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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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On 10/30/2020 at 11:53 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

Whenever you hear CoVid numbers make sure you get the rest of the numbers then check them against pre-CoVid numbers.

Okay, let's look:


So it's a lot more deadly than the flu. Meanwhile, other causes of death such as heart disease follow the same seasonal pattern as they do every year. Covid is a huge new source of deaths. "Huge" as in causing vastly more deaths than the same months in recent years: 


"Huge" as in wiping out a half-century of improved lifespan:


All Scientific American, 8 October


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21 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Okay, let's look:


So it's a lot more deadly than the flu. Meanwhile, other causes of death such as heart disease follow the same seasonal pattern as they do every year. Covid is a huge new source of deaths. "Huge" as in causing vastly more deaths than the same months in recent years: 


"Huge" as in wiping out a half-century of improved lifespan:


All Scientific American, 8 October


These Trumpies don't trust Science anymore, Qie.  They're more likely to trust some right-wing blog.  It's crazyland around here...well at least for almost half the population and those they manage to infect.  Will you marry me cause I need to get out of here...

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48 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

These Trumpies don't trust Science anymore, Qie.  They're more likely to trust some right-wing blog.  It's crazyland around here...well at least for almost half the population and those they manage to infect.  Will you marry me cause I need to get out of here...



Also, Fauci himself (the doctor and scientist) was telling people it was nothing to worry about, so there is that.


Edited by Gage Wirefly
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1 hour ago, Gage Wirefly said:

Also, Fauci himself (the doctor and scientist) was telling people it was nothing to worry about, so there is that.

Back in January it shouldn't have taken such a monstrous death toll. If they'd paid attention to what China was very publicly saying and doing, the US could have been back to normal on the same timeline as China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, even Japan -- basically, everywhere SARS-COV-1 taught people to wear masks and trace contacts. Instead they bilked the budget with snake oil "cures" and tanked the economy with half-hearted half-measures.

The Trump/Pence/Kushner/Navarro response to the COVID pandemic will go down as the most colossally inept squandering of lives, health, and economic welfare in American history.

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2 hours ago, Gage Wirefly said:

Also, Fauci himself (the doctor and scientist) was telling people it was nothing to worry about, so there is that.

How many cases were there in the United States when he gave that interview? Oh, sorry, I meant case. One case. But yeah, Fauci failed to predict that by November, we would have fumbled the ball so badly that we would have more cases in a day than China has total. Like, who didn't see that coming?

Edited by Lyssa Greymoon
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8 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

How many cases were there in the United States when he gave that interview? Oh, sorry, I meant case. One case. But yeah, Fauci failed to predict that by November, we would have fumbled the ball so badly that we would have more cases in a day than China has total. Like, who didn't see that coming?

It's rather interesting that you all believe China's intel on their cases and deaths from COVID, I tend to think that their numbers are total fabrication and exponentially higher than they report.


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80-Year-Old Is Killed After Asking Bar Patron to Wear Mask

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/06/nyregion/face-mask-criminally-negligent-homicide.html#:~:text=80-Year-Old Is Killed After Asking Bar Patron to,dispute at a bar in New York State.

There are lots of these cases...people getting killed or harmed by right-wingers who are asked to wear a mask.


Edited by Luna Bliss
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4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

80-Year-Old Is Killed After Asking Bar Patron to Wear Mask

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/06/nyregion/face-mask-criminally-negligent-homicide.html#:~:text=80-Year-Old Is Killed After Asking Bar Patron to,dispute at a bar in New York State.

There are lots of these cases...people getting killed or harmed by right-wingers who are asked to wear a mask.


i read the article and it did not mention his political beliefs. that is a HUGE problem right now people making people who don't think the same way you do into some sort of bogyman. the fact is many people on both sides of the political spectrum get pissy when you tell them what to do Look at how many people get mad when you tell them to do something as silly as leave your phone off in a classroom  or ask them to not text and drive.


We seriously need to stop playing the "Blame game" Fact is In the US there is only legally so much the government can do to stop the spread (those civil liberties can turn around and bite you in the foot)  for example the court in PA declared the lock downs unconstitutional


Wisconsin had theres ended on a technicality that the State Assembly could not meet to approve extensions. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-idUSKBN22Q27W

china was able to control the virus so vast because they do not have a law that protect the rights of people and even went as far as to forcefully seal people into there homes https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-quarantine-idUSKCN20G0AY

and were going as far as welding doors shut on apartment buildings

video below but this is a complicated issue that goes beyond "left and right wing" and that is my pet peve i can live with masks, the isolation the vitamin D deficiency and the  depression from not getting sun but people turning this virus into a My side good your side bad thing I cant stand.  were all in this together people


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1 hour ago, Atosuria Daviau said:

making people who don't think the same way you do into some sort of bogyman.

We seriously need to stop playing the "Blame game"

The Republican party has moved so far to the right that it's not recognizable anymore. You can't compromise with bat*****crazy.
I suggest reading about autocracy and how far the Republican party has moved us in that direction. We're in severe danger of not having a democracy anymore.
If you don't think they are a bogeyman you don't understand how abnormal and destructive they have become.

Beginning in the 1980s, American conservatism has morphed into a type of religious politics in which fact and reason have been subsumed by faith. This manifests in many ways -- anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality, racism and white supremacy, hostile sexism and misogyny, a worship of ignorance and greed, right-wing Christian fundamentalism, a disregard for truth and empirical reality, and contempt for expert knowledge.

If today's American conservatism is a type of religious politics you could say Trumpism is one of its most dangerous sects -- a cult. In the age of Trump, refusing the mask is a form of sacrament, a political-religious symbol that signifies loyalty to Donald Trump and his movement.
Trump has discouraged mask-wearing so many times it's not funny. One example comes to mind when he made fun of Biden wearing a mask.

If a national mask mandate had been instituted across the United States in March, many thousands of lives would have been spared, and the country's economy might not now be in ruins. Likewise, a more severe lockdown in early stages would have helped -- we opened up way too soon.

The 'right' continues to minimize the dangers of Covid and even lies about fatalities  -- Trump Jr. recently claimed hardly anyone is dying when in fact 1000 people per day on average are dying from it.

I think we're going to vote Mango Mussolini out tomorrow though, and then we need to get busy making the 'left' what they could be, and have been during the New Deal -- tending to the needs of 'little guy' in society and funneling less to the wealthy.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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Many in the US don't understand how much better other so-called '1st world countries' have it. How other countries managed to achieve this while the US fell behind is a long story but this chart shows the differences:



Norway vs US.jpg

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

The Republican party has moved so far to the right that it's not recognizable anymore. You can't compromise with bat*****crazy.
I suggest reading about autocracy and how far the Republican party has moved us in that direction. We're in severe danger of not having a democracy anymore.
If you don't think they are a bogeyman you don't understand how abnormal and destructive they have become.


I know about autocrats and dictators I was a history teacher for most of my life.

your view on the mindset on both parties is .. instigating but is not supported by evidence so I am going to counter  with a link link to a study by The Pew Research Center published on on Ooctober 5, 2017 called "The Partizan divide on political values goes ever wider"


the study states that while the median line of the views of the republican party have shifted slightly more to the right it shows that it is the Democrats that have made the greater shift further to the left .

I personly do not concider myself left or right leaning and am a Moderate and being honest the state of both parties is making me sit back and say ewwww can we have a decent third contender.



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10 hours ago, Gage Wirefly said:

It's rather interesting that you all believe China's intel on their cases and deaths from COVID, I tend to think that their numbers are total fabrication and exponentially higher than they report.

Maybe higher, but not by all that much. They're not the only ones who made an appropriate, early response to the virus and stopped community transmission. China may have legitimately undercounted, though. having the distinct disadvantage of getting it first, before anybody knew enough to even identify cases. After a couple months of local transmission -- in response to which their health officials were extremely ineffective -- they were pretty forthcoming about what they were learning.

A whole lot more forthcoming than the US administration, certainly.

Admittedly, though, I slipped up this time by citing China, whereas I usually try to sidestep US sinophobia by only citing other examples of extremely successful containment through simple, strictly mandated health practices. Usually South Korea alone is enough to make the point, but if it helps with accepting China's low case count, maybe try Sierra Leone, which has been spreading the word of its continued success in managing the virus on a shoestring budget.

The Sierra Leone example also shows that containment doesn't require widespread, expensive testing, which wasn't even possible at first. Rather, testing is what's needed to be able to do things like open schools (but only after community spread has been reduced to a trickle so that exhaustive contact tracing is universal).

Testing is not enough to retire mask-wearing. Nor is a vaccine. That would be true even if 100% of the population got vaccinated. We'll be extremely lucky if any of the current crop of vaccines can prevent the virus in even 75% of those who get the shot(s). It must be seen as merely one more public health measure in managing the virus. It will not be a silver bullet.

What I'd intended to post, though, is this current article in The New Yorker:


TenOever’s team quickly discovered that sars-CoV-2 was uncannily good at disrupting cellular programming. A typical virus replaces less than one per cent of the software in the cells it infects. With sars-CoV-2, tenOever said, about sixty per cent of the RNA in an infected cell is of viral origin—“which is the highest I’ve ever seen. Polio comes close.”

(I mean, just in case anybody still thought of this virus as a variation on an influenza theme.)

Coincidentally, I sometimes mention polio because of "post-polio syndrome," along with shingles (post-chickenpox), and SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, post-measles), syndromes that first appear years or decades after virus infections. This is why it's a catastrophically bad idea to allow a generation of school children to contract COVID-19 on the premise that they don't seem to get very sick at first.

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2 hours ago, Atosuria Daviau said:

the study states that while the median line of the views of the republican party have shifted slightly more to the right it shows that it is the Democrats that have made the greater shift further to the left .

We're drifting into purely political topics here, but it's a fascinating study. I found it pretty compelling in showing the widening separation between American parties in recent decades, but somewhat less convincing about which party shifted more. That's very much a function of which questions are asked and how they're labelled as "liberal" vs "conservative." 

For example, there's been a dramatic ideological flip-flop in support for free trade agreements, which were favored by "conservatives" until about the Clinton administration, and the swap was complete when Trump vilified NAFTA and TPP. (On the other hand, he "replaced" NAFTA with a practically identical agreement, differing mostly in language imported from TPP, so maybe that's more populist rhetoric than actual conservative opinion.) Anyway, although I didn't see that exact example, a closely related flip-flop is pretty apparent in the graph "Partisan gap emerges over whether the U.S. should be active in world affairs" (p.22).

The funniest graph was "Republicans divided by income in opinions about economic inequality" (p.51), the most succinct depiction I've ever seen of what it means to be a Republican. On the very next page is what I found most troublingthe distribution of "hard work leads to success" sentiments: So much disillusionment ahead.

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The thread is about Covid-19 NOT USA politics.
Was the blame game in effect for Spanish Flu?
Covid 19 is laughing at you and no doubt will come knocking. Unfortunately.

We have zero new cases but I still wear a mask and use Isopropyl alcohol spray.
The issue goes far beyond politics.

Edited by Maryanne Solo
Spelling propyly :)
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5 hours ago, Atosuria Daviau said:

I know about autocrats and dictators I was a history teacher for most of my life.

your view on the mindset on both parties is .. instigating but is not supported by evidence so I am going to counter  with a link link to a study by The Pew Research Center published on on Ooctober 5, 2017 called "The Partizan divide on political values goes ever wider"


the study states that while the median line of the views of the republican party have shifted slightly more to the right it shows that it is the Democrats that have made the greater shift further to the left .

I personly do not concider myself left or right leaning and am a Moderate and being honest the state of both parties is making me sit back and say ewwww can we have a decent third contender.



Median? That's just mean!

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