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Portraits of Friendship

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3 hours ago, GoSpeed Racer said:

This is me with my partner @Ivanova Shostakovich . She's smart, witty, and charming. Right now she's a taking a break from SL and I'm waiting for her return.


Adorable, sweet, and intimate, Go.

It must be a trial for you, without Iva right now. She's such a positive and lovely person; it always brightens my day when I get a wave from her.

I'm sorry, and I hope she's back where she belongs soon, there with you in her arms.

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From left to right: Myself, Nik, and my love (Dia). 

Nik's been like a brother to both of us, as well as being an inspiration in many ways. After a little heartbreak, it was time to do something special for him. My love set up the scene, and I created the pose for him to do as he pleases--he owns a pose store. He said that it all looked majestic, while we were taking snaps. We gave this the title "A Majestic Friendship".

A Majestic Friendship.png

Edited by Nastasha Szaberwick
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9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I like this pic because it looks pretty much exactly as a group of young women talking on the street would look in RL.

Except, um, you know . . . with clothes.

You mean you and your RL friends don't normally dress like this?  I must admit lol that my friends and I wore some pretty outrageous things when we went to the clubs in RL!!! Oddly enough never when I played drums on stage in RL.

This pic isn't posed. This is totally raw "as it happened"  Every pic I've uploaded so far has  been. The one exception is me posing for SLA . The photog posed me. I did take that pic though.

Edited by Bagnu
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29 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

You mean you and your RL friends don't normally dress like this?  I must admit lol that my friends and I wore some pretty outrageous things when we went to the clubs in RL!!!

This pic isn't posed. This is totally raw "as it happened"  Every pic I've uploaded so far has  been. The one exception is me posing for SLA . The photog posed me. I did take that pic though.

I think @Scylla Rhiadra is now under some bad influence of a friend of her when it comes to wearing more skimpy clothes. Or no clothes at all :D

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19 minutes ago, Saskia Rieko said:

I think @Scylla Rhiadra is now under some bad influence of a friend of her when it comes to wearing more skimpy clothes. Or no clothes at all :D

I'm sure you couldn't possibly be referring to me lol!!! How could I be a bad influence on anyone...(as I giggle in RL)

Actually, being naked is not sexy. It's all about creating the desire for others to want to see us naked!!! It becomes very sexy though once the desire is there!!!

And somehow I don't think Scyll is particularly easy to influence!!! Just a hunch.

Edited by Bagnu
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38 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

I'm sure you couldn't possibly be referring to me lol!!! How could I be a bad influence on anyone...(as I giggle in RL)

Actually, being naked is not sexy. It's all about creating the desire for others to want to see us naked!!! It becomes very sexy though once the desire is there!!!

And somehow I don't think Scyll is particularly easy to influence!!! Just a hunch.

See, this is where we disagree. You can be and feel sexy being naked and this doesn't need to be about creating a desire for others to want to see us naked. Haven't you ever felt sexy just because who you are, without others making you feel this way? It's all about the confidence, not about drooling men lol. 

And no, I did not refer to you but to myself. 

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20 minutes ago, Saskia Rieko said:

See, this is where we disagree. You can be and feel sexy being naked and this doesn't need to be about creating a desire for others to want to see us naked. Haven't you ever felt sexy just because who you are, without others making you feel this way? It's all about the confidence, not about drooling men lol. 

And no, I did not refer to you but to myself. 

Fair!!! I didn't know you were friends with Scyll.

Feeling sexy though does depend on how we think others will perceive us as well. There would be no point otherwise. 

Being in the forums has severe limitations, because we can't know peoples relationships with others. And it takes so much longer to get to know a person. Really, I always try to meet my friends from here inworld. And on Flickr. It makes the bonds so much stronger!!!

Edited by Bagnu
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Getting to know a friend really is a combination of various platforms. It's about opening ourselves to each other even further.

KK, now let's go and take pics with the people we care about!!!

Edited by Bagnu
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Thats all so sweet but when you just en masse desert someone who you all claimed to be friend with aka Saravendi kind of sucks just my opinion but really it does suck, you all used to like her pics now none of you do good way to go ladies, and am not apologising for this not for a minute jeez how really do you think its ok? And dont bother sending me im's wont look at them I really despair of women on here .

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5 minutes ago, Laika Ravikumar said:

Thats all so sweet but when you just en masse desert someone who you all claimed to be friend with aka Saravendi kind of sucks just my opinion but really it does suck, you all used to like her pics now none of you do good way to go ladies, and am not apologising for this not for a minute jeez how really do you think its ok? And dont bother sending me im's wont look at them I really despair of women on here .

I don't know the situation, but please don't be angry. There is simply too much to be positive about in SL!!!

Edited by Bagnu
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