-sim transportation as an alternative, but it's going to suffer from a few problems, the major one being region-crossings.

I'd favour a hypersonic-rocket approach: you choose your destination, a rocket lands beside you, in you get, up you go, then

maybe you get there, maybe you explode in mid-air and CTD....

 Not much difference

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29 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I'm trying to be progressive to improve our second lives. Everyone is so conservative here.

Everyone saying that travel would be difficult is only thinking of SL as it is currently configured for teleportation. The mainland would change, people would move closer together, maybe there will be zoning to help stores relocate. Imagine large shopping districts where you wouldn't have to travel so far to reach them. If people want to live on an island they still can and pay the price for exclusivity by having to travel further to go shopping. It would be a status symbol to have a yacht because people would know you have to sail to  your house. That's an unintended consequence right there. Status can be had by where you live. I'm sure land sellers will be happy with that because now they can sell based on location.

Yes it does introduce more real life consequences into SL but people know how real life works. New residents will come into SL and instead of teleporting around confused they'd simply know how to get around because the SL world would be familiar. So many SL problems would be solved by removing teleportation.

Not everyone wants to be closer to other people. And the more you try to force them into being around others, the more they will dig their heels in.

Status symbol? wtf? Who the heck needs a status symbol? What elitism hell is this?

Please stop trying to turn SL into RL. It isn't RL and can never be RL. Most people do not want SL to be just like RL. SL is a vacation you can take everyday even if only for an hour or two at a time. Please stop trying to make others conform to your idea of what SL should be. We already have to deal with that everyday in RL. We don't want to have to deal with in SL as well. It defeats the whole purpose of SL. Philip's big dream of a self-governing society was never going to be realized. Humans aren't there yet. 


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46 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I'm trying to be progressive to improve our second lives. Everyone is so conservative here.

I would call it practical in this case instead of conservative.
And since when is going back in time progressive?

Edited by Sid Nagy
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29 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

One of the first sayings that I read when signing up was, Your world, Your imagination.

That was 2006..

When he spoke about 3d internet, I thought he was referring to being able to walk around in the internet, like we do in this world, and having addresses like websites do, so that we could get there, like we do now..

It's been a long time since I used to watch his videos talking about second life and other things.

That is sort of what he had in mind. SL was intended to be an Operating System, similar to what you see graphically produced in movies now that seem to float in the air. 

Walk over to the file cabinet, click the top drawer to open it and you've just opened your Document folder. That sort of thing. 

The focus was shifted away from that in 2001 (SL opened in 2003) when Philip made the decision to shift to a creative platform.


During a 2001 meeting with investors, Rosedale noticed that the participants were particularly responsive to the collaborative, creative potential of Second Life. As a result, the initial objective-driven, gaming focus of Second Life was shifted to a more user-created, community-driven experience.[26]




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12 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

What elitism hell is this?

My thoughts are that being in SL is already elitist, just compare the userbase with Farcebook.

I do actually agree with the OP's thoughts on TP, I've had problems in the RP place I ran where people would TP into the middle of scenes, invite their friends to come tumbling down from the air onto our heads...

Taking SnowCrash as the most likely inspiration for SecondLife, there was no TP, no flying (without a valid flying-apparatus), travel was by monorail, motorcycle, possibly cars. I can understand the Point of view that TP and flying abilities in SL are distracting from the immersive experience.

I hope I'm not spoiling your fun with my views, I'd hate to be the downpour in this current spell of sunshine.

Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
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23 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Unless you're willing to listen to people, and treat them with respect, I see no point in remaining in this topic.

When am I not listening? Or not treating people with respect? I propose an idea. People point out a problem. I try to address the problem by clarifying my idea or adding to it. People list more problems. And on and on. That’s how we come to a consensus which LL can act on. 

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