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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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A study showing masks are minimally effective when used in a population where masks are not mandated or in common use. Are there any potential flaws in this study that anyone can see? Anyone? 

The big tech companies that are censoring idiots arguing against basic public health measures during a pandemic are absolutely right in doing so. 

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covid.. the cure to the disease known as humanity.

what race of above all has caused more harm and damage to all other races on this world and to the world itself... the human race.

only fit that mother nature decided to strike back and take her own bit of revenge and teach humans they are not as superior as many like to think at times.

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17 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Thank you, Drakon, for entering the thread with your cheery Holiday message   :)

your very welcome. its the truth. humans like to think they are so superior to everything and then something comes along and proves they are not on top of the world like they want to claim or think all the time. and of course humans then go into fits over it because they cant stand to be proven not as great as they want to think all the time.

having freedoms curtailed is a humbling experience that not many can handle. having to suddenly think and worry what you do on a more visceral level day to day is something most humans don't like doing.

humanity has become to complacent in its place on the world. only fitting that things get shaken up sometimes to make everyone realize just how lucky they are to be living. that they are not as entitled to things as they might want to think. that life itself can be taken from them at a moments notice because of their arrogance and ignorance of things around them.

that all their little toys and funs and freedoms can come crashing down and be taken away by the smallest of things in the world. that they should be more grateful for the little things in life instead of worrying so much about what someone else has or does or what they dont have or what others think about them online or offline so much.

covid.. the great humbler of humanity.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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I find wearing an N95 mask causes me a little problem when shopping a larger store. I do have some respiratory issue but not normally enough to impair me when walking store aisles for half hour or so. So I guess others mileage varies. 

Then there was this guy who wore an N95 while driving and found it to be bad for his health:


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19 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I find wearing an N95 mask causes me a little problem when shopping a larger store. I do have some respiratory issue but not normally enough to impair me when walking store aisles for half hour or so. So I guess others mileage varies. 

Then there was this guy who wore an N95 while driving and found it to be bad for his health:


“The LPPD responded to a lone occupant single car motor vehicle crash yesterday,”  No reason for him to be wearing one alone in his car.  Common sense doesn't seem so common.  If you feel the need to wear one alone in your car, perhaps one that isn't quite so restrictive to airflow?  It's exactly this type of story that gives those opposed to masks something to point at and yell, "See!  I told you they were dangerous!"

Not that I'm saying that was your meaning, Arielle.

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Quick! To the one-off anecdotal examples, Bat Man!


Yup. History will judge us well... Assuming there's anyone left.


I'm imagining the dinosaurs did the same thing. "Masks? Piffle. My arms are too short to reach my face. I'm fine."

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9 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Why use common sense?

Why use basic hygiene you learned in kindergarten?

Arguing about obscure studies is much more fun and useful.


I think finding everything a conspiracy is helpful as well.  

Edited by RowanMinx
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2 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

the stupid will die, the semi-intelligent will live. Natural selection at its finest.

That's the problem. This is not true. The stupid, by being stupid, have let loose so much virus everyone is at risk.

My friend's relatives, the ones that got and one died of COVID, that you laughed about... did everything right and were NOT stupid people. It took one lapse with an infected delivery person.

The stupid are killing us all.

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1 minute ago, Gatogateau said:

That's the problem. This is not true. The stupid, by being stupid, have let loose so much virus everyone is at risk.

My friend's relatives, the ones that got and one died of COVID, that you laughed about... did everything right and were NOT stupid people. It took one lapse with an infected delivery person.

The stupid are killing us all.

they must not have done everything right.. or else they would not have got covid. they made a mistake even if just a small one and it cost them.

never assume anyone else is doing everything right.. even delivery people. you get food or anything delivered.. don't answer the door until they leave, clean everything the moment you bring it inside. then clean yourself after doing so. gown up and mask up if needed.. fail any possible precautions you have no one but yourself to blame at that point.

covid... the great balancer.. it cares not who you are or what you think of yourself or others. no one is safe or above its risk of catching it.

and toward that delivery person they may not have been aware they had it. you can be exposed and contagious and have little to no symptoms showing at all. not everyone shows the same symptoms upon catching it in the beginning. Not everyone gets the same symptons even after having it for several days or weeks. peoples bodies are different in how it responds to virus attacks.

blame it on the company they worked for for not requiring weekly tests of workers to make sure none have caught it and just do not know yet.

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Meh I read a few articles in the past couple days that admitted that the medical authorities are not really sure how the virus is transferring in about 50% of the community as contact tracing has been running them into dead ends in an increasing amount of cases. A lot of the lockdown stuff is them grasping at straws and its starting to be admitted.

Honestly it is my own opinion that some are being overly melodramatic about it. I am an essential worker who covers a 500 square kilometer area daily, have a very large extended family as well as a good network of friends and acquaintances where I would hear of anyone dying or even being hospitalized for covid or any other reason and yet, nothing, zilch, nada, null. Thank God. Other then "the sky is falling and the world is going to end" media sites, I wouldn't even know there was a problem. So I don't see the need to get too freaked out about it.

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2 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Meh I read a few articles in the past couple days that admitted that the medical authorities are not really sure how the virus is transferring in about 50% of the community as contact tracing has been running them into dead ends in an increasing amount of cases. A lot of the lockdown stuff is them grasping at straws and its starting to be admitted.

Honestly it is my own opinion that some are being overly melodramatic about it. I am an essential worker who covers a 500 square kilometer area daily, have a very large extended family as well as a good network of friends and acquaintances where I would hear of anyone dying or even being hospitalized for covid or any other reason and yet, nothing, zilch, nada, null. Thank God. Other then "the sky is falling and the world is going to end" media sites, I wouldn't even know there was a problem. So I don't see the need to get too freaked out about it.

for the most part there is no reason at all to be getting so freaked out like so many are doing. you will or will not catch it, and nothing.. will make it go either way. even being in a full hazmat suit will not 100% protect or prevent you from catching it at some point. Even living in a heppa filtered hospital clean house with hermetic sealing doors and windows and a clean room style entrance and exit will not stop you from possibly getting it. there is no perfect protection or 99% or even 90% effective protection. people are foolish for thinking there is or can be.

one simple tiny mistake and boom its got you, no matter what you did beforehand. or you might never get it or even if you do it might be nothing more than a simple flu for you, that your over in a few days to a week.

people are panicking way too much because of media and government..

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6 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Studies please....that claim masks are dangerous....actual scientific studies..

For the links I provided I went back and looked at the lists returned by both search engines. Still, both list articles that are about studies and link to them from the #1 position of results. You don't seem to have even looked. 

If you don't consider that giving you studies, why should I think you are smart or interested enough to debate those issues?

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Much as I have griped about lockdowns and wearing masks and crap like that...I am actually thankful for them in the end, because it means NZ has kept virus numbers low and quite contained to the point we're not restricted....and that means I get to go to the funeral of the woman who was more of a mother to me than my own later this week.

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18 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Much as I have griped about lockdowns and wearing masks and crap like that...I am actually thankful for them in the end, because it means NZ has kept virus numbers low and quite contained to the point we're not restricted....and that means I get to go to the funeral of the woman who was more of a mother to me than my own later this week.

I read about your ♥ mother's passing, and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss. I'm "glad" that you can go to the funeral, in these crazy times. Words are hard. :::hug:::

Edited by Gatogateau
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19 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Meh I read a few articles in the past couple days that admitted that the medical authorities are not really sure how the virus is transferring in about 50% of the community as contact tracing has been running them into dead ends in an increasing amount of cases. A lot of the lockdown stuff is them grasping at straws and its starting to be admitted.

Honestly it is my own opinion that some are being overly melodramatic about it. I am an essential worker who covers a 500 square kilometer area daily, have a very large extended family as well as a good network of friends and acquaintances where I would hear of anyone dying or even being hospitalized for covid or any other reason and yet, nothing, zilch, nada, null. Thank God. Other then "the sky is falling and the world is going to end" media sites, I wouldn't even know there was a problem. So I don't see the need to get too freaked out about it.

That is, I'm sorry to say, one of the most dangerous, myopic, selfish, idiotic things I have read in a while. "Oh well. *I* don't see it, so... meh."   

People are dying. For realzies. To say otherwise is wrong and stupid. Just stupid. And dangerous. Thank god I don't come into contact with people like you (because I come into very little contact with people).

With covid cases sky rocketing in the USA, months and months into this. How can anyone be this ... stupid?

"Gosh, not in MY corner of the world."     !!!

That's like saying "racism doesn't exist! I don't see it where I live!" and you live in lily-white upper New Hampshire or something.  Be thankful you aren't "seeing it" and don't be surprised with that attitude when you do.

Ffs. Just... ffs.  ETA: This just made me angry reading this post. Debate efficacies of one mask over another, whatever, but to say "Meh, it is overblown cuz *I* don't see it" was just too much.

Edited by Gatogateau
can't type today, punctuation can matter
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19 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Other then "the sky is falling and the world is going to end" media sites, I wouldn't even know there was a problem. So I don't see the need to get too freaked out about it.

Part 2: Wait. Aren't you Canadian? I don't remember. If you are not then "never mind" this comment. If you are then: While Canada's government (at all levels) didn't/isn't handling covid perfectly, it sure as heck has been more adult, responsible and sane than the same in the United States. Could it be that you aren't seeing it where you live because a) Polar Bears b) The restrictions you have work better than no restrictions? c) That not letting us idiots from the USA into your country was THE smart thing too?

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19 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

a good network of friends and acquaintances where I would hear of anyone dying or even being hospitalized for covid or any other reason and yet, nothing, zilch, nada, null. Thank God. Other then "the sky is falling and the world is going to end" media sites, I wouldn't even know there was a problem. So I don't see the need to get too freaked out about it.

I might have agreed somewhat with the first part of this until several weeks ago.  Where I live in California, even though I live in one of the counties that has been in the highest risk category according to the State's classifications, for quite awhile, I hadn't heard of even  'a friend of a friend' who had been sick from it, let alone seriously sick. 

In just the last several weeks, however, my sister had a friend who ended up having to be hospitalized from Covid, my daughter had a friend where 4 out of the 5 family members got it, with one of them needing to be hospitalized, and my brother-in-law's sister and her husband just came down with it.  

No matter what people think about the testing numbers, or the recovered numbers, or the percentage positive of the test numbers, etc., the things that stick with me, that I can't ignore and pretend that nothing unusual is happening, is the number of people filling up our hospitals and the number of bodies filling up the morgues in hard hit areas.  Whether you try to lessen that by saying many had other serious conditions, so maybe they died from those conditions, you can't really get around that if they did not also get Covid,  many of them may not have died at all this year.

In my lifetime, I really cannot remember a time in my country when hospitals and morgues were under the constant pressure they are now in many areas of the country (and in other parts of the world at various times since the outbreak started).  (Excepting, of course, short one-of emergency situations like a plane crash or a bombing).    

I think that for those in other parts of the world which have had better fortunes at keeping the numbers lower than many parts of the US have, there is some level of vigilance that is still needed until such time as large enough numbers of the population have been vaccinated.  With the recent surges in parts of the world that thought they had knocked it out (or at least down) it shows to me that it doesn't take much to cause a new hot-spot or surge.

Arielle, I do hope that your part of the world remains able to continue to keep it at bay, and that you and your loved ones and friends can continue to stay out of its reach.

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Covid is not going anywhere anytime soon. It will more than likely be around even in late 2021 and even possibly into 2022. pandemic level viral infections usually don't go away in just a year because they mutate and change and often become more virulent and resistant to any vaccines made to combat them. Until herd immunity is high enough to fight off any changes or mutations its not going away soon at all. And currently herd immunity is very low.

For those who do not understand or like this possible outcome.. go and find and play the game Plague Inc. its on android. It will teach you a lot about how bacterial or viral infections mutate and grow and can become world ending.

In fact when I first found the game I created two infectious diseases that completely decimated the world population in less than 3 years because of how much they mutated and changed. mutating from just air to food and then to water and even causing skin legions that when popped released even more contagion. I named them Furry and BDSM respectively.. even when the world governments shut down flights, closed borders, stopped all shipping, stopped all travel it still was transmitted.. by animal and bird and insect. even when they began to make a vaccine it mutated and became resistant and overcome the immunity.

Buckle up everyone the covid ride is far from over or even being close to being done.

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