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In world profile badges.

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14 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

Yeah but that was a system based on other residents rating you. Which is pretty different. People neg rated to get people banned etc

And that was the #1 reason I did not stay in SL the first time I registered. It was nothing more than a gamed popularity contest and if a few took a dislike to you, it was easy to get you banned without having done anything to be banned for. 

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10 hours ago, Ren Toxx said:

As many as might feel threatened by the badges themselves, I guess?

I do get that you think they’re silly; in fact I’m agreeing with you on that, with different words. I’m just saying that if people left SL for everything that is silly one way or the other, regardless that it comes with an actual picture of a badge or not, then SL would have been utterly abandoned years ago. I’m not sure it would’ve even taken off in the first place.

Practically everyone does something silly—or that others see as such—, and much of it boils down to ‘badging’, no matter how subtly. I might not participate of it, but I don’t feel affected by it. It doesn’t corrupt my textures, nor empty my friends list or my L$ balance. So it doesn’t detract from my enjoyment of Second Life, that I should vow to abandon the platform entirely.

I get the impression when you say badges here, you really mean labels. If you don't, sorry I misunderstood. If you did, then, in my eyes, it makes a pretty big difference. Badges are one thing, labels are something else and usually not a good thing.

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32 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

OMG! This has GOT to be preserved for posterity! Shortest post ever! 


Coffee and you are too young to remember when we had something like this, with reputation points for building, etc. Awful stuff, gamed and stupid.

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1 minute ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Coffee and you are too young to remember when we had something like this, with reputation points for building, etc. Awful stuff, gamed and stupid.

Nope. I've been around a lot longer than 2009. Been here off and on since 2003/4.  All that stuff is why I didn't stay for long until sometime around 2005 when they had finally ditched the worst of it.

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23 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

Waves... nice to meet you,  13 years this year for hubby and I :) Of course, it's not pretend, so that probably helps a lot lol. 

Nice to meet you too. :)Congratulations on your married years and may there be many more.  Your case wouldn't be fake because yours is actually based in reality. Everyone's mileage varies.  I say SL partnerships aren't considered real in a sense that they aren't recognized as legal in any RL jurisdiction.

23 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

MP for example, is a poop show, has been one since LL took it over and, well, frankly, it's disturbing that it's remained a poop show its entire lifespan thus far, lol. It's actually embarrassing for LL, I don't know why they're  not embarrassed by it. I probably shouldn't go into the whys and hows of that here, so I won't. But, there's enough left there in the realm of MP to fix that they wouldn't have much time, manpower or other resources to dedicate to pretty shinies if they put more effort into it, lol. I love MP too, don't get me wrong, but we all know it could be way better and LL had no business removing all other options while creating this weird barely functional monopoly, lol.

I have a love-hate relationship with MP. While I do like the redelivery feature and the ability to browse your complete purchase history going back several years, the filtering out demo failures drive me up the wall.


13 hours ago, Lewis Luminos said:

Raises hand - Madison and I celebrated our 10th anniversary a couple of months ago. :) There are plenty more too. In any case it would be an easy one to achieve, by partnering your own alt.

There could be a similar one - run a club that lasts more than 6 months. I'd win that one too :D.

Congratulations on your anniversary.  Long partnerships are rare in SL and it's nice see they exist.  Your longevity would be something that Zoomers would declare as #RelationshipGoals.

The fickle nature of SL relationships is why people often joke about them fizzling faster than Hollywood marriages.

Having a club for more than 6 months means you're doing something right. :D

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2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Coffee and you are too young to remember when we had something like this, with reputation points for building, etc. Awful stuff, gamed and stupid.

Yes.. I remember gaming them. Must have been in a previous life.

The whole point of a badge system is that is can be gamed. Game it all you like, the badges aren't the point, there is no reward beyond a few pixels. The point is that there's fun to be had on the journey.

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On 7/9/2021 at 12:11 PM, Coffee Pancake said:

A badge or award given to users (by LL) for meeting some criteria or participating in a special event (etc).

Badges are shown with a tiny graphic in the users profile and optionally come with a vanity title that could be shown in place of a group title. They would provide no additional benefit or perk aside from reputation ascribed to them by other users.

There would be some overlap with achievements,  obviously some people would decide to earn as many as possible (participation is a good thing), the intent isn't to make people grind out arbitrary goals that have no positive purpose relating to SL as a whole. Where possible, all badges should be achievable by all residents. Gaming some badges would be expected, the amount of social reputation a badge infers would no doubt reflect this.

Example badges could include (but not be limited to)

  • Test Dummy - Participation in a Linden beta test / pile on.
  • Performing, exhibiting or volunteering at a Linden event, such as SL birthdays. New badge every year for each of the roles.
  • Explorer - Visit 500 regions.
  • Bug Hunter - Report an accepted bug report on the JIRA
  • Blogger - Users blog is featured by Strawberry on the SL blog.
  • Forumite - Hit a certain post count on the forums.
  • Good Citizen - A reverse badge everyone starts with and goes away if your account ever gets suspended. (controversial! 😂)
  • Chatterbox - Say a million things in local chat.
  • Fearless - Own a parcel of regular mainland for 6 months.
  • Builder - Rez a few prims and link them together.
  • Committed - Be a premium member for more than 2 years.
  • Bellissarian - Have  the same Bellissaria Linden home for 6 months.
  • Shopper - Buy something from the SLM that costs L$1 or more.
  • Wizard - Use every LSL function in your own script at least once.
  • Merchant - Sell something on the SLM.
  • Summoned - Accept 1000 teleport offers.
  • Ethereal - You logged in with the new mobile client, once.
  • Barber - Bid a Linden bald.
  • Contributor - Get a submitted feature into the official viewer.
  • Barron - Become an estate manager.
  • Zombie - Have your SL heath reduced to zero.
  • etc etc etc .. the more the merrier !

Ideally badges should reward some action, shows or encourages participation in SL, or have subtle requirements - Eg Fearless would require a premium account.

Badges would come with a little fanfare in the viewer.

At heart they would be a bit of fun, and everyone would have the option to opt out of showing badges on their public profile.

I posted the other day about the weather app that I installed that has missions & achievements- but not any badges.   Then I remembered old club Pogo & all the badges I accumulated over the years.  Got me to thinking about how something similar could be implemented in your idea….   (It’s not letting me upload a screenshot)


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On 7/9/2021 at 10:00 PM, Tari Landar said:

Waves... nice to meet you,  13 years this year for hubby and I :) Of course, it's not pretend, so that probably helps a lot lol. 

That said, back on topic, lol. While I wouldn't shoot the idea down entirely, since I can see some merit in it. I don't think it's wise for LL to head down this sort of path again, or still, or, continue to. I think LL needs to fix some fundamentals first, because they're way more important to sl's longevity than shiny pretties. Shiny pretties have their place, no doubt, and without them we can't have people, so I definitely get that aspect too. But there's too much other stuff broken on LL's end that needs tended to first. I hate to see LL always seeming to put off this stuff in order to add some new shiny pretty that no one really wants, or needs, at least not right this moment. 

MP for example, is a poop show, has been one since LL took it over and, well, frankly, it's disturbing that it's remained a poop show its entire lifespan thus far, lol. It's actually embarrassing for LL, I don't know why they're  not embarrassed by it. I probably shouldn't go into the whys and hows of that here, so I won't. But, there's enough left there in the realm of MP to fix that they wouldn't have much time, manpower or other resources to dedicate to pretty shinies if they put more effort into it, lol. I love MP too, don't get me wrong, but we all know it could be way better and LL had no business removing all other options while creating this weird barely functional monopoly, lol.

LL lacks the ability to focus on more than one major issue at a time, we all know it. As much as we love LL and enjoy sl, and love sl even, LL leaves a lot to be desired sometimes. So, I'd rather they focus time, resources and manpower on things that fix broken stuff first. Then we can add all the cool/neat/fun/amazing stuff that will help with retention. Some of the most basic stuff that's broken would help a lot with retention too, but maybe LL doesn't realize that.

I don't know, I don't have all the answers, and I don't like to shoot them all down, but I just think focus would be better put somewhere else, for now. 


I use the MP a fair amount and I wonder if the criticism is overblown.

Yes, it doesn't deliver quickly sometimes but generally it does eventually.

The re-deliver was broken for ages -- it's working again now although if you go way back in time, not always.

I don't think something like this should be in the hands of one resident, as SLEX was. That puts a needless chokehold on the economy, gives enormous power and business information to one person or company, and enables them to block people who criticize them (we already see that with some thin-skinned merchants and vendor makers). 

It's better that LL run it, whatever their flaws.

Recently I heard a tale of a person's business being "ruined" by the MP. I suppose that's possible -- SL can bite hard and mercilessly and sometimes blindly on some businesses (Mainland rentals, for example).

So while I'm prepared to believe it, maybe it is worth listing, only in the other section "Merchants".


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2 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Yes.. I remember gaming them. Must have been in a previous life.

The whole point of a badge system is that is can be gamed. Game it all you like, the badges aren't the point, there is no reward beyond a few pixels. The point is that there's fun to be had on the journey.

It sure would come in handy for nights like tonight.. Everyone's asleep and I'm bored trying to think of something to do in sl..

To me it sounds like hunts or things like that, that you can put on hold for times just like this..

the more I think about it the more I'm liking it..:)

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  • Reluctant - Enable profile badges after having them disabled for 6 months.
  • Detailed - Upload a mesh manually specifying a different model for each LOD & physics.
  • FIC - <criteria redacted>
  • Persistent - Fly into 500 different parcel ban lines.
  • Impressive - Collect 50 badges.
  • Dedicated - Collect 100 badges.
  • Disbarred - Loose a badge (how? who knows!)
  • Problematic - Visit an adult region wearing only a single attachment.
  • Inquisitive - Get a question asked at a Linden Q&A event.
  • Sorcerer - Compile the viewer from source and log in.
  • Home - Buy some land.
  • Depreciated - Wear an attachment that uses a known invisiprim UUID.
  • SuperGreen - Host/greet at a Linden event (eg SLB)
  • Picky - Have 5 different locations in your SL picks.
  • Memorable - Create landmarks to 100 different regions.
  • Misinformed - Create a pick containing the words "ToS" "share" and "logs"
  • Bunny - Put the world domination bunny in your profile.
  • Retro - Log into SL with the Linden client on a PC below the minimum requirements.
  • OOC - ((Type anything in chat with double brackets))
  • Southpaw - Create and save a shape with all the sliders to the left of center.
  • Incomprehensible - Create a display name using only artistic unicode.
  • Sunny - Apply an EEP preset you created to land you own.
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As I've already mentioned, I've been playing around in my head with this idea for a long time already and my favourites are:

  • Spendthrift - Pay a lot of L$ just to earn a badge for wasting money
  • Insomniac - Staying logged on and active for at least 48 hours non stop (maybe not a practical idea since it would be easy to cheat with bots)
Edited by ChinRey
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